Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 7: Born with a sword bone, Chu is not weaker than others!

   Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle.

   One month is fleeting.


   Proud sword fairy gate, Hanhaifeng.

   The huge sword-forging room is made of bluestone, and countless formations are inscribed on it.

   Spirit Gathering Array, Iron Wall Array, Red Flame Golden Front Array...

   This is where the disciple made the sword!

In the world of   xianxiu, sword cultivation is roughly divided into two types.

  A major in swordsmanship, using a long sword to attack and kill enemies remotely.

   The second major is swordsmanship, holding a long sword in hand, and encountering gods and killing gods three feet in front of you!

   But no matter what kind of swordsmanship you practice, you cannot do without a good sword!

   A good sword can double the power of sword repair!

   Therefore, as long as the swordsman with a strong cultivation level, he basically cultivates the sword-making technique concurrently.

   Of course, most sword repairers do not use their own swords.

   It's the same truth as the doctor is afraid to see his classmates.


  Originally, Aojian Immortal Gate only had a forging room on the Flame Peak.

  Because there is a Divine Fire under the Flame Peak, you can use the Divine Fire to build a sword.

   But the disciples of Han Haifeng, who have always been at odds with the disciples of Liyanfeng, often gather people to fight.

   Over time, Sword Sovereign Hanhai also wants face.

   So he spent a lot of money to let his wife mobilize the financial resources of the Wanli Chamber of Commerce, and forcibly built a sword-making room on Hanhai Peak.

   Since then, the disciples of Hanhai Peak and the disciples of Blaze Peak have become more and more old and unconnected.

   Otherwise, it wouldn't be so difficult for Li Hanguang to fool a fire fan.



   clang clang clang!

   clang clang clang clang clang!

   In the sword casting room, the intensive knocking sound has lasted for a month.

   From the very beginning, it was jerky and messy, and now it is flowing and flowing, and even contains a certain special rhythm.

   Any fool can hear it, the man in the sword forging room is making rapid progress.


   The long sword was burned red by the flames and placed in the prepared spiritual spring.

   Suddenly, a large amount of water vapor evaporates.

  Chu Xiaolian took this sword out of the water, and the void instantly became cold.

   A three-foot-long cold blue sword appeared in the sword-making room, with delicate patterns all over the body.

   That was not carved up.

   is a rhythmic, skillful beat and tempering, which contains an inexplicable charm.

   "The rank of this sword is almost equivalent to a middle-grade magic weapon."

   Old Yan's figure slowly emerged.

   There is appreciation in his eyes: "The first time you can cast a sword, you can succeed, and you can cast a middle-grade artifact."

   "You are born with a sword bone, and the talent for making swords is better than I expected!"

  Chu Xiaolian gently wiped the newly released sword, and smiled: "Thanks to the teacher's careful guidance."

  Old Yan nodded and said: "You don't need to be humble, this is your talent."

   "Originally I thought that you just have the best fire roots and the top gold roots, but I didn't expect that the kendo talent is so outstanding."

   "As long as you practice hard, your future achievements may not be weaker than being a teacher!"

  Chu Xiaolian shot a different light in his eyes: "That, compared with the big brother!"

  Old Yan was silent for a while.

   For a long time, he smiled and said, "If you can cultivate the "Nine Revolutions Forging God Technique" to the perfect state, you may not be able to surpass him in the future."

  Chu Xiaolian's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said firmly: "I can definitely do it!"


   "Nine Turns Forging God Technique"!

   This is the mysterious inheritance that Yan Chixiao obtained in the ancient ruins.

   This heritage has infinite mysteries.

   It allows Jian Xiu to fuse his own spirit with the sword embryo when he is casting the sword.

   not only allows the caster to feel the changes in the embryo more clearly, and casts better quality weapons.

   can also make the monk's spiritual mind be tempered during the casting process and become stronger.

   The spiritual mind is greatly enhanced, and the benefits are self-evident.

