Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 191: Eat the gods and devils

     A blizzard fell on the back of Hanhai Peak.

   The snow did not fall from the extremely high sky.

   also did not fall into the deep valley on the edge of the cliff.

   only hovered around the small courtyard, like an independent world.

   did not even reveal the chill.

   Xueli stared at the figure that appeared suddenly, her pupils tightened: "What are you?"

   She didn't ask who the other party was.

  Because she knows that the other person is not human.

   This feeling is very abrupt, even for no reason.

   Perhaps only she can tell the reason clearly.

   There is an aura that she is very familiar with.

   She is most familiar with ice and snow now.


  The visitor stared at Xueli without speaking.

   The wind and snow are bigger all around.

   Xueli's thin body was covered with a lot of snow, which was very heavy.

   But she didn't dare to move even once.

   even used mana to force out these ice and snow.

   The figure in front of her gave her an unprecedented sense of crisis.

   instinctively told her that in the face of this kind of crisis, she only had one shot.

"You are very good!"

   A strange sound appeared in Xueli's ears.

   is like the rubbing sound of some kind of metal, which subconsciously makes the scalp numb and the hairs stand upright.

   The sound doesn't have any temperature.

   It seems to be colder than the surrounding wind and snow.

   so that even if the other party utters words of appreciation, it is still creepy and uncomfortable like a needle.

   Xueli did not respond.

   Jixue has drooped her hair, covering part of her vision.

   Her gaze is still fixed on the opponent.

   "Be my servant!"

   This is the second sentence of that white shadow.

   is still indifferent.

   But there is more pride and loftyness from the bones.

   is like a monarch.

   Then of course this is the order.

   Xueli would naturally not listen to him, and she was not a subject of the other party.

   She still didn't speak, but her eyes were enough to express her meaning.

  The visitor was slightly silent, and then said: "You will agree!"

   The chill between the sky and the earth became extremely sharp.

  Those fine snow particles are like heavy mountains, moved by the wind, rushing towards the snow.


   The earth trembled.

  The weeds, flowers and trees all around were covered with hoarfrost, and then died quickly.

   These movements spread out to a certain extent and then stopped.

   There seems to be a line invisibly, blocking all the changes in it.

   Xueli's pupils shrank into two black spots.

   Her body seemed to be shackled like a mountain.

   A majestic or even magnificent consciousness descended on her sea of ​​consciousness, wanting to erase her consciousness and occupy her body.

   Xueli gritted her teeth and let out a low growl.

   A large number of azure blue ice particles suddenly floated out of his body. Following the violent wind around him, they turned into dozens of blue ice blades, slashing towards the surrounding void.


   Several voices sounded.

   didn't see anything broken.

   then clicked a few times.

   The snow fell to the ground, and her figure turned into a cold wind, rolling away in the distance.


   The cold wind hit a certain piece of void, ripples in bursts, unable to come out.

   then gradually dissipated and transformed into a human form.

   Xueli looked at the white figure still standing in place, and exhaled.

  What kind of monster is the other party?

   There is not a trace of mana fluctuation on its body.

   has never seen it shot.

   But the cold wind and snow between the world and the earth are like its most loyal servants.

   seems to be able to do everything for it with a single thought.

   This kind of ability is absolutely impossible for the master and his elders.

   How to fight this?

   She suddenly felt a little strange.

   The white figure raised his head, slightly raised his face, looking at the snow dripping in the air.

   The stars are dim tonight.

   But it still fell on its face.

   Xueli saw it clearly, and couldn't help but feel even more shocked.

   It had a face that looked a lot like a human being. Its pupils were ice blue, and its skin was not bloody. It was cold and pale like a corpse.

   Actually, if you look at it under normal circumstances.

   It should be something like ice crystals, and it can even reflect the brilliance of stars and moons.

   But the current atmosphere made her unable to think of those beautiful words.

   The two eyebrows that impressed her even more.

   That is true snow white.

   is like a shape piled up with snow.

   This is definitely not a person!

   Xueli was affirmed again in her heart.

"very nice!"

   It spoke again, still words of appreciation, and no more emotions could be heard.

   The ice-blue pupils have not changed at all.

   But it does praise Xueli.

   There are even some accidents deep in my heart.

