"Don't worry Aunt Yang, I have understood enough. I know the culprit like the back of my hand, and I have a blood debt to settle with him."

Ai Xiaoying said worriedly: "Brother Shaoqiu, then you must be careful!"

Ye Shaoqiu laughed, and said: "Hehe, Xiaoying, do you still not know your Brother Qiu's true strength?"

"But you still can't be careless. Shaoqiu, this person is completely different from a ghost." Aunt Yang said from the side.

Ye Shaoqiu expressed understanding, and said: "Don't worry, I have confidence that Sis Meimei's body is still weak, but we cannot stop with the matter of collecting chickens, we will have to trouble Aunt Yang and Xiaoying. When we go, we can also call upon Uncle Liu for help."

Aunt Yang nodded her head, indicating that she understood, and said: "Then what about Sister Meimei, who will take care of her."

"I'm fine. Don't worry, I can already eat the melon seeds. What are you going to take care of me for?"

Zhao Meimei quickly refused: "Besides, I'm not that kind of pampered."

"That won't do, I'll look for the Auntie Sun later and give her 100 yuan a day, so she can take care of you for a few days." Ye Shaoqiu decided.

"Ai …" Qiu Zi, you really don't need to. " Zhao Meimei said.

"It's settled then. Alright, I'll be busy now. I still need to deliver the medlar to my superiors. They're urging me to do so." Ye Shaoqiu did not even have time for Zhao Meimei to reject, so he had settled on this matter.

Then we'll follow Shaoqiu's arrangements. Shaoqiu, you go and busy yourself. The Aunt Yang said.

Soon after, Ye Shaoqiu bid his farewell to the three of them, and left for the Xiaoxi Mountain alone with a gunny sack. On the way, he thought: Sigh, he originally thought that there would not be enough people left, but now that something happened, he realised that he did not have enough people, it was time to find another helper.

However … Finding someone was also a big problem. If he met one that would scam Ye Shaoqiu, or one that didn't use money, Ye Shaoqiu would definitely be scammed to death by the other party.

Very quickly, Ye Shaoqiu arrived at the Xiaoxi Mountain, but on the way, a small white figure suddenly sprang out from the shadows, flashing straight towards Ye Shaoqiu's embrace.

When Ye Shaoqiu saw everything clearly, he realized that it was Xiao Bai.

"Hey, Lil 'White, why are you here?" Ye Shaoqiu said in shock.

Then, he remembered that although Little White often slept under his blanket, it seemed like he had never fed Little White before. Only Xiaoying had fed it a few times, and at other times, Little White had always come out to look for food on its own.

"Miaomiao." Little White laid in Ye Shaoqiu's embrace, crying non-stop.

This confused Ye Shaoqiu. What?

Little White released a few breaths in a human-like manner, then Ye Shaoqiu felt a scent that contained a Genuine Qi, and he instantly understood. So that's how it was …

So this was the reason why Lil 'White was so familiar with him.

Then, Ye Shaoqiu activated the Genuine Qi in his body and tried to transport it into Whitey's body to comb its body.

Lil 'White immediately mewled in a very human-like manner. From its expression, it seemed to be enjoying itself.

After a while, Little White seemed to be full. Ye Shaoqiu still had not retracted his hands, but Little White had jumped out as well. It then shook its body, and like a rooster, found a sunny place in the wolfberry area and lied down.

"Heh …" Having just received my favor, I will no longer recognize you after eating my fill.

Ye Shaoqiu helplessly shook his head, looked at the medlar, and began working. Very quickly, Ye Shaoqiu collected more than half of the medlar and filled a big sack.

Feeling that it was enough, Ye Shaoqiu stopped and carried the big bag back. At the same time, when Little White saw that Ye Shaoqiu was about to leave, it also jumped up and followed behind Ye Shaoqiu.

At this time, it was already near dusk, and the setting sun had extended Ye Shaoqiu's shadow to an unusually long length. Little White was not sure if it was out of curiosity, or because it felt that there was something special within Ye Shaoqiu's shadow, but it kept on stomping on it, as if it was attacking.

At this moment, a voice came out from Ye Shaoqiu's silhouette, and said: "Brother Shaoqiu, can you stop this little white cat from stepping on me? I feel a little afraid."

Ye Shaoqiu was startled, afraid? Why are you afraid of a ghost? Furthermore, he was afraid of a little Miaomiao. This was a joke, so he asked curiously, "What's wrong? Lil 'White is pretty obedient. "

"I don't know. I felt that it had a natural yin aura restraining me. It made me feel very uncomfortable, as if I was suffocating."

"Alright …" Although she did not know what had happened, what could Jia Meihmeih do after hearing what Jia Meihmeih had said? She looked at Little White and said, "Little White, stop looking. Hey, Little White?"

Little White grabbed onto Ye Shaoqiu's figure tightly and started to move and move about. Then, as if it had caught onto some delicious food, it opened its mouth to swallow it.

"Brother Shaoqiu, quickly save me." Jia Meihmeih's cry for help immediately sounded out.

Hearing Jia Meihmeih's tone, Ye Shaoqiu immediately knew that Little White had definitely caught something. Although Little White seemed to be grabbing onto the soil crazily, was very clear that Jia Meihmeih was hiding by his side, hiding in his shadow if there was any sunlight. If there was no sunlight, he would hide somewhere else.

As a result, he hurriedly stepped forward and ruthlessly kicked Little White away. Little White was sent flying by Ye Shaoqiu's kick and was instantly a little angry. With a furious meow, he jumped up and bit towards Ye Shaoqiu.

Pfft. I almost bled.

Just like that, a bite mark was left on Ye Shaoqiu's butt by Little White.

But luckily, Little White still clearly knew how to act appropriately. Even though it looked very scary on the surface, it had only injured Ye Shaoqiu physically and mentally and did not hurt his internal organs.

"Aiyo, today I'm going to stew you, little male cat, no matter what."

Jia Meihmeih suddenly said weakly: "Brother Shaoqiu... It's a female. "

"Ah?" Is that so … "Fine." Ye Shaoqiu laughed, and said shamelessly: "You even bit my butt, seems like you're even a little perverted cat."

Jia Meihmeih, "..."

Upon hearing Ye Shaoqiu's words, Little White immediately meowed again and jumped up with its fur standing on end. It seemed to be just about to jump down, giving Ye Shaoqiu a huge shock as it hurriedly ran forward with large strides.

Little White was crazily chasing after him from behind. One of them was carrying a gunny sack while the other ran with both of his legs, but they could not catch up. Just like that, a person and a cat ran into the village.

Along the way, without stopping, Ye Shaoqiu ran back home. He placed the gunny sack of wolfberries into the carriage, and then went back to Zhao Meimei's house.

At this time, Aunt Yang and Zhao Meimei were chatting idly while Ai Xiaoying sat in her room alone, thinking about something.

When she saw Little White, her eyes lit up and she immediately stood up. She ran towards it with a face full of joy. She picked it up and stroked its fur, saying, "Heh, Little White!"

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