Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 61: Sister likes big masters~

   In front of the quiet forest, a gorgeous palace is located.

   This is the central station of Aojian Immortal Gate near the gloomy forest.

   At the beginning and the end of the experience, all the new students of Aojian Immortal Clan will gather here.

   During the month of the experience, Li Hanguang, Ye Chengying and others also sat in this palace to coordinate the overall situation.

   In the most central area of ​​the palace, there is a huge compass.

   The compass exudes a bright and rich light, which transmits a huge picture.

   In that picture, there are many red dots moving, and the brightness of each dot is different.

   This is the positioning compass.

   is a special magic weapon developed by the master when he was six years old.

   This magic weapon does not have strong lethality.

   Its function is to monitor the entire dark forest and sense the position of the disciple.

   Before the start of the experience in the Dark Forest, every new student disciple will be distributed uniformly with ‘positioning and tracking jade symbols’.

   These jade symbols are related to the positioning compass in the palace.

   The positioning compass can roughly judge the disciple’s position in the gloomy forest through the location of the jade symbol.

   And you can send simple prompt instructions to Yufu by positioning the compass.

   At the same time, if an experienced disciple is in danger, he can also send a distress signal to the compass through the jade symbol.

  In this way, new students can reduce a lot of casualties in the process of training.


   Once this kind of compass instrument was developed, it was put into use by the sect.

   In the freshman trial ten years ago, the casualty rate was greatly reduced.

   It is precisely because of this that Li Hanguang's popularity has skyrocketed, and all the new students who were rescued in time to recover a life will regard Li Hanguang as a god.

   Among them was a disciple from the outer sect of Flame Peak, who later contributed to Li Hanguang's low-grade fire roots.

   Otherwise, based on the relationship between Flame Peak and Hanhai Peak, it is almost impossible to cultivate loyal fans on Flame Peak!

   "Brother, it's so great."

   Looking at the 3D picture projected by the positioning compass, Ye Chengying couldn't help but admire.

   Ang Ang Ang~

   "Master...senior brother is too...too big~"

   Beside Ye Chengying, the pink little foal wagged her tail, also agreeing.

   Ye Chengying: "……"

   Since the awakening of the blood of the flame dragon horse three days ago, the little mare has turned on spiritual wisdom.

   If you say that the original little mother is psychic and can understand people, but she doesn't understand any cultivation methods.

   So at this time, it has slowly begun to accept the Longma inheritance deep in the bloodline.

   also began to refine the crossbones, trying to spit out people's words.

  Of course, it takes a process to learn to speak.

   Li Hanguang announced his retreat to the outside world, but there was no trace for three days. This task naturally fell on Ye Chengying.

   This also made Ye Chengying a strong negative emotion.

   After all, she originally just wanted to find Li Hanguang a horse to pull a cart, and the spirit horse to pull the cart didn't need to talk.

   But now, this horse has awakened the blood of the beast and started to learn to speak.

   You need to know the five domains, but it is a world capable of cultivating immortals.

   Today this little foal learns to talk, and maybe it will learn to transform in a few days.

  When it comes, she will be with her brother every day to pull the cart, and she will spend more time with him than Ye Chengying?

   Accompanying often breeds sentiment~

   I've been in love for a long time, and the brother is so perfect, what if this little fairy also likes the brother?

Do not!

   is not just in case, but almost 100%!

   Ten thousand percent!

   As a handsome, gentle, kind, considerate, and excellent man like Big Brother, which opposite **** can refuse?

  Don't talk about the opposite sex!

   Even if it is an alien, it is impossible to refuse!


   I didn’t expect to send a horse to my senior, and I might provoke a strong rival for myself!

   Ye Chengying looked at the little pink foal, feeling more awkward how to look at it.

   Ang Ang Ang Ang~

   "Teacher... Senior Sister likes big... big... master."

   The little mother foal blinked her eyes, and her reduced body became more and more lovely.

   It is not young and its thinking is mature, but it is not proficient in ‘foreign language’.

   Every time I open my mouth, I stumble and stumble, making people laugh and laugh: "Brother, master, Wei...big."


   Ye Chengying:? ? ?

   She suddenly felt that the little pony had never learned to speak, but it was actually quite good.

   After all, the little pony who can't speak, naturally doesn't know how to flirt.

   She bought this guy from the Monster Beast Market, and she already dug a big hole for herself.

   If he is taught to speak again, if he turns around, if he really pleases the brother, Ye Chengying feels that he has to regret his death.

   After all, the taboo and stimulating things like **** love are really endless in the five domains.

   The combination of a person and a fox;

   The combination of man and snake monster;

   The combination of man and dog monster;

   The combination of man and caterpillar...

   As long as it is a creature that can transform, there is almost no insurmountable barrier between it and the human race.

   It is even said that there are certain evil cultivations that don’t even care about being transformed, and they feel that love between humans and beasts is more exciting than love between humans and monsters.

   Of course, the big brother is definitely not such a heavy taste person.

   But the flame dragon horse with the blood of the beast, it is almost certain to succeed in the future to learn to speak and learn to transform.

   Ye Chengying is really worried. As the time gets along too long, the senior will be tempted by Longma.

   After all, a little fairy who can ride during the day and even at night...

   is indeed very exciting.


   The words are divided into two ends.

   Everyone felt that Li Hanguang was not at the headquarters when he was practicing in retreat

   instead put on a night clothes, covered his face and broke into the dark forest.

   His purpose is quite simple.

   That is to take advantage of the ten-year experience meeting to collect some elixir.

   After all, he is now different from before. He already has five spiritual roots, and his cultivation speed has increased a hundredfold.

   Compared with the previous practice, the consumption is also increased by more than a hundred times.

   Dad’s filial piety is naturally an income.

   But I am always boring, I went out and worked hard, and I felt more at ease with it.


   In fact, there is another more important reason, that is, Li Hanguang hasn't evacuated the fire much for three years, and he has been suffocated a long time ago.

   After all, a guy who has beaten Tai Cang Mansion since he was a child, and is invincible by his peers under the age of 10.

   How could he be a good old man of ‘low-key, humble, elegant and easy-going’?

   After being steady for more than three years, Li Hanguang could not bear it for a long time, and wanted to vent his output crazily.

   Now, taking advantage of the opportunity for the new student disciple to go down the mountain to practice, he also wants to enter the dark forest, madly flat the monsters and enjoy it!

  Of course, the identity must be hidden.

   Li Hanguang covered his face and looked deeply at the gloomy forest. Lines of reminders appeared in front of him.

  【Go to the left, and in the valley 5,000 meters away, there is a low-grade elixir Xuanbing Moire grass, which is the main medicinal material for refining the "Ice Xuan Pill". Be careful of the three ‘Hell Underworld Hell Snakes’ hidden nearby. Although their bodies are small, they are extremely fast and extremely poisonous. 】

  【Go to the right, there is no chance within 10,000 meters. 】

   [Going forward, in the woods 8,000 meters away, three base-building monsters are competing for a ‘Millennium Blood Ganoderma’, and they have all been injured. 】


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