   A weak creature like this, with its blood in its body, can it actually resist it?

   Even if it only used one thought just now.

   But this is also an amazing thing.

   It thinks this is more interesting than the servants in its own collection.

   then slowly raised his hand.

   gave a slight grip.

   The world seems to dim at this moment.

   The infinite ice and snow were blown by the wind and disappeared.

   But that didn't disappear, it just merged into the world and turned into a stronger force.

   Xueli felt an overwhelming force trying to control herself.

   then turned around and launched the fiercest attack on the void.

   tried to break through the blockade and left.

   Seeing this scene, the white figure didn't react at all.

   Where it is, it is its heaven and earth.

   As long as it doesn't want it, no one can leave its world, even a single voice.

  -even if this is just an incarnation of it.

   It came here, originally just trying to solve the possible big trouble.

   I didn't expect to meet such an interesting little guy.

  ——It likes the chill and blood on her body very much.

   That big trouble, it is said that the strength is not strong now.

   But there are a few breaths nearby that are not weak and difficult to solve. Its incarnation should not be enough.

   If you act rashly, you may be surprised.

   If I can take the little guy in front of me back.

   is also a worthwhile trip.

   Anyway, it's just a matter of convenience.

   Even with those troublesome breaths, it is impossible to perceive the slightest situation here.


   Sure enough, the ripples just rippled a little faster.

   Xueli did not leave here, but the force that suffocated her was getting closer.

   She clenched her teeth and displayed more than a dozen exquisite Taoisms in succession.

   But it's no use.

   The gap between each other is too big.

   The opponent is at least the strength of the Holy Realm!

   A lot of wind and snow fell from the sky, like a cloud, blocking the sky.

  Darkness fell.

   Xueli's eyes showed a touch of despair.


   A warm wind suddenly broke in.

   broke into the wind and snow.

   brings endless warmth and light.

   Xueli opened his eyes, only to see a slender figure appeared in front of him at some unknown time.

   White clothes fluttering.

   The light is so bright.

   Li Hanguang appeared in the snow-shrouded night sky, standing in front of Xue Li, standing with his hands behind him.

   A faint flame burned on him.

   is not violent.

   completely dispelled the surrounding chill, like a scorching sun.

   At this moment, the time in the world seems to stop.

   He looked at the white figure isolated in the wind and snow, and said calmly: "The law of gods and demons born in the world..."

   "Infiltrated my human race as an incarnation!"

   "Do it with a little girl!"

   "Your Excellency, do you want a face?"


  The dark clouds covering the sky gradually dispersed.

   The stars flicker in the sky.

   is like the eyes of an infatuated person, with shyness and tenderness.

   Xueli discovered at this time that the stars tonight are so charming.

   The world seems to be divided into two neat parts.

   Half the stars are shining brightly.

   Half the wind and snow.

   The lonely figure stood in the snow and darkness, looking at Li Hanguang under the stars.

   There was a trace of humanized surprise and incomprehension in his cold eyes.

   "You can actually find the deity?"

   He dared to come to the hinterland of the human race alone, naturally he has his own certainty.

  He walked all the way from the south bank of the Eastern Desolation, arrived at Tai Cang Mansion, and passed through several holy land territories.

   He never hides it deliberately.

   But no one can find him.

  He is a cold wind, a snowflake, without the slightest breath of life.

   seems to be completely melted into the heaven and the earth.

   People will only feel a trace of coolness, and even if the monks are powerful, they will not be able to discover more.

   Especially since he deliberately blocked the surrounding world before he did it.

   didn't even leak the chill.

   How did this young human monk discover himself?

   Li Hanguang calmly said: "Before you came, you should have inquired a lot about me."

   "Have you never heard of..."

   "I have a pair of eyes that see through everything?"

   The Ice God Demon was silent for a long time.

   Of course he would not believe what Li Hanguang said.

   can see through the eyes of everything?

   He hasn't heard of this new thing after he has lived so long.

   He really couldn't guess how Li Hanguang discovered him and what methods he used.

   But these are not important anymore.

   He must leave quickly.

   He turned around and took a step.

   There is endless wind and snow behind him.

  He stepped into the wind and snow, as if turning into a part of the wind and snow.

   The squally wind rushes.

