Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 178: I'm lying flat, don't resist!

   Li Hanguang has absorbed a full twenty law source crystals.

   A **** pattern appeared on the chaotic golden core again.

   This is already the twelfth way.

  In other words, Li Hanguang’s current realm is...

   Golden Core Twelve Turns!

   At this point, he finally felt saturated.

   But the distance is twelve rounds to complete, and the broken pill becomes a baby, and more accumulation is needed!

   He rushed to the next place where the law source crystal was stored, hoping to continue harvesting before it burned out.

at the same time.

   Li Hanguang first discovered the place where the law originated.

   A **** and demon appeared in a hurry.

   It found that the killing array was intact, and there was no breath of other creatures around it.

   was about to breathe a sigh of relief.

   But when it cast its gaze into the formation, it was suddenly stunned!

   "Yuan...Where is Yuanjing?"

   It swallowed a mouthful of water, and then hurried to the next place where the law source crystals were placed.


   The next one is still empty!

   One more next...

   is all empty.

   And it's the same situation.

   The formation is still there!

   There was no breath of other creatures left around.

   But by the way... the law source crystal is gone!

   "It's over..." He was so desperate, he fell to the ground, his eyes gloomy.


   A figure suddenly appeared beside it, with a panic face, it was the second brother.

  His expression is even more embarrassed than the youngest: "Something has happened! The law source crystals that I placed are gone!"

   The third child suddenly raised his head: "Yours is gone?"

   The second brother was stunned: "Yes? Could it be that yours..."

   The old three nodded repeatedly.

   "Who did it?"

   The two were very annoyed, and then stood up without a word: "Father God successfully activated the formation, which shows that the law source crystal has not been stolen!"

   "In other words, everything is okay with Big Brother!"

   "The human monk can't refine the law source crystals at all, those source crystals must still be hidden in him!"

   "As long as you find him and regain the law source crystal, you can make up for it!"

   "Go! Go to Big Brother!"



   The deeper you go, the more mysterious the flames in the sky change.

   The law of fire here is so rich that it is unimaginable.

  If anyone can bear the horrible flames here, they will definitely treat this place as a rare spiritual blessing!

   There is of course a reason for such a change.

   Li Hanguang saw those pillars of fire rising from the sky.

   felt a familiar breath from it!

   He knew that those movements were caused by the burning of the law source crystals.

   The changes between heaven and earth are also born from this.

   can't help but feel disappointed.

   He has rushed to another law source crystal at the fastest speed.

   But it was still late.

   This source crystal is about to burn out.

   Li Hanguang opened his mouth without hesitation, and sucked slightly.

   This source crystal dissipated completely.

   The pillar of fire between heaven and earth is missing a bit.

   Then the other pillars of fire gradually dissipated.

  I want to be that the law source crystals in those places have been burned out.

   The sky in the extreme distance suddenly gave birth to a huge movement, like a crack in the sky.

   Then the earth trembled violently.

  The terrifying earth fire spewed out from countless cracks, and merged with the fire in the sky and the earth, turning into a terrible magic flame.

   is like a grand ceremony of extinction.

   Li Hanguang raised his head and saw a blazing flame spreading across the sky like a dust storm.

   That is someone fighting.

   can burst out such a aftermath, both sides must be extremely powerful existences.

   Li Hanguang quickly thought of their identities.

   "It seems that I am close to the core area without knowing it!"

  Go have a look?

   Li Hanguang hesitated slightly.

   There will be a group of great saint-level battlefields ahead.

   With his current cultivation base, it seems a bit difficult to get involved.

   But it would be a pity if I left like this.

   The result of the battle between the powers of the human race and the law gods and demons can be said to be the most critical factor in determining this war between the gods and demons.

   But as far as he knows.

   At present, the powerhouses of the great sacred places of the Eastern Wilderness have not gained much advantage.

   Even those gods and demons are temporarily trapped in a corner by them.

  The law of the gods and demons can still split their minds and constantly create new low-level gods and demons to launch harassment and attacks on the outside world.


   The situation will get harder and harder.

   If he can reach that battlefield and see Xiaoyan God and Demon with his own eyes, he can use the power of omniscience and insight to find the opponent's fatal weakness.

   Maybe, it can be done once and for all!

   Li Hanguang has an idea in his mind, but he still needs to do some preparatory measures.

   He condensed his spiritual power into his eyes and looked in the direction of the wave.

  【One hundred thousand miles ahead, the powerful sacred places are fighting against the Xiaoyan God and Demon...

   Low risk factor! Feel free to go! 】


   No problem now!


   Xiaoyan God and Demon lay on the ground.

   Countless spiderweb-like cracks centered on him, spreading towards the surroundings, and there was no end in sight.

   His chest was broken and mutilated, his armor shattered, and his wounds were terrifying.

   But no blood came out.

   The flames in the eyes are bright and dark.

   The fire between heaven and earth kept digging into his wound, trying to repair his body.

   But there are different laws and powers in those wounds.

   There is even the power of the taboo chapters of the Imperial Classics.

   Xiaoyan God and Demon's current strength has not fully recovered after all. How can it be so easy to repair this kind of wound?

   To put it simply, he is seriously injured now!

   The powers of the human race floated high in the sky, looking at each other.

   They themselves couldn't believe this scene.

   They have been in the depths of the fire field for several months, and it is not the first time that they have fought with the Xiaoyan God and Demon.

   Xiaoyan God Demon is too strong in his own domain.

   Unparalleled power of attack.

   can be called terrifying resilience.

   makes it impossible for them to take each other.

  ——Except for trapping the opponent here.

   If they had never underestimated each other, so many people had been dispatched, I'm afraid there would be casualties!

