Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 74: Great 5 Elements Excalibur Emperor Sutra!

   "Brother, are you all right!"

   Ye Chengying walked towards Li Hanguang, eyes full of concern.

   Li Hanguang shook his head: "It's okay."

   He looked at the Hulu Mountain behind Lingwu: "If Li is not wrong, this should be the place where the main gate originated."

   Aojian Fairy Gate, the place of origin?

   Listening to Li Hanguang's words, Chu Xiaolian's heart moved slightly.

   Ye Chengying seemed to have thought of something, and murmured: "It is recorded in the ancient books of the sect that there are five founders of the school."

   "When they were young, they had been together for experience and strayed into a secret paradise."

   "There, they saw a gourd mountain."

   "And in the Hulu Mountain, get five peerless sword scriptures, based on this, start a sect."

   As he talked, Ye Chengying's eyes also showed a fiery color: "Could it be that the mountain in front of us is the legendary..."

   Li Hanguang nodded: "The independent small world of the void, located in the dark forest, should not be wrong."

   Ao Jian Xianmen looked seriously at the gloomy forest.

It’s not surprising that the place of origin is here!

   As if thinking of something, Ye Chengying's face behind the veil showed a crimson color: "According to the ancient records, there is a great opportunity in the Gourd Mountain!"

   "There is a fairy pond in the mountains, which can help people to wash their marrow through the scriptures of the people and greatly improve the qualifications of monks."

   While talking, Ye Chengying glanced at Li Hanguang.

   The ruddy on his face has deepened.


   A group of people walked towards Hulu Mountain.

   Soon, everyone came to the foot of the mountain.

   Looking up at the mountains that are more than a thousand feet high, everyone just feels trembling.

   It is as if this mountain is not standing in this small world, but suppressed in my own heart.

   Li Hanguang's eyes narrowed slightly, and lines of text appeared in his eyes:

   [Gourd Mountain: The body of the Gourd Sword after Nirvana is transformed, and it is difficult for monks below the holy rank to destroy it.

   There is a cave at the top of the mountain, through which you can go directly to the inside of Hulu Mountain. If you look carefully, you may find some good opportunities. 】

   Qianzhang Mountain!

   is actually the ontology of the Great Sage Gourd Sword?


   Fortunately, according to the human cultivation system, the body will not expand so exaggerated.

   Otherwise it's so big, who can stand it!

   Li Hanguang calmed down his thoughts and walked up the mountain calmly.

  His speed is not fast, but he looks extraordinarily detached, as if he merged with Hulu Mountain.

   Although Ye Chengying and Chu Xiaolian didn't know Li Hanguang's thoughts, since the big brother was going up the mountain, they naturally went up together.

   Follow the steps of the big brother, it must be right!

   For immortal cultivators, it is not difficult to climb a mountain that is several kilometers high. What really makes them find it difficult is the coercion of Hulu Mountain.

   Red tide leech demon, black panther spirit, and scalper spirit have the foundation-building period, and they can only climb halfway up the mountain.

   Then he was sweating profusely, making it difficult to move forward even one step.

   But this is also a rare experience for them, and it will be of great benefit if they can survive.

   At the same time, the concentration of aura on the mountainside is far higher than that at the bottom.

   Apart from anything else, one day of cultivating on this Hulu Mountain is definitely worth a month of cultivating outside.

   If they can, they don’t even want to go out.


   As for Li Hanguang, Ye Chengying and Chu Xiaolian, they were not suppressed by Hulushan's momentum.

   After all, the Calabash Sage had fallen before the creation of the Aojian Fairy Gate.

   Aojian Fairy Gate has been established for thousands of years!

   In other words, at least ten thousand years ago, the Calabash Great Sage had already belched.

   After such a long time, the remaining coercion of his legacy has long been negligible, and there is no one in ten thousand miles.

   Ye Chengying relied on the Jindanqi cultivation base and Qingye Jianyi, and Chu Xiaolian relied on the third rank Haoran Sword Intent, and could barely sustain it.

