In the middle of the conversation, the style of boxing breaks through and attacks ye Shaoqiu directly. In Xia yanghao's expectation, ye Shaoqiu can't do it at the moment no matter what. He is very confident about this.

Even the bodyguards on the other side stared at Xia yanghao's action. The most powerful bodyguard couldn't help exclaiming: "master Qin's attack is too fierce. Almost no one can stand his fist in the game. This boy is going to be unlucky!"

After listening to the bodyguard's words, xia Mo's face suddenly turns pale. She knows that ye Shaoqiu can fight, but they are all gangsters in the street. How can those people compare with Xia yanghao, who is the champion of Sanda in the city?

Behind her, Li Hui is also worried. Although she always has a problem with ye Shaoqiu, only she knows why she does it!

But what happened in the next moment made everyone's eyes wide open. It was really unexpected!

When ye Shaoqiu was running, suddenly his two feet were mixed together. He tripped himself! But just for this fall, Xia yanghao's fist wiped ye Shaoqiu's scalp and crossed over. His fist was empty!

Ye Shaoqiu rushes directly from Xia yanghao's side and falters. Then he stops. Looking back, his face turns pale and full of sweat. He looks shocked.

Ye Shaoqiu quickly looked at himself and found that he had nothing to do with it. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, patted his chest and said, "it was really dangerous just now!"

Xia yanghao also looked at his fists in amazement. He didn't expect that ye Shaoqiu would attack more than himself in this way. He felt a little ridiculous.

"Good luck, boy!"

After ye Shaoqiu dodged the first punch, Xia yanghao also felt a little shameless, subconsciously attributed the reason to luck, then sneered and said: "but you can dodge my first punch, can you dodge my second punch?"

Before his voice was heard, Xia yanghao ran straight to ye Shaoqiu. It wasn't far away. He came to ye Shaoqiu in two or three steps, and hit ye Shaoqiu's chest with one punch. It seemed that he made a roaring sound.

In the face of Xia yanghao's attack, ye Shaoqiu seems to be scared and dumb. He doesn't move. It seems that he is going to take Xia yanghao's fist, and everyone has to sweat for him.

When Xia yanghao's fist is coming, even Xia yanghao's face is excited. I don't know if it's because I want to win ye Shaoqiu's five million, or I can let ye Shaoqiu leave from xia Mo's side. But just at this moment, the change is sudden!

In Xia yanghao's eyes, ye Shaoqiu's dull face suddenly flashed a smile, like a ghost voice into Xia yanghao's ears, let him look terrible.

"Don't you think you're going to win? Hehe, do you know what it means to be a pig and eat a tiger? Forget it. I'll teach you a lesson this time. "

Ye Shaoqiu's sudden smile is like a touch of sunshine, directly reflected in Xia yanghao's eyes, which makes him feel particularly dazzling. With a thump in his heart, he suddenly bristles with sweat.

No, it's cheating!

Xia yanghao tries his best to stop the pace of rushing forward, and plans to stop before entering ye Shaoqiu's attack range.

Ye Shaoqiu smiles a little. He doesn't care what kind of response Xia yanghao will make. It's just a flat fist. There's no fist style breaking the air, and there's no blue muscle rising. It's just such a soft fist that seems to fall gently on Xia yanghao's chest.

But it was just the calm before the storm. The storm broke out at the moment when it touched Xia yanghao's body!

In everyone's eyes, Xia yanghao seems to rush to ye Shaoqiu's fist with his own chest. Then he makes a dull sound, accompanied by a bone crack.

Under the gaze of people's horror, they were thrown away from afar, and finally fell into the flower pool in the courtyard, collapsing countless flowers and plants in the courtyard.

For a moment, everyone stood on the spot and felt that their brains were not enough. What happened? Even if Xia yanghao bumps into ye Shaoqiu's fist with his chest, it should be ye Shaoqiu, not Xia yanghao who rushes past!

At this time, Xia yanghao, who was lying in the flowers, could not figure out the situation. At that time, he felt as if he had run into an armored car. At the moment when he came into contact with it, he was in the dark. When he woke up, he was already lying here.

The process is too fast, even Xia yanghao himself did not understand what is going on!

At that moment, only ye Shaoqiu knew what had just happened.

At that time, Xia yanghao rushed towards him. Although he tried to control his speed at the last moment, ye Shaoqiu didn't give him a chance at all. His genuine Qi surged out. His fist seemed as light as a feather, but in fact it was as heavy as Mount Tai!

Xia yanghao looks at ye Shaoqiu in horror, gushes out a mouthful of blood from his mouth, spreads a crazy look on his face, points at ye Shaoqiu and roars: "what are you looking at? A group of rubbish, give it to me, I want him to die, die! "

In the roar of Xia yanghao, the bodyguards came back to their senses one after another. They felt endless bitterness in their hearts. Just now you wanted to fight with others, but now you can't beat them. Do you scold us as rubbish? If it wasn't for the fact that you are a young Xia family, we would have let you know how to write dead words!

But naturally, they don't dare to say that. In Xia yanghao's angry voice, Wu Sanlang, the leader of the bodyguard, gives ye Shaoqiu a dignified look and says, "brothers, what you eat is this meal. There's no way. Let's go!"

After that, the man strode towards ye Shaoqiu, and a roar came out of his mouth. It seemed that he was cheering for everyone. Under the leadership of Wu Sanlang, the rest of the people also rushed towards ye Shaoqiu.

Ye Shaoqiu looks at the bodyguards who rush over and shakes his head slightly. Even though he has real Qi injuries, these bodyguards can't hurt him.

And he also understands the situation as a bodyguard. It's their responsibility for employers to be injured, not to mention that employers are injured, but they are not injured at all. How can they stay in the bodyguard circle?

"Then do it gently." Ye Shaoqiu's secret way.

Then, under Wu Sanlang's astonished gaze, ye Shaoqiu jumps up, kicks him with one foot, and falls to Xia yanghao's side. Then it seems that there is a heavy rain in the sky, and all the bodyguards fall into the flowers one after another, unable to move.

"It's over, it's over!"

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