Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 131: Actually it doesn’t need to be inserted so deep

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"My son, you... are you kidding me?"

Yinyue's voice began to tremble.

He stared at Li Hanguang's expression, his eyes were full of complexity.

——Unbelievable, but a bit of anticipation!

Silver moon, blood moon.

A word difference, but a huge difference.

On the power of attack, the blood moon is stronger than the silver moon!

In the battle that year, the blood moon demon wolf used the power of a demon to force the top powerhouses of all races to join forces.

In the end it won.

If it weren’t for those ancestor-level powerhouses who had been forcibly suppressed at the cost of their own lives, I’m afraid what is the current situation in southern Xinjiang...


However, there are gains and losses!

Once the magic in the bloodline penetrates into the depths of the soul.

It will become a monster that only knows how to kill, and gradually lose its sanity, and it will eventually be over!

That's a terrible thing.

If you change to normal.

Even if Young Master Yinyue had an obsession with becoming stronger, he would definitely not taint it.

But now, Li Hanguang told him.

Is there a way for him to awaken the blood of the Blood Moon Demon Wolf without being attacked by the demon?

It sounds so dreamy and unreal!


Li Hanguang did not speak.

Yinyue read the answer from his eyes.

——He disdains to lie to Yinyue!

The Silver Moon lowered his head, his fists clenched, and the silver moon between his brows was disillusioned.

He was caught in a battle between heaven and man.

Blood is very important to the monster race.

Almost determined the end of a demon clan's life.

If the monster wants to change its bloodline, it is more than ten times more difficult than the human race to upgrade its aptitude!

Generally speaking, the starting point and ending point of a demon clan are destined from the moment he is born!

The starting point of the silver moon is not low.

But if what Li Hanguang said is true.

His end...will far exceed everyone's expectations.

on the contrary.

He will be overwhelmed and will no longer be fortunate enough.

He was silent, the thoughts in his mind were chaotic like never before.

The eyes are full of entanglement.

Li Hanguang did not urge him.

The bamboo chair shook again and creaked, but the surroundings became quieter.


I do not know how long it has been.

It's as long as countless years.

The Silver Moon finally raised his head.

Young Master Yinyue stared at Li Hanguang scorchingly.

"If the son can really do it, no matter what the son wants, as long as he can get it."

"Even if there is a sea of ​​swords and a sea of ​​fire, and the world of hell, I will definitely offer it with both hands!"

Li Hanguang said slowly: "Did you think clearly?"

Lord Yinyue took a deep breath and nodded his head firmly, "Hmm!"

Damn it!

A dagger fell in front of Young Master Yinyue.

The Silver Moon was puzzled.

Li Hanguang said: "The silver moon is stained with blood! The blood moon regenerates by itself!"

"If you want to awaken the blood of the blood moon demon wolf, you must first break the blood of the silver moon!"

Silver Moon son:? ? ?

What do you mean, want me to pierce myself?

"My son, are you kidding me?"

The Silver Moon frowned.

The silver moon on the center of the eyebrows is not only a symbol of the purest blood of the silver moon wolf clan.

It is also a key to stimulate the power of blood in his body.

Reverse scales like a dragon!

Very important!

Once damaged, his vitality will be severely injured, and his blood will be reduced to waste.

Even if the remedy is not timely, there is a high possibility that he will be killed on the spot!

Faced with the doubts of Silver Moon.

Li Hanguang closed his eyes again.

The meaning is already obvious.

How to decide, it's up to you!

When Silver Moon saw this, the color of struggle flashed in his eyes.

This... is not a trivial matter!

But, thinking of the Haikou that he had boasted in front of Li Gongzi before, this would be an acknowledgment...

Doesn't it have to be underestimated by Li Gongzi?

That won't work!

Hemp egg!

Begged by chance, fight it!

He gritted his teeth, squeezed the dagger, closed his eyes, and jerked his brows.


A touch of moon-like ripples surged out of the silver moon.

Want to block the dagger.

The silver moon in the center of the eyebrows is the deadliest point of the silver moon wolf clan.

