Zhou Qian was surprised and said: "Oh, it's different after eating the public dinner. Even my sister's birthday has been forgotten!"

Su Bingxin then remembered that yesterday was Zhou Qian's birthday, and it was over.

What's more, she did forget that when she had a good time on the farm, how could she remember Zhou Qian's birthday.

However, since others have found the door, they still want to be polite.

She said, "I'm sorry, I went to the countryside these two days. I forgot. I'll make it up for you next time."

"Don't mend it!! Just go now. I know you must go home today, so I've come to your house to invite you. Is that enough sincerity? " Zhou Qian holds Su Bingxin by the hand.

"Now? Isn't your birthday over? " Su Bingxin wondered.

I only mention birthday, but I seldom hear about postponing it.

If she is an important person for Zhou Qian, it's no big deal for her to postpone her birthday. But she and Zhou Qian are sisters in name, but they are not even ordinary friends. Is it necessary to postpone her birthday for her?

Zhou Qian said: "yes, my birthday is in the past. Yesterday I got together with my friends. I lived in Yao Xueju, the most popular place in our county."

At the same time, Zhou Qian's face was full of satisfaction.

Yao Xueju is definitely one of the most popular restaurants in Zhen'an County.

Now Yao Xueju has opened several branches, otherwise it will be as hard to find one as before.

Nevertheless, not everyone has a chance to taste the delicious food of Yao Xueju.

Yao Xueju costs a lot of money. After a meal, it costs thousands of yuan. This time, her boyfriend decided to make her happy and give her face.

Show off in front of friends, not in front of Su Bingxin this cheap sister show off, she felt uncomfortable, so can't wait to speak out.

Of course, there is more than one purpose. This evening, she specially invited Su Bingxin to dinner to show her family. Now she has a close and rich boyfriend. Unlike Su Bingxin, she is 25-6 years old and single.

According to her idea, with Su Bingxin's thousands of dead wages and more than 1000 mortgage payments every month, she must have never been to Yao Xueju for dinner. After hearing her saying that she had been there, she would ask if the wild mushrooms in Yao Xueju were as delicious as the rumor.

However, she was disappointed. Su Bingxin had no response, as if her birthday place was the same level as the roadside stall.

This... This is unbearable!!

Therefore, Yuan Qian once again said in a slightly sarcastic tone, "sister Bingxin, haven't you even heard of Yao Xueju? Well, you're a little bit of a failure as a city dweller! "

"Yes! I've heard of it! " Su Bingxin nodded.

"Have you been there?" Yuan qian can't wait to ask.

"No!" Su Bingxin shakes her head.

"I'll take you to see the world this evening and introduce my boyfriend Liu Wei to you."

Yuan Qian looks rich and willful. Su Bingxin says with a bitter smile, "no, I've already had dinner."

Yuan Qiansheng said: "why not? You're my sister. If you haven't even been to Yao Xueju, and haven't eaten the delicious wild mushrooms of Yao Xueju, I'm a sister who has no face

Su Bingxin

Yao Xueju's wild mushrooms, she did not say she ate and vomited, at least she never lacked them. Every few days someone would send them to her home regularly.

What's more, there are not only wild mushrooms, but also many other good things that Yuan Qian has never tasted.

That is, she didn't know how to explain to her father, so she didn't dare to take it home, otherwise she would have let Wang Hao send her home.

Of course, if this is the only way, she will not go to Yao Xueju, another reason is the most important.

Yao Xueju sells wild mushrooms from Wang Hao's farm. She heard that Yao Xueju's boss is a pair of beautiful sister flowers, also surnamed Li.

Not surprisingly, one of them is Wang Hao's real girlfriend. As Wang Hao's private lover, she is really embarrassed to go there for fear of meeting Li Mengyao.

Of course, Li Mengyao will not know her, but she is guilty of committing a crime! Just like every time she saw Zheng Wanru, Wang Hao's sister, she was careful that her liver would jump badly.

Su Bingxin immediately shook his head and said, "no need. And don't worry, I won't go around saying I belong to your sister. "

There is another sentence that Su Bingxin didn't say, that is, she doesn't want a sister like yuan Qian.

However, since her father married yuan Qian's mother, she would admit it. But it's impossible to expect her to talk about it everywhere.

She didn't even tell Wang Hao about it, let alone other people.

Yuan Qian said: "I have to go. If you don't go, you just don't recognize my sister and give my parents face."

"Dad and aunt Tao are going, too?" Su Bingxin was surprised.

"Sure! Like you, they are meeting Ah Wei for the first time today. "

"All right!! I'll go

It's a more formal meeting with her family. It's really not good if she doesn't go. Her aunt will gossip in front of her father and say that she is not sensible at all.

She still doesn't want to embarrass her father.

"That's right!"

Yuan Qian said with satisfaction: "Ah Wei will drive to pick us up later. We'll just wait here."

Yuan Qian is very hard at driving.

Of course, she knows Su Bingxin has a car, but how can su Bingxin's tens of thousands of broken cars compare with Liu Wei's hundreds of thousands.

"No, I'll drive you there!" Su Bingxin doesn't want to trouble yuan Qian's boyfriend. What's more, she has to go home later. It's not convenient without a car.

"I don't want to ride in that old car of yours!" Yuan Qian reproached.

Su Bingxin didn't answer.

lousy car? It was a few months ago, and now she drives a car with hundreds of thousands.

