After Ye Shaoqiu found out about the effects of the < Immortal Farmer God Curse >, he immediately stood in front of the Hundred-year-old Polygonum Multiflorum and silently chanted a boost curse.

For a time, the Polygonum multiflorum began to reproduce rapidly, taking root, sprouting, long leaves, and other processes.

After the spell was chanted, a large area of the Head of the Guards emerged from the ground.

Looking at their leaves, they were exactly the same as the Hundred-year-old Polygonum Multiflorum from before.

In order to test the effects of the Headed Crow, Ye Shaoqiu picked up a stalk of it with his hand and then cleaned up the soil.

He put it into his mouth and slowly chewed on it.

After he finished eating, his face revealed a look of ecstasy.

As it turned out, the Wu Chief, who had been developed through the growth of the curse, still maintained the effects of the Hundred-year-old Polygonum Multiflorum.

Squinting his eyes, he saw a path to becoming rich.

From now on, as long as he continuously gathered Hundred-year-old Polygonum Multiflorum, he would receive unlimited amounts of money.

When he thought here, he bent down slightly and picked up two baskets with the carrying pole on his shoulder.

He activated the [Heavenly Art of the Nine Heavens], and a burst of God Power burst out from his body. With a stomp of his legs, he soared into the sky, slowly reaching the peak of the mountain.

When he landed on the mountaintop, he broke off a few shrubs and placed them on top of two baskets, concealing the Hundred-year-old Polygonum Multiflorum within.

Afterwards, he picked up the carrying pole and dashed down the mountain to the foot of the mountain, hurrying home.

When they reached the edge of the village, Mo Chunhua jumped out from nowhere and blocked Ye Shaoqiu's path, sneering: "Ye Shaoqiu, you're so pitiful, to actually be so poor that you didn't even have rice to cook, you're going to the mountains to pick wild herbs."

Ye Shaoqiu frowned, his eyes glanced at Mo Chunhua, and said impatiently: "Mo Chunhua, no matter how I live, I do not need you to worry about me."

The meaning behind his words was that even if I were poor and in a dire situation, it would have nothing to do with you.

Mo Chunhua took two steps forward and looked at Ye Shaoqiu with a smile that was not a smile: "My family still lacks some pig food, if you sell these wild vegetables to me, I'll give you eight dollars?"

"I'm not buying, not buying! Get out of my way! Don't block my way!" Ye Shaoqiu lightly pushed Mo Chunhua.

"I was blocking your way, what can you do to me!" Mo Chunhua placed her hands on her waist, and acted like a shrew, and continued to speak: "You owe my father 20 thousand yuan, and now, you still dare to be disrespectful to me?"

"You are making a ruckus without any reason. I told you to get out of the way, did you hear me?" Ye Shaoqiu emphasized his volume, staring at Mo Chunhua as he spoke.

While speaking, a sturdy man rushed out, he ran to Mo Chunhua's side with large strides and said to Ye Shaoqiu: "Kid, Qiubi Bi, why are you pestering Spring Flower?"

"Hey, Wang Zifu, don't speak nonsense. Who's bothering her?" The corner of Ye Shaoqiu's mouth rose as he said unhappily.

Wang Gui's family's condition was not bad and had always been chasing after Mo Chunhua. It was just that Mo Chunhua was neither cold nor hot, and he was unable to catch her for a while.

In the past, Wang Gui relied on his family's wealth to bully Ye Shaoqiu many times.

"Aiyo, little poor peasant, you actually dare talk back to me. You deserve a beating, don't you!" Wang Fu pointed at Ye Shaoqiu's nose and said fiercely.

"Let go of your claws." Ye Shaoqiu said coldly with an expressionless face.

"F * ck, you still dare to talk back? You're giving me face and not taking it back!" Wang Fu raised his right fist and punched towards Ye Shaoqiu's right cheek.

Ye Shaoqiu's expression was different from before, his eyes were sharp and fierce, his right hand quickly grabbed onto Wang Wei's wrist, he twisted with force, causing the latter to immediately turn around and face the ground, his mouth intimately touching the ground.

