Outside the Chuan Gong Hall.

  There were two beautiful Wanhunzong female disciples standing respectfully.

  Seeing Zhu Hao walking out of the hall, he hurriedly saluted, and his soft voice also sounded.

  "Elder Zhang told us that you can tell us all your needs, and my Wanhunzong will try our best to meet them."

  Zhu Hao said indifferently: "Take me to Yunling Pond, and prepare enough spirit stones and medicinal pills for me."

  "Yes, your distinguished guest, please." A female disciple walked out immediately and led the way for Zhu Hao.

  Yunling Pond is the cultivation treasure of Wanhunzong, and it is well-known in the entire Northland!

  Because Myriad Soul Sect is located on an extremely yin earth vein, and Yunling Pond is one of the nodes.

  The pond water contains pure extreme yin power, which can greatly benefit the spirit and physique of monks!

  Zhu Hao came to collect the benefits of Wanhunzong this time, and naturally he would not miss such a treasured cultivation place.


  Zhu Hao was led into a huge cave.

  The fog in the cave rose, but it was not water mist, but a yin gas so thick that it almost condensed into water droplets.

  And in front of him there is a small lake.

  The white mist curled up on the lake, and there were fairy grass growing around it, blooming with rays of light, which was quite extraordinary.

  The female disciple on the side smiled and said: "This is Yunling Pond, which is the important place of this sect. Even the elders of this sect cannot easily step into it."

  "The pool water contains pure Yin Qi, so it is extremely cold."

  "You should also pay attention when practicing in the pool. If you can't stand the extreme cold, you can go ashore to rest."

  Zhu Hao nodded slightly and stepped into the pool.

  When his body touched the pool water, he felt a burst of relief.

  The rich power of extreme yin continuously poured in from the pores of Zhu Hao's body, tempering his physique and soul.

  And the extreme cold that can freeze the cultivator's soul here is not a problem for Zhu Hao, who has a chaotic body.

  With the influx of extreme yin power, Zhu Hao can clearly feel that his soul is slowly filling up, like taking a big tonic.

  And his body is even more radiant, like a flawless jade, which is being continuously tempered.

  Cultivation here, I do not know how much stronger than the outside world.

  The power of the extreme yin, coupled with the Taoism of the two god-turning cultivators who had been killed by him before, was enough for him to break through the late stage of Jindan in one fell swoop!

  This month, Zhu Hao didn't plan to leave Chishui.

  The Heaven Swallowing Demonic Art suddenly unfolded.

  One after another silver extreme yin power was incorporated into his body.

  There are also strands of extremely light black mist, which were removed from the Yin Qi by the Heaven Swallowing Magic Art, smashed and isolated.

  Zhu Hao's heart suddenly moved.

  He felt the black mist, and a cold light flashed in his deep eyes.

  This Ten Thousand Souls Sect really contains evil intentions!

  This black mist was not born from the extremely yin earth veins, but was artificially generated and also acted on the soul.

  Once it absorbs too much power of the extreme yin, the black mist in the soul will gradually accumulate.

  Just like an expanding explosive, waiting for the detonation of the person behind the scenes.

  It can be said that once the black mist is inhaled too much, life and death will be in the hands of others.

  If it was an ordinary cultivator who didn't have such a domineering technique as the Heaven Swallowing Devil Technique, I'm afraid he would have already been recruited at this time!

  Zhu Hao sneered in his heart, but on the surface he remained calm and continued to absorb the extreme yin power of the pool water.

  Wanhunzong has other plans, but the black fog is useless to him...  

  Zhu Hao waited for the person who arranged all this to show up and give him a big surprise.


  Toward the heavens, to the north.

  In the palace of the palace master who guards the northern land.

  Inside a majestic hall, a middle-aged man dressed in a luxurious purple robe and a jade belt around his waist gently tapped the book table in front of him.

  He has a Chinese character face, a deep breath, and is not angry and arrogant.

  It is Chu Xinghe, the Palace Master of the Northern Territory!

  At this moment, he seemed to have thought of something, and the corner of his mouth rose slightly, showing a very faint smile.

  "To kill Huashen with Jindan cultivation base, even if someone helps, this record is extremely terrifying."

  "This time, I have a tyrannical arrogance in the Northern Territory."

  "It seems that in the next trial, my Northland cultivator is going to shine."


  Towards the sky, the east.

  In the wild mountains.

  A gigantic monster with the peak cultivation of Nascent Soul is galloping wildly.

  The majestic mountains along the way were directly smashed by it, and the earth shook!

  And behind the beast, a handsome young man with a long sword in hand followed closely in the air with a playful look in his eyes.

  "Are you going away?"

  Before the words fell, the bright sword lights had already been cut off!

  The crisscrossing sharp sword lights, like a giant net, directly chopped the monster into pieces!

  Beast blood is flying!

  The young man didn't even look at it, he just held the red demon pill in his hand, his eyes cold and stern.

  "One month is enough for me to refine this demon pill and climb to the peak of Nascent Soul!"

  "At that time, the trial ground is just my hunting ground!"


  Chaotian realm, southern realm.

  Wang Yangzhong stretches for thousands of miles.

  A message jade simplified as a streamer flew by.

  At this moment, a figure broke out of the water!

  The water exploded, and the storm swept through the sky!

  It was a female cultivator with a very beautiful appearance, with a cool demeanor.

  The vibrating cultivation aura has reached the peak of the terrifying Nascent Soul Realm!

  There were a few scales on the woman's cold face, which glowed with colorful rays in the sun.

  But it's not strange at all, on the contrary, she is more and more foiled, like the master of Wang Yangzhong!

  She grabbed the jade slip and swept over it with her divine mind.

  "The land of trials is about to open?"

  "Looks like it's time to return to the sect." The woman said calmly, turning into a flash of light, swept into the distance. .

Chapter 252

  Zhu Hao was in the training room, and a vigorous breath was directly wrapped around it. The benefits of the Nine Nether Soul Eater...

  It can devour the power of other people, and now it has been cultivated to the third level.

  Now that he is at his peak, he sighed inwardly.

  The spiritual energy between heaven and earth, plus these spiritual stones, have been absorbed by Zhu Hao.

  So that their own strength has reached a perfect level.

  Months later!

  Chaotian Realm, the land of trials!

  "Heaven and earth live together, immortal in the world, when will I be able to reach such a state at 26!"

  Zhu Hao smiled, and now he has reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

  It won't take long before you can directly enter the realm of transformation.

  "My dear, what are your orders?"

  A female disciple saw Zhu Hao and followed silently after coming out of the training room.

  "Since your Myriad Soul Sect invited me to come and treat me as a living room, how could I take this reward in vain!"

  "Let's go, take me to meet your elder Zhang!"

  Zhu Hao smiled, and he also understood that these elders were probably waiting for his news.

  There is no free lunch in the world, use it yourself, and the resources of their Wanhunzong should be returned to them.

  "Your Excellency is really clever, our elders are indeed waiting for you in one place!"

  "He said that it won't take long for you to leave the customs, and he will take you to see him after you leave!"

  The female disciple's words were simple, and Zhu Hao nodded silently.

  Soon, Zhu Hao followed the female disciple directly to a secret room.

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