"Captain Li, the Phoenix Village Chief Liu Sanjin has arrived."

Li Jiayin nodded and followed the policeman to find a sweating Liu Sanjin.

Liu Sanjin wiped the sweat on his forehead as he said, "I came late. I hope Captain Li won't mind."

Li Jiayin went straight to the point, "Village Chief Liu, there was a case of a wild wolf attacking someone in Phoenix Village. Do you know which family was injured?"

"This... "I'm not sure. I'll need to ask."

"Then go and ask! If the injury is serious and should be treated promptly, it must be treated promptly and must not be delayed. "

"Yes!" Yes! "Yes!"

Liu Sanjin immediately asked everywhere, calling and asking the villagers to pass the information on to him. After a busy round, he was unable to find any injured people.

Liu Sanjin returned to Li Jiayin's side and said, "Captain Li, the person injured is most likely not from Phoenix Village. I've asked from door to door, but no one has been injured."

At this moment, a police officer walked over and said, "Captain Li, a message came from the Golden Dragon Town Health Bureau. Last night, the duty officer was treating the wounds of some people who had been bitten by wild wolves. He was seriously injured and had a piece of their flesh bitten off."

"Do you know who those people are?"

"The hospital said that they left after the wound was bandaged. As for who, they don't know."

"Alright, I got it. Quickly confirm the identity of the injured person. I still feel that things are not that simple."

Li Jiayin said.

They were not people from Phoenix Village, yet they appeared at night in Phoenix Village. Furthermore, the control tools were left at the scene. All sorts of indications indicated that this matter was not that simple.

There didn't seem to be any connection between the two, but with the intuition of the police, she didn't think it was that simple.

"Whose house is that?" Li Jiayin pointed to Wang Hao's house and asked.

Liu Sanjin replied, "That is the home of the villagers, Wang Dewu."

"Village Chief Liu, bring me there. His house is the closest to this place, so he should know something."


Liu Sanjin brought Li Jiayin to Wang Hao's house. Before they even got close, the sound of barking could be heard. "Woof woof woof!"

Liu Sanjin questioned, "This Wang De Wu Clan does not have a dog! Where did this dog bark from? "

Before he finished his sentence, eight half human tall wolfdogs ran out from the yard and barked at Liu Sanjin and Li Jiayin.

Liu Sanjin jumped in fright. Li Jiayin had recovered a little, but not by much. She looked warily at the eight fierce wolfdogs.

Liu San Jin started sweating again and shouted: "Wang Dewu, Liu Cui`er, are you home? Where did this wolfdog come from? "Hurry up and chase them back."

Du Yun walked out from the courtyard and said apologetically, "Village Chief, I'm sorry, I've scared you. I'll chase them back right now."

After Du Yun shouted twice, the savage wolfdogs went back. Liu Sanjin let out a long sigh and said, "Previously, the Wang Family didn't have any dogs. How come they suddenly have so many wolfdogs?"

Du Yun said, "These are for Wang Hao to buy from the county's city yesterday and have as his personal guards."

"So that's how it is."

Liu Sanjin warned again, "We can raise dogs, but we have to watch them in the future. Don't let them come out and hurt people, and don't let them run around the village. Such a big wolfdog, it's scary!"

"I know. I won't let them hurt anyone. Wang Hao said that if anyone dares to randomly bite someone, then I will kill them and eat their flesh."


The wolfdogs in the yard immediately let out discontented growls. This was way too fucking dangerous! He was going to die!

"You bought this dog yesterday?" Li Jiayin asked.

"That's right!" I bought it yesterday. " Du Yun looked at Li Jiayin guiltily.

"The dog I bought yesterday, and it's still such a big wolfdog. It's rare for it to be tamed so obediently today."

"These are the dogs they bought from someone else." Du Yun explained.

"Is that so?"

Li Jiayin did not believe it and thought that Du Yun was lying.

Dogs could be trained, but the loyalty of dogs was well-known. Perhaps they would listen to the original owner, but it was impossible for them to listen to the new owner in a day.

"He must be hiding something." This was Li Jiayin's judgment.

However, her task was not to investigate why the farmers kept dogs, but to investigate the matter of wild wolves injuring people. Despite her curiosity, she held back and did not inquire any further.

Li Jiayin pointed to a place not far away and said, "Did you see the incident where a wild wolf attacked someone yesterday?"

"No, no, last night I was taking care of the patients at home and I didn't go out at all. Hearing the howls of the wolves and the screams of the humans made me even more afraid to go out."

"What about the rest of the family?"

"Second Uncle Wang Dewu was at Third Uncle's house last night. Wang Hao came back late from the county town, and the only ones at home were me and Second Aunt, who was in bed with him."

Liu Sanjin replied, "Yesterday, Wang Dezhi's son, Wang Bo, was struck to death by Lei. This Wang Dewu is Wang Dezhi's brother, and he has always been there helping out." As for Wang Hao, he was Wang Dewu's son. Every night, he would go to the county to deliver the goods and would come back late. At the time of the incident, they were probably not at home and did not know what happened last night. "

"Wang Bo was hacked to death by Lei? Village Chief Liu, is what you said true? Not a single lie? "

Liu Sanjin smiled bitterly, "How could I dare to lie to Captain Li about this matter of life and death? It was here yesterday that Wang Bo was struck to death by lightning. Many villagers saw this. If you don't believe me, go and ask."

"You saw it too?" Li Jiayin looked at Du Yun and said.

"I didn't. I was taking care of the patient in the house yesterday. I only heard the thunder. I didn't see it."

"Then you should know that he was struck by lightning while standing there, right?"

"Yes, that's it."

Du Yun pointed to the place where Wang Bo was standing yesterday.


"That's right!" At that time, Wang Bo should have been standing there, saying that no matter what, the heavens could not control him, and Lei then hacked him apart. "

Liu Sanjin said, "Captain Li, you don't know that this Wang Bo is not a person of his word. He owes his father millions of dollars in gambling debts and is forcing him to return to force his father to take the money. Those people who came back with him to collect debts, you don't know, they are simply insane, they didn't pay the money and they kidnapped people like Du Yun. If it wasn't for Wang Hao who paid back the one hundred and fifty thousand that Wang Bo owed for the first time, the consequences would have been unimaginable. This kind of thing that is worse than an animal should be struck to death by lightning. "

"Then, when Wang Bo died yesterday, there was also someone who came to collect debts?"

"Yes, they also injured Second Aunt. Wang Hao bought these wolfdogs yesterday in order to prevent them from causing trouble again. "

"Then yesterday night's group of people that appeared in Phoenix Village with blades and sticks, could they be the ones that went to collect the debt?" Li Jiayin speculated.

"I don't know. I've never seen them before." Du Yun replied guiltily.

Liu Sanjin said, "Captain Li, if that group of people are really those rascals who came to collect debts, then they deserved to be bitten."

"What does the money that Wang Bo owes them have to do with Wang Hao's family? Could it be that just because Wang Hao could make money, he had to repay the debt for Wang Bo? That's not ridiculous. "

After receiving Wang Hao's benefits, Liu Sanjin also knew how to act. He didn't forget to speak up for Wang Hao at all times.

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