Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 46: In southern Xinjiang, Yaozu Tianjiao crosses the border!

   Fortunately, she has been serving for five and a half days.

   As long as the remaining day and a half persist, it will be completely liberated.

When    arrived, she had to go to the White Horse Tower in the north of the city to find a few strong brothers happy to have fun!

   No matter how bad it is, it’s okay to go back and practice Lanhua acupoint hands by yourself!


   Just when she wanted to be wrong, abnormal changes occurred suddenly.

   Chu Xiaolian, who was originally lying on the bed, suddenly looked slightly solemn and sat cross-legged.

   He pinched the sword mark in his hand, and his whole body exuded a sharp aura, and the whole person seemed to be transformed into a sword in an instant.

   A peerless sword that is so powerful!

   Behind Chu Xiao's training, a looming vision condenses, that is a Yangtze River condensed by the intent of sword.

   Although only a few feet long, it exudes a solemn and mighty majestic aura.

   Looking at Chu Xiaolian under the vision, the girl instantly felt that the young man in front of her had a sacred feeling of'inviolability'.

   It's as if his'provocation' is a blasphemy to the boy in front of you!

  He, is he actually practicing magic?

   But now, this kid has finally practiced his magic skills, and the old lady is also liberated.

   Thinking of this, the perfunctory smile on the girl's face became sincere: "Congratulations, son, son Hexi, the magic is finally accomplished!"

  Chu Xiao Lian calmed down, and the vision behind him slowly subsided.

   His eyes were burning, and there was unconcealable excitement in his eyes.

   Teacher did not lie to me!

  Chu Xiaolian can feel that as soon as she has condensed the prototype of the awe-inspiring sword intent, her strength has greatly increased!

   Compared with before, the combat effectiveness has at least doubled!

   Although Chu Xiaolian is still at the seventh level of Qi refining, he has the confidence to defeat ordinary Qi refining pinnacles by using the Sword of Forgetfulness!

   Even if you encounter a monk in the foundation building period, you can still contend with a few tricks!

   Sure enough, self-cleansing, self-cultivation and self-cultivation are the kingly way. A creature like a woman will only affect the speed of Chu's sword!

   Taishang Wangqing Sword Art, you have to continue practicing! ! !

   Thinking of this, Chu Xiaolian's gaze at the girl beside him became more and more fiery.

   The girl met Chu Xiaolian's gaze, and her Jiao body trembled slightly in an instant.

   Could it be that the son is ready to use real swords and guns after he has achieved great success?

  The slaves can do it! ! !


  Chu Xiaolian handed over to the girl: "These days, tired girl, I wonder if the girl is tired?"

   Not tired, not tired!

If    is true, the slave family can still hold on for three more days and three nights!

   Of course, you can't be so proactive.

   The girl shyly glanced at Chu Xiaolian with a bashful look: "As long as the son is happy, the slave family can do anything."

  Chu Xiaolian said excitedly: "Well, Chu will go back to the sect to participate in the trial meeting tomorrow, and will come back to look for the girl after the trial is over."

   "Next time Chu will not cover seven days, just pay monthly!"

   "By the way, the price of a girl's night package is 500 taels of silver, can the monthly package be slightly cheaper?"

   What the hell?

   To return to the sect tomorrow to participate in the trial, is there any contradiction with today’s real swords and spears and snipes?

   The son can compete with the slave family and go to the trial again!

  Wait for a meeting, monthly subscription! ! !

   Seriously real swords and guns, how can it be a monthly subscription?

   The girl stared at Chu Xiaolian with wide eyes, her face was full of fear: "Father-in-law... Son-in-law!"

   "You want to take care of the slave house for a month, why?"

  What are you doing?

   Of course not to do it!

  Chu Xiaolian was stunned, and said with a smile: "Chu's swordsmanship has only just started, and I will need a lot of help from the girl in the future. Money is not a problem."

   girl: (╯°Д°)╯︵┻━┻

money is not a problem!

   More help is not a problem!

   The problem is that you will talk about it later!

   Let the old lady help you sharpen the sword, do you talk to the old lady?

   Do you want a monthly subscription?

   This is a humiliation to my old lady!

   humiliation! ! !

