Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 93: This little fox, really jumped into the arms of brother?

"Xiandi's self-cultivation (

Wanhua City.

The headquarters of Wanli Chamber of Commerce is located.

In other words, this city is the headquarters of the Wanli Chamber of Commerce.

Somewhere the busiest street, I don't know when it was vacated a large area.

The guards in the city made a circle here.

More armed armored men are standing by.

No one should be near.

There are crowds all around, and countless people's eyes are constantly bright and full of expectation.

Some outsiders don't know what happened: "What are you doing? Capture the bandits?"

"Don't you know? Young Master Hanguang is coming back!"

"Young Master Hanguang? Is that Li Hanguang, who is known as the number one arrogant of Tai Cang Mansion?"


"I heard that Young Master Hanguang is quite extraordinary, but why did it cause such a big disturbance?"

"The Baihong Fairy of the Wanli Chamber of Commerce is the birth mother of the son of Hanguang!"

"These people are all welcoming Young Master Hanguang!"

"Welcome? It doesn't look like it! How do I look at it, there are armored soldiers?"

"This, you will know later!"


At this time, there was a crimson rainbow across the horizon.

A carriage came from the sky.

The horse pulling the cart is three feet tall, braving the flames all over, covered with red-gold scales, and its head is as mighty as a real dragon.

It looks very noble.


The dragon and horse neighed, and the coercion filled it like a tide.

The onlookers were frightened, and the weaker-minded were stunned to lie on the ground.

The noisy city suddenly fell silent.

Countless people are paying attention.


On the tallest building in the city, several elders abruptly stood up and looked in that direction with horror.

"This...this is the ancient mythical beast, the fiery red dragon horse!"

"Isn't his blood already severed?"

"Young Master Hanguang has such a big handwork that he can actually allow such a beast to pull a cart for himself!"


The carriage stopped in the middle of the clearing.

The surroundings became quieter and quieter.

The wind blows and the curtain moves.

Li Hanguang stepped out slowly, his white clothes were like snow, and his jade-faced star pupils, like a living banished!

The surroundings became more and more silent.

The next moment, the cry sounded like thunder.

"Young Master Hanguang!"

"Ah-Young Master Hanguang is so handsome, I'm dead!"

"Mr Hanguang, I love you!"

"Wow-Young Master Hanguang smiled at me, do you see it?"

Countless women screamed and flushed.

While shouting, he squeezed in desperately, trying to get closer to the figure that would only appear in the dream.

These delicate women.

It seemed to be a scourge at this moment, with scarlet eyes.

The first wave of shock smashed the soldiers in Wanhua City into an impasse.

Ye Chengying followed and got out of the carriage.

She frowned slightly: "A bunch of rouge and vulgar fans also want to get close to the brother?"

If it weren't for the city, she would really like to poison the crowd directly!

Zhizhi their cheeks of toads wanting to eat swan meat.

Li Hanguang couldn't help sighing as he looked at the chaos around him.

Blame me!

Too handsome, blame me, blame me~


There are four chambers of commerce in Tai Cang Mansion.

Thousands of miles, glory, favor, take off.

Every ten years, the four major chambers of commerce will jointly hold a super conference called "Wanbao Daqing"!

At this conference, every chamber of commerce will take out the treasures at the bottom of the box for auction.

It can be called the grand event of the entire Tai Cang Mansion.

The four major chambers of commerce take turns in charge of the hosting rights of "Wanbao Daqing".

This year, it happened to be the turn of the Wanli Chamber of Commerce.

This is what Li Hanguang left Aojian Immortal Gate for.


In the case of several soldiers desperately opening the way, Li Hanguang and his party finally rushed out of the encirclement.

Without too much delay, they went straight to the Wanli Auction.

There are already crowds of people here.

Li Hanguang and others entered through a secret entrance.

Ye Chengying suddenly said, "Miss Mingyue!"

Li Hanguang followed his gaze.

Sure enough, not far away, there was a figure as holy as snow lotus.

Ji Mingyue is still dressed in snow-white neon clothes.

The eyebrows are picturesque, and the cold is like plum blossoms in the cold wind.

In this extremely noisy environment, it seems out of place.

In her arms, holding a white silver fox.

It adds a bit of fairy-like temperament to her.

