Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 39: This is the legendary Huafan?

   Hanhai Peak Golden Summit.

   Ice and snow, hunting in strong wind.

   Two figures stand proudly in the wind and snow, both upright as pine and sharp as swords.


   If there are people who are good at observing, you will find that the eyes of these two people are a bit incredibly dull.


   These two figures are Li Zhanlu and his son Li Hanguang.

   In this short moment, both of them were in a daze.

   Li Zhanlu was shocked: Li Hanguang’s sword just now had been smashed away by him, and it was impossible for him to attack immediately.

   But it just appeared out of nowhere.

   Moreover, the attack speed of that sword after it was smashed seemed to be faster, more dangerous, and more treacherous than before it was smashed!

   seemed to perfectly absorb Li Zhanlu's power, and then transform it into his own power.

   There is a vague mystery of "strengthening with strength" and "four-two-thousand-jin".

   At that moment, Li Zhanlu didn't see any gorgeous special effects, any bright edges.

  All there is is a very mysterious trajectory of swinging the sword, close to the natural path.

   is not a straight line, but it is faster than a straight line!

   Then he got his neck framed~

   Facing Li Hanguang's sword, Li Zhanlu had to admit, although there were some careless factors.

   But even if he waited hard, he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to take it 100%.

  Because of this sword, it has surpassed the original framework of ‘Changhe Swordsmanship’ and derives the ‘Changhe Sunset Yen’ to a higher level!

   When everyone is still studying the flashy special effects of "Sword Qi Residual Light" and "Sunset Hidden Sword".

   Li Hanguang has abandoned the so-called ‘puzzling the enemy’ and ‘sneak attack’, and has comprehended the word ‘circle’ to an incredible level.

  This sword perfectly integrates the characteristics of the water attribute of ‘strong when it is strong’ into the swordsmanship.

   can definitely be called skill close to Dao, superb, incredible!

   Is this the legendary Huafan?

  Sure enough, the road to Jane!

   Well-deserved reputation, really well-deserved!


   Li Zhanlu was shocked by the tremendous progress of Li Hanguang's sword.

   After all, Li Zhanlu had tried Li Hanguang's swordsmanship more than once before retreating.

   Although Li Hanguang's talent in swordsmanship at that time made him very satisfied, it was far from what it is now.

   is simply the difference between cloud and mud!

   Sure enough, this kid must have been practicing swords with a famous master for three years, otherwise how could he have made such progress?

  We have to try again later!

   If you can force him, use the secret sword technique of Tai Cang Holy Land.

  In that way, you can basically hammer this kid, secretly worship Haoran Sword Saint as his teacher, and secretly learn too much sword technique.

   Li Zhanlu's thoughts in his mind, Li Hanguang is not clear.

   To be honest, he is also quite dazed now!

That's it?

   Lee was just thinking, how can he save enough face for his father without failing a hundred tricks!

   It turned out to be good, and it was put on the shelf in a blink of an eye~

   Is it true that the father has been closed for too long, is he still sleepy now?

   It is still said that he has been promoted to the gods for many years, basically wielding a large sword of several hundred meters, and dropping ten guilds in one effort.

   So, these subtle attacks between square inches have not been studied for a long time?

   Anyway, this sword is already on the shelf.

   What should I do next?

   Li Hanguang feels that he is very painful, after all, his father has little eyes.

   Especially, the old lady is not by his side yet.



  Time, one minute and one second pass.

   In the ice and snow, two men stood opposite each other.

   The sword in Li Hanguang's hand was only 0.01 cm from his father's throat.

   He finally said: "Father, the child didn't control it well, and accidentally used the foundation-building period cultivation base."

   Talking, Li Hanguang quickly retracted the Ice Longsword: "Father, please punish me!"

   Li Zhanlu showed a trace of relief in his eyes, and coughed lightly: "It's okay, it's okay, it's a young man after all."

   "In the future, the control of the mana in this body will have to practice harder."

   Li Hanguang nodded: "My boy understands."

   Li Zhanlu took a deep look at Li Hanguang and walked slowly to ten feet away.

   He still lost his left hand behind his back, holding the sword in his right hand: "Give you another chance and attack me with all his strength."

  Looking at Aojian Lingyun's father, Li Hanguang felt a great deal of pressure.

   It was not Li Zhanlu who was serious. He was so much stronger than before, which made him uncertain of winning.

   But he has now discovered that his father in the same realm is too good!

   Let Li Hanguang learn a hundred strokes with him, he can't be defeated, and he can't be defeated, and it has to be maintained at a level that is only a little bit inferior to him.

   There is a saying, it's like playing table tennis with a leader in a previous life.

   The hardest thing is not to win, but you have to let the leader know that you are great, but a little bit worse than him.

   Every ball is madly dragged, cool and tricky, and he has to be shot.

   In this way, the leader can be comfortable.

   is too difficult~


   "What are you still doing, come here!"

   Li Zhanlu didn't give Li Hanguang too much time to think. Seeing that the latter couldn't make a sword, he started to attack!

   I have to say that Li Zhanlu's swordsmanship is indeed very high.

   Even if the cultivation base is suppressed to the third level of the refining realm, the sword aura is still vertical and horizontal, and it is quite invincible.

   Moreover, he has clearly condensed a high-grade sword intent.

   Even though he hadn't been released at this time, he still had an aura of fear.

   people in front of him, innately frustrated a few points.

   Iron Horse Ice River!

  The long sword burst out with a cold sword air, and its momentum was like a galloping horse, and it poured out like a mighty glacier.

   This is one of the most powerful and fiercest moves in Changhe swordsmanship.

   Enemies of the same rank, few can compete with each other!

   But this magnificent trick, UU reading www. is full of flaws in Li Hanguang's eyes.

   After three years of Bronze Xiaoyin, he has been constantly "spitting out the tongue". He has already practiced the "Long River Sword Classic" to an incredible level.

   It can be said that even if the creator of this swordsmanship competes with him in the same realm, he will be abused.

   Li Hanguang doesn’t even need to urge the ‘omniscience insight’, he can instantly see no less than ten flaws in his father, and at the same time defeat them and defeat the enemy.

   Yeah, it’s the same as the previous time~

   What hurts Li Hanguang now is that he must suppress this impulse.

   Not only should we treat these ‘obvious’ flaws as nothing, but also try to avoid them naturally.

   The most important thing is that between the moments of this confrontation, you have to ensure that your father is ‘matched’, even heartily!

   I have to say, in just a dozen moves, Li Hanguang was so tired that he sweated out.


   On the other side, Li Zhanlu also felt very shameless.

   After all, as an old man, he was killed by his own son because he underestimated the enemy.

   Can't find the place?

   So this time, he has already used the strongest sword in his life to attack his own son.

   It can be said that he has never cut his son so hard!

   But the embarrassing thing is that even if he tries his best, he still can't completely suppress this kid, he can only be considered as the upper hand.

  Although the kid seemed to be under a lot of pressure, he was already sweating on top of his head.

   But what Li Zhanlu wants is not to suppress, but to force this kid's "Tai Cang hole card" out, and then crush and defeat!

   After careful consideration...

   Li Zhanlu quietly mentioned the cultivation base to the fifth level of Qi refining.

  In an instant!

  His kendo offensive is even more fierce!


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