Ye Shaoqiu's kick landed on Wang Zhuang's butt, causing the latter to immediately fall flat on his face.

"Damn, how dare you sneak attack me!" Wang Yu cursed, and his hands were in pain.

Mo Chunhua quickly supported Wang Fugui and asked worriedly, "Rich, what happened to you?"

"It's nothing, it's just that my arm is a little sore." Wang Gui shook his head.

Mo Chunhua complained: "You're really useless, to be beaten up by this poor bastard."

"Spring Flower, listen to me, he was the one who just attacked me." Wang Gui tried to defend himself.

Ye Shaoqiu was too lazy to bother with the two of them. While the two of them were talking, he picked up two baskets and walked towards the village with big strides.

Wang Gui stared at Ye Shaoqiu's back and roared: "Coward, you can hide from me, but not from me. The next time I see you, your elder will definitely smack your mouth shut!"

Ye Shaoqiu's figure froze, and his face revealed an angry expression.

Wang Gui, don't be arrogant! I have found a way to make a fortune. One day, I will step on you.

After a while, Ye Shaoqiu returned home, squatted by the door and put all the Hundred-year-old Polygonum Multiflorum into two gunny sacks.

When he was done, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

Just as she was about to go out, Ai Xiaoying came over. Seeing that Young Master Ye had gone out, she asked curiously, "Shaoqiu, where are you going?"

"Xiaoying, you came at just the right time. I was just about to go look for you." Ye Shaoqiu laughed, he bent over slightly and used her strength to pick up two burlap sacks filled with Hundred-year-old Polygonum Multiflorum s.

"Hmm, you said yesterday, you're going to take me to play in town today." Ai Xiaoying said as she placed both her hands under her stomach and raised her head to look at Ye Shaoqiu.

"I don't have a motorcycle at home, so I want to borrow your motorcycle." Ye Shaoqiu said directly.

Ai Xiaoying nodded her head: "Sure, my mom went out to work, the motorcycle is still at home, I'll take it out now."

"Alright, let's go out together." Ye Shaoqiu said indifferently.

With that, the two of them walked out of the door and directly arrived in front of Ai Xiaoying's house.

Ai Xiaoying quickly walked into the house. She pushed a motorcycle with both hands and slowly returned to Ye Shaoqiu's side.

Ye Shaoqiu lifted two gunny sacks and placed them on the back shelf of the motorcycle. Then, he found a belt and tied the two gunny sacks tightly.

Then he sat down on the seat and gripped the two handles with both hands.

Ai Xiaoying sat behind Ye Shaoqiu, her hands tightly holding onto the steel tail frame.

Ye Shaoqiu started the car, changed the direction, and drove along the village road.

The mountain road was bumpy, bumpy, and the motorbike was swaying.

Ai Xiaoying's body swayed, her eyebrows knitted, and said, "Brother Shaoqiu, drive slower, I am hurt by the car."

"Xiaoying, this won't do. I'm at my slowest speed." Young Master Ye said helplessly.

Suddenly, the wheels hit a rock and the car shook violently.

Affected by this force, Ai Xiaoying's body leaned forward and immediately pounced on Ye Shaoqiu's back. "Ah …" Ai Xiaoying cried out in alarm, as a flush surfaced on her face.

"Xiaoying, how about this, you hug my waist so it won't sway." Ye Shaoqiu thought for a moment, then said to Ai Xiaoying.

Ai Xiaoying's eyes lit up, her hands quickly wrapped around Ye Shaoqiu's waist, her head resting on's shoulder, she said, "This is a little embarrassing."

"Hur hur." Ye Shaoqiu did not say much and focused on what was in front of him.

On the way, a few village women saw the intimate actions of Ye Shaoqiu and Ai Xiaoying and turned to look at the two of them.

A fat village woman said, "Look, the two of you are in love."

Another short-haired woman said, "Let's go and spread the news."

The village woman loved to gossip the most. This time, she would definitely cause a ruckus and everyone in the village would know about it.

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