   As for Li Hanguang, it is the easiest.

   After all, he possesses a ninth-rank sword intent, fearless and fearless, and there are probably not many people in the entire Five Domains who can shock him with their aura alone!

  The legacy of the Great Sage is far from enough!

   Li Hanguang's steps are very smooth from beginning to end, and he has the style of a great master.

   could see Ye Chengying and Chu Xiaolian, their eyes were full of admiration.

   Soon, the three of them all came to the top of Hulu Mountain and found a two-person cave.

   "Big brother, do you want to go in?"

   Ye Chengying looked at Li Hanguang with a little nervousness in his eyes.

   Although I have read about Hulu Mountain in the classics of the sect, it is the first time to really climb Hulu Mountain.

   It’s the first time, it’s normal to be nervous!

   Especially when looking at the dark hole, no one can guarantee that there will be any danger inside.

   If you really go in, you may kill someone if you are not careful!

   In front of the senior, Ye Chengying was very weak.

   Chu Xiaolian looked at the second senior sister of Xiao Niao Yiren, her cognition was shocked.

  Is this still the second sister Bingshan Meiren who is very cold and indifferent, who doesn't even bother to say a word of nonsense?

   In front of the big brother, it is too soft!

   Seeing Ye Chengying's frail appearance at this time, it was true that Chu Xiao had already practiced the Sword of Forgetfulness, and felt a little bit swayed by it.

   No way, no way!

  Chu's mood training is still not at home!

   There is no woman in his heart, so he is a **** of nature!

   Big Brother is right, Haoran sword intent is the guardian sword intent.

   The sword in Chu's hand is definitely not to protect the troubled woman, but to protect the common people, and protect the great brother's ideal world of Great Harmony!

  Women or something, it's all trouble! ! !

   Cut off the distracting thoughts, Chu Xiaolian felt that her sword intent was more clear, and the sword of Wangqing seemed to have improved a little more.

   It feels good to become stronger!


   "You can follow me behind."

   Li Hanguang was not afraid of anything, and walked directly into the cave first.

   This cave is very dark, very wet, and a bit hot.

   But the three of them are practitioners, and they didn't feel much discomfort.

Following the passage all the way down, winding and twisting for about several thousand feet, suddenly opened up ~ A secret room with a radius of tens of meters appeared in front of the three people. In the center of the secret room was a five-colored pond, which exudes. With a strong aura.

   In addition, the furnishings are very simple. There is only a stone futon, which seems to have no rhyme, as if it were made of the most common stone.

   Li Hanguang looked at it, put it away and put it in the storage ring.

   In addition, there is a huge mural painted on the central wall of this secret room.

The pattern of the    mural is also very simple. It is a gourd, with white, blue, black, red, and yellow light all over the body.

   Those divine lights took on the appearance of sword aura and escaped.

  Ming Ming is a mural that was left at least ten thousand years ago, but when you look at it, it seems to be pointed at by thousands of magic swords, the hair is terrifying!

   This mural, the morality is still there!

   Ye Chengying stared at the mural with bright eyes: "Brother, this mural seems to contain the profound meaning of the Aoba Sword Sutra!"

   Li Hanguang nodded: "This is natural."

   "According to the secret scrolls of this door, the Jinfeng Jianjing, Qingye Jianjing, Changhe Jianjing, Huowu Jianjing, and Zhenyue Jianjing all came from Hulu Mountain."

   "If I'm not mistaken, the ultimate meaning of these five sword scriptures should all be contained in this mural."


   Watching this gourd sword qi mural, Li Hanguang's eyes burned, and the five elements of qi in his body and the awe-inspiring sword intent both resonated.

   In front of my eyes, lines of fonts slowly emerged.

  【Gourd Sword Mural: An inheritance mural formed by the Great Sage Gourd Sword.

   Have the spiritual roots of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth at the same time, and understand the sword meaning of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

   can comprehend the inheritance of the Five Elements Immortal Gourd——"The Great Five Elements Divine Sword Emperor Jing"]

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