The two guards flew out and slammed into the wall and fainted. It is estimated that they were seriously injured if they didn't die.

  When the people next to him saw it happened, they hurried to the city!

  He ran to Zhu Hao's house without stopping!

  Zhu Hao had just finished practicing and walked towards the door when he saw someone running towards him.

  The man hurriedly knelt down and said to Zhu Hao: "I report to the city lord, there is a disturbance outside the city!

  Two of our doormen have been seriously injured, and he told you to go out and meet him.

  Zhu Hao's words suddenly became irritated, and someone dared to make trouble in his own city, and hurriedly walked towards the city gate.

  When he arrived at the city gate, he saw the bodies of two guards lying on the ground!

  Looking at the person in front of the Demon Race with cold eyes, he said to him, "Who are you? Why do you want to hurt my residents."

  The people of the Demon Race looked at Zhu Hao like they were looking at ants!

  He said to him: "I am from the Demon Race. I believe you should have heard of the Demon Race. In the future, this city will be managed by the Demon Race. Where do you go?"

  When Zhu Hao heard this, he was instantly furious. This was the city he had worked so hard to create!

  If you say it is handed to you, it will be handed to you, what do you think you are!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  The residents of the city also looked at this demon clan angrily, wishing they could eat him.

  Zhu Hao said unhurriedly: "What about the Demon Race, I want this city to have the ability to come and get it myself."

  The people of the Demon Race said to Zhu Hao one day: "A mere ants, dare to be presumptuous here."

  The people of the Demon Race suddenly moved, and Zhu Hao also attacked him.

... ... ...

  After the two played against each other, Zhu Hao felt that the demons were very powerful, and he was no match for him!

  It seems that it can only be outsmarted, and the people of the Demon Race laughed: "With your strength, you still want to beat me, even if I can't touch my body, the people of the Demon Race laughed."

  It is a pity that the people of the Demon Race died on his arrogance!

  When Zhu Hao saw the people of the Demon Race, he showed his flaws, and he directly attacked and killed him!

  People of the Demon Race don't know how they died until they die!

  Zhu Hao spoke to the demons and let them have the courage to come.

  After this war, Zhu Hao understood the weakness on their side almost immediately.

  Their strength is indeed not enough to fight against those demons.

  Now they have indeed defeated all those Demon Race people!Ten thousand.

Chapter 279

  But after a while, if they still look like this!

  Then it is only a matter of time before the demons are defeated.

  After thinking about it clearly, Zhu Hao looked at the people not far away and said, "Let those people put down what they are doing and come here first, I have something to say."

  When those people got this sentence, they didn't know what Zhu Hao wanted to say!

  But I agreed without hesitation!

  Then he went out in a hurry, and after a while, he gathered some people directly.

  Because of a fierce battle, when Zhu Hao went out!

  Some people haven't dealt with some of their wounds!

  As a result, Zhu Hao, who was sloppy, stood there and watched for a while, and couldn't help but sighed and said to them.

  "Look at what you look like now, how embarrassed, this is entirely because you are not strong enough to deal with the people over there!"

  "If you have stronger strength, then we will never be so embarrassed by them."

  Those people were also told the same, and their faces suddenly looked a little unsightly!

  Just as he was about to say something when he got up, Zhu Hao turned his head and looked around!

  Finally, helplessly, I found a place to sit down and said.

  "I will think of a way to help you improve recently, but I can only think of a way for you, it doesn't mean that I can help you do anything."

  "So if you don't want to learn, then bring it up with me as soon as possible, and I won't waste so much time. If something happens then, it's your business."

  How can those people who got this sentence be unwilling!

  After all, in this situation, they are not clear, if they continue like this, the people of the Demon Race will call again!

  There must be an accident on their side, and that's precisely why!

  So when I heard this sentence, one by one began to shout.

  "If you are willing to teach us, of course we will."

  Zhu Hao, who got these words from them, was satisfied!

  After talking to them a word or two, let them do their own preparations!

  On the second day, with Dawn Moon, he began to guide these people.

  Those people are also very high-spirited, and they understand very well in this situation!

  They must improve their strength, otherwise they can only die...  

  Therefore, one by one, Zhu Hao did not need to say more, and began to improve his strength!

  Seeing their appearance, Zhu Hao was satisfied, and Limingyue next to him said with a smile when he saw this appearance.

  "I didn't expect them to be so active. Logically speaking, they shouldn't be so active."

  What was the temperament of these people in the mainland?

  It's not that Limingyue is not clear, it's just what she's thinking in her heart!

  At the same time, Zhu Hao took out what was in his hand and took a look.

  In the end, he turned his head and smiled at Dawn Moon.

   "Okay, why think so much, if they are willing to be active, then let them continue to be active."

  Li Mingyue, who got this sentence, also nodded without hesitation!

  Since the other party is willing to be positive, there is nothing wrong with it.

  After thinking clearly, Limingyue followed Zhu Hao directly back to the room.

  For a period of time after that, Zhu Hao guided these people basically every day! .

Chapter 280

  But the guidance time is not long, after all, he himself needs to continue to cultivate.

  At the same time, the demons on the other side couldn't just sit still.

  Since they were defeated by Zhu Hao last time, they have been thinking about trying to make a comeback.

  But if you really want to turn over again, it's not that simple!

  It is precisely because of this that although they gathered some people, they did not start.

  Some people gradually have their own emotions because of the reason they haven't acted for a long time.

  "It's just a group of incompetent people, because our army is overwhelming!"

  "They even fled in embarrassment. If it wasn't for that Zhu Hao, then we would have won this time! 26"

  "So if we go again, the people on their side will definitely not be able to continue to resist, and then it will not be whatever we do."

  A group of people who got this sentence also started talking one by one!

  A few people around saw this appearance and hesitated to think.

  "And our goal now is not their main city, but another city, and Zhu Hao is not in that city!"

  "At that time, we will go to work, and that city will start killing people!"

  "Those people don't have that ability either. Why should they think so much about what they can do to us?"

  I was probably excited by this sentence!

  The people around, began to babble that there is really no need to think so much.

  When the person in charge heard these words, he finally turned his head helplessly and said to them.

  "It's not that easy. Last time we thought we could solve their city easily, but we still can't solve it, right?"

  "So this time, we should be a little more vigilant."

  "Those people were a little unhappy when they got this sentence. They wanted to say something when they got up. At the same time, the person in charge was not happy!"

  "No need to say more, it's always right to be careful. If something happens accidentally, can you take the responsibility?"

  Those people are said so by this sentence!

  Immediately, I thought to myself, I swallowed all the words I wanted to say, and looked back at the person not far away.

  In the end, no one spoke out about the person in charge.

  Seeing this appearance, he sneered.

  "If you can take the responsibility this time, I'm naturally willing to follow your words and do it!"

  "But since you can't afford it, then listen to my words honestly."

  Those people were obviously still not very happy, and opened their mouths to say something!

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