Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 216: Respectfully invite the holy woman to the Hui

Latest website: Li Hanguang has heard of many things like urging marriage, but it is the first time that he has really experienced it.

It is indeed as painful as the rumors.

What's more, the two parents are not only urging marriage, but also urging birth.

This kind of thing has nothing to do with the level of cultivation, Li Hanguangkong has the ability to do nothing, so he has to promise again and again that he will consider it very carefully.

Fairy Baiyue has let him go for the time being!

The rest of the people around were surprised to see him look like this, and they were a little bit more surprised.

In the past, Li Hanguang was omnipotent as a god, and he was naturally worthy of awe.

But they now know that Li Hanguang also has an ordinary side, and they have more joy in their hearts, which means that they are one step closer to him!

The thick-skinned Jiang Shengxie volunteered to say a few cold jokes.

The joke itself is not funny, but his funny appearance makes the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Xueli took the initiative to stand up with the drunkenness, and wanted to perform a dance.

The snow-white long skirt shines with amazing beauty in the moonlight.

Looking at this picture, Li Hanguang suddenly thought of the girl who loves to play the piano in Lanyue Tower in Yunzhong City.

Ji Mingyue did not come this time.

I found a master for her last time, but I don't know how she is practicing now.

For some reason, Ye Chengying looked at Xueli under the moonlight, and suddenly said that he wanted to dance with Xueli.

What she did was not a very famous dance, but a simple "last night when the stars were rain"!

This dance, including its music, is very widely spread in the Qingzhou area in the southern part of Tai Cang Mansion.

Ye Chengying is from Qingzhou.

She often showed this dance to Li Hanguang when she was young.

It's different every time.

Especially this time.

The two have different attitudes and styles, and the dance styles they dance are also different, but they do not know why they can be perfectly integrated into the same night and become part of the courtyard scenery.

Is it because their dances are all for one person to watch?

Bai Lin didn't know how to dance, and even if she put on that snow-white and **** robe, she couldn't compete for color at this moment.

So she took Xiong Mengmeng who was eating Hesai to cheer for everyone.

Where does Xiong Mengmeng dare to fight her?

He bit a huge animal leg and lay on the ground very deliberately without moving after two moves, letting Bai Lin ravage him.

This scene was very joyful, and everyone was holding back a smile.

Bai Lin was not stupid. She naturally felt embarrassed and panicked, kicking Xiong Mengmeng's feet in a rage.

Xiong Mengmeng raised his head in a daze and aggrieved.

Bai Yue seemed to be extremely fond of the subtle and cuteness that Bai Lin showed, and kindly took her hand to sit down beside her.

The rest of the women who were watching couldn't help but hunch back, some of them could not sit still.

There was gradually more laughter in the small courtyard.

Everyone is less restrained, and the scene becomes more and more warm.

Only the silver fox lying in Li Hanguang's arms seemed unhappy, and there were faint tears in his eyes.

Li Hanguang felt her trembling and said, "What's wrong with you?"


The little fox whispered a few words, feeling aggrieved and sad.

Everyone calmed down slightly, and their hearts turned out to miss their parents!

Li Hanguang stroked the soft hair on the silver fox's neck, thinking that the cause and effect was over, so he asked: "Tushan Fox Clan, how much do you know?"

Everyone's eyes suddenly fell towards the Yaozu people.

Several people glanced at each other and said: "That is one of the oldest fox clan in southern Xinjiang. It is as famous as Qingqiu, and it is extremely powerful. It is a true holy land-level force!"

Li Hanguang didn't speak, his fingers kept tapping on the table, like a drum in the quiet night.

Bai Lin said, "Brother Hanguang, do you want to attack the Tushan Fox Clan? I immediately sent a message to the Hui Clan and asked my father to send troops... Although the Tushan Fox Clan is strong, I have no fear of the White Tiger Clan!"

"There is also my Peacock clan, who can be dispatched at any time to flatten the Tushan Fox Clan!"

"The same goes for the Bear Clan of My Earth..."

Everyone of the Yaozu repeatedly expressed their opinions.

Even Young Master Yinyue, who had been hiding under Li Hanguang's protection, also sent the same signal.

If anyone else saw this scene, they would be surprised and speechless.

As a veteran sacred force of the demon clan in southern Xinjiang, the Tushan clan has passed on for countless years and has an unfathomable heritage.

But even so, it is absolutely impossible to withstand the joint siege of the white tiger tribe, the earth bear tribe, the peacock tribe and other big monster tribe forces.

Not to mention the monster race, even looking at the entire five domains, there is absolutely no holy land that can withstand this power alone.