People passing by kept looking at her, but they were blocked by the temperament that refused to be thousands of miles away, and did not dare to approach her.

Li Hanguang was stunned, then smiled slightly.

Almost forgot.

Ji Mingyue is the owner of Wanyuelou, and Wanyuelou is the property of Wanli Chamber of Commerce.

It couldn't be more normal for her to appear here.


Li Hanguang looked at her.

"Big brother!"

When Ji Mingyue saw Li Hanguang, her cold expression disappeared.

Like snow and ice melting, spring blossoms.

The light from the eyebrows seemed to hide a whole starry sky.

She ran quickly, her face flushed, and her eyes were full of smiles: "You are here!"

Li Hanguang said: "Why are you standing outside?"

Ji Mingyue pursed her lips: "I heard that the senior brother arrived in Wanhua City, and guessed that he would be here, so I planned to wait and see! Sure enough!"

She didn't say that she had been waiting here all day.

Li Hanguang was stunned.


At this time, a strange cry came from Ji Mingyue's arms.

Everyone looked down.

The silver fox with white fur was staring at Li Hanguang without blinking.

In front of Li Hanguang, a line of words slowly emerged.

[Void Silver Fox: The mutant bloodline of the Tushan Fox family, possessing the ability to master the void, is the bloodline of the top beast...

Belief: 88! 】

Li Hanguang:? ? ?

what happened?

It was the first time he saw this little fox. Where did he get 88 points of faith?

Ji Mingyue remembered something and hurriedly picked up the little fox: "Big brother, this is a gift Mingyue prepared for you!"

Li Hanguang said: "Give it to me?"

Ji Mingyue nodded: "Although it is not as good as the BMW given by Chengying's sister, it is very smart and well-behaved. I hope my brother likes it!


Hearing Ji Mingyue's words, the little fox called twice aggrievedly.

This sister is too stupid, she said me like that, how could her brother-in-law still like me?

Li Hanguang shook his head and said: "This is the silver fox in the void, with the ability to control the void, how can it be as unbearable as you said?"

"Since it has followed you, it is your good fortune. Keep it away!"

Void Silver Fox?

Ye Chengying and Ji Mingyue were slightly startled, they didn't expect this little fox to have such a big background.


The words are not finished.

The little silver fox suddenly screamed, rushed out of Ji Mingyue's arms and rushed into Li Hanguang's arms.

Two small claws hugged Li Hanguang's arm tightly, and his small eyes stared at him grievously.

My sister was right, and my brother-in-law is indeed not an ordinary person!

At a glance, I saw my origin!

It also remembered that for the past half month, Ji Mingyue had been brainwashing in her ears every Following her brother-in-law, it is possible to create miracles!

Only with my brother-in-law can I be able to control my own destiny!

Brother-in-law is omnipotent!

Believe in your brother-in-law and live forever!

Brother-in-law, God forever! ! !


The two women looked at each other with a weird expression.

Know that the big brother is so charming.

But it shouldn't be so scary, right?

All humans and beasts?

Ji Mingyue said: "Brother, you know me."

"The talent is average, the way forward is limited."

"Since it is so unusual, is it a waste to follow me?"

"Only by following the brother, it has a chance to become stronger, please don't refuse, brother!"

Hearing this, Li Hanguang thought slightly.

The little silver fox "whoop" a few times again, even more aggrieved and distressed.

Li Hanguang said helplessly: "If this is the case, then all right!"

Ji Mingyue smiled suddenly.

The whole room seemed to brighten up.

Ye Chengying bit her red lips lightly and looked at Ji Mingyue with solemn eyes.

Damn it!

Is a strong opponent.

Actually know how to use cute pet offensive?

This little girl is not a good person!


Wanbao Daqing is the prosperous age of Tai Cang Mansion, and Aojian Immortal Gate naturally has representatives.

Li Hanguang and others arrived at a box, before opening the door, they heard Chu Xiaolian and others talking and laughing.

Push the door open.

Everyone looked over immediately.

"Big Brother is here!"

Everyone showed ecstasy and stood up one after another.


Chu Xiaolian's face was full of excitement and joy.

However, when he saw the silver fox in Li Hanguang's arms, his smile gradually solidified.

Damn it! ! !

The teacher was right!

Did this little fox really slip into the arms of Senior Brother?

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