The leader of the Demon Race saw that someone stood up!

  Slowing down his momentum, he said solemnly: "What can you do, come quickly."

  That demon clan did not dare to neglect.

  He can only hurriedly say: "Report to the leader, that Zhu Hao has occupied several spiritual mines recently, and the spiritual stones of the spiritual mine are very rich!"

  "Although these spirit stones are of no use to our demons, we snatch this spirit mine!"

  "Then Zhu Hao's cultivation resources will be reduced. At that time, he will definitely come to the Demon Race territory, and then the leader can kill this person without any effort."

  After listening to the Demon Race leader, his eyes narrowed, this is a good idea!

  The Demon Race leader said to the Demon Race person just now: "This is a good way. I'll let you do this. Don't let me down, or I'll let you die without a burial."

  A coercion suddenly emanated from the Demon Race leader!

  The Demon Race hurriedly replied: "¨ˇ This subordinate must do it well, if not, come and see you."

  The leader of the Demon Race laughed, and this laughter echoed in the Demon Race territory.

  Zhu Hao could not have imagined that the danger was slowly approaching him, and at the moment Zhu Hao was still practising in the room

  He couldn't think of these spiritual stones, which were very useful to his cultivation. He had to protect these cultivation resources.

  Now his realm has reached the demigod realm, even if he encounters some advanced monsters!

  He also has the ability to protect himself. After Zhu Hao finished practicing, he walked out of the room. The city was very lively at the moment!

  Since he built the city, more and more people have gathered in the city.

  Zhu Hao walked towards the city, and the residents of the city greeted him when they saw Zhu Hao!

  Zhu Hao recalled that Zhu Hao couldn't imagine that he was a poor boy who couldn't even get enough to eat a year ago! .

Chapter 292

  Now he has become the master of a city, and his cultivation is even more terrifying. Zhu Hao thinks that it is really not easy to walk all the way.

  Just as Zhu Hao was thinking about it, there was a change in the crowd, and a person was rushing towards Zhu Hao!

  There are countless wounds on this person, and the clothes are torn apart!

  It's like there's just been a war.

  The person Zhu Hao recognized was the person in charge of the spirit mine. Could it be that something happened to the spirit mine?

  Zhu Hao pondered randomly, and within a few seconds, the person in charge of the spirit mine came to Zhu Hao!

  Half-kneeling, he said, "City Lord Lu, something happened to the spirit mine, please punish City Lord Lu."

  When Zhu Hao heard it, it really was an accident in the spirit mine. Damn it, now is not the time to pursue it!

  To clarify things first, Zhu Hao helped the person in charge of the spirit mine up and said, "What happened, please tell me slowly."

  The person in charge of the spirit mine said: "Today, when I was patrolling the mine, a group of people suddenly rushed out and didn't say anything, and they came up to kill!"

  "Everyone was killed. The brothers blocked their attacks in order to protect me, and I managed to escape."

  Zhu Hao never imagined that someone would blatantly kill someone, and was very angry!

  He continued to the person in charge of the spirit mine: "Can you see who that person is?"

  The person in charge of the spirit mine said: "City Lord Lu, I saw a magic word on their clothes, they should be from the demon race."

  Zhu Hao was instantly angry, and he was a demon again, so I didn't want to trouble you!

  You have come to trouble me, it seems that I have to go to the Demon Race.

  Zhu Hao said to the person in charge of the spirit mine: "You are recovering well in the city, I will go to the Demon Race to meet them for a while, I must make them pay the price!"

  Zhu Hao said aggressively, the person in charge of the spirit mine nodded silently!

  Then Zhu Hao walked out of the city and went straight to the Demon Territory.

  When he was about to reach the Demon Race's territory, Zhu Hao felt a powerful force, as if he was slowly approaching!

  Zhu Hao waited solemnly, his eyes fixed on the front, and suddenly a huge figure rushed out.

  Zhu Hao had never seen such a monster before, eight feet tall, with vicious eyes, like a beast!

  Zhu Hao felt the danger from the blame, and he did not dare to take it lightly!

  Because this monster is an extraterrestrial demon, it is very difficult to deal with.

  I saw the extraterrestrial demon roared and rushed towards Zhu Hao.