   But what happened just now?

   "His power seems a bit weird..."

   An old man frowned suddenly.

   The rest of the strong did not speak, they all noticed the abnormality.

   During the matchup process just now, the power of the Xiaoyan God and Demon decayed too fast, which was not normal at all.

   is like closing up suddenly.

   But how is that possible?

   "Is there any fraud?"

   They looked at the Xiaoyan God and Demon lying on the ground, and they wanted to go up to make up the knife, but they were unsure.

   Xiaoyan God and Demon looked at the expressions on their faces and smiled secretly.

   He suddenly made a very calm look, and said with a light smile: "Why, you have tried so hard to finally hurt the deity, but you dare not go further?"

The atmosphere between    is getting weird.

   The color of fear on the faces of the strong human race is heavier.

   It's not that they are timid.

   The change just now was really too sudden.

   Besides, they didn't understand what happened.

  枭yan God and Demon's face became more and more plain, shook his head, and said: "It's a pity, if you don't do anything, the deity will stand up?"

   The voice fell, and the flames rushing from the four tables became even bigger, forming a shocking whirlpool.

   Its body began to repair quickly.

"I come!"

   Seeing this, a strong man wanted to rush forward with a sword in his hand.

   Someone beside him stopped him: "Don't be impulsive, beware of fraud!"

   The strong man said uncomfortably: "Are you just here watching him repair himself?"

   Someone said: "You rush down now, once the accident happens, we will be one less person, but we may not be able to stop him!"

   Hearing these words, there was a silence in the room.

   If the Xiaoyan God and Demon get out of trouble, the consequences will be disastrous.

   Xiaoyan God and Demon saw this scene, and his eyes were even more triumphant.

   even, he laughed out loud: "Hahaha... humble human beings, no matter how powerful they are, they still can't hide their cowardly and incompetent nature!"

  Human tribesmen heard the words, clenched their fists, and said nothing.

   At this moment, a young voice suddenly came.

"how about you?"

   "You boast that your blood is noble, but now you are lying there like a dead dog, bluffing..."

   "What are you?"

   The atmosphere suddenly changed during the show.

   They followed the prestige and looked at the young man in the white robe, surprised.

   When did he appear?

   "Li Hanguang!"

   An exclamation sounded from a high place.

   Someone recognized him.

  The others were surprised: "So he is Li Hanguang!"

   "Sure enough, as in the legend, incredibly handsome!"

   "Why does he appear here?"

   Xiaoyan God and Demon stared at Li Hanguang, originally wanted to ask who the other party was.

   However, when he saw Li Hanguang, he was stunned.

   On the other side.

   There is a breath he is very familiar with!

   His pupils shrank suddenly: "You moved the deity's formation?"

   Li Hanguang's complexion was calm: "Formation? You are talking about the source of the law, right? That's right, it belongs to me!"

  枭yan God and Demon was stunned, it seemed that Li Hanguang would admit it so decisively.

   Li Hanguang did not look at him anymore, raised his head, looked at those figures in the sky, and said: "Do it, his formation was broken by me, and hit hard by you, now he is really weak!"

   "You can do whatever you want with him!"

   Hearing these words, God and Demon Xiaoyan had a panic in his eyes.

   This mood is extremely weak, but it is seen by the strong human race who has been paying attention to him.

   They finally stopped hesitating.

   Several rays of light fell from the sky and hit the earth, smashing into an abyss abruptly.

   Xiaoyan God and Demon did not scream.

   didn't seem to care about it, and even wanted to show a mocking expression.

   Li Hanguang spoke at the right time: "It can consume the power of the source and transfer most of the damage it has suffered to the void!"

   "Attack the third piece of armor from top to bottom on its spine. That's where it now stores its origin."

   "The third chapter eighth formula of the Hidden Sword Holy Land's Hidden Sun Sword Sutra can temporarily isolate the surrounding fire laws..."

  His voice only fell short.

   A sword light was born between heaven and earth, seeming to disperse all the surrounding flames.


   A scream erupted from the mouth of the Xiaoyan God and Demon.

   "Sure enough! Li Xiao's friendly eyesight!" This is the voice of a strong man who just used the Japanese sword.

  枭yan **** and demon roared inexplicably: "Smelly boy, who are you? Why do you know so much about the structure of my protoss flesh?"

   Li Hanguang ignored it, and still calmly said: "It wants to elementize its body, using the heaven and earth seal of the Profound Sky Holy Land to hit the flame pattern on its eyebrows..."

   "It can shock his mind and interrupt it..."

   "Use the seventh style of Pohai Sword Art..."

   "Cang Ming Yi Jue, Chapter Seven, Fifth Form..."

   "Ah—it hurts—"

   "Don't—it won’t work there—oh—"

   "Take it lightly, please beg——"


   kept spitting out with his words.

   The screams of the gods and demons became more and more frequent.

   There is a feeling of despair gradually in his There is even a touch of fear.

   A sense of fear of being completely seen through, even insight into all minds.

   no matter what method he wants to use.

   Whenever a thought comes to mind, that calm voice will sound at the right time.

   dispel all his thoughts.

   Besides, I don’t know if Li Hanguang did it on purpose.

   Every position he said, every move he reported, happened to make the Xiaoyan God and Demon feel the ultimate pain.

   is really very painful!

   This is the first time he felt so painful.

   At this moment, Xiaoyan even thought of suicide.

  -if it can do it.


   Xiaoyan God and Demon suddenly screamed.

  Human tribes can't help but stop.


   Xiaoyan God and Demon sighed heavily, eyes full of moisture, and opened his arms to lie down on the ground.

"bring it on!"

   "Seal me!"

   "I'm lying flat, don't resist!"

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