   Countless snowflakes fly between the sky and the earth, turning into thousands of tiny snow particles, which will melt into the night at any time.

   There are several swords roars in the night sky.

   Li Zhanlu, Zhu Yan Jiansheng, the two great masters appeared in the air together, looking at the frenzied wind and snow, frowning slightly.

   Xueli said loudly: "Juggernaut, stop it, that is the **** and demon, it will run away!"

   Li Zhanlu raised his hand.

   The golden sword intent broke through the air, scattered into the wind, and turned into countless small sword lights.

   Zhu Yan Jiansheng and others also shot together.

   Thousands of insignificant powerful sword intents flooded from all sides.

   Various sword lights cut the night to pieces.

   is like a dense net.

   The night is like morning.

   Dense "wiping" sounds were heard in the wind and snow.

   That is the movement of the void being torn apart by the sword intent.

   The four holy realm sword repairmen shot at the same time, and their powerful power is enough to make the world change color.

   However, the wind and snow did not seem to be affected at all.

   Except it's messier.

   then drifted away more quickly, disappearing faster and faster.

   Li Zhanlu frowned slightly.

   The eyes of the rest are even more puzzled.

   They have never encountered such a thing.

   Some can't understand the methods that the ice gods and demons have displayed.

At this moment.

   A flame suddenly rose under the night sky.

   Li Hanguang's eyes flickered, and a line of handwriting slowly disappeared from his eyes.

   [Elemental incarnation: the means that the laws, gods and demons are born with.

   can be immune to most attacks.

   Cracking method 1: Use elements to fight against the elements, provoke the fire of the sun god...]

  He waved his hand slightly.

   Countless golden sparks floated out of his sleeves, like shining galaxies.

   Those sparks meeting the wind, like dry wood meeting a raging fire, are instantly ignited, bursting into raging flames.

   then turned into a long river of golden flames, and like a dragon, shuttled towards the distance.

   The heaven and the earth are as bright as day.

   All the chills disappeared.

   The golden flames whizzed away, and the blizzards along the way melted into snow in an instant.

   then evaporated into an invisible mist in a shorter time.

   Suddenly a stern voice came from far away.

   Like Ye Xiao crying.

   is extremely ugly and creepy.

   "The sun **** fire! How can you wait for this humble creature to master this kind of **** fire?"

   The voice was full of unwillingness.


   is more unwilling to believe.

   Li Hanguang did not respond, his fingers moved slightly, and the flames continued to entangle, turning into a cage.

   The wind and snow dissipated in the cage.

   showed an extremely embarrassed figure.

   Li Hanguang looked at each other quietly, the information in his eyes changed again.

  【The incarnation of the ice gods and demon: The incarnation of the true meaning of the law of ice.

   Complete erasure method:...

   swallowing method:...

   Tip: After being swallowed, the true meaning of the law of ice can be refined, which is equivalent to ten source crystals of the law of ice.



   originally wanted to kill the opponent directly.

   No need to choose this time.

   He came to the cage and looked at the opponent's ice blue eyes.

   The Ice God Demon stared at him, and said coldly: "What the **** are you?"

   This sentence was used by Xueli to ask him.

   Because Xueli felt that he was not human.

   Now he used to ask Li Hanguang, which also means the same.

   He does not believe that Li Hanguang is a human being.

  How could there be such a person in this world?

   The cultivation base is not high.

   can see everything about him at a glance.

   hacked his methods one after another.

   And still looks so good?

   Li Hanguang felt the opponent's gaze, and patted it with a palm.

   is as casual as swatting a fly.

   Li Zhanlu and others were frightened when they looked far away.

  Xindao that is a **** and demon, even if this one is only an incarnation at the moment, it still has the strength equivalent to one or two saints.

   and the methods are extremely weird.

   You are so casual, are there really no accidents?

   fell with Li Hanguang.

   The surrounding sun **** fire suddenly tightened, like a sharp whip blade, crushing the body of the ice **** and demon.

   turned into countless restless snow particles.

   Li Hanguang opened his mouth slightly, and a burst of suction exploded, covering the wind and snow completely.

   The incarnation of the ice **** and demon naturally did not disappear.

   Its consciousness is hidden in those snow particles all over the sky, seeing this scene, suddenly startled.

