The Minister of health doesn't know what to say about this fool at the moment, or how such a person can get into the position of director general.

"OK, your mother..."

Minister Han is such a high-ranking and powerful person. Generally, he doesn't scold dirty words. Now he scolds such dirty words. He is really very angry.

Director Peng did not understand why Minister Han scolded him and asked Minister Han to make it clear.

"OK, OK, OK, I'll make it clear to you. Do you know who those foreigners are? They belong to the World Medical Association and this hospital is run by their friends."

"When they come to China, they are aiming at that friend. We dare to come all the way from the capital to learn from them."

"It's good of you to close the hospital opened by other people's friends and ask me if you are doing a good job."

"You did a great job. Get out of our health system immediately. Don't step into our health system again from now on."

Director Peng sat down on the ground when he heard the speech. He got to where he is today by fawning on the leadership. Unexpectedly, he was sentenced to death. He was unwilling.

"Minister Han, I know I was wrong. Please give me a chance to correct my mistakes. I will correct my mistakes."

Minister Han gritted his teeth and felt that the man wanted to change. At least he was a man who dared to take responsibility. He asked the man to deal with the matter.

"Well, since you begged me, I'll give you a chance. Now go and ask the person in charge of the hospital to reopen the hospital. I'll take it as a thing of the past."

"Yes, yes, yes."

Director Peng repeatedly promised to go to Zhang Xiaofan and hope that Zhang Xiaofan can let him go, otherwise he will die.

Zhang Xiaofan was frightened by Fang Yanan and ran back to where he lived. He invited XiMenqing in for training from the outside. Director Peng ran to beg for the goods.

The goods should not have seen director Peng and kicked Ximen Qing, which made Peng's long legs soft.

"Dog, if you can't fight Jia Qianxiang's cat in two days, you'll think about it. It's good to seduce Pan Jinlian. Just like your bear who failed to pick up girls and was beaten by others, how can I look so angry!"

Director Peng thought that Zhang Xiaofan was pointing at mulberry and locust trees, and was so frightened that he confessed to Zhang Xiaofan.

"Mr. Zhang, you can't frame me. I didn't seduce other people's daughter-in-law. It was a coquettish woman in our department who wanted to seduce me. It's not my fault!"

Zhang Xiaofan focused on director Peng and helped director Peng in the past.

"Director Peng, look at you. I'm talking about the cat, not you. What are you afraid of? Have you really done a lot of bad things like the cat?"

"No, please check it out!"

"Hey, hey, I also believe director Peng is a good man, otherwise I wouldn't close my hospital."

As soon as Zhang Xiaofan talked about the hospital, director Peng knelt down with a slap.

"Mr. Zhang, I know I was wrong. Please forgive me and reopen the hospital. I kowtow to you."

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head like a rattle.

"No, no, no, since the hospital is closed, just close it. Anyway, the hospital is free and can't earn a penny. If you close it for me, I can save some money. Why should I continue to open it?"

Director Peng is also an understanding person. After hearing this, he immediately captured a message and immediately assured Zhang Xiaofan.

"Mr. Zhang, you are a good person. You run a hospital free of charge and serve the people of Maiji district. I am not a person and close your hospital. In order to apologize to you, I decided to provide 100000 yuan of medical equipment to your hospital free of charge every year."

Zhang Xiaofan wants to kill people, but it's a little. Since director Peng is willing to bleed, let director Peng go.

"Well, since you say so, call the public security bureau to let president Tian go, and I'll ask President Tian to reopen the hospital."

"OK, OK."

Director Peng kowtowed Zhang Xiaofan two heads, got up, called the Public Security Bureau and personally went to the public security bureau to pick up Dean Tian.

At 6:00 p.m., the communication between the World Medical Association and the Huaxia medical team was officially launched. At the meeting, Ellie took out the video of delivering wild boars for everyone to watch. Many people thought it incredible and asked Zhang Xiaofan to give a lecture.

Zhang Xiaofan gave a lecture to such an authoritative person for the first time. He didn't know where to start, so he simply proposed on-site treatment.

At this time, a medical professor from a m country stood up.

"Mr. Zhang, I saw the video president Ellie showed us just now. I am skeptical."

"I don't believe that Chinese witchcraft can cure diseases, so I want you to show us again or prove it."

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head.

"Sorry, medical skills are used to treat diseases, not to perform, but if you are injured and bleeding now, I can let you stop bleeding in a second and make the wound disappear in an instant."

"Ha ha, Mr. Zhang, you can boast too much. Everyone knows that it takes a long time to get hurt. Are you laughing at our IQ by saying that the wound can disappear in a second?"

"Yes, Mr. Zhang, boasting can't make us laugh!"

"If any of you dare to try, take a knife and cut your arm. I promise to stop bleeding in one second and make the wound disappear. If I can't do it, I won't be able to cure it from now on."

Now in front of the members of the International Medical Association, it is time to promote Chinese medicine. Zhang Xiaofan must not lose this opportunity.

Ellie, stand up.

"Mr. Zhang, I believe you. I am willing to cut my arm in front of everyone and let everyone see your medical skills."

Ellie has a noble status and is injured in China, which is quite bad for China's reputation. Minister Han motioned to let a teenager stand up, cut her finger instead of Ellie and let Zhang Xiaofan show it.

To tell the truth, even Minister Han doesn't believe what Zhang Xiaofan said. He has worked in the Ministry of health of China for many years.

He saw a lot of strange news, but he still felt incredible that witchcraft could make the wound disappear in an instant.

"President Ellie, I'm Xiao Cui from the Ministry of health of China. I'll take you to do it. Let's watch it."

Xiao Cui is also a cruel character. He stabbed himself on his finger, and blood gushed out like a spring.

Everyone was staring at Xiao Cui, thinking that Xiao Cui was too rushed, and that finger was afraid of death.

Xiao Cui walks up to Zhang Xiaofan.

"Mr. Zhang, I trust you."

Zhang Xiaofan nods his head, takes out a silver needle, points it on one of Xiaocui's important acupoints, and injects a trace of green energy into Xiaocui's body.

Green energy repaired Xiao Cui's body in only one second. Xiao Cui not only stopped bleeding, but also recovered at an indescribable speed.

Disappear as like as two peas before.

When such a thing happens, not only many people below don't believe it, but even Xiao Cui himself doesn't believe it.

The professor of M country looked at Xiao Cui's wound in surprise. This matter simply subverted his three outlooks.

"This, this, how is this possible? This is definitely not true. It must be magic and a cover up."

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