Fu Xinxin was undoubtedly an arrogant woman. If she was asked to bring a man to the streets to do something like that, she definitely wouldn't be able to do it.

At this time, the matchmaker Li Mengyao had chosen for her was the best candidate.

Thinking of this, Li Mengxue felt as if she had lifted a stone to smash her own foot. Yesterday, she urged Li Mengyao to use this opportunity to test Wang Hao, but according to the current situation, could she still continue to test him?

Men, you can't overlook him. Facing those beauties that throw themselves into his arms, there were very few men that could resist, existences that were like phoenix feathers or qilin horns.

Wang Hao belonged to that kind of person? Li Mengxue did not believe him at all. If Wang Hao really was that type of person, the first time she saw him he would not blush.

Obviously, Wang Hao belonged to the category of normal men. Normal men couldn't accept such a large-scale test. That would be equivalent to pushing him into the arms of other women.

If it was the past, he could just push it! A three-legged toad is hard to find, and a three-legged man is everywhere.

But now, Li Mengxue did not dare to think like that. Wang Hao was a treasure, just his Feng Shui techniques were enough to make people feel weird. If she pushed this kind of man to someone else, they would either be crazy or have a mental problem.

Fu Xinxin frowned and said, "In that case, Sister Xue, the Master you're looking for has some skill."

"Sister Xue, where is the master? I want to see him. "

"He …"

Li Meng Yao was about to say that he would be here in a moment, but she was interrupted by Li Meng Xue, who quickly interrupted her: "I'm not sure about that. That master from all over the world came to our restaurant unintentionally, gave some pointers, and then disappeared."

"What a pity, it's rare to meet an expert, but I actually didn't get the chance to meet him." Fu Xinxin was disappointed.

Li Mengyao looked at Li Mengxue in confusion. Wasn't this just bullshitting? Wang Hao was about to come, how did he disappear so quickly?

Li Mengxue glared at Li Mengyao, and then said: "Xinxin, the matchmaking box has already been prepared. It's upstairs. You go up and rest for a while, Meng Yao and I will bring that person up later."

"Alright, then I'll go up first and get me something to eat. I haven't eaten much today, so I'm starving."

"Okay, okay."

When Fu Xinxin had left, Li Mengyao immediately asked, "Sis, why did you lie to Xinxin?"

Li Mengxue said, "Don't you see that Xin Xin is abnormal today? I'm afraid something must have happened to her in her family."

"Fu Xinxin's background is mysterious, so she clearly has a great background. If she really gets involved with Wang Hao, then it won't just be as simple as you losing your boyfriend, but also that Wang Hao might get his revenge."

"With great difficulty, Wang Hao managed to preserve his little life and returned from the Azure Continent in a sorry state. Could it be that you have the heart to see Wang Hao suffering an unexpected calamity once again?"

"This …"

Li Mengyao was stunned, not to mention that Wang Hao was her boyfriend now, she was even afraid that Wang Hao was just a classmate of hers. She also didn't want anything to happen to Wang Hao.

"Thus, this time, you must listen to me. You cannot let Wang Hao and Fu Xinxin meet."

"But …" However, they had agreed on it yesterday. Now, they didn't bring Wang Hao to see Xin Xin. What would Xin think? Furthermore, Xin Xin is our good friend. If she's in trouble now, we can't just stand by and watch! " Li Mengyao couldn't bear to see this.

"Foolish sister, who is that Fu Xinxin and who are we? How are we qualified to care about her? "Listen to sister's advice. Don't be delusional enough to try and help Fu Xinxin. Otherwise, your fate won't be much better than Wang Hao's last encounter. You might even implicate your family."

"You can't bear to see Fu Xinxin suffer. Could it be that you can't bear to see your family suffer?" Li Mengxue asked.

"Sis, it's not as serious as you say!"

Li Mengyao was in disbelief.

This was a modern society, not an ancient society. If she couldn't bring disaster upon her family, then even if something happened, it would still be because of her. How would it implicate her and the others?

"Have you forgotten the commotion when Fu Xinxin came to Zhenan County?"


Li Mengyao clearly remembered that day. It was the noon of the day three months ago. A line of rare carriages suddenly appeared on the streets of Zhen An County.

The military vehicles cleared the way, and the armed police officers followed closely behind. They were surrounded by armed soldiers, and the target of their protection was the red SUV in the middle.

That was Fu Xinxin's carriage.

It was also on that day that they got to know Fu Xinxin. That was because the first time Fu Xinxin had eaten, she had been dining at Jade Snow Residence.

From the time Fu Xinxin had appeared in Zhenan County, they could clearly feel that the security in Zhenan County had improved. There were almost no gangsters left in the market, and they were either sent to jail or sent away from their hometowns, far away from Zhenan County.

There was no clear evidence to prove that this matter was related to Fu Xinxin, but they knew that it was definitely related to Fu Xinxin. This was because the group of people who had sent Fu Xinxin to Zhenan County were the ones who had executed the execution.

After that, that group of people disappeared as if they never appeared. However, this was enough to prove Fu Xinxin's great status.

Since even Fu Xinxin had no power to resist her fate, she could only vent her anger by giving up on herself. One could only imagine the background of her marriage partner.

To put on a green hat for such people and interfere in their affairs, there was no need to say anything about the consequences.

"So what do we do now? Xin Xin's still waiting upstairs. Li Mengyao was at a loss.

"What else can we do? You can't use Fu Xinxin to probe Wang Hao. You can only find a random man to send Fu Xinxin away. "

As for the matter of probing Wang Hao, don't worry. Leave this matter to me.

Li Mengxue said confidently.

"Sis, what do you want to do now?" Li Mengyao trembled in fear.

Li Mengxue righteously said, "For my sister's matter, I, as her sister, am willing to go all out. This time, I will personally take action and test if Wang Hao is sincere to you."

Seeing that Li Meng Yao wanted to say something, Li Meng Xue quickly said: "Okay, don't worry! I just want to test Wang Hao's willpower. If he belongs to the type of man who won't be able to walk when he sees a beauty, then I must give him a good beating. "

"But, but you are my sister after all. Who would do something like that? What would Wang Hao think if he knew about it in the future?" Li Mengyao pleaded, "Sis, forget it! Wang Hao is a good person. Don't try him out. "

"No, I have to try. "This scholar has a lot of tricks up his sleeves. What if he scams you again?"

"Alright, alright. I'm not talking to you anymore. I still have to find someone to date Fu Xinxin. I don't have time to talk to you."

Li Mengxue left, and Li Mengyao sat in front of the bar gloomily.

A few minutes later, Wang Hao arrived at Yao Xue Residence. Seeing Li Meng Yao's unhappy look, he asked with concern: "Meng Yao, what's wrong? "Why aren't you happy today?"

Wang Hao sized up Yaoxi's residence and found that the beautiful picture on the wall of her residence had already been removed. The sink that he had mentioned had already been built.

He then used his spirit to take a look at the Jade Snow Hall's luck and realized that they were bursting with wealth. He became even more confused, not knowing why Li Mengyao had put on such a worried look.

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