The Golden Elixir that ordinary cultivators envied was as worthless as ants!

  In just a few breaths, several Golden Core cultivators (cgdg) fell one after another, and the number of casualties continued to increase.

  The eyes of several Nascent Soul old monsters were red when they saw the cultivator in the door being damaged so quickly.

  However, now they can't take care of themselves!

  The power of the vision, and the black thunder of silence, made them all feel frightened!

  Is there a golden pill here and there, the means that can be used?


  Zhu Hao, who stands proudly in the void, has become a nightmare-like terrifying existence in the eyes of the Nascent Soul cultivators!

  "Elder Taishang save me!"

  A Jindan cultivator swept towards the Nascent Soul old monster of his own sect, his face full of panic and panic.

  And the Nascent Soul monster with the old man's face glanced at the cultivator, but without saying a word, he directly flashed to the side.

  There is no other reason.

  Behind the cultivator, there is a black thunder of silence.

  The strong aura of destruction made the old monster Nascent Soul palpitate!


  Cultivator Jindan was quickly blown up by lightning and turned into ashes.

  However, before dying, he also glanced at his ancestor, and there was a strong sense of despair and resentment in his eyes.

  The Nascent Soul cultivator with the face of the old man sighed in his heart.

  At this time of crisis, no one wants to be in danger in order to save others.

  He took out the floating dust again, his arm shook, and the silver chains swept out.

  But the dancing chains did not fight against Thunder, but slammed into the rickety old woman beside him.

  The old woman was caught off guard and was attacked, and immediately spewed a mouthful of blood.

  "Old ghost, what do you want to do?" The old woman glared at the old man, her murderous intent boiling.

  The Nascent Soul old man just smiled, his eyes full of coldness.

  "What to do? A dead Taoist friend will not die a poor Taoist!"

  "You wait and stay, as the Queen of the Pindao!"

  Before the words fell, the dust was swept away again, and the old woman's body flew out and slammed into the thunder light in the sky.

  The Nascent Soul old man didn't even bother to look back, and immediately turned into a light, escaping into the distance.

  When the catastrophe was imminent, all the Nascent Soul cultivators showed their means.

  There is not only one person who brazenly shot at his companions like the old man.

  The cruelty of the practice world is vividly revealed at this moment.

  However, just when the old man thought he could escape from birth.

  The void in front of him suddenly distorted, and a huge crack appeared, swallowing it directly!

  Void turbulence is like a big hand, tearing up the old man's body like a piece of paper!

  A Nascent Soul breath instantly disappeared!

  The old woman was also slain by the black thunder and smashed into ashes.

  The two Nascent Soul breaths vanished one after another.

  The remaining four Nascent Soul cultivators here are all stiff and their scalps are numb!

  However, at this time, the abyss-like vision had engulfed the Jindan cultivator they brought, and turned to appear in front of them.

  The vision blocked their retreat, and there were thunder and blue flames spreading behind them.

  The four Nascent Soul old monsters were stagnant, with despair on their faces!

  They never thought that the joint efforts of each sect to strangle a Jindan cultivator would lead to the situation in front of them.

  If they had known this was the result, they would never have dared to fight against Zhu Hao, even if they borrowed a few courage.

  However, there are countless treasures in the world.

  But alone there is no regret medicine!

  "Submit, or die!"

  Zhu Hao still stood proudly in the void, looking at the old Nascent Soul monsters indifferently.

  Listening to the majestic words in their ears, the expressions on the faces of the Nascent Soul cultivators were extremely complicated!

  You know, they are Nascent Soul monks that countless monks can only look up to.

  In the past, Jindan disciples in the sects, when they saw them, didn't they tremble?

  However, now, a Jindan cultivator has easily destroyed two Nascent Souls, more than fifty Jindan cultivators, and they have to bow their heads and become ministers!

  It's strange that a few people's minds are not complicated.

  Regret, shame, anger, fear, all kinds of emotions emerged in the hearts of several Nascent Soul monsters.

  The female swordsman named Li Lan, biting her silver teeth, knelt down halfway toward Zhu Hao in the void.

  "Yuanying Jianxiu Li Lan, willing to surrender!"

  Soon, the rest of the Nascent Soul cultivators also bowed their heads to Zhu Hao.

  "Nuan Ying monk Zhuge Nanfeng, willing to surrender!"

  "Nuan Ying cultivator..."

  Among them, a majestic middle-aged cultivator hesitated a little.

  A silent black thunder came in an instant, directly shattering his body!

  Even the Nascent Soul who escaped was swallowed up by an abyss-like vision!

  When the three Nascent Souls saw this scene, their hearts trembled fiercely, and their expressions became more and more submissive.

  at the same time.

  Zhu Hao's ear also sounded a system prompt.

  "Congratulations to the host for subduing Nascent Soul cultivator Li Lan and rewarding him with one million achievement points."

  "Congratulations to the host for subduing Nascent Soul monk Zhuge Nanfeng and rewarding him with one million achievement points."

  "Congratulations to the host for subduing the Yuanying cultivator...".

Chapter 245

  "What, the Yuanying cultivators of the various sects besieged a Jindan cultivator, and they were defeated?"

  "how can that be?"

  "It is absolutely true, that Jindan cultivator's methods are extremely tyrannical. It is said that it is the arrogance who motivated the Jinxian robbery some time ago!"

  "Even the Yuanying Sword Cultivator of Wujian Pavilion was defeated, and now he has surrendered to that Jindan Cultivator!"

  "Yuanying Jianxiu Li Lan, that is a powerhouse that is almost invincible in the Yuanying realm! She... actually defeated?"

  "Bing Xuanzong has lost all face this time!"

  Towards the north of the Heaven Realm, a monstrous wave was once again set off.

  The mutation of Xueyi Sect has become the talk of the monks in the north!

  And the majesty of Ice Xuanzong also suffered a severe blow.

  Countless monks were shocked by this!

  A mere Jindan cultivator swept the powerhouses who came to crusade in one fell swoop.

  Among them, there are even six Nascent Soul old monsters - sitting in town!

  This news was like a shocking thunderbolt, and it slammed into the head of the Northland cultivator.

  I don't know how many cultivators were stunned and almost dropped their eyes.

  Ice Xuanzong.

  In the empty and simple meeting hall.

  The atmosphere was extremely dignified.

  One of the disciples who came to summon the news stood tremblingly in the hall, with cold sweat on his forehead.

  On the futon at the highest point of the hall, Sect Master Bingxuanzong looked extremely gloomy, like a dark cloud covering him.

  He snorted heavily and squeezed a word out of his teeth.

  "Say, what the outside world is saying about my Ice Profound Sect?"

  The disciple of the communication, the Adam's apple wriggled, hesitated for a moment, and then said with difficulty: "Report to the sect master..."

  "Now the outside world, everyone says that my Ice Profound Sect is in decline, and any Jindan cultivator can bully my Ice Profound Sect..."

  "I also said that my Bingxuan Sect is too timid, and I only know how to drive the sect under my command, and I don't dare to come forward at all..."

  "The Wanhunzong cultivators even said that they are ashamed of my Ice Xuanzong, and they are called the three major forces in the North..."


  The Sect Master Bingxuanzong gave a low voice, and his eyes were full of anger, as if endless magma was flowing in it.

  No matter how good his qi-raising skills are, at this time, he was almost engulfed by Qi Qi.

  The disciple who sent the message hurriedly shut up, not daring to say another word.

  In fact, the outside rumors were worse than what he said.

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