Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 30: Who can understand the pain of being too handsome?

   Tianzi No. 1 Yajianzhong.

   Before sitting on the table, Li Hanguang methodically brewed Lingcha.

   Ji Mingyue has taken out the Xingyue Guqin and is playing the piano seriously like never before.

   Even, I can see a bit of expectation and tension in my eyes.

   is like a student expecting to be praised, handing in homework to the teacher.

   Listening to Ji Mingyue’s sound of the piano, Li Hanguang frowned slightly: "Stop it!"

   Ji Mingyue hurriedly stopped playing and looked at Li Hanguang nervously: "Brother, is it because I can't play well?"

   Li Hanguang nodded slightly: "What you play now is indeed not as good as before."

   "The first point, the sound quality of this guqin is indeed excellent, surpassing your original yaoqin, but you have not run into it yet."

   "Yaoqin is to a luthier like a sword is to a swordsman. It is not that the more expensive the better, the most important thing is to fit in with you.

   "You and this guqin still need to spend time getting in touch with each other, otherwise you will definitely not be able to use the piano to enter the Tao and integrate the human and the piano into one."

   Mingyue nodded earnestly, like the most devout apprentice.

   If you let other people see Ji Mingyue's attitude at this time, they will definitely drop their jaw!

   After all, Ji Mingyue is a recognized ‘Qin Dao Master’, and his attainments in music are almost ignorant of the younger generation.

   It's really hard to find someone who is qualified to point her.

   Li Hanguang continued: "The second point, your current state is not relaxed."

   "The so-called high mountains and running water, light breeze blowing on the face, the mentality of the piano player should be relaxed naturally, and the nervous state of mind is a big taboo for the piano."

   "Because of your nervousness, you have made obvious mistakes that shouldn't have occurred in the middle of the first quarter, the end of the third quarter, and the front of the fifth quarter."

   "This is not the level you should have."

   Ji Mingyue bit her lip.

   She didn't perform well this time.

   I originally wanted to perform to my senior, maybe it would be better to use the "Xingyue Guqin", but I didn't expect to get used to it at first.

  Because of not adapting to it, it is inevitable to have tension and emotions in my heart.

   These emotions again affected her performance.

   so much so that when she played the piano this time, she didn't even perform at 50% of her original level.

   Hey, if I knew it, I shouldn't have replaced this Guqin.


   Taking a deep breath, Ji Mingyue said earnestly: "Brother, should I use the original guqin and play it again?"

   Li Hanguang smiled on his face: "No need."

   "Let's take a break and calm down before talking!"

   Li Hanguang knew that even if Ji Mingyue played ten more times, it would not be possible to restore the original mood.

   Because according to the omniscience insight, the biggest problem with Ji Mingyue's performance just now is not ‘not compatible with Xingyue Guqin’ at all.

   but: her heart is rippling.

   You must know that whether it is an ‘empty mood’ or a ‘bright moon mood’, it is a pure and elegant mood.

   Especially the song "Shui Tiao Ge Tou", its artistic conception is more memorial.

   This song expresses Mochizuki's feelings of homesickness, homesickness, and relatives, and misses for his beloved relatives and friends.

   Ji Mingyue’s homeland fell during the war, and his family members were even more dead and some were separated.

   And the big brother Li Hanguang, who rescued her from the sea of ​​suffering, has been in retreat for three years and has not seen each other again in three years.

   Three years of loneliness~

   Three years of emptiness~

   sadly ecstasy~

   can only melt into the sound way, the human and the piano are one, and the feeling of longing and the thought of the girl are placed.

   That’s why she interprets the charm of this piano music to the fullest, and even uses this to comprehend the third-class bright moon mood.

   That's right!

   Ji Mingyue condenses not the second-rank Mingyue mood, but the higher third-rank.

   just received the ‘hairpin from the senior’s brother’ before, and the mood was turbulent, so the performance was slightly affected and only showed the second-grade artistic conception.

   As for now, Li Hanguang is sitting in front of her, and the feeling of yearning for three years is coming like a tide.

   In this case, how can Ji Mingyue still want to play the piano? She just wants to say love!

   And all of this, Li Hanguang has a clear insight.

   So sometimes!

   This charm is too strong, it is really troublesome.

   Lee's pain, who can feel the same way!


   Ji Mingyue is a little depressed.

   My phonological talent is really bad.

Brother    gave me three years of time and didn't even practice a piece of music well.

   "Come on, have a cup of tea first."

   At this moment, a cup of pure heart-breaking tea was delivered to Ji Mingyue.

   Ji Mingyue raised his head and saw Li Hanguang's white and handsome face, with no flaws in his face.

   This face is more handsome than when I saw it three years ago!

   Brother’s smile is so warm~

   "Thank you, brother."

   Ji Mingyue has lived in Lanyue Tower for a long time, what scene hasn't been seen?

   But now, like a little girl who has never seen the world, she blushed instantly.

   She took the cup of tea carefully and savored it carefully.

   For a long time, she felt that she should find something to talk about: "Master... brother, thank you for the gift."

   Li Hanguang:?

   Ji Mingyue carefully fiddled with the hairpin, expecting to say: "Brother, look, am I pretty wearing this hairpin?"

   Li Hanguang smiled and said, "The hairpin is ordinary, but the person is very good-looking."

   Ji Mingyue said with a smile: "Big brother is joking, how come your hairpin is ordinary? Mingyue thinks this hairpin is perfect."

   Li Hanguang was slightly taken aback: "I didn't give this hairpin."

   Ji Mingyue:? ? ?

   Li Hanguang said helplessly: "I did prepare a birthday gift for you, but I haven't had time to give it."

   Ji Mingyue:? ? ? ! ! !

   Let me just say it!

   With the taste of a big brother, how can I send me such an ugly hairpin!

   Jiang This is not over!


   Ji Mingyue's mind just started to think of this.

   The first concealed door with the word “Tian” was kicked open directly.

   The incomparably sharp sword intent poured in from the door, accompanied by a cold humming sound.

   "Jiang wants to see what kind of thing is not long-eyed about Ji Mingyue, and dare to break into the No. 1 Tianzi!"

   The words fall.

   A thin man stepped into the No. 1 private room of Tianzi.

   Jiang Shengxie's heart is out of anger.

  He can't tolerate anyone offending the big brother, especially betraying the big brother.

   Ji Mingyue?

   Hehe, what is this bitch!

   If it hadn't been for the rescue of the big brother, she might have already been killed on the street.

   Senior brother studied the great cause of saving people’s lives on the mountain, and did not go to the Moon Tower for three years. What a sacrifice is this?

The results of it!

   This **** actually received other men while the brother was away? Dare to bring other men to the exclusive room of the big brother?

   This is like a husband going out for an army, but his wife takes other men to his home.

  The way to take death!

   Hearing the sound of Ji Mingyue’s piano in Yajian, Jiang Shengxie exploded in anger.

   completely lost his mind!

   He didn't have time to think about it, he just mentioned the long sword, and he was going to cut that bitch!


   Jiang Shengxie rushed into the room fiercely.

   met face-to-face with a helpless big brother who was scolded by him for ‘not long-eyed’.

   He is holding a hairpin and is full of murderous Mingyuesao~


   There is a misunderstanding about the designation here~

   Besides, Jiang, I seem to come at an untimely time~

   Wuhu, it's over! ! !

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