Ha ha, it's just the right time to make the old bastard eat vinegar. It's no small help.

Erlengzi turned on his mobile phone and was stunned when he saw the news headline.

In addition to the eye-catching title, there is the eye-catching photo. As soon as erlengzi saw it, he couldn't move his eyes. However, the content of the article he saw after clicking in, and the expression on his face became more and more wonderful.

"Brother ye, is that you in the news?" The second Leng son is stunned to ask a way.

"Who else is there in this matter besides me?" Ye Shaoqiu just said so lightly.

"But it's not right. How can you do such shameless things? It's not your style." Er Leng Zi said again.

He is a person who is very familiar with ye Shaoqiu. Ye Shaoqiu is not such a shameless person, and he will not make such a person who takes other people's research results as his own business.

"There is a word called slander, don't you know? There is a word in the world called planting, don't you know? Are you a fool? " Ye Shaoqiu has no good spirit son of direct white he said after one eye.

Erlengzi's brain is a bit too slow, so it's really time to clean it up. Of course, after cleaning up the brain, the most important thing to do is to put these brains back.

Although erlengzi said it was a bit silly, he exploded on the spot after hearing this sentence.

"What? He's slandering you. He's setting you up! This son of a bitch is really shameless. This old son of a bitch is really shameless. He dares to put a dung basin on your head. Isn't he afraid of being struck by thunder? "

Erlengzi, however, no matter what is reasonable or unfair, ye Shaoqiu is his brother or his current boss. He can earn a lot of money every day with ye Shaoqiu. Ye Shaoqiu has just avenged him. He absolutely does not allow anyone to pour dirty water on ye Shaoqiu.

"But don't you see it? That's Liang miaocai in the news. "

"It's him. Let's get revenge on him. I'll chop him to death this time." Erlengzi looked at the photo of Liang miaocai in the newspaper and said, "let's go to him now. I will force him to admit it with a kitchen knife. He slanders you and makes him explain things clearly in front of everyone. This kind of person is really shameless."

"If you can really force him with a kitchen knife, I'm afraid this kind of person with rough skin and thick flesh will force him with a kitchen knife and won't tell the truth."

"Then I'll catch him directly. I'll kill him like a chicken." Erlengzi was even more indignant.

"What are you two talking about?"

At this time, he Yunfei, who has been sitting in the back of the car, is even more confused about what the two people in front of him are saying.

"Yunfei, you have a look at this. It's not a slander to the boss. You see, it's here. It's not..." erlengzi handed over his mobile phone and pointed to the news.

After he Yunfei took the phone, he just looked at the title and his face became gloomy. After he finished reading the content, his face was as black as the bottom of the pot.

He didn't need any explanation or words at all. As soon as he saw it, he knew that the news was absolutely false. Who is ye Shaoqiu? Although this guy is a bit of a snob and a bit of a black hand, he is absolutely an open and aboveboard person who values emotion and righteousness.

If ye Shaoqiu does individual things, such as playing a hooligan or molesting a woman, he Yunfei will surely believe it. However, it is absolutely unbelievable to say that ye Shaoqiu took other people's research results and said that it was his own.

"TMD, isn't that the opposite, brother ye? If not, I'll find some brothers to teach Liang miaocai a good lesson. I see that he dares to make such false news and damage your reputation. I'll have to let him tell the truth in front of the public. " He Yunfei was even more indignant.

Who is ye Shaoqiu? That is the eldest brother he knows now. When his eldest brother is insulted by others, his reputation is not so good. As a younger brother, he naturally wants to stand up for his reputation. What's more, he has just helped him find his place.

He wants to pay back this kindness. If he doesn't, he won't be able to be a man in the future.

"Well, don't touch it for a while. If you really want to move him like this, even if you record it for him, he can be said to have been beaten by you. We'll discuss this matter after we go back. I should have a way to deal with him. You don't have to do it. "

After ye Shaoqiu calmed these people down, he tried to find a way while driving.

The situation in the countryside is really different from that in the city. There has been a lot of noise in the city. It seems that few people know about it in the countryside. After the villagers met ye Shaoqiu, they took the initiative to say hello to him as usual.

After returning to her hometown, mother ye came out of the house with Le Xuewei. Mother Ye faced him with a series of questions, all about news.

Ye's mother's mobile phone is still that kind of ordinary straight mobile phone, so she can't get on the Internet at all, so ye Shaoqiu knows about it. It must be le Xuewei who told her.

If others don't understand, your mother should understand it very well. Ye Shaoqiu, you can tell the truth directly. Mother Ye blew up her nest.

"What? That guy said, you and your master brought that prescription, and the pills produced are his research results for more than ten years. Isn't that nonsense? Shaoqiu, I tell you that we are poor, but people bully us. We can't promise anything like this. Even if we fight to death, we have to fight with him. It can't be said that if you have worked hard with your master to learn medical skills for so many years, you can't let him waste them. It's absolutely impossible. "

Mother Ye is so angry here.

