Su Kaiwei's answer didn't come out of Ye Shaoqiu's expectation. After all, only this hatred can make su Kaiwei betray the blood shadow killer organization, which is reasonable.

Su Kaiwei didn't say anything more, and ye Shaoqiu didn't ask. This belongs to Su Kaiwei's poem. She is willing to say that ye Shaoqiu listens to it, but she is not willing to say that ye Shaoqiu does not need to expose other people's scars.

"I think we should hurry up and go to the underground base first. If other managers find out, it will be troublesome!"

Su Kaiwei changes the topic, and ye Shaoqiu nods. They quickly come to the rubble heap with tacit understanding. Su Kaiwei goes directly to the rubble heap, in front of the most inconspicuous stone, and picks it up!

Sukaiwei picked up the stones and cleaned up the soil covering the ground, revealing a metal ring. Su Kaiwei holds the ring and gently pulls it. On a small open space, he slowly opens an entrance.

The entrance is square, only about 1.2 square. It's no problem for a person to enter normally.

Su Kaiwei quickly ran to the entrance and walked down, followed by Ye Shaoqiu, with a stone ladder below the entrance. Su Kaiwei and the road are good. After walking only a dozen stone stairs, the entrance is slowly closed, and the bottom is dark!

Ye Shaoqiu was able to see things in the dark, and he didn't care about the dark at all. Su Kaiwei had been going back and forth many times and was very familiar with how to go, so they went on without any hesitation.

After walking about 30 steps of the stone ladder, Su Kaiwei stopped. Because he had come to a small platform, Su Kaiwei reached out and knocked to the left, which made a thumping sound. There was an iron door.

Su Kaiwei knocked seven times, three long and four short. There's a response coming from the iron gate, but it's short and long. Su Kaiwei continued to respond, this time it was two short and one long.

After sukai knocked two short and one long, the iron door opened slowly, and the light white light came out. On the other side of the iron gate stood a big man about two meters tall, looking at Su Kaiwei without expression, while ye Shaoqiu was still at the stairs, so he was not seen by the two meter tall man.

"Task receipt!"

Su Kaiwei pretends to reach into his arms to get the so-called task receipt, but his eyes have already looked at ye Shaoqiu.

When the two meter tall man saw Su Kaiwei's appearance, he immediately realized that it was wrong. He raised his hand fiercely to close the iron gate. But ye Shaoqiu's reaction was much faster than that of the two meter tall man. He dodged Su Kaiwei and went directly into the iron gate, hitting the two meter tall man's head with one punch.

With a bang, the neck of a two meter tall man has been greatly impacted, which makes him fall to the ground. He stares at ye Shaoqiu, but he can't speak any more, because his neck has been broken by Ye Shaoqiu's fist, and he died on the spot!

Su Kaiwei didn't expect that ye Shaoqiu solved another power between the lightning and flint, which is the power type power that ye Shaoqiu said.

Ye Shaoqiu easily solved two powers twice, which made Su Kaiwei firm his mind to follow ye Shaoqiu again, because ye Shaoqiu's strength has exceeded Su Kaiwei's imagination. He believes that ye Shaoqiu can definitely help him get revenge.

Looking at the two meter tall man who fell to the ground, Su Kaiwei shed tears again and took the initiative to say:

"It's him who tore my elder brother in two

Ye Shaoqiu didn't expect Su Kaiwei to take the initiative to say this. He took a look at a two meter tall man on the ground. He was also quite surprised that he could tear people alive with his hands.

"There is also a manager. After solving the problem, there should be several killers living here!"

Ye Shaoqiu calmly said these words, Su Kaiwei immediately took back his emotions, nodded and went in.

"Close the door. It's too heavy for me to close it!"

Ye Shaoqiu nodded and closed the door. Su Kaiwei immediately took ye Shaoqiu to the inside of the base. They walked along a long corridor, about 30 to 40 meters to the end.

There was another electronic door at the end of the corridor. Su Kaiwei frowned and thought about it. Then he quickly pressed the password keyboard of the electronic door. The electronic door slowly opened, revealing another long corridor. But this time, there was a room on the left and right.

