Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 65: Listen to sister, tell the story of brother-in-law?

   Outside the cloud city, Qingyue Valley.

   This is the place where Ji Mingyue practices the piano on weekdays, which is very quiet.

   In the past, ethereal and melodious piano sounds would be heard here every day, attracting countless birds to stay and listen.

   However, here today, it is exceptionally quiet.

  Because of Ji Mingyue, it's a bit annoying~

  The main business of Lanyuelou is the business of earning money and collecting information.

   With the help of this intelligence organization, Ji Mingyue knew many important news about Tai Cang Mansion.

   For example, she just received a message...

   Aojian Xianmen Second Sister Ye Chengying gave a red cloud rouge horse to the big brother, but the horse awakened his blood.

   Originally an ordinary demon horse, it abruptly became a flame dragon horse with the blood of the ancestor!

   Now, the value of this mount has instantly increased hundreds of times!

   After all, Ryoma, but a supreme mount!

   Li Hanguang can be recognized by Longma, Ji Mingyue must be happy!

   After all, Big Brother is the man who slept with her! ~

   An ordinary mount, is it worthy of being a brother?

   What makes Ji Mingyue complain is that this dragon horse was given to her senior by Ye Chengying.

   You know, that's her rival in love!

   And it’s not an exaggeration to say that she is the rival that she values ​​most, fears most, and feels unmatched!

  In terms of life experience, the second elder sister is Aoba Peak's first and most beloved disciple. Not surprisingly, she is the next Aojian elder.

  In terms of talent, the second elder sister possesses the best wood spirit roots, and at the same time refines alchemy.

  On cultivation, the second elder sister has already gathered the best golden core, even among the real people of the golden core period, she is also the strong one.

   And Ji Mingyue?

   A subjugated county lord, the cultivation base has not yet entered the foundation building period.

  The talent was originally only the middle-grade Jin Linggen, even with the help of the senior, it was only promoted to the high-grade spiritual root.

   In front of Ye Chengying, Ji Mingyue could only feel inferiority.

   This is also the reason why Ji Mingyue didn't dare to ask for being together when facing Li Hanguang, only to serve him personally.

   Ye Chengying can indeed make 99% of the women in the world feel ashamed!

   Now she replaced the big brother and found a blazing dragon horse.

  Who doesn't like this kind of inner helper?

   In contrast, Ji Mingyue feels like a waste!

   spent three full years, can only help the seniors to collect information, but also to upgrade the talents of the seniors.


   If I can also conquer a divine beast, I will send it to my brother.

   Ji Mingyue had an idea in her heart, then laughed bitterly at herself, and scolded herself for being whimsical.

   Mythical beast, what is that concept?

   Since ancient times, every race that can be called a ‘sacred beast’ has the power and talent that far surpasses most of the talents of the human race, and is invincible.

   Even many sacred beasts have the strength comparable to that of the monks in the foundation-building period of the human race.

   Drinking milk for two days will be comparable to monks in the Golden Elixir period.

   She is a weak person who has not yet reached the foundation period, what can she do to subdue the pure-blooded beast?

   What's more, most sacred beasts have a strong background.

  For example, the pure blood dragon clan of Heilong Island in the North Sea; the pure blood golden-eyed fire ape of Shuiliandong in southern Xinjiang...

   These forces do have a large number of pure blood beasts, but without exception, they are the core geniuses in their race.

   Once the pure-blooded beasts are born, they will be escorted by powerful people of the same race from childhood to large.

  Don't talk about Lan Yuelou, even if the Wanli Chamber of Commerce has all its details, it is just a joke in front of these sacred beasts.

   After Li Hanguang subdued the flame dragon horse, he was not found by the monster clan.

   That's because Ryoma is extinct, otherwise even if he helps the flames to awaken his blood, he won't be able to leave him to pull the cart.

   At most, a ‘shemale contract’ is concluded, forming a semi-equal cooperative relationship with it.

   This is also the dignity of a beast!

   It can be said that Li Hanguang's subduing of the flames is almost impossible to replicate!

   Ji Mingyue wants to send Li Hanguang the animal, there is only one possibility.

   That is that she should just be able to meet, an extremely rare pure-blooded beast.

   This beast must be a lone beast with no ethnic background, such as Suan, Pixiu, Ryoma, etc.

   More importantly, this sacred beast must be in its juvenile stage, otherwise it will be able to sling all the strong in Lanyuelou if it grows up.

   At the same time in its juvenile period, this beast must have both parents dead!

  Because in most cases, the parents who can awaken the blood of the beasts should not be weak.

   If the parents are not dead, it is difficult to catch the pure-blooded beast.

   These requirements are too demanding!

   is simply an impossible task!

   "Brother, brother, see you, Mingyue waited for three years."

   "I don't know when we will meet next time?"

   "Will the beauties become dead bones, and will lovesickness turn the dust."

   "Will you be a brother? You will sit on Xian Road for thousands of years, and Mingyue is already gray-haired and old-faced?"

   Ji Mingyue’s worries are not unfounded.