  Zhu Hao resisted in time, slapped the extraterrestrial demon with a palm, and his blood suddenly surged!

  His face was pale, and blood was spit out!

  Zhu Hao knew that the extraterritorial demon was very strong, but he didn't expect it to be so outrageous, and he was slightly injured.

  Zhu Hao stood up immediately, only to see the monster rushing towards Zhu Hao again!

  Seeing that Zhu Hao couldn't escape, he could only use the strongest ultimate move to resist, but he still couldn't withstand the attack of the extraterrestrial demon.

  Zhu Hao took it out again, because of too much consumption, he lost consciousness and passed out!

  At this moment, the extraterritorial demons rushed over again, and Zhu Hao would definitely be wiped out with this palm!

  Seeing that the attack was about to fall on Zhu Hao.

  Suddenly the ceramics flew out of Zhu Hao's pocket, and the ceramics emitted a ray of light!

  Immediately, the extraterrestrial demon was included in it, the ceramic light disappeared, and flew back to Zhu Hao's pocket.

  Black, pitch black, endless black.

  This is Zhu Hao opening his eyes, the only feeling, where is this place?

  He didn't remember coming to such a place!

  Consciousness gradually recovered, and the scene of fighting with the extraterritorial demons came to mind. .

Chapter 293

  He remembered that he lost consciousness and lost consciousness. Could it be that he died?

  Zhu Hao struggled to get up, but at this moment he felt his body!

  It's as if something is holding it down so hard that it can't move at all!

  I pondered for a while in my heart, and suddenly there was a flash of light in my head!

  When he was in a coma, something seemed to be shining brightly!

  Zhu Hao worked hard in his head to sketch the scene at that time!

  I finally remembered the flashing shape of a ceramic in a ray of light!

  The extraterritorial demons have the attitude of killing him, if he falls into their hands, there is no possibility of survival!

  Since he is still conscious, it means that this ceramic must have done something.

  But the top priority is to first try to see if he can move. Zhu Hao tries to mobilize his spiritual power!

  However, there is no spiritual response in the body at all, a piece of nothingness.

  After struggling to no avail, Zhu Hao had no choice but to observe the surroundings with his eyes open, trying to find clues. He stared at the surroundings for a while, but he really did see something.

  It was a small slit the size of a hair, and there was a hint of light in the slit!

  It would be very difficult to see this place if it weren't for the darkness all around.

  Zhu Hao squinted his eyes to observe, the light faded and appeared, flickered and dimmed, he silently remembered this situation in his head and recited it in his heart.

  I don't know how long it has passed, but this bright change seems to have reached a node!

  After that, the gap suddenly widened, and the entire dark space suddenly shattered into a pool of pieces!

  The shackles on his body were untied in an instant, and the dazzling light made him cover his eyes uncontrollably.

  When the light fades, there is a beautiful scenery in front of you, the mountains and rivers are flowing, the flowers, birds, insects and fish are really like a fairyland on earth!

  Zhu Hao thought to himself, this ceramic looks bland, but the world that comes out is really dazzling and colorful?

  It's unbelievable!

  Just when he started to step up and wanted to go inside, Zhu Hao was shocked to realize that the wound on his body had disappeared without a trace!

  Could it be that he entered his own spiritual consciousness?

  No wonder I can't feel the aura in my body.

  He was astonished for a long while before walking towards this place with green mountains and rivers.

  If we return to the west for a hundred years, it would be a pleasure to be in such a place, but I don't know if there is still a chance to come in!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  After all, in a small world alone, this kind of thing is something that can't be met.

  After walking for a while, Zhu Hao saw a room in front of him!

  The shape of this room is exactly the same as the ceramics I found outside!

  Could it be that this is the world in ceramics? If so, this place must be the export!


  Zhu Hao opened the door of the house without hesitation, and the scene in front of him changed again!

  His heart suddenly beat violently, and his body twitched and his eyes suddenly opened!

  Although the eyes are a little dark, it is not difficult to see that this is the place where he was seriously injured by the extraterrestrial demon!

  In order to prevent another extraterrestrial demon from attacking, he was busy mobilizing his spiritual sense to check the surroundings!

  After confirming that there was no extraterrestrial demon breath, he was relieved, but soon he became nervous again.

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