Follow the store's fingers to point to the place, it really is.

  Nangong Qiuming walked to the bed, and the store owner also got up from the ground!

  If it weren't for the fact that the black pearls that this guest officer gave him were real, or if his appearance was powdered!

  Take it with warm water and you can extend your lifespan by thirty years!

  He wouldn't be so eager to get black pearls. If he got two, wouldn't he be able to extend his lifespan by sixty years.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  For him, this is the treasure bestowed on him by God, and he must firmly grasp this guest!

  Otherwise, wouldn't you just be burying your own life?

  The shopkeeper took all three silver needles from Limingyue's hand to Dad: "Wait a while, I'll bring the boiled medicine to the table, and take it while it's hot, otherwise, the effect of the medicine will be greatly reduced."

...... 0


  After Nangong Qiu Ming finished speaking, he closed the door and looked at Li Mingyue's hand, which was rapidly swollen!

  Heartbroken, damn it!

  It's all because he didn't protect her well, otherwise, it wouldn't have turned into the current result.

  On the other hand, Zhu Hao's iron stick was transformed into a machete, which is still very useful!

  Seeing, this thing is about to be cut to half the depth by myself, and there is still half left!

  You can get the legendary sword. Just thinking about it, Zhu Hao is full of energy!

  This is the first time I am so interested in something.

  Thinking that Zhu Hao was not so excited when he got Han Chan!Ten thousand.

Chapter 339

  Sure enough, what you can't get is the best.

  The little black cat was on the tree trunk, leisurely sleeping and wagging its tail: "Don't waste your energy!"

  "If you cut an inch, this thing will automatically heal a point. No matter how powerful you are, it can't match its self-healing ability."

  "I don't believe in this evil!!!"

  Zhu Hao actually listened to this sentence in his heart, and he was still cutting down the big tree without getting discouraged!

  This tree should be a thousand-year-old tree!

  It is estimated that it takes ten of them to stretch out their hands to be able to hold them.

  "Then come on."

  The little black cat has taken a nap, and Zhu Hao is still cutting down trees, although he knows it in his heart!

  It's a stupid way, but there's no way, if you don't do it yourself!

  The tree will heal quickly, and you must persevere before you can think of a new way.

  "Zhu Hao, do you have no impression of the fire of the bird and phoenix at all???"

  Han Yu asked, he has also been thinking about this matter, logically speaking, inside Zhu Hao's medulla oblongata!

  It contains the will of the god emperor, the skills of the god emperor!

  It should be a deep assassin in Zhu Hao's bones!

  I won't forget it, but looking at Zhu Hao's performance just now, Han Yu became suspicious.

  In Zhu Hao's body, there is the skill of the fire of the bird and the phoenix, but he has no idea that this thing exists in his body!

  With a confused look on his face, plus, Zhu Hao's brain is indeed... a little dull!

  Han Yu really didn't know how to help him!

  Such a base god with the soul and skills of a god emperor became the god emperor who saved the gods...

  "No, I thought it was the power you gave me."

  Zhu Hao's answer made Han Yu silently shut his mouth, and then Zhu Hao suddenly!

  After Han Yu asked himself this sentence, he stopped what he was doing!

  I stuck the machete on the tree trunk, rested against the tree, and fell into contemplation!

  Zhu Hao's thoughts jumped too fast for Han Yu to follow.

  "My brain has been immobile for too long, Xiudou..."

  Zhu Hao suddenly slammed his head a few times, and then sat on the ground: "Han Yu, tell me the truth, is this fire of a bird and a phoenix of mine comparable to ordinary fire, not a type of fire? ?"

  "I mean, my fire can not burn the foundation of this tree, but only burn to the place where you can get the sword..."

  Zhu Hao began to look at the palm of his hand seriously, and it looked no different from usual!

  It's just a long-term time to learn spells with the master!

  Holding a sword, a thick cocoon grew.Zhu Hao rubbed his hands together, feeling nothing.

  "Is there any formula for the fire of the bird and the phoenix? If you know it, Hanyu, tell me."

  Zhu Hao really didn't know how he could release the fire of the bird and the phoenix!

  He didn't want to use a stupid way to get the sword, in fact, his spiritual power was already overdrawn.

  If he continued, Zhu Hao felt that he hadn't brought down the tree yet.

  Fall down first.Zhu Hao felt that it was really difficult for him to support himself, so let's change the way!

  Seeing this tree that he had worked so hard to cut down!

  It has started to heal slowly.

  There is no taste in the heart.

  "Sorry, I really can't help you with this."

  Han Yu said silently: "After all, I am an assistant, since you were able to open the fire of the bird and the phoenix just now!".

Chapter 340

  "It means that in your own consciousness, there is the secret of the fire of the bird and the phoenix."

  Han Yu thinks of a purchasing method: if you release the Pixiu again, he may be able to force you to release the fire of the bird and the phoenix.

  This kind of adventurous idea, thanks to Hanyu, came up with it, Zhu Hao shook his head!

  I am really powerless, if I want, my strength is indeed insufficient!

  Even if you get it, just like what Pixiu told him, he is also a rank of God!

  I also delusionally want to get a god, so I can have 26 enough things to get!

  This is not to deceive yourself.

  "If you give up now, you have done so many things along the way just now, just like a bamboo basket to draw water, and it's wasted."

  At this moment, two different voices burst out from Zhu Hao's mind.

  "You are at this level. They lied to you. You are not the heir of a god emperor at all. You are just an ordinary person. Just accept your fate."

  "No! Do you still remember what the master said to you? You are born with a different kind of person. It's just that your acquired growth has affected you. You have to learn to grow up by yourself. Learn to grow up by yourself."

  "Abandon... You can't do it. If you leave now, you still have enough ability to leave. Thinking about it this time, it's not too bad, right?"

  "At least, you still have an ancient divine beast by your side to assist you!"

  "In the future, when your rank has risen to the status of a god, you can ask Pixiu to bring you over to get the sword. Don't embarrass yourself."

  "Can't give up! If you give up, you are a coward, and you will look down on yourself when you think about it in the future.

  In Zhu Hao's mind, the two voices were constantly arguing with each other!

  Zhu Hao himself didn't quite understand which voice he was listening to. Zhu Hao only felt that his mind was blank and it hurt so much!

  One pump and one pump: "You ah ah ah!! You two should stop arguing. I, Zhu Hao, have never been a coward. I will prove it to you now."

  Zhu Hao covered his head with both hands, and then held the machete in both hands, from the palm of his hand!

  A stream of sparks flowed toward the chopper, pouring into the trunk.

  Something magic happened.

  The little black cat lying on the branch jumped off the tree and hid behind Zhu Hao!

  Apparently got...

  What's more, I didn't expect Zhu Hao to be so powerful.

  "...I'm dying."

  Zhu Hao felt that his body seemed to be out of his control!

  I want to get my hands off the hilt of the machete!

  It's a pity that I can't control myself at all, I can't move at all!

  He would be controlled by the sparks that burst out of his body!

  This feeling is very uncomfortable.

  "Hold on!!! Victory is coming."

  Han Yu didn't expect that, it turned out that he wanted to force Zhu Hao to release the fire of the bird and the phoenix!

  So simple, as long as Zhu Hao is angry, that's it!

  When Zhu Hao's anger value reached a depth!

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