Chapter 223

  The sky and the earth are vast.

  A supreme air machine shot straight into the sky, stunned the eyes of the world.

  Those two lines of twenty-six characters suddenly appeared on the sky, and countless people were amazed!

  "God, such domineering words actually resonate with Dao Dao?"

  "The sun and the moon are bright, this is Daming?"

  "The sun and the moon are eternal and arrogant, so arrogant and domineering!"

  "The next couplet is more domineering!"

  "The great road has no end, establish Taiwu Qianqiu Yongzhen... Taiwu... Didn't Daming set up a new Taiwu Academy to teach martial arts, is this to suppress the world's martial arts with his own power?"

  "Hey... Who is the person who wrote this couplet? You dare to put up such words, aren't you afraid that you will miss the avenue from now on?"

  "I've heard of Wen Yi Zai Dao, but I've never heard of Wen Yi Zhen Dao!"

  "Too domineering!"

  "In today's world, those who dare to act like this, I am afraid that only the Emperor Tianwu of Daming who has just ascended the throne..."

  "It's really unreasonable! It's really chilling for someone as disrespectful to the Dao as him to have such a terrifying cultivation base!"

  "The Dao is ruthless, what does it matter whether you respect it or not?"

  "He has supreme strength, but if he ignores the way of heaven, what can he do to him?"


  The air machine gradually dissipated.

  The light of the stone tablet made of Fang Qingshi faded, and it became smooth and simple.

  It seems that there is nothing special about it.

  Only a few people knew that there was a little bit of Zhu Hao's sword intent and his understanding of the Great Dao left on the stone tablet.

  If you can comprehend it, you will surely become the most peak powerhouse in the world!

  Taiwu Academy is the top priority of Daming's future!

  This has been reflected in Zhu Hao's attitude.

  As the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, it was amazing to come to teach the new students in person, and even take out so many fetishes that were enough to shock the world in a row.

  The next thing, you don't need him to come forward!

  Zhu Hao took his seat.

  Sun Jijiu respectfully saluted and stood on the high platform.

  He opened his mouth, but said nothing.

  A wry smile appeared on his face.

  Zhu Hao Zhuyu was in front, making such a big movement.

  No matter how good the rhetoric he had prepared before, at this moment, when he wanted to come, he felt that it was too much to chew on, so he might as well not say it.

  After a few brief remarks, the students retreated.

  There is a three-story tower-shaped building on the shore of the huge lake of Taiwu Academy.

  It happens to be across the water from the Tibetan Tian Pagoda.

  Before the construction of this place was completed, Zhu Hao and the late emperor were still chatting on the third floor here.

  This should be the place to teach the new students breathing lessons.

  It's very spacious, with light all around.

  The sky and clouds outside can be easily seen.

  There is a pile of futons on the ground.

  A group of people sat on it.

  Zhu Hao's eyes slowly swept away.

  Not many people were present.

  Zhang Sanfeng sat on his left, with Ximen Chuixue, Li Xunhuan, and Song Que behind him.

  On the right sat Sun Baifa, Ah Fei, and Shi Zhixuan.

  Fewer than ten people.

  But it is enough to shake the entire Xianwu Continent.

  It's all the power of the land gods!

  Of course, they also have an identity, that is, members of the Six Gates Elder Pavilion.

  "I'm going to be away for a while 々ˇ!"

  Zhu Hao's first sentence made everyone breathe quickly.

  Zhu Hao looked at them and said, "The enemy from another world has about three years to invade, but that doesn't mean we have to wait here for three years!"

  Everyone understood what he meant.

  Immediately, he became more nervous.

  "Your Majesty must never take any risk!"

  There is no doubt that the current Zhu Hao is the only religious and spiritual center of the entire Ming Dynasty.

  As long as he is here, the people of the Ming Dynasty will dare to grit their teeth and fight hard no matter what difficulties they face.

  Including them, the powerhouses at the level of land gods, may not even realize their dependence on Zhu Hao in their hearts.

  But now he said he was leaving.

  And also to go to that mysterious and unpredictable, but undoubtedly very powerful other world.

  How can they not be nervous or worried?

  Zhu Hao raised his head and glanced at them.

  Suddenly everyone fell silent.

  He said: "Knowing oneself and knowing oneself can only be in danger of a hundred battles!"

  "The strength of another world is undoubtedly stronger than ours, but no one knows how much stronger it is!"

  "I need to know more!"

  When Shi Zhixuan heard the words, he blurted out: "As a courtier, you should share the worries of Your Majesty, we can go with this kind of thing!"

  The crowd should agree.

  Zhu Hao said directly: "Your strength is not enough!"

  Everyone was dumbfounded.

  "That day, you should have seen the strength that the guy who possessed Qin Wang Yingzheng showed."

  "And such an existence in that other world, even if it is not as many as a dog, is certainly not uncommon!"

  "If you go, I'm afraid you won't know how you died!"

  Everyone bowed their heads.

  Unable to refute!

  Because Zhu Hao was right.

  Embarrassed, and helpless written all over his face.

  As a servant of His Majesty, it is extremely incompetent to be unable to stand up and share his worries at such a time, but to let His Majesty take risks in person!

  Zhu Hao said lightly: "¨ˇ Don't be discouraged, you are just not as good as them! If you are given the same foundation, you will be no worse than anyone else!"

  Zhu Hao's words did not mean the slightest relief.

  He has confidence in his men.

  The truly outstanding people are not willing to be dull anywhere. In the past, they just didn't have the opportunity, but now they have come into contact with a wider world, why can't they jump out of the dragon gate?

  Zhu Hao said: "And... who said I was going on an adventure?"

  Everyone was shocked and did not understand what Zhu Hao meant.

  The corners of Zhu Hao's mouth were raised, and his body was clearly not moving, but there was an aura that was so huge that even the heavens and the earth would surrender.

  They were silent for a moment, and finally realized that the horror of Zhu Hao's strength was beyond their comprehension.

  A strange intuition suddenly appeared in the inner (good) heart.

  The other world, which was originally aggressive and regarded Xianwu Continent as its prey, became Zhu Hao's prey instead!


  Everything calms down.

  Everyone sat in their seats and drank several sips of tea.

  The feeling of dryness in the mouth is gradually fading.

  Zhu Hao looked at the teacup, thinking that if no one serves him, he might not be used to it.

  Need to bring a few followers.

  He opened his mouth and said, "Which of you would like to go with me?"


  Immediately, there was a loud bang.

  Zhu Hao raised his head and found that everyone raised their heads, sat up straight, and was eager to try.

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