Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 128: ?Fall in love with 1 person, we are all right

"Xiandi's self-cultivation (

If you talk about the time before.

Li Hanguang said that Bai Lin was not worthy of him. Although Bai Lin did not refute, he was always dissatisfied.

She always felt that with her blood, her talent.

Sooner or later, you can stand in a very high place!

Li Hanguang is indeed excellent.

But Bai Lin, she is by no means a waiter, she will not embarrass him.

But now...

Li Hanguang just cooked one dish, and he could get such a degree of sublimation.

If she wants to cultivate on her own and wants to get these gains, it will take a year or a half!

Bai Lin's inner confidence gradually collapsed.

Peacock son and Xiong Mengmeng did not notice her emotional changes.

She only heard that it was true, and apart from anything else, they each took a piece of crane wings and put them in their mouths.

Immediately there was a buzz in my mind.

They also experienced that incredible experience.

Take it to the next level in your mood.

All the demons showed ecstasy one after another, and the gazes looking at Li Hanguang looked a little more in awe.

The human youth in front of him.

Not only is he talented, he is far superior to them.

There are also all kinds of incredible methods, so that they can't see through.

It's so mysterious!

They have no qualifications at all.

Still thinking of challenging him?


It's ridiculous!

Young Master Yinyue stood up straight and bowed to Li Hanguang and said, "Prince Li, I had no eyes and no eyes, I offended you!"

"Not only did you not blame, you kept me waiting and gave us such good luck!"

"It really makes me ashamed!"

"Please wait for me!"

Upon hearing this, Master Peacock and Xiong Mengmeng looked at each other and thanked each other.

Upon seeing this, Bai Lin gritted her teeth slightly and wanted to salute.

Li Hanguang smiled calmly and said: "It doesn't have to be this way. It is fate that I wait to meet tonight. The past is not worth mentioning!"

Listen to this.

The demons felt more ashamed in their hearts.

Look at Li Gongzi!

What kind of mindfulness?



After an episode.

The atmosphere on the table became more and more harmonious.

The food cooked by Li Hanguang is really delicious.

The demons couldn't hold back.

Started to gobble up.

Upon seeing this, Chu Xiaolian and others raised their brows.

How can we let you eat all the food that the big brother cooks for us?

So he joined the robbing army vigorously.

"Smelly bear, I gave you barbecue for you, you actually avenged your grievance and grabbed food from me..."

"Sorry, I can't help it anymore, it's so delicious!"

"Kong Ming, put down that piece of meat. It's chicken. Do you want to harm your clan?"

"Fuck you, you are the chicken, and your whole family are chickens!"

"Yinyue, give me that piece of dog meat, I will give you ten catties of blood!"

"Don't listen to him, I'll give you 15 catties!"

"Go away, labor and management have to eat for themselves!"


The night is still.

Xiaoyue was half-remaining, and there was some starlight in the night sky.

As expected by Li Hanguang.

Those dishes are not enough for so many people.

He doesn't care.

Originally cooking a few dishes was pure enjoyment for him.

Taste the taste and satisfy your appetite.

If you really want to be full.

With the physique of these cultivators, pulling another mountain can not fill a person's stomach.

It hurts the rest of the people.

Especially the two foodies Yue Tai'a and Xiong Mengmeng.

They looked at the bare plates and sat on the ground in despair, their faces depressed.

He kept mumbling words that no one could understand.

A look of poisoning!

I don’t know, I thought they were robbed of their virginity!


There is a bamboo chair in the backyard.

Li Hanguang lay on the bamboo chair, looking at the night sky.

The mountain breeze shook the tips of his hair.

Very comfortable.

His fingers beat rhythmically on the armrest.

Seems to be waiting for something.

The sound of footsteps suddenly appeared.

Li Hanguang closed his eyes, and the bamboo chair began to shake, making a crunching noise.

Yinyue stood in the darkness, his eyes full of hesitation and entanglement.

In the end, do you want to ask Li Gongzi?

He seems to be resting.

Isn't it nice to bother you?