   There are a lot of idiotic men and women in the world of cultivating immortals. There are many men or women of Taoist couples who are extremely talented, but the subjects do not have too strong aptitude.

   The difference between the two cultivation bases directly leads to completely different recognition of the world and time between the two parties.

  Perhaps one of them has a little bit of insight, retreat and enlightenment, and in the blink of a thousand years, the beautiful lady has already turned into dry loess on the day of leaving the customs.

   The tragedies that have been caused in this way are really countless.

   Now that the senior brother is only in Jin Danqi, he has been closed for three years in Aojian Immortal Gate, and he will meet each other in three years.

  If in the future, the brothers Yuan Ying, transforming gods, and crossing the catastrophe, wouldn't it be a random retreat, that is, ten years, a hundred years, or even a thousand years?

   Ji Mingyue really can't guarantee whether he can always maintain a young face, waiting for the return of the brother.

  If the day the brother returns, the bright moon is already gray, then see you...

   It's better not to see!

   In contrast, the second elder sister is too envious of Ji Mingyue.

   is not only talented and superb, but also has the qualifications to follow the brothers, and replace them to find the flame dragon horse.

   Even if the second elder sister had an accident in the future, she was hacked to death.

   As long as the senior brother sees the flame dragon horse, he will think of the second senior sister, so that she will always live in the memory.

   What's more important is that the Flame Dragon Horse, as a divine beast, is comparable to the top talents of the human race, regardless of cultivation talent or combat talent.

   If nothing happens, the flame dragon horse will certainly not be easily hacked to death, or the lifespan will be exhausted and die.

   The years it can accompany the big brother will definitely be quite long.

   And during these years, the big brother drove the dragon horse to fight everywhere, and when he thought of the hard work of the dragon horse, he would definitely remember the late second senior sister.

   This kind of treatment has already made Ji Mingyue eager and out of reach.

   After all, Ji Mingyue is very clear, if he unfortunately encountered an accidental death within hundreds of years.

   So in the legendary career of the big brother for thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years, I was like a completely inconspicuous little wave.

  Even, I can’t let the big brother remember~


   Gradually, Ji Mingyue thought of her life experience again.

  Thinking of the ruined old country, thinking of those relatives who have been separated from each other.

   I think of myself in the land of fireworks, although I am guarded like a jade, although I am sought after by countless people.

   But compared with the second elder sister, such a worldly fairy, it is still too dusty after all~


  A woman from the wind, it’s hard to be elegant~

   is just a floating wild lotus, how can it be compared to the flourishing red peony?

   The more I think about it, the sadder it gets, the more I think about it, the sadder it gets.

   Ji Mingyue raised her hands slightly, and landed on the piano that had accompanied her for three years.

  Sorrowful piano sound, flowing from the slender ten fingers.

   echoed in the valley, sad and cold.

   Soon, a full moon rose from the valley, sprinkling white brilliance, reflecting Ji Mingyue extremely holy.

   Where the moon is shining, the grass and trees become more brittle and stronger, and wild flowers of various colors bloom with it, exuding a delicate fragrance.

   That is the effect of the Mingyue Artistic Conception, making the aura concentration of the entire Qingyue Valley many times stronger than before.

   Bright Moon Artistic Conception, Fourth Product! ! !

   Three years of yearning for three years of sorrow, three years of remembrance for three years of hesitation.

   If Li Hanguang never came to look for her, she would have less extravagant hopes and worry less.

   But he came and left.

   waved his sleeves, took away the care, but did not take her away.

   Ji Mingyue slowly raised his head.

   Looking towards the sky, the moon and clouds.

Brother    taught her to look up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, and tears will not fall!


   The sound of the piano is getting more and more clear, more and more sad.

   Behind Ji Mingyue, the light of the full moon became brighter and brighter.


   is like breaking through an indescribable film!

   Ji Mingyue feels that he has touched a whole new world, and the guqin in his hand seems to have a soul in an instant.

   The light of the bright moon rose sharply, as if it had turned into a real moon.

   Fourth Grade Artistic Conception! ! !

   That's right, Ji Mingyue's mood at this moment was mobilized to the limit by herself, perfectly fitting her own voice channel.

   Therefore, in a short time, it perfectly reaches the state of ‘human and piano in one’.

   In this state, Ji Mingyue's bright moon mood was sublimated in an instant, and he finally crossed the sky!

   Just as Yan Chixiao said: Relying on mortal music, ordinary people can only comprehend the artistic conception of Sanpin Yindao at most, but everything in the world has exceptions.

  Miaoyin Divine Body, absolutely extraordinary! ! !

   And the core of this kind of divine body is to discover its own great treasure by comprehending the mystery of sound and path.

   If it is said that the artistic conception from the first product to the third product is just close to the treasure.

   So at this time, Ji Mingyue's promotion from the third-pin Yindao artistic conception to the fourth-pin Yindao artistic conception is already considered to be the initial touch of this big treasure.

   There is a faint light from all over her body, and there is faint music in the acupoints, which contains the mystery of the great road.

   Although the sound was very soft and fleeting, it did sound.

