An alluring fragrance wafted from the kitchen, Liu Cui'e couldn't help but swallow her saliva. She had lived for most of her life, but this was the first time she smelled such an alluring fragrance.

"What the hell is this little bastard doing inside?" If you don't let me in, I'll go in and take a look. "

Liu Cuiao steeled her heart and walked into the kitchen.

Wang Hao, who was sitting in front of the stove, said, "Mom, I already said I won't let you in. I won't let you in. What are you doing?"

"What is it? You haven't even married your wife and you're already detesting me? " Liu Cui'e glared.

Wang Hao forced a smile and said, "How could that happen? I just wanted to let you have a rest. I'll cook for you."

"That's more like it."

Liu Cuiao nodded in satisfaction, looking at the white gas from the claypot and said: "Son, what did you cook, it smells so good?"

"Didn't some of the wild bacteria look a bit ruined today? So I made some mushroom soup for you and Dad to drink." Wang Hao laughed.

"Mushroom Soup?"

Li Cui'e opened the lid in confusion. Seeing that the pot was boiled with mushroom soup, she said in confusion: "It's not that I haven't cooked mushroom soup before, how could it be so fragrant? Quickly tell me, what did you add inside?"

"It's just an ordinary mushroom soup. If you don't believe me, just stir it up. There really isn't anything else."

"I don't believe it, you definitely added it. Little bastard already learned how to lie to your mother, see if I find it and take a layer of your skin off or not."

Liu Cui'e really began to stir it up with a spoon, vowing to find out what Wang Hao was up to inside the mushroom soup.

Wang Hao was not worried at all. He had done it. As long as he did not say anything, Liu Cui'e would not be able to find him.

Of course, there was no problem with the wild fungi. They were the ones that Mei Tao had damaged during the afternoon. The only problem was that they were made of water.

There was a lack of spiritual energy in the immortal bed, so the amount of spirit spring water it produced was very little. However, this did not hinder Wang Hao's filial piety.

The water that he used to boil the mushroom soup with was the spirit spring water.

Spirit Spring Water had the miraculous effect of nourishing one's body, relieving fatigue and stretching one's muscles and bones. It was even used by immortals when brewing tea. One could imagine how great of a benefit it would have for mortals.

Therefore, Wang Hao impatiently took out the Spirit Spring Water.

If they let their families drink it, they would definitely investigate the source of the spring water.

Therefore, he decided to use the Spirit Spring Water to boil the mushroom soup.

After stirring for a few minutes and seeing that it was either like that or like that, without any other materials, Liu Cui'e was forced to give up.

Liu Cuiao said to herself: "Strange, weird, I have cooked this mushroom soup for most of my life, how could I not know its fragrance? "Why is the fragrance of the mushroom soup several times stronger than before?"

Wang Hao continued, "Mom, in the past, the wild fungi you used to make the mushroom soup were all of poor quality. I used high quality wild bacteria. The soup is thicker, and the fragrance is thicker. Do you need to make a fuss over nothing?"

"That's true."

Liu Cui'e nodded her head in agreement and complained: "Only a prodigal son like you would be willing to eat high quality wild fungus. In the past, we wouldn't even be willing to sell it to make money for you to study."

"Mom, you've worked hard. In the future, I will properly show you filial piety." Wang Hao was moved.

He knew exactly how much pain and suffering his parents had suffered over the years. The only thing he had been able to repay his parents before was his excellent results.

Now that his studies had been interrupted, he could only use other methods to repay them. The mushroom soup cooked by the Spirit Spring Water was a trivial matter.

"I gave birth to raise you, you must be filial to me, but filial piety comes from filial piety, I didn't let you spend money carelessly."

Liu Cui'e scolded: "Look at you, after working so hard to go into the mountains to pick some wild bacteria to sell in the city, in the blink of an eye you spent them all."

"It's not like you don't know the difficulties of your family. You've seen your uncle's face last night. Do you really have to have someone come knocking on your door to collect debts again before you knew how to save money!?"

Although she said that she didn't leave any face for Wang Hao, she was actually very happy.

The first time her son made money, he bought her new clothes and jewelry. God knows how many years had passed since she had last bought new clothes and jewelry.

Having such a filial son, she felt that her twenty years of hard work had not been in vain.

But the difficulties of the family were there.

Wang Hao had good luck today, which was why he was able to pick a lot of high quality wild fungi.

But tomorrow? Was there still such luck tomorrow? Moreover, she was extremely displeased about Wang Hao entering the mountain. She did not want her son, who she was so proud of, to repeat their old path.

That was why she denounced Wang Hao and told him to save money.

"Mom, don't worry! The son promises to pay the money as soon as possible and never let that happen again. " Wang Hao patted his chest and said.

"How? Don't tell me you're going up the mountain tomorrow. "

"There's nothing bad about entering the mountain, right? "Today, I earned more than 5,000 yuan. Can I earn more than 5,000 yuan in a day at work?"

"Then when you enter the mountain tomorrow, you will be able to guarantee that you will earn another 5000 yuan?"


Wang Hao said, "Mom, don't talk about entering the mountain anymore. If I don't make money there one day, I definitely won't waste my time." Now that I can find money after entering the mountain, it would be a waste not to earn it, don't you think? "

"You have a lot of unreasonable reasons. I can't beat you, but you have one thing to remember. Don't spend all the money you earn recklessly, bring them all back home for me."

"Yes, yes, yes."

Wang Hao changed the topic. "Mom, do you like the new clothes and jewelry I bought for you?"

"Just average! than your dad. " Liu Cui'e said happily.

Wang Hao: "..."

When the sun was about to set, Wang Dewu, who had finished his farm work, came back home. Wang Hao took out the finished mushroom soup.

A fragrance assaulted the noses, attracting the attention of everyone. It made everyone's appetite go wild, and they impatiently began to taste it.

The mushroom soup was already delicious, not to mention the mushroom soup brewed from the spirit spring. It was incomparably delicious, and after eating one bowl, he still wanted to eat another.

The full pot of mushroom soup had disappeared, and everyone still had some lingering feelings. Liu Cuiao cast her gaze towards the thermal container, and asked: "Son, did you send the mushroom soup over to your Third Uncle?"

"I prepared this for Yun-jie. I'll send it over to her later." Wang Hao replied truthfully.

As for Third Uncle Wang Dezhi, not only did he not use the spirit spring water to make the mushroom soup, he did not even think about drinking it.

Wang Dewu's expression changed instantly, and said unhappily: It's almost dark, what are you doing at Du Yun's home? "We have to go tomorrow morning."

"Weren't we supposed to go at night? What's wrong with that? "Besides, I still need to go to the mountains tomorrow to harvest wild bacteria, and I also need to sell them in the city. How would I have the time to go to Yun-jie's place?"

"You … Do you have to piss me off? "

Wang Dewu said angrily, "Then, what identity does Du Yun have that you don't know? "She's your sister-in-law. Since she's currently widowed, is it appropriate for you to come to her house at night?"

"Don't mention it to me. Don't you know what you were like before? "Before, I didn't want to talk about you, but now that you're not a cripple anymore, you must stop the relationship with Du Yun and not let others see our Wang family as a joke."

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