What does the village branch secretary have the power of life and death? Just give you a little publicity or something. It was years ago.

Now the times are developing, the society is progressing, and the society is also changing. Nowadays, the village branch secretaries are becoming less and less valuable. The village branch secretaries of the better developed villages can still get some money, but it's like this broken village, where there is not even any money.

The village Party branch secretary is just a microphone of the superior leaders.

If the village branch secretary is in front of the ordinary villagers, he can still put on airs. But in the eyes of the more affluent villagers, the village branch secretary is just a name. If people look up to you and call it a village branch secretary, they will do nothing if they look down on you.

Ye Ding belongs to this kind of people. As the former richest man in this village, he has a bigger shelf than the village branch secretary. When he speaks, he is more useful than the village branch secretary. There is no way. Who can make him rich and powerful? Who is not looking at money these days.

Even as a village branch secretary, Chen Dewang doesn't dare to offend Ye Ding easily. After all, if this old boy gives him some things to do, the whole village will be in a mess. For example, last time

"Dewang, you are too modest. Your village branch secretary is in charge of the development of our whole village. Only those who are really capable can afford this task. I am an ordinary people. I want to be an official, and he has no face."

It's very rare for ye Ding to be so willing to give face, but the disdain on his face is clear, just polite, I'm afraid he doesn't think so at all.

"Don't I envy you guys for making a lot of money? If I could make money, I would not be the village Party branch secretary for a long time. You see, now I'm good. I can't shake off the burden if I want to

"If you really want to get rich, I'll show you a way." Ye Ding suddenly looks at Chen Dewang mysteriously.

"Yes, tell me about it." After hearing this, Chen Dewang was even more bright in front of his eyes.

Ye Ding looked into Chen Dewang's eyes carefully, and then said, "OK, I've heard recently that you manage workers for ye Shaoqiu. He doesn't give you less service fee. Maybe there's such a number."

After ye Ding said that, he took Chen Dewang by the hand. It's the rule of the livestock market. It's just a hand-in-hand deal.

"What good can it do? Don't think about it. I'm just working for him on a voluntary basis. I won't go until people are familiar with me! " Chen Dewang is not a fool. How can he tell him the truth on TV.

He certainly doesn't want to divulge ye Shaoqiu's offer of more salary. On the other hand, he doesn't want Ye Ding to know that he is helping ye Shaoqiu now, so he directly regards him as an enemy and has a bad heart. In that case, nothing can be done tonight.

"You say it's true?" Ye Ding looks at Chen Dewang suspiciously.

"Of course it's true. If you don't believe it, just ask. If it's not for our village, or for the villagers, why do I suffer this crime in hot weather?"

Chen Dewang's face is not red and his heart is not beating when he talks flustery. After all, he has been for so many years: "what's your way to get rich? Let me see how it is?"

Ye Ding took a dubious look at Chen Dewang, and then glanced around to make sure that there was no one around. Then he lowered his voice and said to him, "I've forgotten. For the sake of our long-time old brothers, I'll tell you the big plan of making a fortune, but don't pass it on to me."

"Don't you know who I am? Can I get that out to you? " Chen Dewang said solemnly.

"It's like this. I have a friend here who is engaged in timber business. He came to us for investigation, and he saw the forest farm on our mountain. As long as you are willing to nod your head, you will cut down all the trees on our mountain..."

Then it's almost time to cut down my village branch secretary

Ah, Chen Dewang really didn't expect that ye Ding was still thinking about the forest on the mountain. He had never heard of the next price, because it was not about money at all.

If ye Shaoqiu had been a half boy before, Chen Dewang might have really agreed this time. But now, even if he is moved, dare he agree??

You know, it has nothing to do with ye Shaoqiu. Even if you cut down all the trees on the mountain, that is to say, destroying the vegetation, if someone really pokes it into the county or even the city, it will be enough for him to drink.

What's more, now the mountain is owned by Ye Shaoqiu! Who do you know? That is the most clear person. If he cooperates with Ye Ding to do such a thing, it will directly damage his interests? If ye Shaoqiu really dares to poke this matter into the city, or even into the province, then his case will come to an end.

Ye Ding, an asshole, is supposed to take him directly and put all the money in his pocket.

After all, he is the village branch secretary. Without his nod, who dares to move.

Ye Ding, the old bastard, wants to pull him into the water, so that he can earn money and spend his life.

This is not to point out a way for him to earn money, it is clear that dug a fire pit for him to jump!

When Chen Dewang heard this, he broke down in a cold sweat: "I said Ye Ding, we are now strictly forbidden to cut and fell. If you let others know about this, don't say that the village head can't be regarded as a leader. I guess even you will have to take me to the gate and squat on the fence. Why are you still fighting this idea? Let's get rid of it quickly."

Chen Dewang has a sad face.

After ye Ding heard this, he looked up and down at the old boy. He doesn't seem to speak well by himself.

"Dewang, why are you so stubborn? Although it is said that the state has stipulated not to cut down indiscriminately, I'll ask you which one is not the one who violates the law. If you abide by the rules like this, you would have starved to death. " Ye Ding was even more scornful.

Regardless of his disdain or not, Chen Dewang sneered even more.

"Lao Ding, I don't know how to deal with it. After all, it's too risky. Besides, people who stay in Qingshan now have their own owners. They have already contracted it to ye Shaoqiu. We don't have the right to move any plants or trees. " Chen Dewang finally brought the matter out.

You know, speaking of this matter, ye Ding's heart is a fluster of anger.