Almost every member of the Silver Moon Wolf Clan has worked hard to protect the Silver Moon.

Even a person with a pure bloodline has a sense of protection in the bloodline itself.

In times of crisis, resistance will develop.

Hardly controlled by subjective consciousness.

Young Master Yinyue furrowed his brows tightly, his energy was highly concentrated, and his eyes suddenly burst into light: "Disperse!"


Yuehua dispersed.

The dagger was not in the center of the eyebrows, and the red blood spewed out.


At this moment, Lord Yinyue set off a devastating storm in his mind.

His face paled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The whole body's breath was utterly wilted.

A burst of blood spurted out.

Even the hand holding the dagger began to tremble, as if it would fall to the ground at any time!

He was still staring, bloodshot in his eyes, and his eyeballs protruding, which was terrifying.

Ge Lao Tzu's!

Today must not let the son look down upon it!


He roared, and the dagger sent a few points to his forehead again.


Leave only one handle outside.

It looks terrifying!

The blood spewed like spring water, dyeing his white clothes bright red.

"My son, it all right..."

A feeble voice sounded.

But his eyes were brighter than ever.

He felt that he was like a legendary hero now!

What are the head hanging beams and conical thorn strands?

In order to ask for the truth, he almost cut his forehead!

How many people can compare with this kind of heart?

Perhaps Li Gongzi is testing himself.

Maybe you plan to accept yourself as a disciple?


Li Hanguang slowly opened his eyes, saw the scene in front of him, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.


"Actually, you don't need to insert it so deeply!"

"Break some skin and dye Silver Moon red!"

Silver Moon's expression suddenly solidified.

Immediately there was an unprecedented expression of resentment in his eyes.

Either you just don’t say...

If you want to say it, say it earlier!

I'm all done, do you want to make up another knife?

Perceive Yinyue's emotional change.

Li Hanguang couldn't laugh or cry.

He was only thinking about it, pretending to be deep, and when he was too straightforward, he fell behind.

How did you know that this wolf boy is so upright?

No matter, stop the bleeding quickly.

Looks disgusting!

Li Hanguang took out a few elixir and quickly crushed them.

Pass it to the silver moon son, let him take it.

Young Master Yinyue glanced at these elixir with weak eyes, and the brows brows more fiercely.

There are strange flowers, weeds and poisonous insects everywhere in the southern border.

Although he didn't understand the medicine of medicine, he also recognized many common elixir.

These elixir...

Part of it is an ordinary elixir of nourishing blood and nourishing qi.

Almost all of them are low-grade, not even medium-grade, and the medicinal properties are mixed, and I have never seen anyone use them together.

The other part... is the poisonous weed and poisonous fruit that is well known in southern Xinjiang.

Once eaten, there is a high chance that the blood will riot, go crazy, and even become a beast that only knows to kill!

Son, are you sure these things can be eaten together?

And can also help me awaken, the blood of the Blood Moon Demon Wolf?

Young Master Yinyue had palpitations, but the weakness of his body spread to his brain, and he had no time to hesitate too much.

This is the end of the matter, where is there a way back?

You can only choose, believe Li Gongzi!

The thought flashed, he gritted his teeth and swallowed all these elixir.

It was almost the instant Silveryue Master swallowed these elixir.

Strong blood bursts from Yinyue's eyebrows.

Silver Moon's eyes turned blood red in an instant.

The majestic and tyrannical power kept surging around him, like a storm that ruined the world, gradually out of control.


He looked up to the sky and screamed.

The blood became more intense.

A scarlet demon wolf phantom that covered the sky and the sun appeared behind him, also screaming up to the sky.

In an instant the world changed color, the wind and clouds changed sharply, the starry sky was dim, and a **** moon was in the sky.

The **** moon shines down.

The aura in the silver moon's body became more and more terrifying.

He tore his shirt and knelt on the ground, with a sullen expression, and screamed upwards.

Destroying power swept all around frantically.

Li Hanguang's complexion was calm, his fingers lightly in the void.


Waves of ripples appeared around the silver moon.

Those powers were immediately swallowed by the void, silently.

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