Although it's not as good as Wang Hao's ten million dollar luxury SUV, it's definitely a first-class car in Zhen'an County.

Of course, it's not the most important thing. The most important thing is that she can buy a better car at any time.

Do you really think she has no money? Wang Hao has given her tens of millions of pocket money. She hasn't moved much at all. Now everything she wants can be easily realized.

Soon, Su Bingxin drove the new car out of the garage and in front of Yuan Qian.

Yuan Qian recognized Su Bingxin's new car. It was the last time she went to a 4S store with her boyfriend Liu Wei, but she couldn't afford it.

They can't afford the car, but Su Bingxin drives it. Where does Su Bingxin get the money?

"It's yours this time? I remember that your car doesn't seem to be like this. It's tens of thousands of yuan... "

Su Bingxin then said, "my car broke down and I can't drive it. This is my friend's car. I borrowed it."

"I said, how can you afford this kind of car? It's more than 400000. It's your friend's car."

Yuan Qian breathed a sigh of relief, then opened the car door and sat on it. While enjoying it, she couldn't help saying, "I can see that you haven't been fooling around, and you know one or two rich people."

Su Bingxin laughed and thought that the rich people she knew scared yuan Qian to death.

This scene was seen by Wang Hao.

With a smile, he went to Li Meng Yao's house without any management.

Li Mengyao knew that he was coming. She put down her work and went home to wait for him.

In the villa, the two people, who haven't seen each other for a long time, talked with each other for a long night. The next day, they went to the enterprise commendation meeting in Zhen'an County.

There is no doubt that Yao Xueju is a star enterprise in Zhen'an County. It has gone out of Zhen'an County and taken root everywhere in Qingzhou. It can be regarded as the signboard of Zhen'an County.

As for the resort, it is the key project of Zhen'an County, which makes Zheng Wanru face.

In the afternoon, they all went to Qingzhou. Li Mengyao and Fu Qingqing met in the luxury courtyard of Gu Ming in qinglongwan community.

Wang Hao, on behalf of Yong'an hospital, attended the annual exchange meeting in Qingzhou.

"What? There are still incurable diseases in the world? " Wang Hao said he didn't believe it. He had to let the organizers find out the patients who couldn't be cured.

The organizers found all kinds of patients with difficult and miscellaneous diseases. They wanted to embarrass Wang Hao, but they didn't expect that. In the end, Wang Hao easily cured all the patients.

sensational!! Unprecedented sensation!! Wang Hao is well-known in Qingzhou. He is a famous doctor in Qingzhou.

Chu Feng and Chu Jie hate each other! Immediately contact Mr. long who came back from Myanmar to ask Wang Hao to look good and take Wang Hao's life.

Mr. long is here. The demon's body is really not given in vain, and its fighting power is extraordinary. But in front of the golden seal, everything is given in vain. Wang Hao's golden seal blows Mr. long to death.

Chu Feng and Chu Jie, who came to witness Wang Hao's tragedy, saw this scene and were scared to urinate. They turned around and ran away.

Wang Hao didn't dare to move them before the golden seal, but with the golden seal, he was not afraid of the Chu family, and killed Chu Feng and Chu Jie on the spot.

When Chu Feng and Chu Jie died, Qingzhou was shocked. The Chu master clamored for Wang Hao to pay for his life. Wang Hao took the initiative to send them to the door. By the time they came out, the Chu master was already a slave.

What happened to outsiders do not know, only the Chu master knows, because Wang Hao said that if the Chu family is not honest in the future, he does not mind removing the Chu family.

The threat is certainly not enough, Wang Hao let the Chu master to prove the power of the gold seal, he did not dare to say a word more.

The Chu master, one of the three powerful families in Qingzhou, was forced to be soft, and Wang Hao was covered with a mysterious veil. Even when Fu Qingyun saw Wang Hao, he had a kind of fear.

Wang Hao has become a big man in Qingzhou.

Li Mengxue realizes her promise, tells Li Mengyao about her relationship with Wang Hao, and asks Li Mengyao to forgive them.

Cry two make three hang, do not forgive will not live, this Li Mengyao can not forgive?

However, there is a price for forgiveness. Let Wang Hao marry him immediately.

Wang Hao agreed to marry Li Mengyao. As for the other women outside, they will not break the contact and still maintain their special relationship.

As for Li Mengyao, she closed her eyes and pretended not to see her.

I dare not. Wang Hao is so powerful that she can't stand it alone.

Moreover, she is also lazy to manage, because she will soon have a child, all the thoughts are on the child.

Wang Hao's happy life begins. He lives happily in Qingzhou. As for cultivating immortals, where can Bluestar get the resources to cultivate immortals for him? It's true to be happy every day.

The only thing that worries him is the innate demon in Mahayana, who is afraid of when the other party will run out.

However, after waiting for three years, he didn't see the other party come out. Wang Hao understands that the other party who has no aura source can't make waves at all and is completely relieved.

In three years, Yao Xueju has opened all over Qingzhou, and Jia Peng's Ruitai hotel has gone out of Qingzhou to make a lot of money for Gu Ming.

Finally, the most popular resort is the resort. It's hard to find a room. Not only the local people in Qingzhou, but also the rich people in other states can't help but want to come and live for a few days to feel comfortable.

Zheng Wanru, who has made great achievements in politics, and Li Jiayin, who has also made great achievements, as for why, because they are all big men's women.

The whole book is over!!

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