Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 9: Chu, I'm sure to be tight-lipped!

   Big Brother, in Huafan?

   Returning to the original and true, the way is natural?

  Chu Xiaolian stood at the edge of the field, stunned.


   This realm is too high!

   Fortunately, Elder Yan pointed out, otherwise Chu can't see that the big brother is so awesome!

   Chu Xiaolian looked at Ye Chengying beside him.

   But at this moment, Ye Chengying was staring at Li Hanguang intently.

   The beautiful eyes are full of earnestness and concentration.

   Obviously, the second elder sister also knew that the elder brother was in Huafan, and only Chu was making a fuss like a soil bun.

   These cities...the people in the fairy gate, the experience is really not comparable to Chu.

   Well, listen more and talk less in the future to avoid shame.


   Li Hanguang is still cutting rice.

   Ye Chengying stood beside the field, staring at Li Hanguang motionlessly.

  Chu Xiaolian also wanted to be like the second elder sister, by ‘seeing and learning’ on the Huafan Road of the elder brother.

   But, he has no perception at all.

   Chu Xiao Lian found out that he didn't seem to have a high understanding.

   Otherwise, it is impossible to comprehend nothing.

   After all, the second elder sister is so obsessed.

   She must have gained something, maybe she has realized the supreme magic.

   Before leading the way, the second elder sister said: Chu should be honored, and there are only a handful of people who can come here to meet the elder brother.


   If it is not true trust, how can the big brother show his way to the other person!

   This is the respect of the big brother!

   "Damn it, is it that even the second elder sister is more savvy than me?"

  Chu Xiaolian had to admit that he stared at Li Hanguang for half an hour, but Mao didn't realize it.

   There is only one thought in my heart now: I don’t know how to be strong!

   Hey, no wonder.

   No wonder the senior brother said that after I defeated Mu Yuehua in the sacred place of Yaochi, I will be qualified to follow him.

   I am really too far behind now.

   Big Brother asked me to wait and see Huafan, giving such a great opportunity for nothing, I can't help it at all!

  ~! ! !

   How can I be so trash!

   Estimate, even Mr. Yan is laughing at me in his heart!

   Thinking of this, Chu Xiaolian's face flushed, and her aura became impetuous.


   Chu Xiaolian’s cultivation base has reached the seventh level of Qi refining.

  His strength is not weak, and his aura becomes impetuous at this time, and the aura fluctuates suddenly in all directions.


   Li Hanguang was concentrating on cutting rice in the field, and turned around at this time.

   When he saw Chu Xiaolian and Ye Chengying standing on the ridge, staring at him, Li Hanguang's heart shook.

What the hell!

  Chu Xiaolian, why did you come so soon?

   I haven't finished cutting the rice yet, so I set up the pretending scene!

   Li Hanguang originally estimated that with Chu Xiao's training feet, it would take at least another half an hour to arrive.

   Unexpectedly, this kid arrived early and directly disrupted his arrangement!

   is like doing that!

   People haven't done enough foreplay, why did you come in directly!


   "Nothing will be seen!"

   Li Hanguang was a little guilty, after all, outsiders thought he was the real Jindan.

   How can there be a real Jindanqi who cuts the rice by himself?

   As long as you control the flying sword with your divine mind and swish a few times, the rice in these acres of land will be cut in minutes?

   As for Li's behavior of cutting rice by himself now, it's a rookie in the refining period!

   Could it be that Lee Moses fame, is he going to lose his vest at the scene today?

   can't do it!

   This kid hasn't gotten the fire roots yet, and the vest is off. Isn't it a waste of all previous efforts?

   I want fire, I want fire!


   Although he was panicked in his heart, Li Hanguang still insisted on not showing off the strange color on the surface.

   It seems that Gao is extremely cold.

   looked back at the field ridge, there is also a posture of banished immortal nodding.

   people can't help but sigh: there is such a person in the world!

   omniscient insight!

   Chu Xiaolian and Ye Chengying arrived early, making Li Hanguang a little flustered.

   He hurriedly used his omniscience insight to check Chu Xiao Lian's information, maybe he was lucky to be able to brush up some key strategies.

   In this way, there is still room for salvation!