Ye Shaoqiu was the first time to see his mother so angry, so he hurriedly advised his mother, and sent her away. After all, more ideas should be discussed with Le Xuewei.

"Mom, it seems that you have to worry about collecting game today, so you should take erlengzi and Yunfei to collect things. Xuewei and I have to make some arrangements for this."

Mother ye also knew that she couldn't help, so she nodded and went out.

Ye Shaoqiu also took Le Xuewei to his temporary office.

"Shaoqiu, I think about this matter carefully. If we want to eliminate the negative impact of these news on you as soon as possible, we must first let these gunners and media shut up, and then we can use the power of public opinion to help you bring this reputation back. If there is enough evidence, Liang miaocai's conspiracy is not a problem."

Le Xuewei gives advice for ye Shaoqiu.

"I've thought about it before, but the problem is that it's a little too difficult to implement. But I don't know any of these media organizations. How can they stop publishing news? Besides, I don't have any evidence now. I don't think people will listen to my side of the story if we make a statement. We need to come up with hard evidence. "

Ye Shaoqiu really felt helpless.

Now these media tend to follow the trend more, just to rub heat. As for the truth of the matter, they don't care.

"Now we mainly want to besiege several mainstream media. As long as we can win those mainstream media in our city, other small media can't make waves even if they want to continue to publish these fake news. It's just to rub the hot spots. When this hot spot is over, there will be nothing. What's more, these small media mainly focus on interests, so as long as we are willing to pay, it is very easy for them to delete these news. I happen to have a few friends here who are engaged in this work. I'm going to see these things. "

Le Xuewei's plan is not infeasible, but it sounds very simple.

"I'm afraid it's not as simple as you think. Xuewei, you're looking at the media too well and the matter too shallowly."

Ye Shaoqiu's face is a little bit gloomy to say.

"What do you mean by that?" Le Xuewei frowned deeply and asked.

"It's like someone planned the whole thing from the beginning to the end. You didn't realize that the whole thing was like lighting a fire. The burning speed is a bit outrageous. It's like a gasoline line that someone ordered before." After thinking about it carefully, ye Shaoqiu decided to use this adjective better. "Generally speaking, if our factory is under normal circumstances, there must be a process of development for any big news, and people will also give him a process of brewing and commenting. But it's just like I'm flooding the whole media in one night. The most important thing is that if you go to the outside media, there is no one reporting these things, so he must have a big local force behind him. And if it's just an old nerd in a small laboratory, it can't do these things. "

After a moment of meditation, Le Xuewei immediately understood the meaning of Ye Shaoqiu's words.

"I've realized what you said. Liang miaocai must have bribed a lot of people to spread your information. I've played this technique before."

The elites who have really operated capital and the experts who have really been able to speculate and manipulate a thing will use this method more or less. Le Xuewei often used this tactic when she helped Shengshi promote new drugs. She is very clear about the way.

Ye Shaoqiu nodded and shook his head.

"The way you think about things is right, but you think about things simply. I don't mean Liang miaocai, but the person behind him, that is, the boss behind the whole incident."

"There's a big boss behind this?" Le Xuewei is really surprised. She was stunned on the spot and asked, "who is it?"

From the beginning to the end, Le Xuewei always thinks that this is Liang miaocai's personal behavior, but after hearing ye Shaoqiu's meaning, he finds that it doesn't seem like this.

"In the early days, I checked that the front page headlines of these mainstream media in our city are all about this news, that is to say, the news of these four media are all my news. There are two media in our cultural bureau and the government. Besides, the other two media are also the leading large-scale stock groups in our city. I think Liang miaocai is just an old scholar playing with bottles and cans in the laboratory. These mainstream media will never listen to his arrangement. If he had such a good eye, he would not have been in the laboratory for a long time. What kind of work would he do for Jishi? He would have jumped out and worked alone. "

"And if you look at their comments, almost all the smaller media criticize me. This is because it's easier to follow the mainstream media's comments. If any media dares to speak for me, it will be drowned by people's spittle. So when you see this incident, it's not an ordinary media outbreak, but a premeditated and planned incident. "

After listening to what ye Shaoqiu said, Le Xuewei's face suddenly became dignified.

She finally knew the seriousness of the matter.

Because of her personal hatred for Liang miaocai, when she thinks about all the problems, she subconsciously thinks that this guy is responsible for all the things, but she ignores other big problems behind it, such as if someone instructs this guy.

"Shaoqiu, according to you, that is to say, the whole group of Jishi is involved in this matter?" Le Xuewei asked with her own guess.

"It's not doubting, but almost certain. I dare say that the chairman of Jishi pharmaceutical, even the general manager of their group, and the rest of the other people are all involved in this matter. Otherwise, with such an old scholar, can he command the media company of the whole city? Why am I so good at it? What is he doing in the company? Come out early, don't mix with yourself. If my guess is right, the bad rumors about me are all the accusations made by the public relations department of Jishi pharmaceutical, who stayed up late to work overtime

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