I'm afraid that the entire Tushan clan can't think of the fate of their entire clan...

It all depends on Li Gongzi's thoughts.

The pavilion was a little quiet, and everyone was waiting for Li Hanguang's answer.

Li Hanguang suddenly raised his head, looked outside the courtyard with a smile, and said, "You don't have to bother your teacher!"

Everyone was slightly startled.

Then I heard a cautious voice coming from the courtyard gate.

"Clan Tushan Tushanye, please see Young Master Li!"

There are formations around the small courtyard, and the noise and fragrance in the courtyard have not leaked out, only the lights are faintly lit.

The moonlight fell on the courtyard gate, and there was a shadow on the ground.

Tu Shanye stood in the dark shadow, and the dimly visible light in front did not bring him any sense of security.

He was silent, listening to his breathing, thinking that his heartbeat must be reaching the extreme at this moment.

He has never been so nervous in his life!

For a moment, he even felt that he was a great hero at the moment!

He will represent the people who have committed the mistakes and go to pay homage to a **** who rules their destiny!

But this thought did not make him feel more peaceful.

He realized that he didn't want to be a hero at all.

No one wants to be a hero!

His hands and feet are getting colder and colder.

The light in front of him suddenly became richer.

Tu Shanye didn't dare to face those lights, and lowered his head subconsciously, even bending his body a bit.

"Tu Shanye?"

A voice came.

It was a very pleasant female voice, which made Tu Shanye a little surprised, but he didn't dare to think about it.

"Yes!" he said with his head down.

"come in!"

He entered the barrier and followed the figure in front of him into the courtyard.

A few familiar breaths were quickly sensed.

Such as the White Tiger tribe, such as the Peacock tribe...

These breaths were not strong enough, but the nobility in their bloodline could not be concealed. Tu Shanye quickly thought of their identities, and then thought of more, his face turned pale uncontrollably.

If Li Gongzi really wanted to exterminate the Tushan clan, I'm afraid it would be much simpler than he had previously imagined.

Tu Shanye walked on a short gravel road that was extremely tortuous.

Finally he felt that the woman leading the way stopped and said, "Brother, I have brought someone here!"

no respond.

Only one gaze suddenly fell on him.

This silent gaze did not exert any coercion or spirit, it was very plain.

However, Tu Shanye immediately realized who the person was looking at him, lowered his head and clasped his fists and said, "Tu Shanye, pay homage to Young Master Li!"

He is the true sage of the Tushan clan, with a lofty status, and even higher than the elders of Aojian Immortal Gate Taishang in terms of seniority.

Even if he really respects Li Hanguang very much, he shouldn't use the word "see you" at the ceremony.

But now that he said it like this, he didn't have any thoughts about life being wrong.

Including himself!

The courtyard was a little quiet, and Li Hanguang had not responded to him.

But Tu Shanye keenly sensed that his gaze had not moved away, and his heartbeat was faster, only feeling that his throat was extremely dry.

The gaze without any emotion seemed to have a certain weight, and it was as heavy as a mountain.

His head is lower and his body is lower, almost burying his head in the shadow of his feet.

He felt his heart beating out of his throat.

Finally, he heard a sound like a natural sound: "Why Mr. Tu Shan should give such a big gift, please!"

Tu Shanye breathed a long sigh of relief, only to realize that he had no idea when he was kneeling on the ground.

He wiped off the sweat from the top of his head, raised his head, and looked at the small pavilion covered by bright lights, feeling a little dim.

Then his eyes fell on the white robe.

Falling on the face that has long been circulated as a myth.

Seeing those dim lights outline his body with a golden border, he couldn't help but be stunned, as if he saw the gods on the murals in the ancient temple.

He couldn't help but bow down again.

"Mr. Tu Shan suddenly visited, what is the so-called?"

"I don't dare to be a gentleman, but when I come here, there is indeed something to ask for!"


"My saint Tushanxue, who has been in the dust for many days, the Tushan family has been searching for a long time and couldn't. I never thought that I would meet the son of you. It is really the supreme blessing of the saint, and I am also the Tushan family in the endless sky!"

"Come here today, just to invite the saint back!"

"Saint? Tu Shanxue?"

Li Hanguang stroked the soft fur of the silver fox, and looked at Tu Shanye whose head was lowered into the shadow again with a smile but a smile: "You mean her?"

Tu Shanye raised his head cautiously, glanced at the silver fox and said, "Exactly!"

"She is the saint of Tu Shan?"


"But how did I hear that she was the Eastern Wilderness who was chased by the Tushan powerhouse all the way?"

