He said unhurriedly: "Everyone, be quiet, then Zhu Hao dares to kill our Demon Race people without the Demon Race leader. If he dares to come, I will kill this person."

  The people below quickly said: "The elder is mighty, the elder is mighty..."

  At this moment, Zhu Hao successfully entered the interior of the spirit mine, and he heard the conversation of the demons just now!

  I laughed disdainfully in my heart, and shouted: "What a big tone."

  All the demons looked towards the place where the voice came from!

  Including the elder sitting above, they could clearly see that the man's face was Zhu Hao.

  The old man Taishang said angrily: "Little Huangkou, I didn't go to you, but you brought it to the door yourself. You can stay here forever today."

  After saying that, the old man rushed towards Zhu Hao!

  Zhu Hao said with a sneer: "If you want to kill me, it depends on whether you have the ability."

  They also rushed up, both of them resorted to the strongest ultimate move, and the two of them collided with fists!

  An air wave hit the entire three holes, and even some demon people were directly crushed to death by this air wave!

  Suddenly the old man flew out, spit out a mouthful of blood, and lay on the ground with no life.

  The Mozu people never thought that Zhu Hao killed the elder with just one move!

  They fled everywhere in horror, Zhu Hao wiped out most of the demons, and the rest of the demons slipped away.

  Zhu Hao was looking for blood clots on the dead demons!

  But what disappointed Zhu Hao was that Xi was not found.

  So Zhu Hao returned to the city and sent people to continue guarding the spirit mine!

  Two months later, more people from the mainland came to the ancient capital, and many people were promoted to demigods!

  Zhu Hao stayed at the peak of the demigod realm and planned to lay a solid foundation to attack the base god!

  However, Dawn Moon entered the base god realm first.

  At the beginning of the sun, Limingyue stretched and got up. After washing and eating, she went to Zhu Haoqi to practice the exercises.

  Before I got close, I heard the sound of swords cutting branches!

  The sword qi and spiritual power swung out fiercely with his attack. As soon as she approached, Zhu Hao was afraid of hurting her, so he quickly stopped the attack.

  "¨ˇ How long have you been up? You really don't feel sorry for yourself in order to be promoted?"

  Liming Yuejiao hated him, and practiced with him for another half an hour! .

Chapter 297

  Then he was forced to take him to wash and eat.

  "It's okay, it's less than two hours... Zhu Hao wants to lay a solid foundation, and then he won't suffer too much for promotion."

  It would be a lie to say that I do not envy the base god of Dawning Moon, but this thing cannot be forced!

  All you can do is to lay a solid foundation and wait for opportunities to advance in one fell swoop!

  Limingyue didn't listen to his weak rebuttal at all, and pulled him away.

  When he was eating, Dawning Yue was eating fruit and feeding him a few from time to time.

  I don't know if it was Zhu Hao's delusion, but he always felt that after eating the fruit handed by Limingyue!

  He gradually became full of energy, and his tired body suddenly became active.

  He just thought he was thinking too much, shook his head and smiled: "How does it feel to be promoted to the base god? Will it be uncomfortable?"

  Listening to his question, Limingyue smiled and replied playfully, "You will know when you ascend, I will wait for you."

  Zhu Haoshen laughed dumbly, waiting for him to finish his meal!

  The genial face is much more solemn: "I received news that the Mozu has been quiet for the past two months.

  Limingyue crossed her legs in disapproval and played: "Isn't that just right? Clean and clean. The trouble of tossing every day is so annoying.

  "Do you think people who often do evil will suddenly become better?"

  Zhu Hao frowned slightly, thinking about something, when he heard this, Limingyue paused and asked, "What do you mean..."

  The other party nodded affirmatively: "In my opinion, they may be plotting some bigger conspiracy!"

  "We have to figure out what they are doing and stop it in time to prevent further losses."

  This is the tranquility before the storm. The quieter it is now, the more ruthless the next move may be. The ruthlessness of the demons should not be underestimated.

  After saying this, Limingyue understood what he meant: "But there is no reason to suddenly understand what they are doing."

  The other party nodded, a little sad, and the sadness was in this place.

  Unexpectedly, in the afternoon, Nangong Qiuming sent them a message, he was very cautious!

