Wang Hao said embarrassedly: "I just cooked it casually. I didn't expect it to be so delicious."

"Do what you want?"

Everyone had a look of disbelief on their faces. If any random stew was better than a master's mushroom soup, then how could he learn to cook? Isn't it better to do whatever you want?

Obviously, Wang Hao was not speaking the truth. Or perhaps, there were some secrets that could not be casually revealed.

Li Mengxue did not force them to do anything, and left the staff to carry the wild fungus from Wang Hao's back to the rear to weigh the money, until there were only the three of them left, she then asked: "Wang Hao, there are outsiders that you can't tell me about, now there's none, at least tell me about this sister, right?"

Wang Hao said with a wry smile, "Sister Xue, there really isn't any trick to it. If you want to say there is one, it is water."

"The water from my Mushroom Soup was taken from a spring deep in the mountains. It's sweet and delicious. I think that's probably the reason!"

"So it's like that!"

Li Mengxue seemed to be deep in thought.

Wang Hao changed the topic again: "Sister Xue, how is the business of the store now?"

In fact, there was no need to ask. The moment he opened his spiritual eye, he could already see just how poor the fortune of Yao Xue Residence was. However, in order to prevent Li Mengxue from asking any further questions, he could only ask.

"It's quite good. It's even better than yesterday's business. It seems that my method is still quite useful."

Li Mengxue laughed: "Wang Hao, how is it? Your Sister Xue must have some skills, right? "

Wang Hao's face twitched as he said with a guilty conscience, "I have never underestimated Sister Xue's ability. I was rude."

"It's fine, family, don't mind it." Li Mengxue joked.

"Sis …"

Li Meng Yao glared at Li Meng Xue.

"What is it? Did I say something wrong? Wang Hao is your classmate and we have such a good relationship. Now that he's also our business partner, do I have any problems treating him as my family? "

Li Mengxue said: "Wang Hao, since you called me Sis, then I'll take this little brother of yours, do you have any objections?"

"No, it's my honor."

"Alright, since we're family, then I won't be polite."

Li Mengxue laughed: "Wang Hao, I've always had a question in my mind, I want to ask you something."

"Please speak, Sister Xue."

"It's like this. Today, I've been thinking of a way to increase the business of the Yao Xue Residence." Li Mengxue shamelessly said.

Li Mengyao lowered her head in shame. Even she felt ashamed for her sister, wasn't she just lying with her eyes open?

Wang Hao said, "Actually, it's nothing. Last time you said it was a bit monotonous after the checkout counter moved, so I wanted to build an S-shaped sink there. "

"Is there any explanation?" Li Mengxue frowned and said.


Wang Hao explained, "Water can gather wealth. Water that has an S-shaped shape is also known as water. Gu Panpan is sentimental and has many twists and turns in order to gather wealth, allowing your career to be smooth sailing and your business to flourish."

"Isn't this the same Feng Shui as before?" Li Mengxue exclaimed.

"Yes." Wang Hao nodded in acknowledgement.

"You even know this?" Li Mengxue was surprised.

"I've read a few books on feng shui before, I have some knowledge about it." Wang Hao said embarrassedly.

"Is it going to work?"

"Let's give this a try."

"Alright, I understand. If I have time, I'll give it a try. I can't let you waste it."

Wang Hao said, "Sister Xue, that sink can't be randomly built. Not only is it useless, but it will also affect the original feng shui of the restaurant."

"How about this! Let me draw a blueprint for you. If you really want to build it, let Master fix it according to the blueprint and not have the slightest change. "

Li Mengyao gave Wang Hao a pen and paper. Wang Hao took a closer look at the paper and paper, mainly observing the movement of the baleful qi.

The flowing water not only had the miraculous function of gathering wealth, but it also had the ability to wash away the blood fiend energy in this place, killing two birds with one stone.

Wang Hao began to draw.

Size, size, location, water supply, as well as the interior and exterior of the sink decorations, Wang Hao made a clear mark.

After drawing, Wang Hao handed the blueprint to Li Mengxue. He was worried that Li Mengxue would act arbitrarily, so he advised her again.

Li Mengxue impatiently said, "Alright, I understand. I won't forget. "Besides, using it or not is a different matter. After all, my business is very good right now, so I don't have the time to do such a big project."

Wang Hao: "..."

Then, Li Mengxue took out a stack of notes and handed it to Wang Hao, saying, "This is your money for today, four thousand four hundred. Take it to Meng Yao and go on a date! Remember, you must bring Meng Yao back unharmed by 5 o'clock. "

Qian Wang Hao took it and said weakly, "Sister Xue, I really have something on today."

"Come on, don't think I don't know what you two are up to. You can't fool me."

"Hurry up and go! "Stop wasting time. Don't you see that Meng Yao has been waiting for you for a long time?"

Li Mengxue pulled Wang Hao and Li Mengyao to the side, and then pushed both of them out.

Returning back to the store, Li Mengxue whispered, "What era is it now? It's embarrassing to be in a relationship."

At the door, Wang Hao and Li Mengyao awkwardly stood there. Li Mengyao embarrassedly said, "Wang Hao, sometimes my sister is a little crazy. She likes to talk too much. Don't mind her. Don't take it to heart."

Li Meng Yao then said, "If you have something to do, then go ahead and do it! "Don't worry about me."

"Actually, it's nothing much."

After hesitating for a moment, Wang Hao truthfully said: "My mom told me to go on a blind date today."

"No wonder you're dressed so formally and dressed so handsomely today. So you're here for a blind date." Li Mengyao said with a sour expression, "Didn't you say yesterday that you were young? "Why can't I help but go on a blind date today?"

"It's impossible to defy an order!" Wang Hao said bitterly.

Hearing that, Li Mengyao felt much better, and said: "Alright then! This is serious business, so I won't disturb you any longer.

"Then I'll go?" Wang Hao made his way outside tentatively. He had a feeling in his heart that Li Mengyao would not let him leave so easily.

"Wait a moment."

Wang Hao stopped and turned around. "Is there anything else?"

"I'll go with you."

"You're going on a blind date with me?" Wang Hao felt a little ridiculous. Although he had never been on a blind date before, he still had common sense. How could he bring a beauty to a blind date?

Li Mengyao said, "Wang Hao, don't worry, I won't ruin your plans. I'll just take a look from a distance and see what kind of girl Auntie likes. After all, I said that I will introduce my best friend to you, what if Auntie doesn't like her?"

To see what kind of girl Liu Cui'e liked was real, but Li Mengyao definitely wasn't doing it for her best friend's sake, she just wanted to know if she was suitable for Liu Cui'e's taste.

"Sure, I have no objections." Wang Hao nodded in agreement.

As for the blind date, he didn't hold any hope. On the contrary, it was Li Mengyao, and he wasn't a fool. He could feel Li Mengyao's feelings towards him.

In fact, he also liked Li Mengyao a lot. If he was really forced into a corner by his family, Li Mengyao was undoubtedly the best choice.

However, he had hurt others once before. There were some things that he was too ashamed to say, so he could only continue to work on them.

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