Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 239: Kamishiro advancement


The world is gloomy, and a deep ravine descends straight from the abdomen of the mountain, cutting out an abyss.

A line of figures are listed on the top of the mountain.

The purple clouds thin with the wind and linger in the mountains, giving people an unreal feeling.

"My son, right here!"

The speaker was a small and strong alien with purple-black fine lines in his eyes. He was lying on the ground at the moment, his nose pulsing, like a dog and a mouse.

He looked at the abyss, and his eyes suddenly burst into light, as if he had seen the treasure he dreamed of: "I can feel that there are a few amazing treasures below, which are enough to make my bloodline excited. It is definitely a great opportunity. And good luck!"

His voice was high-pitched, sounding a bit wretched.

When the other strong foreign races around looked at him, there was always something different in their eyes.

Not long ago, this person was an extremely burly ghost-eyed bear clan Tianjiao, strong and domineering, but now he has become like this.

The bloodline of the treasure hunting demon rat is a relic of the ancients, which is not connected with many living beings today, and has nothing to do with the ghost bear clan.

Two unrelated bloodlines are forced to merge together, which will inevitably give rise to major disasters.

Even if Young Master Ao used the supreme secret technique to continue his life, he was destined to only live until the end of the assessment.

Everyone knows this.

Including him, he also understands, but his own life, compared with the relationship between the clan and the strong clan like the Purple-eyed Dragon clan, the choice is very easy.

It's just that they obviously didn't expect that this kind of bloodline conflict was far more terrifying than they expected.

The eyes of this ghost-eyed bear clan Tianjiao were almost covered with purple lines.

That heralded that his life was about to reach the end.

But not long after the assessment has just started, he has not been able to bring enough effect to Young Master Ao.

Coupled with the case of Canghai Yuemingzhu, although he is no wonder, it will inevitably make the son angry. If he is not careful, the original plan may be ruined.

The arrogance of the ghost bear clan was also decisive, directly detonating the mixed blood power in his body, and using the treasure hunter's talent to the extreme, finally found such a place.

Ao Di looked down at the abyss and said indifferently: "After going out, the ghost bear clan can be a vassal for my clan!"

Hearing this, the creeping figure under his feet trembled suddenly, and the purple light in his eyes almost showed light, and he was so excited that he repeatedly squatted his head: "Thank you son, son..."

As he worshipped, his body convulsed more intensely, and then he slumped to the ground, and countless black blood exploded from the surface of his skin, directly tearing his body into pieces and annihilated it into powder.

Those purple ashes floated into the abyss, like a gloomy snow.

People knew he was really dead.

The extreme horror of disaster caused by the bloodline is far from the casualties caused by normal fighting.

Shanhe Dingqi Ling can protect those who died due to fighting, but it can't protect him.

——Even if he forcibly protects his physical body for a while, he will still die immediately after the assessment.

——Perhaps because of knowing this, the will of this world has not taken any action at all.


The mountain wind roared, but it was strangely quiet.

Everyone indifferently watched the purple ashes fall into the abyss, and then focused their eyes on Ao Di, waiting for his instructions.

Emperor Ao stared into the abyss, the light in his eyes extinguished.

He is pregnant with the purest blood of the purple-eyed dragon clan, and a pair of purple pupils are **** pupils, possessing great magical powers.

For a long time, he closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened his eyes, the light disappeared: "Go down and have a personal look!"

Hearing that, the team was slightly quiet, and then a young alien Tianjiao stepped forward and plunged into the abyss without a word.

There was silence for a while.

Then everyone heard a hum.

It seems that there are countless strings being plucked at the same time, and then even the heavens and the earth tremble.

A mist of light rose up in the dark abyss.

Those light and mist came upwards at a very fast speed, rising up into the sky, like a thousand horses galloping, and rushing into the sky in a flash.

The mountain is shaking endlessly.

Even an entire expanse of land began to crack, and cracks as thick as mountain peaks were densely covered with spider webs.

Everything in front of me began to collapse!

Uncountable rays of light rushed out from the very bottom of the earth, and the rays of light were full of tiny runes, mysterious and mysterious, and the ancient meaning of vicissitudes of life!

In a sea of ​​light, it is faintly visible that a majestic ancient **** city is rising, and it is about to descend into this world.