Ye Shaoqiu has long used the perspective function of Tongtian pupil to get a clear understanding of the distribution of all the people in the underground base. As soon as the electronic door was opened, ye Shaoqiu immediately flashed in. Then he stopped in the third room on the left, raised his hand and grasped the door handle. With a fierce force, the door was destroyed by Ye Shaoqiu.

As soon as ye Shaoqiu opens the door, he sees a cold light stabbing at him. However, ye Shaoqiu smiles coldly. He hides from the cold light in the corridor, raises his hand fiercely, hits the killer in front of him, and directly knocks him to the ground.

This time, without waiting for ye Shaoqiu to kill the killer, Su Kaiwei has flashed into the room, slashed the killer's neck and killed him.

However, the movement of Ye Shaoqiu's breaking the door attracted the attention of the killers in the other two rooms. There were two room doors behind ye Shaoqiu. They suddenly opened the two killers and killed ye Shaoqiu and Su Kaiwei with daggers in hand.

Ye Shaoqiu turns around fiercely and looks at the two killers with both eyes. The two killers can't move for a moment. Su Kaiwei is also reacting in an instant. He rushes out of the room, holding a dagger in his hand. Two cold lights cross the two killers' necks and kill them again.

In the underground base, except for another manager hiding in the deepest place, all others have died.

Ye Shaoqiu was reconfirmed with Tong Tian Tong, but the last remaining manager, the native ability, has found ye Shaoqiu and Su Kaiwei coming.

"Sukaiwei, how do you know how your family died? How dare you betray the organization? Is it because of this boy that I can help you? "

The sound came from all directions. It was the voice of the native power. Now that they are in the underground soil system, the voices of the powers can penetrate all the soil and reach ye Shaoqiu and Su Kai's ears.

"Huang Ben, when I was a baby, I didn't know what you did to my family, but there were too many people in the organization who knew about it!

That time, Qian Dayou wanted me to accompany him when he was drunk. When I resisted, he let slip his words. But fortunately, your order came in time that time, and I didn't get it!

But after that incident, I began to investigate and finally let me know the truth of everything in the mouth of a killer who was about to be executed for committing the crime! "

When Su Kaiwei said this, his voice became colder and colder, just like the cold wind in the ice hell, giving people a piercing feeling, and his eyes were full of endless hatred!

"Ha ha... Even if you know all the truth? For the organization, any betrayal is only destruction! After all, you don't follow your parents. You should have buried you alive together, knowing that you shouldn't have left your life mercifully at the beginning! "

Huang Ben laughs and makes the whole base tremble. Ye Shaoqiu knows that this is because he controls the soil outside the base and shakes the base, causing the base to collapse at any time because of his control.

"Hide one's head and show one's tail, and you will know how to play tricks with your powers here!"

The voice of Ye Shaoqiu's disdain rang, and then he stamped his foot fiercely. Under Ye Shaoqiu's foot, the ground made of Jinggang split to both sides like paper paste!

The ground that Jing has just paved is cracked, and a figure suddenly emerges from the ground. He is covered with soil, and is staring at ye Shaoqiu coldly. It is Huang Ben, the native power!

"Boy, what kind of powers are you? How is it possible to achieve such great strength and fire power? You can't be so strong with a double power? "

Huang Ben still didn't open his mouth. His voice came from ye Shaoqiu through the wall. Looking at the clay figure like psionic in front of him, his face was full of disdainful smile.

"I've never said I'm a psionic, and it's not me who's going to kill you, it's her!"

Hearing ye Shaoqiu say that he is not a power, Huang Ben trembles with fright. The only eyes that let people see all stare up, full of fear.

"You're not a psionic. Are you an immortal?"

Ye Shaoqiu nodded casually, looked at Su Kai and said:

"Congratulations, you're right, but I've said that it's not me who's going to kill you, it's her!"

Huang Ben's eyes were erratic. Hearing ye Shaoqiu's words, he gave Su Kaiwei a cold look and said with disdain:

"Even if you're an immortal, you don't have to insult me like this. You're just an ordinary killer, you just want to kill me? Do you really think that we powers are all made of clay? "

When ye Shaoqiu hears Huang Ben's words, he can't help laughing. What's the difference between him and the clay?

