It can be said that he has been firmly tied to Zhu Hao's warship.

  If it is said that at this time, whoever wants to see the scene in front of him the most, he is definitely the one.

  "It's finally here."

  Jiang Chen sighed.

  But he had no regrets in his heart.

  He firmly believes that a Jindan cultivator who has realized the vision will never fall!

  With a wave of Zhu Hao's hand, he destroyed the power of the half-step cultivator, leaving an indelible impression in his heart!

  Without much hesitation.

  Jiang Chen shouted with difficulty under the pressure of the sky.

  "Open the mountain protection formation!"


  Some disciples should drink.

  Soon, one after another obscure pattern, gradually lit up!

  With the array opened.

  There were streaks of icy blue light around the mountain gate of Xueyizong.

  In just a few short breaths, a huge icy blue light circulated, as if a shield carved from ice and snow was unfolded.

  It was like an open giant umbrella, protecting the entire Snow Cloth Sect inside.

  There is more snow flying around the shield, and the chill is permeating!

  in space.

  A group of Nascent Soul old monsters just watched the opening of the Snow Cloth Sect Protector's Formation, without any intention of blocking.

  In those pair of eyes, some are just disdain and ridicule.

  "It seems that there are quite a few traitors in the Xueyi Sect, and they fell to the traitors so quickly."

  "Dare to open the formation in front of us!"

  A Nascent Soul old man sneered.

  The old Nascent Soul monster, who looked like a child, raised his brows, and his white palms carved with pink and jade slowly stretched out and tightened.

  He casually said: "It's just a plaything that was destroyed at will."

  "As for these traitors, there is no need to keep them, let's bury them together!"

  The woman wearing the tulle nodded slowly, "Yes."

  "Everyone, don't take it lightly, this traitor must have his own unique method to destroy the senior leaders of the Xueyi Sect."

  An Nascent Soul cultivator who looked like an old woman reminded aloud.

  "As long as he has many means, he will die today!"

  "In this Northland, Bing Xuanzong wants him to die, but no one can keep him until the fifth watch!"

  "It was agreed in advance that the treasures of heaven and earth accumulated by Xue Yizong over the years, except for the part that must be turned over."

  "For the rest, whoever can take off that traitor's head will get the big head!"

  The old Nascent Soul monster, who looked like a child, flashed a surly look on his face, and said coldly.

  The words did not fall.

  He has made a bold move!

  The palm of the pink carved jade is pushed forward horizontally!


  Surging aura surges!

  In the sky, a huge palm print condensed by illusory flames appeared.

  The palm print covers several miles, and every palm print on it is like a rolling mountain range!


  There was a terrifying sonic boom in the air!

  The huge palm print fell fiercely, as if to slap Xue Yizong into powder with one palm.

  "Hey, how can I let you specialize in beauty."

  The old man holding the floating dust smiled and threw the floating dust in his hand towards Xue Yizong's mountain protection formation.

  The floating dust is released, and the wind is gradually spreading!

   The gleaming silver-white floating dust whiskers have all turned into ferocious chains, with countless runes engraved on them, which are obviously a treasure!

  The huge palm print and thousands of chains slammed into the ice-blue shield of Xueyi Sect!


  Rao is the great formation that spent countless heaven and earth treasures to build, and at this time, it also trembled fiercely!

  Jiang Chen and other cultivators who poured spiritual power into the great formation and maintained the operation all turned pale immediately!

  Some people even gushed blood on the spot and flew out!

  However, this terrifying blow is not the end, it is just the beginning!

  The palm prints fell one after another, and the chains were like dragons, constantly hitting the mask!

  Ka Ka Ka!

  A broken sound rang out.

  The huge mountain protection formation was densely covered with cobweb-like cracks in an instant!

  In the end, it was even more overwhelmed and turned into a streamer and collapsed!

  And the huge brilliance palm and the dragon-like chains continued to be castrated, ruthlessly attacking the Xueyi Sect below!

  Destroy it completely!

  The Nascent Soul old monster who looked like a child, and the immortal old man beside him all smiled.

  As if looking forward to the next scene.

  Soon, however, their smiles hardened on their faces.

  Because, the next scene is obviously beyond their expectations!

  Even the faces of the Nascent Soul cultivators showed surprise and shock!

  I see.

  A dazzling sword light suddenly lit up!

  A sword light and cold, freezing the world! .

Chapter 243

  The icy sword intent rushed into the sky, and the silver sword glow was like a shock!

  Everything in the world seems to lose its color under this sword!

  The brilliance and vastness of that supreme swordsmanship is shocking.

  Even the dignified atmosphere and monstrous pressure brought by the gathering of the six Nascent Souls was smashed by this sword!


  The huge flame palm collapsed in an instant.

  It was torn apart by the sword glow and turned into a stream of light that dissipated!

  The silver chains dancing like a dragon are also constantly being cut off and annihilated under the sword light!

  The old man Xianfeng Daogu suddenly exclaimed.

  "Shuzi is bold, how dare he break the old man's magic weapon!"

  A flash of anxiety flashed in the old man's eyes, and he hurriedly made a tactic to lay down the Dao Dao seal.

  The silver chains suddenly rolled back and turned into snow-white dust again, which he held in his hand.

  But at this moment, the dust is obviously much shorter, and the silver whiskers on it are mostly dimmed.

  Being struck by Jianmang, it obviously did a lot of damage to Fuchen, and even wiped out the spirituality of many magic weapons.

  This floating dust, which was worthy of stepping into the category of Earth-level Immortal Artifacts, actually fell directly to the rank and turned into a mysterious-level spiritual treasure.

  The old man gnashed his teeth while injecting spiritual power into the magic weapon and warming up.

  It should be noted that this piece of dust is worthy of stepping into an earth-level first-grade immortal artifact.

  It was the treasure that he had spent countless efforts and treasures of heaven and earth, and it was his small half of the net worth.

  Now that the source is injured, his heart is bleeding!

  The old man put the floating dust into the storage bag, and when he looked up again, his eyes were full of killing intent, and scarlet bloodshots burst out.

  "The old man is going to take off your head today!"

  At this time, all the Nascent Soul old monsters also recovered from the shock just now.

  Someone said in surprise: "This sword intent, this son is just a Jindan cultivation base, how can he have such a terrifying sword intent?"

  "Could it be that this son has a top-level kendo inheritance?"

  The woman wearing a tulle, a pair of long and narrow eyes suddenly burst into heat.

  She licked her petal-like lips and said with a smile: "It seems that today's trip is really worth it!"

  Before the words fell, the woman suddenly burst out with a terrifying sword intent!

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