"this is……"

"Sure enough, there is a great fortune! Such a majestic city of God, there must be the largest opportunity in the entire assessment secret territory!"

"Only with such good fortune can you be worthy of the son!"

Alien Tianjiao people talked a lot, excited about this change.

Ao Di's expression was calm, and there was still a hint of joy in the depths of his eyes. The previous incident of the Moon Pearl in the Sea made him extremely depressed, but now it's better...

This God City is not easy at first sight, it must be amazing!


Outside, the onlookers were amazed by the appearance of this scene.

The horrible movement is hard to think of not attracting attention.

"Oh my god, Ao Di of the Purple-eyed Dragon clan seems to have a great chance!"

"What a stalwart God City, is this also an opportunity set by the Alliance for this assessment? The three words are beyond description!"

"This God City is such a big movement just after it was born, what kind of good fortune is there? Is it the inheritance of ancient power?"

"If this is the case, I am afraid that any other opportunities will not be comparable to it!"

"Hey, I thought that Young Master Li relied on his powerful divine pupils to meet Bao one after another, and he was destined to be the most dazzling person in this assessment. I didn't expect... that's what happened again!"

"Hahaha, good! As expected to be the son of Emperor Ao, he is destined to be a respected existence of the same generation, with supreme luck in his body!"

"Yes, this is luck, and it's fate! It's definitely not something that some guys who try their luck with God's pupils can compare!"

Everyone talked a lot, and everyone on the foreign race was extremely happy, as if the city of God was right in front of them.

The Terran side fell silent.

Although there are still unconvinced human races fighting with other races, but they are clearly lacking in confidence.

Everyone knows that as soon as this God City comes out, any other treasures of heaven and earth will be overshadowed.

An atmosphere of worry began to spread.

Although this is the first test, it only needs to pass the test, but it is clear that everyone hopes that Tianjiao will stand up and overwhelm Ao Di.

Li Hanguang's previous performance clearly has this qualification.

But now there are changes, and such a huge opportunity makes people sigh, Ao Di deserves to be the top of this year's immortal list, not only has talent against the sky, but also has great luck, and is destined to dominate the same generation!

On the high platform, the three Nanhua Xianjun looked at each other, and there was surprise in their eyes.

But what surprised them was not the **** city itself, but...

"It actually appeared so early!"

Nanhua Xianjun squinted his eyes and said, "The treasure hunting rat is indeed an ancient alien species. It can even perceive the breath of this city!"

Bai Qi frowned and said: "The Emperor Ao is too surly, and has no pity for his companions. He actually forcibly implanted the blood of the treasure hunting monster into others!"

Fairy Qingmei smiled and said: "The gods are serious about their words. Since ancient times, everyone who has done great things has never been trivial!"

"Isn't it worth the life of one person to be born in such a heaven-defying chance?"

The **** Bai Qi said with a cold expression: "But this is just an assessment! The city of God is part of the assessment, even if he doesn't do this, he will eventually be born. Others don't know this, but you also forgot about the fairy?"

Fairy Qingmei smiled and said, "From the small to the big! It's just an assessment, and he can make such a trade-off. If he is on the real battlefield, he will not do that indecisive and indecisive thing that would miss the military opportunity!"

"Moreover, based on my understanding of Ao Di, he will never do that to intimidate others!"

"The young man of the ghost-eyed bear tribe must have done it voluntarily! It is also good to sacrifice everything personally for the prosperity of the race!"

"I remember that His Majesty the Emperor once said that those who are willing to sacrifice the individual to achieve the greater are worthy of respect!"

God Bai Qi will no longer speak.

Silence does not mean that you endorse the other side's point of view.

It's just because he knows that the ways are different and don't seek each other.

This point, long ago, the ancestors of the human race had realized it.

There is no need to argue!


"What's the matter, there was an earthquake?"

In a valley full of birds and flowers, Bai Ruoyu and others are enthusiastically counting their own gains.

Suddenly felt a tremor in the earth.

Although the tremor was subtle, they were shocked by how they could hide their perception.

"Master, it's not good!"

Li Hanguang stood beside a bitan, and Dongmei's voice rang in his mind: "That nasty guy, he found that city!"

Li Hanguang raised his brows slightly.

He naturally knew who Dongmei was talking about the annoying guy, so he asked, "What city?"

"An ancient city, very big and big, it was put in by those old guys, it's very mysterious!"

