Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 114: ? Huang Bo, you don't talk about martial arts!

"Xiandi's self-cultivation (

The five little demon kings stood side by side on Hanhai Peak.

There were more and more disciples of Aojian Immortal Clan.

Even elders gradually joined.

But Bai Lin and others felt very strange.

No one came out to stop them.

Let alone stop it.

He didn't even say a few words of indignation while hiding in the crowd, or giving Aojian Immortal Clan Chang's ambition.


"It is said that Li Hanguang has a high reputation in the Aojian Fairy Gate, and is still above the Sword Saint of the Sea!"

"Why don't you feel it at all?"

With such doubts.

They climbed higher and higher, getting closer and closer to Li Hanguang's courtyard.


After stepping through a certain corner, the vision suddenly opens up.

A small courtyard with simple furnishings appeared in the vision of the Five Little Demon Kings.

Of course, the first thing that caught your eye was the kneeling figure at the courtyard gate.

"Huang Bo!"

Bai Lin's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, raging.

Hearing the sound, Huang Bo shook slightly and turned his head.

"Is it you?"

Bai Lin gritted her teeth and said: "You actually kneel here!"

Huang Bo turned his head and did not respond.

Bai Lin frowned, her voice gradually sharpening: "Do you know how much shame you have made me Southern Xinjiang Demon Race?"

Young Master Yinyue also said: "Not bad!"

"What you represent now is not only your golden lion clan, but the face of my monster clan!"

Young Master Peacock said: "It's really shameful!"

Huang Bo listened to the sound of the crusade in his ear, his expression unchanged.

Wait quietly for them to finish, and then said lightly: "The voice is quieter!"

"The son is repairing, don't disturb him!"

Bai Lin was speechless for a while.

Silver Moon and the others looked at each other and couldn't help frowning.

If Huang Bo competes with them.

They have reason, and they can overwhelm Huang Bo.

After all, they occupy the "great righteousness" of the Yaozu!

However, Huang Bo now has this attitude.

But let their words offensive, as if hitting cotton.

Extremely uncomfortable!

Young Master Yinyue hummed: "Sister, leave him alone! The top priority is to defeat Li Hanguang and rectify the name of the monster race!"

Bai Lin nodded.

Then he skipped Huang Bo and his eyes fell in the small courtyard.

She took a few steps forward, hands on hips, and said loudly:

"Southern Xinjiang White Tiger Protoss, Princess Bai Lin, challenge Li Hanguang, the fairy gate of Aojian!"

"Can you dare to fight?"

She didn't use much force, but the sound waves continued to linger above the small courtyard like thunder.

Even people who hear this voice from afar.

I also feel that the blood is accelerating, and my heart feels uncomfortable, and I almost want to vomit blood.

On a lonely mountain.

The five inner elders of Aojian Immortal Gate all gather here.

Elder Jin Feng hissed softly: "This little girl of the White Tiger clan, what a profound cultivation base!"

Elder Aoba sighed: "It is certainly not easy to be selected by the monster race to compete with my human race!"

"Even in southern Xinjiang, the Baihu clan is the top strong clan!"

Elder Zhenyue looked solemnly: "It's not just her, but the other four Yaozu Tianjiao are also extraordinary."

"Although he is young, even the old man is shocked by the breath of his body!"

Li Zhanlu was sitting on a bluestone, holding an ancient book in his hand.

Suddenly laughed, flipping through the book and saying: "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves forward!"

"The demonic clan is better than my clan in the early stage of cultivation, not to mention their talented bloodline is so powerful!"

"It's normal!"

Zhu Yan Jianzun glanced at him: "Are you still smiling? They challenged your son!"

Li Zhanlu's face was flat: "They can't win anyway!"

Jianzun Zhu Yan looked weird: "The kid Hanguang is walking on the road of Huafan. It is said that he can only use the cultivation base of the foundation construction period. Are you so assured?"

Hear this.

All the elders looked over.

They also want to know the answer.

To be honest, even they themselves are a bit embarrassed.

Why did their Aojian Immortal Sect have such a peerless evildoer?

What innate Taoism!

What a trick to surrender the Golden Lion King!

None of them know!

How on earth is it spread so vigorously?

Li Zhanlu narrowed his eyes, looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, and exhaled slowly.

It seems to be recalling that year.

When everyone saw his appearance, they thought they were going to tell some secrets, and they listened with their breath.

"After a while, you will know!"

Zhu Yan Jianzun:? ? ?

Elder Aoba:. . .

Elder Jin Feng:! ! !

Li Zhanlu didn't look at their expressions.


Anyway, if Senior Yan is here, will Guang'er have an accident?


It's just that... Li is also very curious about what method Yan will use!


In front of the small yard.

Bai Lin's voice has not dissipated yet.

Behind him, Yinyue Gongzi and others stood up one by one.

"Southern Xinjiang, the eldest son of the Silvermoon Wolf clan, challenge Li Hanguang, the Immortal Sect of Aojian!"

"Can you dare to fight?"

"Southern Xinjiang, the young patriarch of the Prison Demon Spider Clan, challenge Li Hanguang, the Immortal Sect of Aojian!"

"Dare to fight!"

"Southern Xinjiang, the young patriarch of the Peacock Protoss, challenge Li Hanguang, the fairy gate of Aojian!"

"Dare to fight!"

The voices of everyone, wave after wave.

The terrifying intent to fight and kill, flooded out of them like a tide.

At this moment, the sky seemed to be darkened.

"Southern Xinjiang, the young patriarch of the Earth God Bear Clan...hiccup~"

It was quiet all around.

The serious atmosphere instantly melted away.

Countless eyes fell on Xiong Mengmeng at the same time.

Xiong Mengmeng's small eyeballs rolled and looked around carefully.

In the end, Bai Lin's eyes were full of killing intent.

He was embarrassed and said: "Eat... I'm eating up!"

Bai Lin took a few deep breaths.

It's very long.

Like turbulent waves!

She wants to kill the bear now!

She managed to make up this simple and dragged bridge.

Unexpectedly, it would end up on this stupid bear.

Upon seeing this, Huang Bo's frowning brows eased slightly.

"Let's stop here!"

"If the trouble goes on, the son will be really angry!"

Bai Lin looked at him: "Enraged? You let him come out!"

"This princess is here to challenge him today!"

"If he can't escape the battle, this princess will lift his yard!"

Upon hearing this, Huang Bo sighed and said, "If this is the case, don't blame me for meeting you all!"

Hear this.

The surroundings were suddenly quiet.

Young Master Yinyue was unbelievable: "Are you actually going to do something with us for a human race?"

Huang Bo calmly said: "The son is kind to me and recreates. If you let you wait here to be presumptuous and disturb the son's cleansing, Huang has a conscience in this life!"


He slowly got up, his eyes gradually cold: "If the son is angered at me because of you, no longer give pointers..."

"I can't forgive you!"

Lord Yinyue smiled angrily: "I really don't know what curse you have cast by him!"

"Well, you don't have to ask for trouble, this son will do you well!"

His figure flashed.

In the next moment, he swept several feet away out of thin air.

With a wave of the folding fan in his hand, the silver light slid across, and it suddenly turned into a slender silver knife, with a sharp blade.

He holds the knife in one hand.

With silver hair and no wind, automatically.

Yinyue on the eyebrows shone with a faint brilliance, and his face was full of indifference.

"It's too much for others to say that this son is bullying the younger!"

"My son let you three... eh!"


Before he could finish his words, Huang Bo approached him, and Jieyin slapped him on the chest with one hand.


The lion roars like thunder.

Prince Yinyue's pupils shrank: "Your sister! You don't speak martial ethics!"

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