[Chu Xiaolian: The third son of the Chu family of Hongcheng, has worshipped Haoran sword sage Yan Chixiao as his teacher, learned the "Nine Revolutions Forging God Technique", and has made great progress in his cultivation. Now he is in a state of self-doubt and believes in you. Is rising. ——Faith value: 124~125~126 (drawable)]

   Li Hanguang:? ? ?

   What the hell!

  Chu Xiaolian’s belief value, isn’t it 85 points?

   Li is about to use a long poem, so he is impassioned and climaxes on the spot!

   As a result, I haven't said anything yet, but the belief value of this product is broken?

   Just like when, you haven't even entered!

   The other party is hilarious for some reason!

   is very embarrassing!


   Omniscient Insight can see through all information about people, things, and things, but there is a limitation.

   That is, the information refreshed is random, maybe it is only a part of it, it must be correct, but it may not be comprehensive.

   Just like, Li Hanguang could see that Chu Xiaolian's current belief value was increasing.

   But... he didn't know that Mao would improve.

   But omniscient insight, also let Li Hanguang know a lot of information.

   For example, Chu Xiaolian has already worshipped Haoran sword sage Yan Chixiao as his teacher, and his strength has improved greatly.

   No wonder, he can get to the scene so quickly.

   Li is sloppy, Chu Xiaolian is completely the protagonist's fate.

   Since ancient times, the protagonist, how can he practice slowly?

   "It seems that there is a misunderstanding."

   Li Hanguang had guesses in his mind, and it is impossible to explain it now.

   He bit his head and smiled at Chu Xiaolian and Ye Chengying, put away the sickle, and held his hand behind.

   Then, Li Hanguang took a step and walked slowly towards the edge of the field.

   One step, a mud pit.

   He didn't walk fast because he needed to delay thinking about sorrows.

   Of course, the more important reason lies in the fact that flying swords is the means of the monks during the foundation period.

   And he, refining three levels of qi, is only equipped to go ashore in the mud~

   But in the eyes of Chu Xiaolian...

   Every kick of the big brother seems so back to the basics!

   It seems that it is not stepping in the mud, but stepping on the natural road, full of inexplicable charm.

   Although Chu can't fully understand the realm of the big brother.

   But, it looks very advanced!


   Li Hanguang's feet finally set foot on the ridge.

   He cleaned his hands and feet methodically in the Tianbian ditches, and did not use water spells.

   looks natural and harmonious.

   But, it’s still procrastinating.

   After washing all hands and feet, Li Hanguang walked to a wooden table beside the field and sat on an’t, don’t stand, sit down! "

   At this time, a stove was placed on the wooden table, and a pot of rice wine was boiled on the stove.

   The faint aroma of wine, as the fire rises, diffuses.

   This is not a precious good wine.

   If you were in Lingxiao Pavilion before, the tea Li Hanguang asked Chu Xiao to drink was the best spiritual tea.

   Then this pot of rice wine is really ordinary.

   It is only fermented from Fanmi, it has no effect on helping people to enlighten the Tao, and it has almost no spiritual energy.

   This is just ordinary rice wine that mortals drink!

   But Chu Xiaolian became more solemn.

   Big Brother.

   Sure enough, it's already transformed into the world!

   can't do it!

   I can’t let the big brother find me such a terrapin, even Hua Fan can’t see it.

   too ashamed.

   Thinking of this, Chu Xiaolian forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart, with a calm expression on his face.

   Just install it!

   He smiled and said: "Unexpectedly, the big brother actually embarked on the path of transformation."

   As long as you are calm enough, you won’t lose face!

  The Way of Transformation?

   Li Hanguang was slightly taken aback.

   After a little thought, he had an epiphany.


   I actually embarked on the path of transformation?

   Don't say you didn't expect it, even I just found out today!

  得~ Li is not pretending, showdown!

   I'm in Huafan!


   smiled at the corner of his mouth, and Li Hanguang smiled and poured out a glass of warm wine.

   After drinking everything in his cup, he looked at Chu Xiaolian and said mysteriously: "This matter, don't let it pass."

   Chu Xiaolian nodded his head: "Um!!!"

   "Please don't worry, big brother, Chu must be tight-lipped!!!"

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