If you don’t grasp it tonight, it will be difficult to have such an opportunity in the future!

In Yinyue's mind, heaven and man were fighting.

Tangled on his face.

His purpose of coming to Hanhaifeng today was to ask Li Hanguang for advice.

He even thought about it. If Li Hanguang didn't agree, he would follow Huang Bo and kneel here for ten and a half days.

Even if it bores Li Hanguang.

But as long as you can make yourself stronger, everything is okay.

have to say.

Huang Bo's soaring strength really stimulated him deeply!

But after a dinner.

He began to hesitate again.

He felt that he knew a lot about Li Hanguang.

such as.

He believes that Li Hanguang is what a true arrogant arrogant should be.

There is no need to say more about talents.

The key lies in that distinctive arrogance.

His arrogance is different from all the arrogances Yinyue knows.

People who get along with him usually think that this is a gentleman with a very gentle temperament.

Even a word to him is the ultimate enjoyment.

He seems to be so humble and polite to anyone.

He never compares with others!

But if other people want to compare with him, they will know what it means to hit a rock with a pebble, and they will not be able to do anything!

He is a man who feels embarrassed in front of him.

No one can give birth to any hatred or resentment!


No wonder, his juniors and sisters are all heroes.

But no one treats him respectfully.

Presumably, this is not Li Hanguang's original intention, right?

Just like now.

He just lay quietly on the bamboo chair and did nothing.

When Yinyue wanted to see him, she still inevitably felt nervous.

"If I stay by his side for a long time, I'm afraid it will become like this too!"

Yinyue sighed in her heart.

The gaze looking at that figure became more and more complicated.

"As for the truth, we still have to be sincere and respectful!"

"Don't learn from that shameless Huang Bo, blocking Li Gongzi's courtyard!"

Yinyue took a deep breath, walked forward cautiously, stopped at a distance, and said, "Yinyue pays respects to Young Master Li!"


"Junior Brother Chu, Junior Brother Jiang, shall we take a gamble?"

"What are you betting on?"

"Bet on whether the two of them will fight!"

In the grass, three figures squatted in it.

Feng Nanming's eyes lighted up and said: "I bet on a thousand spirit stones, and they will be able to do it in a quarter of an hour!"

Chu Xiaolian frowned and said, "Isn't it, the big brother is still inside, they will fight?"

Jiang Shengxie smiled: "You don't understand this, Junior Brother Chu!"

"Women are more jealous than men!"

"And regardless of the making trouble unreasonably, that's a madness!"

"But there is a big brother, they will restrain themselves a little bit, I bet two thousand, a quarter of an hour!"


On a piece of bluestone.

Ye Chengying and Bai Lin sat side by side.

The two have not said a word until now.

Bai Lin's mood is still very low.

Ye Chengying looked at her figure.

As if seeing who I was once, I couldn't help but feel pity for the same illness.

She suddenly said: "We are not wrong if we fall in love with someone!"

Bai Lin raised her head and looked at her puzzledly.

I don't know why Ye Chengying mentioned this suddenly.

"It's just that I took a different path!"

Bai Lin asked: "What do you mean?"

Ye Chengying continued: "The stage of the big brother is not limited to this world!"

"For you and me, sanctification is a great thing!"

"But for the big brother, the immortal world is the beginning!"

"We... are all passers-by on his endless journey!"

Bai Lin was silent for a long time when she heard the words, suddenly raised her head and asked, "Are you willing?"

Ye Chengying chuckled, "Of course not!"

She looked at the night sky above her head, her beautiful eyes were full of light: "I don't know what other people's goals are for monasticism!"

"My goal is big brother!"

"I just want to be by his side, for this, no matter what the price is paid!"

Bai Lin said: "You should know that this road will be very bitter!"

"Five realms and eight wilds, there are no women who are better than you and me. How can you beat them?"


Ye Chengying's mouth raised slightly: "Two ways!"

"First, kill all the women who are better than me!"

"Second, keep practicing and become the best woman in the world!"

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