"Well, even if the management right is given to him, what will happen? As long as we agree, I'll take him down. After all, the mountain belongs to our village, not to him alone. He wants to take it for himself, but there's no way. "

Let your mother's dog stink.

Chen Dewang scolded and went to the street in his heart, but his face was full of smiles.

He gathered all the people in the village, not to say that he could, but still could not. Even if it's centralized, the village committee has signed a contract for them. If you really meet a coward, you can find a group of people to come over and cut down the mountain directly. Is ye Shaoqiu the one who is easy to offend? At that time, he will pay a lot of money to open the way. He will hire people in the village with 100000 yuan and organize another two or three thousand people to beat you up

Other people don't talk about it. Chen Dewang himself has already helped him fight for three times

Ye Ding is a boy who lives in the county town. He is so confused that he really thinks that ye Shaoqiu was a child ten years ago? It's so easy to fool.

If other dare not say, if the fight, this boy is now a spirit.

What's more, ye Shaoqiu has been living in the village recently. It's a rising tide. People in this half of the village listen to him. In addition, even if they don't listen to him, people in this half of the village hold their shoulders. No one will help Ye Ding.

On the contrary, if ye Shaoqiu throws a hundred thousand and two hundred thousand for the whole village to demolish Ye Ding's family, it is estimated that these people will rush to beat Ye Ding away.

Chen Dewang's heart is like a mirror, so he shakes his head.

Ye Ding has been in his farm recently, so he didn't bother to introduce him, but his eyes are always on ye Shaoqiu.

In recent days, ye Shaoqiu's business in this village has been booming. He has made Ye Ding jealous. If he had known that he was going to develop so well, he would not have been allowed to contract to stay in castle peak at that time. In fact, he didn't agree with the process of contracting at the beginning, and no one asked him whether he agreed or not.

But now that this thing is done, what else can we do? Ye Shaoqiu has built up his own prestige and influence in this village. Even if he is bewitching the villagers to stand up against it, few people are willing to respond. So ye Ding still wants Chen Dewang to come and give himself a boost.

Ye Ding doesn't care about Chen Dewang, but Chen Dewang is at least the village branch secretary in this village. With his help and the combined influence of the two people, it's really possible to regain the management right.

He has been peeping on that mountain for a long time. There are abundant forest resources there. After cutting down three times, five times and two times, his pocket will expand greatly. Especially recently, he found another valuable forest land on the mountain. If he can develop it, he will surely make a lot of money.

But now he can't move any plant or tree on the mountain.

"I think it's better to forget it. I'm too timid to do such a thing. Don't think about it. Don't let that hairy boy beat you up when it's too late. It's a big deal. You don't know that he has been fighting these days. "

Ye Ding knows these things that Chen Dewang said. He didn't expect the boy to be so tough. He beat back all the people who came to the city several times.

"Well, if that's the case, take it as if I didn't say anything." Ye Ding simply raised his hands, but also said it lukewarm.

Chen Dewang, an old man, now dares to say no to him, so his face is obviously cold.

Chen Dewang saw it in his eyes and kept it in his heart. Ah, anyway, he is a peacemaker today, so don't look for trouble at all. When he comes in, it's over.

Ye Ding is pulled into his home by Chen Dewang, but the first thing ye Ding sees is ye Shaoqiu talking and laughing with Zhao Xiaolan on the sofa!

"Why is this little son of a bitch here?" Ye Ding has been calling ye Shaoqiu a little son of a bitch in private. When he saw him, he opened his mouth and the word came out directly.

After he exported himself, he felt a little regret, but it was too late to regret.

"Who the hell are you scolding, you are!" As soon as he heard the other side open his mouth, ye Shaoqiu first slapped the table and stood up.

"Oh, don't mess, don't mess." Chen Dewang quickly put his hands, rushed into the middle of the two, "you two are my guests. Today, it was my treat. I think there may be some misunderstanding between you two, so I plan to..."

"Count your head!" Ye Ding didn't wait for him to finish his speech, so he just went out with his sleeve thrown.

"Well, how can you talk?" Chen Dewang points out that ye Ding is going to pull him back, but ye's theorem ignores him and pushes him aside, so he simply leaves.

"Damn you, you dare to force you with me!" Chen Dewang was almost dumped by him, and his heart was also full of abuse.

A few months ago, ye Shaoqiu, the son of Lao ye and his family, suddenly rose up. Now he has taken Ye Ding's position as the richest man in the village, which means to replace him.

At the beginning, Chen Dewang wanted to use ye Shaoqiu to check and balance Ye Ding. Then what? He, the village Party branch secretary, is trying to mediate, so that the two people can give full play to their role and check and balance each other. In this way, they can drive the vitality of the economic development of the village.

But did not expect ah, ye Shaoqiu is difficult to control, ye must be more difficult to control than his mother ye Shaoqiu! He is to send his daughter to school, these two people almost stirred the village upside down in the past two or three days.

Chen Dewang knows very well that these two people will benefit each other and harm each other. If they really work together, no matter who wins or loses, it will be the whole village that will lose in the end. Therefore, in order to make the economy of the village take off quickly, he has to let two people shake hands and make peace.

At least these two people can each sell him a face.

I remember that I had organized a banquet last time, but as a result, neither of them arrived.

Ye Ding just stood him up. Ye Shaoqiu was kidnapped by a killer, so he was absent.

It was at this time that Chen Dewang knew that it was too difficult to get along with each other.

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