"Elder Taishang help me!"

  "Hmph, the daring junior, how dare you act in front of this old man?" The elder Taishang showed a sullen look, and raised his withered palm.

  The spiritual power surged in the void, and suddenly a thick ice wall of several meters was condensed, and the black thunder snake was frozen in it!

  Lin Luonan let out a long breath, his face full of gratitude.


  Before he could thank the elder Taishang next to him, the old man's expression suddenly changed.

  A cracking sound is heard!

  In front of the black thunder of silence, the ice wall of the surging spiritual energy of the old monster of the Snow Cloth Sect was actually shattered in an instant!

  Ice chips fly!

  A thunder snake suddenly appeared in front of Lin Luonan, exuding a strong coercion!


  Lin Luonan's scalp felt numb, and there was a chill in his heart that almost froze his soul!

  Life and death in an instant.

  He was madly surging with spiritual power, and he didn't care about any rules at all, and the Taoist techniques burst out!

  The magic power of the Nascent Soul realm is terrifying, and it is enough to burn the river and boil the sea and distort the space.

  But in front of the black thunder snake that kept approaching, it was like nothing!

  It can't resist the attack of Razer at all, even a little bit!

  Lin Luonan's face was full of fear, almost desperate, and he could only stare at the thunder that kept approaching!

  On the other hand, the old monster of the Snow Cloth Sect did not stand by.

  The old man's face was dignified, and a streamer flashed from the sleeves of the broad robe.

  Suddenly, the streamer unfolded.

  It is an umbrella-shaped magic weapon, and the treasure light on it is quite extraordinary, and it is also a top-level spiritual treasure!

  The umbrella opened and guarded in front of Lin Luonan.

  Another talisman that flickered in various colors swept out of the withered old man's sleeve.

  The talisman ignited spontaneously in the wind, forming a talisman formation in a staggered way!


  Treasure Umbrella took the lead in colliding with the silent black thunder, making a loud noise!

  However, even if it is only one step away, it can become a top-level spiritual treasure of the earth-grade immortal artifact, and it can only block the thunder power slightly.

  for a moment.

  The umbrella-shaped magic weapon was bleak and was torn apart by the black thunder!

  Then, the talisman formation composed of dense talismans collapsed into flying ashes after supporting for a while!

  The two defensive means that were enough to resist the blow of the God Transformation cultivator consumed a lot of Razer's might.

  However, the black thunder of annihilation is still not something that Lin Luonan can resist.

  Lin Luonan, who turned into an escaped light and escaped, was caught up by Razer again in a blink of an eye!

  The old monster of Xueyizong gritted his teeth fiercely, as if he had made a certain determination.

  In the blink of an eye, he appeared beside Lin Luonan, sticking out his withered arm, as if he was about to take a Razer for him!

  Lin Luonan was ecstatic.

  next moment.

  A bang sounded.

  Lin Luonan's body was torn apart by the Razer and turned into ash!

  Only a somewhat illusory Nascent Soul villain was caught by the old monster of the Snow Cloth Sect.

  The old monster grasped with five fingers, and looked at the Nascent Soul villain who looked just like Lin Luonan in his hands. A touch of guilt flashed on his face, and he quickly calmed down.

  "¨Luonan, whether my (good) Xueyi Sect will be happy depends on the present day."

  "This son's skills are good, but this battle, this old man cannot be defeated, so I need to borrow your strength."

  The words fell, and before Lin Luonan Nascent Soul could reply, the Supreme Elder of Xueyi Sect brought the Nascent Soul to his mouth and bit it down!


  Half of Yuan Ying's body was directly bitten off by the old monster and swallowed into his belly.

  The Nascent Soul in the body of the Primordial Soul cultivator is like the golden pill of the Golden Core cultivator.

  At the same time, the old monster's cultivation level has been raised again, and there is a faint meaning of breaking through into a god!

  In the distance, a group of cultivators from the Snow Cloth Sect looked at the elder Taishang who devoured the head Nascent Soul, and a strong chill appeared in their hearts.

  Zhu Hao's expression remained indifferent.

  He waved his sleeves lightly.

  In the void, thunder light young suddenly appeared.

  This time, there was more than one black thunder of silence!


  The abyss-like vision behind him also swept toward the old monster! .

Chapter 239

  Thunder bursts!

  Several black thunder snakes flashed in the air, and a strong atmosphere of destruction permeated!

  Half of the sky was also covered by an abyss-like vision!

  Zhu Hao, standing proudly in the void, is like an invincible god of war at this time, with unparalleled power!

  And such a terrifying offensive also put a lot of pressure on the old monster of Xueyizong.

  The old monster didn't dare to delay, and shoved the rest of Lin Luonan's Nascent Soul into his mouth.

  Yuan Ying enters the belly.

  His already vast cultivation base has become more and more majestic!

  Even the bottleneck that had hindered his spiritual transformation for hundreds of years was slightly loosened!

  With the Nascent Soul that devoured Lin Luonan, the old monster has already stepped into the realm of God Transformation!

  A wide robe swayed in the wind, and the breath of the withered body made people tremble!

  "Not enough...not enough!"

  This snow-clothed sect Supreme Elder, at this time, his eyes were reflecting the thunder light from the sky, and his expression was extremely ferocious, like a crazy beast, constantly roaring.

  Where is there a little bit of immortality?

  He put his fingers together and swiped hard on his chest!

  The robe was torn, a ferocious wound appeared on the shriveled chest, and scarlet blood kept oozing out!

  And this old monster doesn't seem to feel the pain, his hands are already quickly knotted!

  The blood condensed, like a small red snake, tossing and dancing in the palm of the old monster!

  Then, the red snake exploded, turning into a cloud of scarlet blood, and a thick blood suffocating, shaking here!

  The withered old man is like wearing a blood coat!

  His aura became more and more terrifying, like a demon god who broke free from the shackles of purgatory, and came to the world outrageously!

  This is the terrifying secret technique of Xueyi Sect.

  The reason why Snow Cloth Sect is also called Blood Cloth Sect!

  Such a secret technique, although the power is unparalleled, but the loss is the origin of the monk!

  Until the critical moment, no one will use it easily.

  The old monster obviously has a monstrous killing intent, and he will not hesitate to consume his own origin, but also to keep Zhu Hao here forever!

  The chill that froze the soul swept across.

  The disciples of the Snow Cloth Sect who were watching from a distance could not help but turn pale, like falling into an ice cave!

  The ice crystals condensed out of thin air, gathered towards the old monster, and wrapped him in it.

  Under the smudge of the majestic blood mist, the ice crystals turned red, exuding a thick bloody aura.

  It's too late.

  Actually, just for a moment.

  A blood-colored ice and snow giant nearly fifty feet tall appeared between the heavens and the earth!

  The terrifying aura was surging, and it was only a millimeter away from the realm of God Transformation!

  That huge body is even more terrifying, as if you can reach out and touch the sky!


  The ice giant screams in the sky!

  Terrifying sound waves oscillated between heaven and earth together with the roar of thunder.

  In the distance, many Xueyi Sect disciples with weak cultivation bases actually fainted with blood oozing from both ears under this roar!

  Ximen Chuixue and Zhang Sanfeng also turned pale, fortunately they had Zhu Hao's spiritual support, so there was no serious problem!

  The two of them are no strangers to the means of condensing the ice giants.

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