In those cold eyes, there was a flash of exclamation!

  She suddenly felt that following the current Sect Master seemed to be a good idea.

  After all, the opponent is a real kendo master!

  The strength of sword intent and the high level of swordsmanship even shocked her Yuan Ying sword cultivator!

  Being able to follow behind such a character, her kendo achievements will also be elevated!

  In the lobby outside the quiet room.

  Zhang Sanfeng and Ximen Chuixue, who were protecting the Dharma with their knees crossed, flashed joy in their eyes.

  His Majesty, broke through again!

  In the quiet room, Zhu Hao shook his sleeves slightly, and all the visions immediately subsided.

  In the void in front of him, there were pellets of pure white and flawless pills that exuded a strong fragrance.

  There are as many as forty pieces.

  It was the Nascent Soul impurity that was repelled by the Heaven Swallowing Demon Art.

  But in the eyes of outside cultivators, it is an unbelievable cultivation elixir!

  Putting these baby pills in the storage bag, Zhu Hao evoked his own system again.

  Looking at the huge number of achievement points on the system interface, he smiled slightly.

  These achievement points were obtained when he conquered Xue Yizong and several old Nascent Soul monsters, and Zhu Hao planned to use them together this time.

  "System, diamond turntable, thirty consecutive draws."

  During the negligence, the deep and simple atmosphere permeated.

  On one side, a huge turntable that only Zhu Hao could see suddenly appeared in the void.

  There are mysterious inscriptions engraved on it. Once they appear, there will be colorful rays of light filling the quiet room, which is extremely extraordinary.

  The pointer on the turntable is a golden dragon with its teeth and claws, which is extremely noble.

  Following Zhu Hao's thoughts, the turntable quickly spun.

  "Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the [Blooming Flower]."

  "Congratulations to the host, you have obtained [Foundation Pill] × 99."

  "Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the different fire [Sea Heart Flame]."


  "Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the Earth-grade Immortal Artifact [Thunder Bow]."

  "Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the [Big Thunder Sound Breathing Technique]."

  "Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the array props, the ninth grade of the earth level [Array Flag] × 72."


  Listening to the pleasant system prompt tone, Zhu Hao was in a good mood.

  This lottery draw not only draws out the top breathing method [Big Thunder Sound Breathing] from a certain fantasy world.

  There is also a different fire and an array flag that arranges the formation.

  Needless to say, different fires.

  With [Burning Judgment], he can continuously fuse with different fires.

  The more strange fires you get, the more tyrannical the fusion fires will be!

  And the [Big Thunder Sound Breathing Technique] can also promote and complement each other with the [Lei Di Treasure Technique] he possesses and the source of the black thunder of annihilation.

  As for the formation of the formation flag, it is also a very practical magic weapon.

  After sorting out the harvest, Zhu Hao stepped out of the quiet room.

  "Congratulations, Your Majesty, for breaking through again." Zhang Sanfeng smiled.

  All the submissive monks in the Xueyi sect called Zhu Hao the sect master.

  And Zhang Sanfeng and Ximen Chuixue, the two old men who followed from Xianwu Continent, used to call Zhu Hao Your Majesty...  

  Zhu Hao flicked the bullet, and several baby pills and golden pills that had absorbed the essence were swept out.

  "Take it to practice, and reward those who have done well."

  "In the past few days of my cultivation, has there been anything major happening in the outside world?"

  Zhang Sanfeng and Ximen Chuixue looked at the pills that exuded a strong spiritual energy, their breaths could not help being a little short.

  This is a treasure that ordinary monks can't even think about!

  His Majesty used it directly to reward them.

  Both of them are grateful!

  After accepting Yingdan and Jindan, Zhang Sanfeng said in a deep voice, "Reporting to Your Majesty, there is a lot of uproar in the outside world, and they are all praising His Majesty's achievements."

  "Bing Xuanzong seems to be furious."

  "Bing Xuanzong also released news the day before yesterday, asking His Majesty to go to Bing Xuanzong to accept the crime, or else he will have to settle down here."

  Zhu Hao heard the words but said noncommittally: "Really, I will wait for them to come."


  Cultivation has no time, and in the blink of an eye, several days of shadows pass by.

  Bing Xuanzong naturally couldn't wait until Zhu Hao came to confess his guilt.

  The news was released just to regain a little momentum.

  On this day, the head of Bingxuanzong passed down a decree.

  A group of Bingxuanzong elders, each performed the escape technique, turned into a bright streamer, left the sect, and went to the Xueyi sect.

  This time, the eight elders who went to exterminate the Xueyi Sect were both male and female, and their auras were extremely deep!

  There are even two auras in it, which are extraordinarily vast, like two rounds of bright sun, Huang Huang can't look directly at it!

  It was the two cultivators of God Transformation!

  And one of the cultivators was the Elder Zhou with a pair of evil eyes!

  He's going to clean up his mess with his own hands.

  At this moment, the elder's face is full of haze, and his heart is full of tyrannical killing intent!


  One after another, the message jade is simplified as a streamer and flies everywhere.

  Many sects have received the news.

  There are also several monks in the Wanhunzong station, who cast their magic and left quietly.


  The residence of Xue Yizong.

  The mountain gate, which had been quiet for a few days, was surging again at this time.

  The monstrous coercion shrouded here.

  A high-ranking cultivator from Bingxuan Sect stood proudly in the sky, staring coldly at the sect below.

  Elder Zhou took a step, and the pressure and shouts of the God Transformation Realm suddenly shook between heaven and earth!

  "Zhu Hao, you kill the strong sect under the Ice Xuanzong, today is your death!".

Chapter 247

  How tyrannical the cultivator of the God Transformation Realm is, the sound of shouting and shouting is like the rolling thunder, which can be heard thousands of miles away.

  Even, many disciples of Xueyi Sect immediately surging with blood, and their faces flushed.

  The cultivator with a weaker cultivation base has blood oozing from the corners of his mouth and eardrums, and his appearance is miserable!

  In a hall of Xueyi Sect.

  Several old Nascent Soul monsters who had surrendered to Zhu Hao not long ago felt the sudden dignified atmosphere and the pressure that shrouded them, and their expressions were bitter.

  The last scene they didn't want to see finally appeared!

  The monk of Ice Xuanzong is here!

  They who were once attached to the Ice Profound Sect naturally knew the horror of this sect very well!

  It was a behemoth that stood above the heads of countless cultivators, enough to overwhelm many cultivators.

  One of the three major forces in the North, it is definitely not just talking about it!

  Bing Xuanzong is definitely a terrifying existence that can set off a bloody storm in the north.

  The vast skyward world.

  According to the east, south, west, and north, the four sides are divided into four houses, each with a house master, who dominates the vast territory of one side.

  Under the rule of the Northern Underworld, the Ice Profound Sect is a well-deserved top force!

  There are several cultivators in the sect!

  Several Nascent Soul monks quickly swept out of the hall and appeared on the huge square outside.

  The coercion of the deity cultivator shrouded.

  The four old Nascent Soul monsters couldn't lift their heads, and a chill gradually filled their hearts!

  "There are actually two Spirit Transformation cultivators and six Nascent Souls!" Zhuge Nanfeng, a childlike old monster of Nascent Souls, exclaimed.

  The two old Nascent Soul monsters on the side, the corners of their eyes twitched slightly, and their hands and feet were cold.

  It seems that Bing Xuanzong has a big intention to kill this time.

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