However, Zhu Hao will not be satisfied with this!

  Just listen to the click again!

  On the golden core with nine dragon patterns, the tenth pattern slowly emerged!

  Jindan Ten Turns!

  This is an achievement that no one can achieve!

  Nine are extremes, and the remaining one is the one that escapes!

  Right now, Zhu Hao, relying on his profound background and his chaotic unparalleled aptitude, has broken through to an unprecedented realm!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  "Ten turns? What!"

  Seeing this scene, Elder Xueyizong only felt that the world was spinning!

  The already messy state of mind seems to be torn apart by a big hand!

  He couldn't believe what was in front of him at all.

  If it is said that the nine-turn golden pill is said, at least the holy sons of the major holy places can reach it.

  Then ten turns, it is impossible!

  It should only exist in illusions and legends!

  Could it be... this son has the supreme qualification to become the sixth emperor?

  Also at this time.

  The weather that was originally clear sky suddenly turned gloomy, like a shady curtain!

  It's as if the sky is getting lower!

  The roar keeps going!

  Razers jumped in the dark clouds!

  This is thunder tribulation, and it is also the jealousy of heaven!

  The vast and untraceable Heavenly Dao seems to be paying attention to this place!

... 0 ...

  It seems that God does not allow such a monstrous Jindan to appear in the world, and it will be destroyed by thunder tribulation!

  The terrifying coercion of heaven is shrouded in this place!

  Heaven is mighty!

  It was just the coercion that was leaked, and Ximen Chuixue and Zhang Sanfeng were almost unable to stand upright!

  Even the two of them felt the suffocation of death!

  Elder Xueyizong's face was twisted, and he said with difficulty: "Haha, Lei Jie, this son has provoked the wrath of the sky!"

  "Ten-turn golden pill, it is impossible to exist in the world!"

  "This son is about to die on the spot!"

  At this moment, Zhu Hao, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes.

  In those deep eyes, there seems to be endless void and sword energy, and it seems that thousands of worlds are annihilated in it!

  He stood up proudly and faced Lei Jie.

  A robe fluttered in the ferocious wind, with an absolute bearing.

  The golden core phantom above his head has already subsided, but a more terrifying vision has appeared around him!

  One after another void cracks appeared, and the space cracked like a spider web!

  The space cracked open, and what appeared was an ink-like void, with no light at all!

  It seems like an abyss that spans the heavens and the earth, and it is like a giant mouth that seems to devour everything!

  The anomalies don't stop there.

  A huge dragon-shaped phantom suddenly appeared in the sky!

  The scales and claws of the giant dragon are flying, and once it appears, the aura of Longwei and the Supreme Emperor is shocking!

  There is also a touch of silver light that suddenly blooms in the sky, and the cold sword intent rushes into the sky!

  As if a swipe of sword light can tear the endless galaxy!


  Surrounded by all kinds of visions.

  Zhu Hao is like a god!Ten thousand.

Chapter 231

  The sky is full of thunder and calamity is even more oppressive, and the thick aura of destruction vibrates here!

  It is about to destroy this extremely extraordinary young man!

  next moment!

  Thunder burst!

  The roar continued to sound, as if to tear people's eardrums!

  One after another, several zhang-sized thunderbolts came ferociously biting towards Zhu Hao like silver snakes!

  And after the Thunder Snake of the Silver Snake, there is the Red Thunder Thunder with a more terrifying breath!

  And the black thunder with the breath of terrifying death!

  Lightning flashes, and the thunder slurry pours out, turning this place into a purgatory of thunder pools!

  It should be noted that there is also a golden elixir calamity from the seventh to the ninth transformation.

  However, these Golden Core Tribulations are like tempering, and they also herald the birth of another world-shattering talent, so there is still life in the Thunder Tribulation!

  There will never be the horror scene at the moment!

  At this moment, Tiandao seems to be angry, fearing the birth of Jindan!

  Drop the Thunder of Destruction, and there is no life left!


  Zhu Hao just looked at the thunderstorm indifferently.

  There is no tension in the deep eyes, and some are just calm.

  He waved his sleeves lightly and shouted, "Go away!"

  Only two words, but it is like a decree, sweeping the world with mighty majesty!

  The many visions surrounding him, along with this scolding, collided with the thunder tribulation!


  A terrifying roar exploded!

  A dazzling sword light tore apart the thunder!

  A chaotic aura emerges, turning thunder into nothingness!

  There is a void galaxy directly engulfing the dancing Razer!

  There are also abyss-like black gaps that directly swallow thunderclouds!

  The sky here seems to have become a huge battlefield!

  The thunderbolts were dispelled, and even the thunderclouds were swallowed by the abyss-like cracks!

  Turn it into pure energy and feed back Zhu Hao's body!

  But for a moment.

  The strong pressure of the Heavenly Dao before has disappeared!

  The dancing thunder snake, together with the overwhelming thunder cloud, was swallowed by Zhu Hao with the swallowing magic art!

  Heaven and earth return to clarity!

  Only the ravines that were torn apart by thunder, and the raging winds that were still raging revealed everything that happened before.

  Zhu Hao stood proudly in the void, his robe swayed, and his bearing was unparalleled.

  In those deep eyes, there are even strands of thunder phantoms flickering!

  When one word fell, not only did the calamity retreat, but it directly devoured the calamity!

  This scene shocked Zhang Sanfeng and the others who were watching from a distance.

  The old man in the Snow Cloth Sect was even more stupid, and his whole thinking was stagnant!

  Chaos ceases.

  After being sluggish for a while, Zhang Sanfeng and Ximen Chuixue took the old man from the Snow Cloth Sect and swept to Zhu Hao's side.

  "Is Your Majesty alright!" Zhang Sanfeng asked with concern.

  Zhu Hao's expression was calm, and he was only robbed of lightning. How could he have gotten him?

  "Small gain."

  In the indifferent voice, he slowly stretched out his hand, only to see a thunder suddenly appear between the five fingers!

  It is the black thunder of annihilation that was wrapped in a strong aura of destruction in the previous catastrophe!

  He already had the Thunder Emperor Treasure Technique, and after swallowing the Thunder Tribulation with the Heaven Swallowing Demon Art, he directly condensed a source of thunder!

  You can manipulate the power of this annihilation black thunder!

  The snow-clothed sect elder who witnessed this scene almost bit his tongue!

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