   I quit, I would rather be good!

   woo woo woo~

  Too bullying Yincha~


   The words are divided into two ends.

   The most southern part of the Eastern Desolation, the absolute peak.

   Straight into the top of the mountain, there is a small pavilion.

In the pavilion, a middle-aged swordsman and a burly man are sitting opposite each other.

   "Holy Lord Taicang, I have no malice in waiting to cross the border."

   This big man has a rough appearance, and his golden hair is like pouring gold, shining brightly in the sun.

   His whole body exudes a terrifying aura.

  If the cultivation base is not strong enough, even looking directly at this big man can't do it, and he will be instantly burned to ashes by the hot breath coming on his face.

   This is the coercion of the peerless strong man naturally exuding.

   However, the middle-aged swordsman did not seem to be affected in any way.

   He wiped the long sword in his hand, looking very focused.

   Seeing that the middle-aged swordsman didn't say a word, the big blonde man's face sank: "Holy Lord, it's too lionless!"

   "Today, this king led the southern border Tianjiao to cross the border, just for friendly discussions with the holy land Tianjiao in the Eastern Wilderness."

   "I heard that there are no outstanding talents in this generation of the Holy Land. Are you afraid that you will not succeed?"

   Tai Cang holy lord Jiang Xuanyu finally looked at the burly man.

  He calmly said: "If the Lion King insists on crossing the border, this seat will naturally not stop him."

   "But since it's a friendly discussion among the younger generation, don't come over the old fairies over a hundred years old."

   "Otherwise, the sword in Jiang's hand may be easily injured by mistake."

   As soon as the voice fell, the long sword in his hand made a clear sword sound, which instantly resounded across thousands of miles of territory.

   The golden-haired man looked at the Supreme Lord, with a faint color of jealousy in his eyes.

   He snorted coldly: "This is natural, but I just hope that if the junior of the Holy Land is defeated by my Southern Frontier Tianjiao, the Holy Lord will not be ashamed of it."

   Jiang Xuanyu looked at the burly man deeply, staring straight at the back of the other person with a chill.

   For a long time, he calmly said: "If the same generation is fighting, if you lose, you can only blame yourself for not being good at learning, and being innocent with others."

   "However, the strongest Tianjiao of the younger generation in Tai Cang Mansion nowadays is not in the Holy Land."

  The Lion King of Southern Xinjiang was taken aback for a moment, and curiously said: "Tai Cang Mansion's strongest Tianjiao, not in the Holy Land? Where is it?"

   Jiang Xuanyu looked at a certain direction in the east, calmly said: "At the Aojian Fairy Gate."

   The Lion King sneered and said: "Funny!"

   "Holy Lord Jiang has been on the main roads of southern Xinjiang for seven hundred years. He has no distractions, and he doesn't even care about his holy land."

   "The descendants of the dignified sacred place will be crushed under the body by the children of the mere immortals."

   "Really old people are like dragons, and disciples are like insects!"

   The wind is blowing, rolling the lion king's golden hair that is as dazzling as the sun, looking absolutely majestic.

   He sneered and said, "Don't worry, whether your strongest Tianjiao in Taicang Mansion is in the Holy Land or in the Immortal Gate, the result will be the same!"

   "The little prince of this clan will step on him as a stepping stone to the highest!"

   Jiang Xuanyu finally raised his head and looked at the Lion King earnestly.

   He smiled and said, "Try it."


  The golden crow enters the valley, and the jade rabbit rises eastward.

   Two more days have passed, and Hanhai Peak is very lively on this day!

  Because today is Aojian Fairy Gate's ten-year freshman trial meeting, a big event.

   It is said that even the real masters will leave the customs, sit in the town personally, and lead the new disciples of this year to go down the mountain to experience!

   Hanhai Peak is halfway up the mountain, in front of the small courtyard where Li Hanguang lives.

   Jiang Shengxie, Yue Tai'a, and Chu Xiaolian stood at the gate with blue noses and swollen faces.

   In front of them, Ye Chengying stood coldly.

   She exudes a suffocating and powerful aura, and she scrutinizes the three of them with scorching eyes!

   "Big brother Huafan, only four of us in the school know about it."

   "The three of you, who is the secret?"

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