In an instant, the pressure seemed to forcefully break their hearts and lungs, blood flew, and everyone was knocked to the ground.

  This time, even Zhu Hao, who has already reached the demigod, has not been completely unaffected!

  He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, rubbed the uncomfortable chest, stood up with the strength of the scabbard, and pondered for a moment.

  Limingyue got up with him with a heavy face, and spit out the blood from her mouth, which was charming and bright. .

Chapter 268

  Suddenly, they moved, raised their swords and flew up, shouting: "Controlled by the power of the wind!"

  Some people can no longer move, twitching to get up, some people struggle to get up!

  He tried his best to use the power of the wind, created a miracle collectively, and once again controlled the raging earth spirit dragon!

  At this moment, Zhu Hao and Limingyue shouted at the same time!

  One left and one right drew the sword and inserted it into the left and right arteries on the neck of the Earth Spirit Dragon!

  Quickly drawing out the sword and inserting it again, after repeating this, the Earth Spirit Dragon finally fell unwillingly.

  Everyone let go of their strength, let out a long sigh, and lay on the ground as if they were dead, panting in fear.

  No one noticed that Zhu Hao and Li Mingyue finally fell down with the Earth Spirit Dragon, hitting the ground heavily.

  After a long while, Zhu Hao sat up slowly with Li Mingyue!

  The two looked at each other in embarrassment and burst out laughing.

  Support each other to sit up and let the spiritual energy circulate around the dantian.

  Until now, everyone has regained their energy, and then they look at each other distractedly.

  "We actually defeated the Earth Spirit Dragon! From now on, Master is also a character!"

  "My God, this is really exciting. My back is wet right now. Who would have thought that we would actually survive from the hands of the Earth Spirit Dragon and even kill it!"

  "I'm really exhausted. Once again, the uncle is going to hang up here."

  "Stop talking, slowly adjust your body, you are all injured, and you will deal with it in time."

  A slightly older man closed his eyes but opened his mouth to remind them.

  Yes, there are still things left, so I can't delay it here.

  "Look, what is the quality of the inner core on the Earth Spirit Dragon? It's so dazzling."

  There are other resources, which one is not rare, it really deserves to be the Earth Spirit Dragon!

  "It's really thanks to Brother Zhu Hao, without your command, let's not say we have seen these things, we may not be able to save our lives."

  The senior man frowned slightly and spoke.

  Seeing his expression, Zhu Hao understood what he meant and did not take credit for it.

  There will be a phenomenon of looting (cgdg) and mutual loss, after all, resources are too scarce.

  "Yeah, it's not the last shock of Brother Lu and sister-in-law. We don't know if we can still breathe this breath."

  "Thank you very much."

  There was a burst of thanks, and although Zhu Hao waved his hand to recover very modestly, everyone was also shocked.

  I didn't think much about the war just now, but now I think that Zhu Hao's strength has already surpassed them!

  Demigods, breaking through once is not the same, shocking heaven and man.

  "Yes, thank you, Brother Lu has worked hard."

  A yin and yang voice joined in.

  Everyone opened their eyes and looked at the clearly malicious voice.

  It is Nangong Qiu Ming again.

  Everyone is vigilant, this person is not simple, they have just experienced a war!

  Energy is limited, if they grab resources, everyone will have no time to deal with it.

  Zhu Hao gritted his teeth and stood up, not knowing because he was too lax after the war.

  It's still Nangong Qiu Ming's strength, he has already reached this point, he didn't even notice that they came here.

  Nangong Qiuming looked at the blood on the ground and pretended to be surprised: "Hey, are you injured? It doesn't matter, we can treat you here, and the cost is not too much. Let's have all the resources of Linglong on the spot."

  "Don't think about it."

  Zhu Hao was in a hurry and was about to raise his breath, but he coughed up blood heavily.

  In the battle just now, he was actually injured in the last blow, even more at close range!

  At this time, he was even more overwhelmed than his strength, watching them "the snipe and mussel fight to the benefit of the fisherman!".

Chapter 269

  Everyone stared at Nangong Qiu Ming and the others!

  With dissatisfaction and resentment on their faces, why should they give these beasts what they worked hard for?

  Suddenly, everyone's eyes flashed, and a pretty figure appeared in front of Nangong Qiu Ming.

  A closer look, it is the dawn of the moon.

  Dawn Moon!

  Everyone was shocked.

  In the battle just now, everyone felt that she couldn't hold on~!

  Even if she survives, it is still protected by Zhu Hao. After all, her cultivation base is low and weak. It is a fact.

  Even if Fang was the one who helped Zhu Hao a lot, killing the Earth Spirit Dragon!

  But everyone subconsciously ignored her low cultivation.

  Everyone can see how much blood she bleed just now and how many injuries she suffered, and now she is not dying!

  It was already a miracle, but the speed at which she approached Nangong Qiu Ming was clearly like nothing happened!

  It seems that in the battle just now, she did not participate at all, or suddenly her physical strength has completely recovered.

  If it weren't for her embarrassed blood stains, everyone would think that they had hallucinations.

  Although Nangong Qiu Ming was shocked in his heart, he did not hesitate in his hands!

  Maybe this stinky woman is trying to bully him?

  Apart from Zhu Hao, who was already a demigod, no one was worth his worry.

  The person who is worth worrying, fought bloody under his nose, and there is no one who can fight against him. As for this stinky woman!

  Oh, don't say that she is weak and experienced the battle, even if she is fully recovered, can she beat him?

  Not humiliating yourself.

  However, "self-humiliation" himself swayed the sword with the blood of the earth spirit dragon!

  Directly guide Gong Qiu Ming, full of aura, making people dare not despise her anymore.

  "Zhu Hao said it, don't think about it. As long as we are still standing alone, don't even think about taking a ounce of resources from our eyes."

  "how is this possible?"

  Nangong Qiu Ming just wanted to poke his eyes out, the sword that Li Mingyue just swung!

  Whether it is strength or angle, it is very difficult to avoid, it is the appearance of full energy.

  how so?

  Didn't she just end the battle and be in a state of embarrassment?

  He was not the only one shocked, everyone was dumbfounded!

  The chin is slack and drooping, accepting the gust of wind.

  How can a person have such a strong recovery ability, is this still a person?

  Nangong Qiuming was horrified and almost turned his face. He forced a sneer: "Want to fight for Zhu Hao? It's not that I look down on you, sister."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  "You are so weak, don't say that you are my opponent, I am afraid that if I punch you, you will not be able to keep your whole corpse."

  Everyone is staring at him, even if Dawn Moon is really not strong!

  But even so, she just killed the Earth Spirit Dragon without hesitation!

  Stand up without hesitation to protect everyone, protect everyone's hard-earned capital

... 0

  This is the hero in their hearts at that moment, and naturally they are on her side.

  And the people of Nangong Qiu Ming's own faction, because of the angle problem, did not see the whole picture of the battle!

  However, he was still embarrassed by Nangong Qiu Ming's behavior of taking on the weak.

  This kind of bullying and fear of hardship, it's really not good to say it.

  Everyone looked at Dawn Moon again, and how would they react when they looked at this woman.

  In fact, everyone didn't have high hopes, and she was able to stand up to everyone's expectations.

  Frightened Zhu Hao called her nervously: "Limingyue, come back, who told you to go out, be careful."

  Unexpectedly, Nangong Qiuming had already made a shameless move, who knew that he would fight against such a person.

  Even playing sneak attack, most people can't stand it anymore.Ten thousand.

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