   She, took a big step!

  The treasure house has been opened, and it is only a matter of time before she changes. She is destined to be extraordinary!

   "It's a wonderful feeling!"

   "Does the pill that my brother gave me still contains a mysterious effect?"

   Although Ji Mingyue didn't know that she had initially activated part of the power of the wonderful sound divine body, she knew that she was reborn.

   Whether it is the affinity of aura, or the understanding and mastery of various musical scores and musical instruments.

   are all ramping up and changing at an incredible speed~

  The reason she can think of...

  Only the mysterious pill that Li Hanguang gave her.


   How can Mingyue repay such kindness!

   The emotions in her heart are getting higher and higher, Ji Mingyue has tears in her eyes, and she expresses her feelings in the piano.

   The moon is desolate, and the sound of the piano is faint.

   Countless birds heard the sound, stopped for a moment and then flew away in a hurry.

   Ji Mingyue’s voice is too sad~


   Ji Mingyue indulges in the piano, forgetting everything around him.

   Strands of spiritual energy poured into her body, and were refined by it as the sound of the piano flowed.

  She has become more and more holy.

   is finally another final chapter. Ji Mingyue raised her hands, slowly opened her eyes, and gently wiped away the mist from the corners of her eyes.


   Suddenly, Ji Mingyue was stunned.

  Because she saw in front of her, the dog was sitting with a small white fox.

   It seems to be listening to the sound of the piano very carefully, and it is completely infected by Ji Mingyue's melancholic sound of the piano.

   was originally worried that Ji Mingyue would be disturbed. It stretched out two small white paws that were as white as snow with pink flesh on the mat, clutching its mouth and weeping silently.

   Now that Ji Mingyue finished playing, it couldn't help crying and roaring.

   woo woo woo~


   bark bark bark~

   Looking at this little guy who was lying on the ground rolling and crying, Ji Mingyue was a little stunned.

   Is this a fox or a dog?

   And even though my piano music is sad, I don’t think I would have such a big reaction from a little fox!

   Could it be said that this little fox is also licking a dog, listening to my music empathize?

   Thinking of this, Ji Mingyue's mouth twitched slightly.

   The second elder sister of the other family is outstanding, and you can send a wild horse to become a beast.

   I'm fine!

  Pour so much emotion into playing the piano, and finally attracted a little guy, but he still cried so much that he can’t tell the difference between a fox and a dog.


   Ji Mingyue gently stroked the little fox dog, and sighed: "You are so ordinary and ordinary, you give it to the big brother, the big brother must not look down on it."

   "Forget it, you will follow me in the future, two poor little ones who no one wants, can be regarded as each other's company!"

"Do you want to?"

   said, Ji Mingyue took out a box of small snacks from the storage ring, and handed it to the white little fox dog's mouth.

   The little fox dog cried red eyes, and immediately looked at Ji Mingyue vigilantly.

   After a long time, it seemed to feel the sincere, soft belly, and it also murmured.

   bark bark~

   The little fox dog licked the palm of Ji Mingyue's hand, and then began to eat those small snacks.

   Hey hey~

   was itchy palms being licked by the little fox dog, Ji Mingyue felt much better.

   She smiled and put away the piano, picked up the little fox dog and walked towards Yunzhong City: "What a lovely puppy."

   "Go home with my sister! My sister will take you to eat delicious food, and then tell you a story when you are full, um, let's talk about the big brother..."

   "Ahem, tell the story of your brother-in-law!"

   "Puppy, let me tell you! Your brother-in-law is a super handsome, super gentle, super powerful man!"

   "If you can ask him to like no one can bully us in the future."

   "Hey, it's a pity that you are too ordinary like me!"

   "Not good enough for your brother-in-law!"

   Sister, brother-in-law?

   Listening to Ji Mingyue chattering about the ‘brother-in-law’.

   Little Fox Gou's eyes were impatient at first, but gradually... Gradually, it seemed to be interesting.

   don’t know, this ‘brother-in-law’ is comparable to the bad fox who took away mom and dad.

  Who is better.

   And why does this sister say that I am not worthy of the so-called "brother-in-law"?

   I am the Tushan fox demon clan!

   And after his father was arrested, he also awakened the blood to master the ability to control the void.

   That’s it, don’t you deserve to be brother-in-law?

   How strong is that to be worthy of brother-in-law?

   In the heart of the little fox, he became interested in humans for the first time!

   It decided to listen more to this beautiful young lady and tell the story of her brother-in-law!



  Dark forest, Li Hanguang sneezed.

   The panther spirit and scalper spirit who were kneeling in front of them were so scared that they trembled.

  In an instant, the speed of kowtow was faster.

   Seeing the two little fairies trembling, Li Hanguang also felt a little helpless.

   Originally, I thought that in front of Chu Xiaolian, he would use the fifth or sixth floor of the foundation to chop the two goods, and put on a wave of **.

   As a result, these two guys were too quick to kowtow.

   made him feel a little embarrassed to add a meal.



   Li Hanguang suddenly had an idea.

   There is it!


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