   This guy in front of him actually wants to... ate himself?

   It was shocked, then ecstatic.

   is quite a whirlpool, the meaning of willows are dark and bright.

   It is a **** and devil born from heaven and earth.

   On the level of consciousness, it is completely beyond the level of human life.

   Even if the opponent can swallow this body.

How can    refine its consciousness?

   This is just looking for death!

   Although I don't know the origin of this guy in front of him, it is clear that his status in the entire human race must be extremely high.

   And the methods are unpredictable, I can actually think of a way to completely destroy the consciousness of my race.

   clearly bears countless big secrets.

  Once it enters his body, it swallows his soul and occupies this physical body...

   The last hidden worry of the gods and demons is bound to cease to exist!

   It's God who helped me too!

   It was thinking like this, the wind and snow in the sky did not resist at all, and directly followed the suction force and drilled into Li Hanguang's mouth.


   A realm of nothingness.

   There is a bright ocean between heaven and earth.

   The sea has no waves or waves.

   Only the faint light of various colors constantly rises and falls, boundless.

   is very dazzling.

   There is a big tree in the sky in the distance, it is very green, the green waves are rippling, and it is full of magical Taoism.

   There are two sacred mountains farther away, rising into the sky, leading to an unknown height.

   A ripple suddenly appeared in the void.

   A little wind and snow drifted into it.

  The wind and snow gathered together, turning into a figure, growing bigger and bigger, reaching a hundred meters.


   "This is the sea of ​​soul of that kid? As expected, there is a lot of mystery!"

   The cold ice **** demon looked at the surrounding environment, sneered, and a few greedy expressions appeared in his ice-blue eyes.

   It has seen the soul sea of ​​human monks more than once.

   But no one has ever made him feel such a heartbeat.

   Those monks in the past, no matter how high their cultivation level is, the soul sea is just a silent ocean.

   is extremely boring, not the least interesting.

   But this is not the case right now.

   the sky is full of divine light.

   There is also that big tree in the sky.

   There seem to be two Great Sky Giant Mountains in the distance, and I don't know what good fortune they are.

  Intuition tells it that those are excellent things.

   But it is not in a hurry.

   Now that it has come here, everything in his eyes will definitely belong to him.

   It suddenly gave birth to a thought.

  If it continues to cultivate with this body, will one day in the future, walk to the extreme of that road?

  Even looking for an opportunity to detach, get rid of the natural limitations of the gods and demons?

   Thinking of these things, its ice blue eyes became more fiery.

   It lowered its head and looked down at the soul sea.

   began to search.

   This kind of thing is easy to learn.

  The primordial spirits of human monks are mostly immersed in the soul sea.

   It just needs to find the opponent, grab it, and eat it.

   Everything will come naturally.

   It remembered the primordial spirits of those human race monks in the past, when they saw such a huge conscious body, the look of horror.

   can't help but show a cruel smile on his face.

   However, it searched for a long time, bending down and fishing for a long time.

   didn't even see the shadow of the opponent's soul.

   "It's weird... This kid is so weird, is it that the soul is so small?"

   "Is it hiding?"

   The ice **** demon was puzzled.

   At this moment, a sound like an ancient bell sounded.

   " thing, are you looking for me?"

   The cold ice **** and demon trembled suddenly, and was about to turn around, only to find that his hundred-foot-tall **** and demon body had been lifted up.

   soon came to the high altitude.

   then turned it over.

   A huge face appeared in front of his eyes.


   Is the sky so hot?

   The cold ice **** demon's eyes were dull, and then he found that his figure was constantly rising.

  In an instant, he reached the highest point farthest from the Sea of ​​Soul.

   That's because this one stood up with his figure.

   It turned out that he had been squatting just now.

   The Ice God Demon looked down with great effort, only to see that the opponent's feet were submerged in the sea of ​​souls.

   Somewhat familiar.

   seems to be the two sacred mountains he saw just now!

   It can't help being frightened.

   "What kind of monster are you, you, you...?"

   The huge version of Li Hanguang smiled slightly, raised the ice **** and demon, raised his head, and opened his mouth.

   Then let go and close his mouth.

   Eat it in one bite!

   quack and crispy!


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