Zhang Xiaofan has his own ideas. Ouyangyan said that the Buddha head has been worshipped in Tibet for more than 1000 years. Naturally, there are many believers. He bought the big Buddha in their village.

If we build a temple on the mountain, many believers will come to worship. At that time, the Giant Buddha will absorb the power of faith to protect the wind and rain in their village. The value of those believers visiting their village is definitely not comparable to a mere $25 million.

Besides, the Giant Buddha can emit thousands of golden lights. Everyone saw it just now. Even if these are fake, it's a trick made by the auctioneer.

But those believers will believe that in this world, what power can be greater than belief!

"Hey, boss Du, don't get me wrong. I just need that big Buddha. It has nothing to do with Miss Ouyang. If you don't believe me, I'll refuse Miss Ouyang now."

Du binge stared at Zhang Xiaofan.

"Ghosts will believe you."

Zhang Xiaofan takes back his eyes and looks at Miss Ouyang.

"Oh, Miss Ouyang, I'm really sorry. I took that Buddha statue just because I think it's worth the money. It has nothing to do with you and me not dating, so I refuse to provide my contact information. Please forgive Miss Ouyang."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this sentence. They couldn't figure out what the situation was. A small farmer refused to date Miss Ouyang.

Is this hitting Miss Ouyang in the face? You know, the other people sitting here are willing to do anything in order to date Miss Ouyang. It's incredible that the little farmer refused.

Sure enough, Ouyang Yan's face became ugly. Thinking of her, Ouyang Yan has always been a treasure held in the palm of her hand.

Today's rejection is hard for her to accept. Today's humiliation, she must ask Zhang Xiaofan to get it back at that time.

But now at the auction, for their group, she must pretend to be very calm.

"Giggle, since the childe is inconvenient, forget it. Now I announce that the Tibetan Tantric Buddha head belongs to the little farmer. When the auction is over, please come backstage and complete the transaction with us."


Zhang Xiaofan then sits down, turns his eyes to Du binge and smiles at Du binge. Du binge is embarrassed to lower her head.

"You have a little conscience."

"Of course."

Zhang Xiaofan then closes his eyes and waits for the next item at the auction. At this auction, however, he and Du binge entrusted the auctioneer to auction the treasures they had found in the free trade market. If they do well, they can also make a lot of money.

"The Tao Te Ching written by Laozi is the most perfect Tao Te Ching written by Laozi in China so far."

"Unearthed in Quanzhen sect in Zhongnan mountain, according to a Taoist of Quanzhen sect, this Tao Te Ching was cultivated as a martial arts secret script by their Quanzhen sect in the early years. I don't know whether it is true, but its value can be imagined."

This thing makes everyone excited. After all, there are too many legends about Lao Tzu in China. Many kings use a Tao Te Ching to govern the world. Now some enterprises are learning Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching every day and use this to restrain the employees of the company.

"Miss Ouyang, I'll take this Tao Te Ching. I'll pay 300 million."

D. Chinese people have always been bound to get Chinese treasures. At present, when they see such treasures, childe Inoue can't calm down. Before Miss Ouyang said the reserve price, he burst the sky high price of 300 million.

"Mr. Inoue, don't worry. Thank you for liking our treasures so much, but we still follow the rules."

"Originally, the auction reserve price of this treasure was 100 million. Now that childe Inoue has given a price of 300 million at one go, we will start from 300 million and increase the price no less than 50 million each time. Now let's continue."

As soon as Miss Ouyang's voice fell, another boss stood up and offered a price of 350 million.

"400 million,"

"450 million."

"500 million."

"570 million..."

Zhang Xiaofan listened to the bidding and shook his head with a smile. He also knew the value of the Tao Te Ching. Maybe after he got the Tao Te Ching, he could really find a profound martial arts secret script.

Make up for his defects in martial arts, but now the price of the Tao Te Ching has been fried so high that he has no strength to compete with those crazy people.

"700 million."

"800 million."


Mr. Inoue competed with Mr. Tang Wenjun. Mr. Tang Wenjun offered a price of one billion. He turned to look at Mr. Inoue and provoked him. Mr. Inoue bit his teeth, but he didn't believe it.

He is the prince of the three families in D country. He can't fight a dandy disciple of the eight Chinese families. This is not only a simple auction, but also an honor. If he loses this time, he will lose to Tang Wenjun in momentum, which is a reality he doesn't want to accept.

"Muraki, raise the price for you and blow it directly to one billion. I see how that bastard can compete with me."

"Prince, we can't make a mistake for a Tao Te Ching. We came for the map at the auction."

"It is said that the map is related to an ancient city in Yadan devil domain. There are countless treasures and yin-yang mirrors we need. That's the key."

"I guess the Chinese aristocratic family disciple also came for the map. We consumed his financial resources first, and we can get the last map."

How could childe Inoue be willing to lose to Tang Wenjun? At the moment, he directly stared at his housekeeper. When will he get a housekeeper to interrupt about childe Inoue.

"Bastard, don't you dare not listen to my orders. Just do what I say. If we can't get the map at that time, can't we do business without money?"

"Contact Ichiro Yamano. In short, I want both the Tao Te Ching written by Confucius and the map. Do you understand?"

"Yes, my men understand. Then quickly increase the price for me."

"Our childe pays a billion."

Muraki's voice spread. Everyone looked at Mr. Inoue and felt that he was crazy. Although the Tao Te Ching written by Lao Tzu was precious, it was too much to shoot it at a sky high price of one billion.

Mr. Inoue enjoyed the sight and smiled at Tang Wenjun. In a word, Mr. Inoue was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

"Hehe, I admire Mr. Inoue for his wealth. But I just want to play with him and let him bleed more. As for the Tao Te Ching, which I entrusted to the auctioneer, it seems to be much more valuable than expected."

Tang Wenjun became so mature and cunning that even Zhang Xiaofan was shocked. He remembered that a few months ago, Tang Wenjun was still childish. What was the reason for his state of mind to change so much in such a short time.

Through this incident, Zhang Xiaofan vaguely felt that great events would happen soon in Dunhuang City, and it was an earth shaking event.


Mr. Inoue was so angry that he vomited blood that all the Chinese people present felt relieved. The D people of dog day often calculate the Chinese people. It's really relieved to let the Chinese people calculate.

Let them think that Chinese people are stupid. Chinese people just don't have the same knowledge as them. If they are really smart, they can't be compared with their d countrymen at all.


|"Help me out."

Mr. Inoue said, leaning against Mr. Muraki. Mr. Muraki helped Mr. Inoue out of the auction site. The Chinese people present burst into warm applause and looked at Tang Wenjun like a hero.

Tang Wenjun can also pretend to be forced.

"That's right. The things of the Chinese people only deserve the Chinese people to look for. What are the people of D who come to China to take their humiliation."

Zhang Xiaofan heard some information from Tang Wenjun's words, and was more sure that Dunhuang was not peaceful.

D Chinese people have colluded with Maoshan sect. Tang Wenjun may not know this yet. It's too early to be happy now.

When they get the treasure, the people of D will buy it at no cost. It is entirely possible to act in the style of D people.

So it's too early to be happy.

Du bine looks at Zhang Xiaofan.

"Tang Dashao, I'm totally tied up with Childe Inoue. Are you sure you want to help childe Tang after the auction? It's estimated that it will bring you a lot of trouble."

"I'll help you no matter how much trouble you ask. I won't be frightened by the people of D." when Zhang Xiaofan said this, he was ready to fight the people of D to the end.

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