"More than a billion, not much. It is said that Wall Street is the owner of tens of billions. More than a billion are on Wall Street. Do you open small shops?"

Zhang Xiaofan laughed at the beautiful woman. The beautiful woman turned around and looked at Zhang Xiaofan carefully. She felt that the farmer had a big voice. There were not more than ten billion, which was really funny.

"What do you mean, little farmer? Are you laughing at my cousin's low income? Then you take out more than a billion to show us, and I believe you."

Zhang Xiaofan snickered.

"You think I'm a dog fighter! In order to prove that my dog is powerful and perform for people, I tell you that even if anyone has more money, he won't casually take more than a billion."

"You pretend to force."

"What's wrong with pretending to force? Does pretending to force break the law? You look down on me, and I still look down on you."


The woman was so angry that she turned her eyes to Roland and asked Roland to talk about her boyfriend.

Roland thinks Zhang Xiaofan is great. Usually, these people are arrogant. When did they get angry? If Zhang Xiaofan doesn't do this, others really can't do it.

"Well, he's my boyfriend. You don't give him any face. No wonder he's so angry. Just look at my face and don't quarrel with him."

The beauty was even more angry. Unexpectedly, Roland didn't help her. Just at this time, her cousin came and helped her out.

"Cousin, our family is in Dunhuang city. They are also dignified people. Whoever doesn't give you face, just doesn't give us face. I will help you find face."

Fang Yiming said, his eyes turned to Zhang Xiaofan, stretched out his hand and wanted to make Zhang Xiaofan kneel with his strength.

"My friend, where are you? Even I, the investment elite of Wall Street, don't pay attention?"

Zhang Xiaofan smiled gently, stretched out his hand and held it with Fang Yiming.

"I can't talk about Gao. I just grow land, raise pigs and travel in the countryside. Some time ago, I became the director of the village committee, drove an SUV and was suspended. Now I'm a real farmer."

Zhang Xiaofan's words made everyone laugh and made everyone despise Zhang Xiaofan more. He felt that a farmer could really pretend to be forced.

"It's a nouveau riche! No wonder it's a little bit expensive. Let me ask you how much you are worth?" Fang Yiming thought Zhang Xiaofan would say to Dali that he had millions.

Zhang Xiaofan is very calm.

"I haven't calculated the specific value, but there should be hundreds of billions!"

This guy is telling the truth at the moment. His enterprises and the cultural relics collected are hundreds of billions less.

Fang Yiming couldn't laugh at the moment. He thought Zhang Xiaofan would blow big. Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaofan blew so big and worth hundreds of billions. He regarded himself as a figure on the rich list of China!

Everyone else laughed.

"I'm a nouveau riche. Don't tease us. If you tease us again, we'll laugh and have a backache. Others thought we were coming to the moon!"

"That's funny."

"Laugh to death."

Zhang Xiaofan sighed.

"Alas, there's no way. When I tell the truth, others don't believe it. Only when I tell a lie, others will believe it."

Fang Yiming shook his head and felt that what Zhang Xiaofan said was due to IQ problems. There was nothing to talk about with such brain disabled people. He squeezed Zhang Xiaofan's hand and found that it seemed to be pinched on a stone.

Zhang Xiaofan felt his strength and smiled.

"Elite of Wall Street, you want to compete with me as a farmer. I'll say it. My hand has been chopping firewood. It's thick and hard."

Zhang Xiaofan said, pouring a strong force into the past, like a tiger, biting Fang Yiming's hand.

Fang Yiming felt the powerful power and knelt down in front of everyone, regardless of the image.

Cousin Fang Yiming doesn't want to.

"Stinky farmer, let go of my cousin, or I'll call the security guard to clean you up."

Zhang Xiaofan is not afraid of Fang Yiming's sister, but doesn't want to cause too much trouble to Roland. After all, he comes to be Roland's boyfriend and can't block Roland too much.

"Explosion, explosive household, wait for me. Brother Jin will not have your delicious fruit."

Fang Yiming sent out a cruel word and went to the villa. Fang Yiming's sister and others followed in.

Roland secretly gives Zhang Xiaofan a thumbs up at the moment. She thinks she has found the right person today. Now she wants to hit Jin Dashao's face.

We need Zhang Xiaofan who is not afraid of heaven and earth. Otherwise, we will have no courage to let Jin Dashao scare us.

"Do you think I'm right to do this?" Zhang Xiaofan deliberately approached Roland's ear and vomited heat to Roland, which made Roland feel confused.

"Stay away from me," Roland said. Zhang Xiaofan was so far away from Roland that he wanted to lose his temper, but there were so many people here that he could only bear it.

"Oh, I really owe this bastard."

Roland whispers, walks to Zhang Xiaofan and holds Zhang Xiaofan's arm. Zhang Xiaofan doesn't want to.

In desperation, Roland had to apologize to Zhang Xiaofan and promised to accompany Zhang Xiaofan again after finishing the work. Only then did the goods agree,

"Well, for the sake of you really like me, I'll try my best to let you hold my arm."

Roland was so angry that he wanted to screw the goods and force them to load, but there was no one after all.

It's amazing that the goods entered the private villa with Roland. The villa was the same as the palace. Everyone in it was famous brands. Compared with his little farmer, it was really earthy.

At this time, a handsome man came over and invited Roland to dance. Before Roland could refuse, the goods helped Roland refuse.

"Sorry, Roland is my partner tonight. You can't play."

The handsome man looked at Zhang Xiaofan for a while and held out a word for a long time.

"You are a local farmer and can dance. It's impossible!"

Zhang Xiaofan thinks he should give you a performance, otherwise the people here always think they are right and think they can't do that.

The goods thought and pulled Roland to dance. Roland felt surprised by the goods. It was perfect to add martial arts elements to the goods when they danced.

Every action is just right. The people present are surprised to get out of the way for the goods and Roland. Roland is like snow white, dancing by the handsome prince, like a beautiful swan, releasing his pride.

"God, this dance is so beautiful. I don't think the upstart is an ordinary person, otherwise he can't dance such a good dance."

"Yes! Absolutely impossible."

Several beauties with Miss Fang were surprised and praised when they saw this scene. Although Miss Fang and Fang Yiming were shocked, they were more angry caused by jealousy and felt that their popularity would be occupied by a local farmer.

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