Huang Ben seems to realize that there is something wrong with his words, because he is covered with mud, which is no different from that of mud kneading. However, because he is covered with mud, no one can see his embarrassed look.

Su Kaiwei is silent all the time. She is surprised that ye Shaoqiu already knows something, but at this time, she doesn't care to expose it.

"He's right. I'm the one who's going to kill you, because my powers just restrain you!"

As soon as sukai's voice fell, her body began to emit a breath of extreme cold, and then a layer of frost formed on the surface of her body, and the ground under her feet also began to condense!

"Ice power? How is that possible? Have you awakened your powers? "

Huang Ben's frightened voice rang, then suddenly turned around, jumped up regardless of everything, and rushed down to the ground.

Unfortunately, he was still too late. Su Kaiwei's frost spread at an incredible speed and directly spread to the ground where Huang Ben was about to enter, blocking his escape.

"Frozen, frozen hell!"

Su Kaiwei yells, and the frost all over the place instantly condenses into transparent ice, wrapping the whole area where Huang Ben is, and Su Kaiwei is also included in the world of ice.

Ye Shaoqiu is a flash away from Su Kaiwei's frost world, which makes Su Kaiwei extremely shocked, but has no time to pay attention to ye Shaoqiu's departure, because her goal is to kill Huang Ben, the murderer who buried all his family alive!

The reason why the ice powers are the enemy of the earth powers is that once the water in the soil freezes, it will make the soil dry and loose, unable to condense, which will cause the earth powers to be unable to use their powers to control the land.

This is equivalent to strangling the lifeblood of the native powers. For Huang Ben, this is a nightmare.

If that wood green is still alive before, Huang Ben and his alliance, there is no need to fear ice skills, but that wood power has died.

In the whole ice world, more and more pieces of ice condense. Su Kaiwei empties all the water in the soil and turns it into ice to trap Huang Ben. Countless ice spines stand out from the ice and rush towards Huang Ben.

Without the help of the earth, Huang Ben seems to have lost his attack and defense. He was pierced by countless ice and settled in the world of ice and snow, but his blood quickly condensed into blood red ice crystals.

"Huang Ben, today I want you to pay with blood!"

Su Kaiwei's cold voice shook the whole underground base. And Huang Ben has been covered with ice thorns, the blood flow condensed into ice and fell to the ground!

"Ha ha... I didn't expect that I would eventually die under the ice power... I thought that when Mu Qing and I joined hands to kill your father, we were afraid of his ice power... I didn't expect that I would die under the ice power today... Maybe it was Providence..."

Huang Ben made a laugh, and finally told him that he had been afraid of the ice power, but he had poisoned Su Kaiwei's father. In the end, he suffered retribution and let his most afraid ice power be killed.

When the ice and snow world is broken and Su Kaiwei comes out of it, ye Shaoqiu has finished smoking a cigarette. Looking at the ice debris on the ground behind Su Kaiwei, there are pieces of rags on it. It should be Huang Ben who was frozen by Su Kaiwei and smashed into a smashed corpse.

"You've got a big revenge. Next, we should call the killers back and let you know how to kill them. In this way, we can vent our hatred in your heart."

Ye Shaoqiu's insipid voice comes into Su Kaiwei's ears. Su Kaiwei nods and goes to Huang Ben's original room without any nonsense. Under the table, he presses an emergency red button, which is the notification button to call all the killers back!

All the killers in the city of Tianhai have received a short message, that is, the base is attacked, all the people come back!

Without any hesitation, all the killers converged towards the base, because they knew that if they could not return to the base within the specified time, they would be removed by the blood shadow killers and died in the hands of the killers they had worked with.

However, when the killers returned to the base, they were buried in the base forever. The endless frost covered the whole underground base. The killers entered the ice hell like moths to the fire and were killed one by one by sukaiwei.

Ye Shaoqiu is outside the base, watching Su Kaiwei's crazy killing, and occasionally kicks one or two killers who have escaped unexpectedly back to the base!

A total of 131 killers were finally buried in their underground base. Ye Shaoqiu returned to Tianhai city with Su Kaiwei, who had exhausted his ability.

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