The old guys in Dongmei's mouth refer to the group of old people who formulate admissions assessment rules, each of whom is an important figure in the league.

Li Hanguang was slightly surprised: "Even you don't know what's in it?"

Dongmei shook her head and said: "That ancient city is very unusual. It contains an extremely complete world. Although it is a little smaller than me, it far exceeds me in terms of power level, and has touched the realm of rules."


Li Hanguang clearly captured such words.

The rules and the rules seem to be only one word difference, but in fact they are very different.

The general relationship is that the laws can be infinitely varied. For example, when the law of water is practiced to the limit, a drop of water can transform the ocean and condense into all phenomena in the world.

But all these changes are within the rules!

No matter how it changes, should it be water or water!

From Dao to Jian, one word contains infinite Dao rhyme.

That is a realm beyond the power of the law. It has already changed and can touch the true meaning of the Great Dao.

The existence of that step has the ability to speak out and follow the rules within the rules under his control, and is omnipotent!

There are not many such people in the entire ancestral court.

There used to be 36 people, now there are 24 people, each in charge of the heavens.

They are called fairy kings!

The power contained in that **** city involves the power of rules, what does it mean?

"Could it be the Taoist tradition left by the supreme power who touched the realm of the immortal king?"

Li Hanguang sorted out these words and told Bai Ruoyu and others.

They had already believed that Li Hanguang had a powerful divine pupil, and it was not surprising that they knew these things far in the sky, and they soon made similar guesses!

Bai Ruoyu smashed his mouth: "My dear, the Alliance really has lost its blood this time! This kind of thing is put in the secret realm for the examiners to fight for?"

In this world, even if it is just a fart, it is enough to shock the world.

That represents the almost omnipotent power, the almost eternal lifespan, and the same respect as the heaven and the earth!

Although this city of God is only tainted with the power of some rules, it is precisely this kind of thing that is the easiest to inspire the strong who are still outside the door of the rules!

The preciousness of this **** city is unimaginable!

"Go, you can't let those guys take up all the benefits!"

Ling Yuxiao said immediately: "We rush over now and make the movement bigger, there will definitely be more examiners coming together!"

Li Hanguang shook his head: "No need to be so troublesome!"

"This **** city is huge, hidden deep in the void of this world, and there are many entrances connecting this world, like an old tree with roots!"

"Di Ao and the others only found one of them. It is too far away from here. I'm afraid it will be too late to rush over. It's better to enter from another entrance!"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up and they nodded again and again, and then asked where the other entrances were.

The corner of Li Hanguang's mouth raised slightly, and then he looked at Fang Bitan, "It's there!"

When the voice fell, the earth trembled, Bitan had no wind and ripples, and the fine ripples rolled wildly, then splashed high and gradually condensed into the appearance of a portal.

Everyone looked at this scene, dumbfounded.

Ling Yuxiao swallowed his saliva and said, "Brother Li, tell me honestly, did you cheat?"

Bai Ruoyu's mouth twitched slightly: "Brother Li, saw it through the morning too? Are your eyes too poisonous?"

Li Hanguang gave a hum, his tone raised slightly, expressing his doubts.

Ling Yuxiao went on to say: "Ling has seen countless strange people and strangers in this life. Until now, he has seen Brother Li, and he doesn't know... what is the real Son of Destiny!"

"Compared with you, so what kind of Emperor Ao, he is considered a hook?"

Ling Yuxiao was obviously shocked and utterly utterly shocked. He actually started to spit out the fragrance like Bai Ruoyu Hanguang smiled slightly and said, "Let's go, don't be stunned!"

Ling Yuxiao suddenly said: "No, Brother Li, we just went in like this, what about the rest of the tribe?"

Li Hanguang calmly said: "Don't worry, the city of God has been born, and other entrances will appear in this world one after another. We are just one step ahead of ordinary people!"

After hearing this, Ling Yuxiao immediately felt relieved and followed Li Hanguang into the door.

Nowhere, Qi Ling Dongmei looked bitter when hearing Li Hanguang's words: "I'm going to do coolies again!"

Her small mouth pouted slightly, and her hands circled in the void.

Arrays of mysterious Taoist rhyme diffused.

Following her actions, one after another void doors appeared in this world, very close to the place where the examiners were located.

Every time those doors appear, they will cause the earth to shake and attract people's attention.

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