   It can directly improve the cultivator's comprehension, and it will get twice the result with half the effort with half the effort.

  Even, it is helpful for Jian Xiu to comprehend the sword intent.

   In addition, when the "Nine Revolutions Forging God Jue" is cast, the divine mind merges with the sword embryo to form a state of'human and sword integration'.

   In this state, the efficiency of refining aura will be stronger, and even doubled.

   is like Chu Xiaolian!

   A month ago, he was only refining the third level of Qi.

   is now closed for a month, and his cultivation level is rising like a rocket.

   Now, it is the seventh realm of Qi refining!

   The four consecutive jumps are enough to make countless people drop their jaws, even surpassing Li Hanguang.

   This also made Chu Xiaolian's heart hot, and couldn't help but want to go out and show off.

   Well, especially want to run to show off to Li Hanguang.

   After all, Li Hanguang talked a lot, saying that currently Chu Xiaolian doesn't even have the qualifications to follow him.

   This makes Chu Xiaolian, who is arrogant, very dissatisfied!

   Although according to the teacher, the big brother Tianzong Wizard has the posture of a great saint!

   But why is Chu not qualified to follow you?

   I want to let you know: There is absolutely no one in this proud sword fairy gate, and I am more qualified to follow you!


   "Teacher, I want to go out to see the big brother."

  Chu Xiao Lian used the long sword cast by him with the hilt, scabbard, and sword spike, and then carried it on his back.

   Although this magical artifact is only medium grade, it was forged by him himself.

  Moreover, during the forging process, the spirit and mind are united, reaching the level of human and sword unity, which is absolutely compatible with him.

   In his hands, the power of this sword may not be weaker than the top-grade magic weapon!

   Yan Chixiao is an old man, he can see through this kid's thoughts in an instant, and he smiles: "Go!"

   "Within one month, the cultivation base has been upgraded to four consecutive levels, which is quite rare."

   "That kid, I might be dumbfounded."


   The stone gate slowly opened.

  Chu Xiaolian walked out, the air stream blew her hair.

   He can clearly feel that there is no amount of light converging around him.

   There is curiosity, doubt, ridicule, disdain, and even jealousy and viciousness.

   Chu Xiaolian sneered.

   He took a deep breath, the breath belonging to the seventh layer of Qi Refining ~ released without reservation.


   Qi vigorously stirred, and the spiritual energy around Chu Xiaolian raged.

  In an instant, all the negative emotions disappeared, leaving only shock and horror.

   Qi refining seven layers, in the outer door, can only be counted as the first class, not even the top.

   But Chu Xiao practiced the seventh stage of Qi refining, and he had to add a prefix.

   That is, he was only refining the third level of Qi last month, everyone knows.

   Within a month, quadruple jump? ? ?

   Such a terrifying promotion is enough to shock the entire fairy gate!

   After a few breaths of silence, countless smiling disciples from the outer and inner sects greeted him.

   "Yeah, Brother Chu, have you finally left the customs?"

   "Senior brother, I have been waiting for you to leave the customs, and I invite you to be a guest for a drink!"

   "I said a long time ago, how could the big brother see the wrong person?"

   "Brother Chu can be recognized by senior brother, he is definitely a top genius, and his future is limitless!"

   "Brother Chu, do you want a maid?"


   Feeling the enthusiasm of the disciples around, Chu Xiaolian sneered.

   A month ago, this is not the attitude!

   As expected, the strong is king!

   This is the truth of the world of immortality.

   Chu Xiaolian ignored all the disciples around him, and walked out of the sword-making room blankly.

   Suddenly, his eyes narrowed slightly.

   Because he saw a barefoot woman in Tsing Yi standing in front of the sword-making room.

   The woman's tulle covers her face, but she can't hide her amorous feelings.

   This woman is Ye Chengying.

   Her voice was cold, and she said indifferently: "Prepare, big brother wants to see you."

   Big Brother wants to see me?

   Chu Xiaolian's eyes showed expectation.

   Very good!

   I was about to see him too!


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