"Ashamed to say! At that time, my Tushan clan's civil strife broke out, and some unscrupulous people were malicious to the saint. I waited until I couldn't take care of it before I almost made a big mistake!"

"So it's like this..." Li Hanguang smiled, and Zhuangruo asked casually: "The little fox has been with me for so long, and has some feelings. If she is a Hui nationality, there won't be any bad guys, right?

Tu Shanye hurriedly said: "Don't worry, son, those rebellious people... have all been executed! After the sage Hui, she will be trained as the next patriarch!"





Li Hanguang suddenly looked towards Tu Shanye, who suddenly calmed down, but his face was still a little pale, I wonder if he thought of something bad.

Li Hanguang said, "How many died?"

Tu Shanye was silent for a while, and his lips whispered: "All the people of the third and fifth channels, as well as six collateral bloodlines, a total of 84,321 rebels..."

Li Hanguang stared at him for a while and said, "It seems that the Tushan clan is indeed messy!"

Tu Shanye's lips turned pale and said, "I made you laugh!"

Li Hanguang retracted his gaze and said, "Where are her parents?"

Tu Shanye naturally knew who he was asking, and hurriedly said: "The saint's parents... are safe, but there are some minor injuries on her body. They have arranged the best healing medicine in the clan to take them, and I believe they will be cured soon!"

Li Hanguang no longer looked at him, lowered his head and looked at the little silver fox: "What do you think?"

Tu Shanye suddenly became nervous, his eyes fixed on the silver fox's body, and the color of pleading appeared in his eyes.

This night.

The Tushan family has undergone earth-shaking changes.

That was a real bloodbath, at least one-third of the elite died tragically, just for this moment!

Whether it's abandoning the car to protect the handsome, or throwing a scapegoat...

In the end, whether Tu Shan's family can be preserved depends on what Li Gongzi meant.


No matter how much you die, you will die in vain!


The little fox called twice.

Tu Shanye breathed a sigh of relief suddenly, his face uncontrollably showed the rest of his life.

He wants to laugh and cry now.

But these are not suitable for doing right now.

So he solemnly saluted, knelt down on the ground, and raised his hands up: "Tu Shanye, please invite the sage Hui!"

Silver Fox Tu Shanxue stood up from Li Hanguang's arms, looked up at his chin, and called out softly, with a look of dismay in his eyes.

Li Hanguang rubbed her head and said with a smile: "Don't be in a hurry, let's leave after the New Year!"

Tu Shanxue nodded repeatedly, and got into Li Hanguang's arms again, clutching his clothes tightly with her small paws, rubbing hard.

Not far away, Bai Lin and Ye Chengying were a little bit happy when they saw this.

Tu Shanye bid farewell with interest.

He had to report the good news to the clan.

Li Hanguang waved his hand casually.

The laughter and joy in the small courtyard remained until dawn.

The clouds and mists between the cliffs in front of Hanhai Peak will not dissipate all year round.

The huge rock still stands quietly.

Anyone who wears a robe and stands on it with his hand held will feel a sense of fairy spirit.

But except for Shen Cangyun.

His big red robe was too conspicuous, as if it had been immersed in blood, and it gave people a sense of sight of a big demon when the wind rose.

Of course the most important thing is that he doesn't look like a good person.

Li Hanguang appeared beside him, his white clothes moved slightly.

Shen Cangyun glanced at him, then glanced at himself, feeling that it was really not a gadget, so he converged on that posture and returned to the usual inconspicuous appearance.

"Why didn't I see you last night?"

Li Hanguang asked casually, he still wanted to ask him to come and eat together.

When Shen Cangyun heard this, his expression was slightly unnatural, and he said, "Some things have been delayed, so I can't go away!"

Li Hanguang said suspiciously: "The Lord of the Supreme Palace shouldn't be so busy, right?"

Shen Cangyun knew that his eyes had always been able to understand everything. UU reading was afraid of what he could see, so he hurriedly changed the subject and said, "What do you think this is?"

He spread out his palms.

There is a head-sized cover in the palm of the palm. I don't know what material it is used to make. The whole body is shining with blue-purple thunder light. At the edge, there are nine dragons with teeth and claws, extremely mighty!

As soon as this cover appeared, the sky and the earth moved suddenly!

Countless and detailed thunder and lightning emerged from nothingness, surrounding the two of them like a vortex of thunder.

"This is... a quasi-imperial weapon?" Li Hanguang said.

"To be precise, it is a quasi-imperial weapon made by the Thunder God and Demon after his death!" Shen Cangyun said proudly.

Li Hanguang raised his brow lightly when he heard the words.

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