After Xia Mo left, his mood became much better. Right now, she was in the same place as Ye Shaoqiu, and his mood was like a kite that was about to fly away.

But, his expression did not leak out, and Ye Shaoqiu was not able to see through it.

Very quickly, Jiang Dongmei pulled Ye Shaoqiu to a quiet place. This was the outskirts of the county city, and was close to the city center. There was a large area here, and many luxurious villas. Did the Sis Mei bring him to her house?

As Ye Shaoqiu expected, Jiang Dongmei took out a card and swiped it on the door, causing it to automatically open.

Jiang Dongmei brought Ye Shaoqiu to her villa and instantly felt a wave of warmth, giving him a very comfortable feeling. The room was also abnormally large, enough for Ye Shaoqiu to bring around a dozen people to play football in.

Looks like Sis Mei isn't as simple as she seems. Ye Shaoqiu thought.

Jiang Dongmei poured a cup of water for Ye Shaoqiu, allowing him to sit down and play games, watch TV, and then go to the kitchen to busy herself.

Very quickly, a pile of delicious food was brought out. Jiang Dongmei had obviously spent a lot of effort on it, because a myriad of delicious foods suddenly appeared in front of Ye Shaoqiu, causing her appetite to increase.

"How fragrant …" I got started! Sis Mei, your cooking skills are awesome! " Ye Shaoqiu took a sip. Although it was just out of the pot and was a little hot, with Ye Shaoqiu's current physical fitness, such a small matter would not affect him in the slightest.

Seeing Ye Shaoqiu happily eating, the Sis Mei immediately revealed a happy smile and started to eat as well.

In a short moment, Ye Shaoqiu held onto his stomach, looked at the table, which was still filled with food, and said: Sis Mei, you're really full, you can't even eat the slightest bit, quickly don't pick anything out from my bowl.

"Alright …" Jiang Dongmei laughed.

After that, Ye Shaoqiu lazily laid on the sofa and started to chat with Ye Shaoqiu. The two of them continued to chat and talk, and then they started to talk to each other. Ye Shaoqiu told her his experiences of being young, the big and small matters in the village, and his tragic fate.

Jiang Dongmei told him about her tragic loss of a husband, how she had toiled until now and the two of them continued to chat. Unknowingly, the sky had already darkened.

The two of them were still lost in their reverie, unable to extricate themselves. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning flashed by, followed by a rumbling sound of thunder. The rain followed closely behind, and the rain began to fall.

But when the Sis Mei heard the rumbling sounds of lightning, he suddenly shouted loudly, and threw herself into Ye Shaoqiu's embrace, hugging Ye Shaoqiu tightly. She did not dare let go, her body slightly trembling.

Ye Shaoqiu was startled, as he smelt the fragrance that continuously entered his nose. The softness of the Sis Mei constantly came from his arm, causing him to feel secretly pleased.

"Sis Mei, you're already so old, and you're still afraid of this?" Ye Shaoqiu said.

Jiang Dongmei deeply buried herself in Ye Shaoqiu's embrace, and said shyly, "Qiu Zi, don't laugh."

Ye Shaoqiu held back his laughter and said: "It's fine, it's fine. I'm here."

Jiang Dongmei felt that at this moment, in this scene, Ye Shaoqiu's arm was gently patting her back, and he felt an inexhaustible sense of security.

However, from time to time, she would always be ambushed by a pair of bad hands, causing her to be even more unwilling to raise her head.

Following the trembling of her body, an indescribable feeling surged into her mind. Jiang Dongmei felt his heart, that had not been comforted for a long time, tremble, and could no longer endure it, saying: "Qiu Zi, with such a heavy rain, don't leave tonight, tonight … "This one."

Ye Shaoqiu also said that Sis Mei only thought that it would be a heavy rain, that it would save him a lot of trouble, and that she would get drenched like a chicken. Furthermore, since Sis Mei was so afraid, how could she just leave like that? She nodded and said, "Alright, then I'll stay here with Sis Mei tonight. After all, I'm not at ease if you're by yourself."

"Alright, then let's quickly wash up and go to sleep." Once Jiang Dongmei got excited, she immediately went to fill the bath water.

Ye Shaoqiu stared at Sis Mei's back, a ripple appearing in his heart.

Very quickly, Sis Mei finished her bath, greeted Ye Shaoqiu, and then, crawled back into her blanket. She waited with incomparable anticipation for Ye Shaoqiu's arrival.

But, Ye Shaoqiu quickly finished showering, and there was no sound. Her door was still tightly closed, and there was no reaction.

Jiang Dongmei was suspicious, did Qiu Zi leave?

Jiang Dongmei put on her pajamas and gently opened her door. When she saw that her other room's light was still on, she immediately understood what was going on.

At this moment, she, who had been restrained by the fire, began to hesitate.

After all, she had seen today's Xia Mo and her appearance, and had also seen Ai Xiaoying's love and admiration for him. She had seen it very clearly, and it was as clear as day.

She returned to her room once more and lay on her bed, unable to fall asleep for a long time.

Ye Shaoqiu laid on the bed, but he also couldn't fall asleep.

A Happy Sheep... Two Happy Sheep...

A lazy sheep... Two Lazy Sheep...

Three Boiling Sheep... Four Boiling Sheep...

"Five Beautiful Sheep and Sheep …" Six Beautiful Sheep and Sheep …

Ye Shaoqiu had counted to one hundred all the sheep he knew, but he was still awake. He could only count Hui Tai Lang, Hong Tai Lang, and then Xiong Er … Until Xiong Er reached ninety.

His room suddenly opened.

He raised his head and saw that it was the Sis Mei.

"Sis Mei, what's wrong?" Ye Shaoqiu asked.

Jiang Dongmei's face flushed red, she said: "Qiu Zi, I'm afraid of thunder, you … Let me lie in your bed. "

Jiang Dongmei also couldn't fall asleep, but she was still unable to resist the loneliness in her heart in the end. She was unable to restrain the anticipation she had for Ye Shaoqiu, and she still ran over.

"Great …" "Alright." How could Ye Shaoqiu refuse?

With a flushed face, Jiang Dongmei slipped into Ye Shaoqiu's bed like a wisp of smoke. After that, with a pair of big eyes, she looked at Ye Shaoqiu with flickering eyes.

The two of them looked at each other for a while, then Ye Shaoqiu said, "Go to sleep, Sis Mei."

Jiang Dongmei blinked and said: "Qiu Zi, hug me and sleep."

Separated by his pajamas, Ye Shaoqiu could still smell the fragrance off Jiang Dongmei's body. Although it did not have skin, it was not far from being compatible.

Ye Shaoqiu endured the restlessness in his heart as he closed his eyes and urged himself to sleep.

When Jiang Dongmei saw that there was no hope for tonight, although she was a little disappointed, in Ye Shaoqiu's embrace, she quickly fell asleep.

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