"It seems that I have to come up with other things to try if this is of any use."

  Zhu Hao watched slowly, the ceramic in front of him!

  Take out objects with spiritual power directly from your body.

  Looking at the objects with spiritual power in front of him.

  Zhu Hao threw it directly into the ceramics in front of him, trying to swallow the ceramics in front of him.

  However, with Zhu Hao, after throwing these objects with spiritual power into the ceramics!

  But there was no response.

  Faced with this situation, Zhu Hao couldn't help but show a hint of helplessness on his face.

  It seems that relying on spiritual power to devour this method will not work on this ceramic.

  Therefore, Zhu Hao had no choice but to put away these things.

  "I don't know if the blood stone on the earth spirit dragon has any effect on this ceramics?"

  Zhu Hao couldn't help thinking in his heart.

  After all, the blood stone on the Earth Spirit Dragon is not comparable to these items on his body.

  Moreover, the most important thing is that the powerful spiritual power contained in the bloodstone of the Earth Spirit Dragon is extremely terrifying.

  Therefore, I saw that Zhu Hao was thinking of looking for the blood stone similar to the Earth Spirit Dragon.

  As Zhu Hao thought about these things, he immediately started to act.

  I saw Zhu Hao slowly appearing in front of a high place, looking at the scenes in front of him!

  Zhu Hao's face became slightly solemn.

  In front of Zhu Hao, now outside the ancient capital!

  A small part has been occupied by the Nangong family.

  "It seems that we have to speed up."

  I saw Zhu Hao murmured in his mouth.

  Then, he ran straight in front of him.Just see as time goes by!

  Zhu Hao can say that all the places outside the ancient capital have been occupied except for some secret realms.

  However, after these places were occupied.

  However, Zhu Hao did not find any powerful ones. Monster beasts had appeared before, and they were all small monsters!

  In the face of these small monsters, Zhu Hao now has no idea of ​​even killing them.

  After all, in Zhu Hao's view, killing these small monsters!

  For him, it was a waste of time.

  You know, there are only those high-level and powerful monsters!

  He mentioned the unique ability to generate bloodstone in the body.

  Therefore, in other words, if you want to obtain bloodstones, you can only specifically hunt those high-level monsters.

  However, although it is said that there are bloodstones on those high-level monsters!

  But among those high-level monsters, which one is not extremely powerful!

  With their current strength, it can be said that it is extremely difficult to hunt down a high-level monster.

  Moreover, more importantly, it is not the body of any high-level monster!

  All have the existence of bloodstone, an extremely rare treasure ear.

  The condensed requirements are extremely harsh (good)!

  Sometimes you go to great lengths to hunt down a high-level monster.

  In the end, the existence of bloodstone was never seen.

  Faced with this result, it is completely normal.

  Therefore, if you want to get the bloodstone, it is beyond having extremely powerful strength!

  There is also a strong psychological endurance.I saw Zhu Hao at this time.

  After occupying most of the territory, my heart began to feel awkward again. .

Chapter 273

  For today's Zhu Hao, before getting that ceramic!

  Perhaps not so enthusiastic about the search for bloodstones.

  But now that I got the sperm, after this kind of baby, the meaning is different.

  "What should I do now, I haven't found a high-level monster yet."

  Zhu Hao felt a little helpless in his heart!

  "If you don't want to meet them, you will be attacked every time. Now you want to look for one, but you haven't found it yet."

  "Zhu Hao said speechlessly. Looking at the places in front of him, Zhu Hao thought of some places and didn't go."

  "Yes, when I think of those places, Zhu Hao's face can't help but feel extremely helpless, although there are many high-level monsters in those places."

  However, the environment in that place is extremely severe!

  If one is not careful, it can be buried there at any time.

  "Oh, it seems that I still have to go to that place!"

  "Otherwise, if you want to get the bloodstone, you don't know when you will be able to get it."

  Zhu Hao said with great helplessness on his face, these places Zhu Hao said!

  Naturally, those secret realms outside the ancient capital!

  However, in the face of these secret realms, even the powerhouses of the Nanguan family would not dare to advance without authorization!

  If you accidentally leave yourself there, then it is extremely uneconomical to do so.

  However, there is a saying in the right place (cgdg) that wealth is sought in danger, in that place where there are high-level monsters!

  The probability of finding the bloodstone is much higher than the probability of exploding it now.

  Therefore, after thinking of this, Zhu Hao did not hesitate at all!

  He ran directly towards the closest secret realm near him.

  After facing Zhu Hao's departure, a figure gradually appeared.

  "The direction this kid ran to is the secret realm?"

  I saw a slight dignified expression on the other's face, he was a strong man from the Nangong family!

  When Zhu Hao madly occupied those territories!

  It seems that the Nangong family found something wrong with Zhu Hao.

  He directly sent a strong man from the Nangong family to check it out.

  After seeing what Zhu Hao had done, the strong man from the Nangong family did not follow directly!

  Instead, he returned directly to Nangong's house and reported his information directly.

  And I saw Zhu Hao at this time, just about to come to the vicinity of the secret realm!

  An extremely huge figure suddenly rushed towards Zhu Hao's direction.

  Facing everything that happened suddenly, Zhu Hao couldn't help but be a little surprised.

  He did not expect that at this time, he would be attacked.

  However, with Zhu Hao's explosive strength, it was easy to avoid him.

  Looking in front of him, there is an extremely huge monster that is staring at him!

  Zhu Hao's face gradually became dignified, relying on his own strength!

  I can feel this monster in front of me!

  The breath that burst out was far stronger than himself.

  Facing this discovery, it can be said that Zhu Hao was extremely shocked.

  "No wonder no one dares to come to this secret realm. It seems that this is not a rumor."

  Zhu Hao said with great emotion in his heart!

  You know, Zhu Hao has not really reached the secret realm yet.

  I met such a powerful monster.

  Although it is said to kill this high-level monster! .

Chapter 274

  Maybe a blood stone could explode, but Zhu Hao didn't take this risk.

  After all, even himself, he does not have absolute confidence to be able to compete with this monster.

  "It seems that it is impossible to go to the secret realm."

  Zhu Hao said helplessly.

  I saw Zhu Hao, but instead of circling the monster in front of him, he ran straight into the distance.

  In Zhu Hao's view, there is absolutely no need for him to be because of the bloodstone!

  And push yourself to a dead end!

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