  As soon as the news reached Zhu Hao, it didn't take long for him to disappear.

  "what happened?"

  Limingyue poked her head curiously, what kind of news needs Nangong Qiu Ming to be cautious like this?

  After reading the news, Zhu Hao's expression became heavy (cgdg)!

  It was even worse than that in the morning: "As expected, Nangong Qiuming was besieged when he went to inspect the nearby spiritual mine, and it took some effort to destroy all of them."

  "But the land that was supposed to be closer to the Demon Race was not a Demon Race person at all."

  "The demons didn't do it, but let others do it? Who is so bold to actually take action on our people."

  The thief was unhappy after being provoked, and he wished he would go over and stay for a while.

  Seeing that Zhu Haoyi-time couldn't help laughing and laughing, he organized the language and said succinctly: "The most cautious point is here, which means that other people are also eyeing us!"

  "And Nangong Qiu Ming's actions are so cautious, it shows that the people around us are not all trustworthy, and things are a bit tricky."

  All of a sudden, the calm and tranquility lifted the note, and the embarrassing desire and overwhelming storm were faintly visible inside!

  The demon clan, who had been calm for more than two months, rushed towards them with an embarrassed situation on all sides.

  On the other side, near the spirit mine, Nangong Qiu Ming walked with people carefully.

  "Boss, what to do with those corpses? Do you want to bury them?"

  The subordinate asked cautiously.

  If you don't deal with it, the other party will infer it according to the method! .

Chapter 298

  I don't know if I will take this opportunity to do anything.

  Deal with it, but can't make too much noise.

  In the fierce battle just now, both sides are not weak, basically it is a posture of losing one thousand and eight hundred...

  But Nangong Qiu Ming was more alert, he immediately led the person to fall to the ground to counterattack, but caught the other party by surprise.

  In this way, he did not lose many people, but all those who wanted to attack and besieged died.

  I just don't know if they will have reinforcements in the later stage, will they come suddenly - this patrol or something.

  Nangong Qiu Ming, who was asked, thought about it and said immediately: "Immediately handle it, don't leave any traces. I'll report it to Zhu Hao."

  As he said that, he immediately took out a special secret paper, wrote on it with spiritual power, read the secret technique, and passed it on.

  Afterwards, he glanced around very sensitively for a week, looking at where he was now!

  I took people to the spirit mine to find the required materials, and then immediately brought people out.

  "Where is the nearest rest stop from here?"

  Nangong Qiu Ming glanced at the people behind him, they all needed a good training.

  The subordinate immediately replied: "It's not too far from here, we're going to the city, let's go back to the city.

  Without further ado, Nangong Qiuming led people into the city immediately and found an inn to cultivate.

  Before it got dark, Zhu Hao had already sent someone to order the city gates to be closed when it got dark!

  Continuous vigilance has increased the intensity and duration of night patrols, and people in the city are in chaos and panic.

  A few days later, the most terrifying thing happened.

  On this day, Zhu Hao was still practicing, and he always felt that the opportunity was just around the corner!

  So practice hard.

  Suddenly the sound of hurried footsteps approached, he closed his eyes and stood up and immediately stopped: "What's the matter? What's the problem?"

  "The big thing is bad, there are dead people in the city!"

  The person who came hurriedly gestured, so anxious that he didn't know how to describe it.

  Li Mingyue frowned: "Can you keep your head down? If you have something to say slowly, birth, aging, illness and death are common occurrences in the world, is death very fresh?

  However, Zhu Hao's intuition was wrong, and his brows frowned and blue veins collapsed: "What's going on?

  Ordinary things are generally not reported to him, attached...

  "The state of death is terrifying and terrifying. Everyone who heard of his body has passed out. The person in charge of the security police in the city has begun to thoroughly investigate the matter!"

  "But there is no clue for a long time. Now people are panicking. They don't know who the murderer is and how to start?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  "Because this deceased is not a weak person, his alertness and sensitivity are extremely high, and it is difficult for ordinary people to approach him.

  Zhu Hao frowned when he heard it, and directly took someone to check it out in person.

  But, no, no matter how you check.

  They immediately entered the city, and together with the person in charge who took over before, visited relatives and friends to ask many times!

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