They felt that they would use all their strength to protect the core of the God Realm. As long as the barrier outside the core of the God Realm was not broken, then they would sit back and relax. "

  After seeing his daughter, Lin Hai's face became decadent.Although his daughter was born weak, she was very scheming and had an exquisite heart.

  He advises him on weekdays, the Shenyin City can have the current scale, the City Lord's Mansion can completely suppress those big families, the role of his daughter is very big.

Chapter 375

  Therefore, Lin Hai has never concealed anything from his daughter, and he will discuss with his daughter when he encounters many undecided matters.

  "Stupid! These people are too stupid! They really thought that if they were guarding their own acre of land, the demon world would not bother them.

  Since ancient times, our God Realm has fought against the Demon Realm many times. Don't we still know the temperament of those Demon Realms? As long as there is a chance to destroy the God Realm, they will definitely use all their power.

  It's ridiculous to think that the barrier can block the entire force of the demon world 26!

  Have these big men never cultivated their brains when they were cultivating?The end is a very stupid one! "

  Who knew that after hearing Lin Hai's words, Lin Youwei, who looked soft and weak, actually burst out with a icy aura.

  She has a domineering arrogance that is not inferior to men's, hidden under her weak appearance.

  "There is no way to do this. The Demon King in the Demon Realm is extremely powerful, and he has unified the entire Demon Realm in his own hands. Those giants of the Demon Realm are all obedient to the Demon King.

  On the other hand, in our God Realm, although there are some powerful forces and gods, they are all unconvincing and none of them can compete with the existence of the Great Demon King. Self-interest, completely disregarding the life and death of others. "

  After listening to Lin Youwei's words, Lin Hai said helplessly.

  "Different from the battles in the devil world, the god world has been at ease for too long, and it has worn out its strength and has no courage to face the war at all."

  Lin Youwei also said helplessly.

  "Hey! Right now, we can only hold on to the Shenyin City, let us fight the Shenyin City to arouse the blood of those people in the God Realm!"

  Lin Hai's voice was not loud, but there was an unquestionable firmness, and the flames of war ignited in his eyes!

  "According to the information, what is attacking our Shenyin City is a vanguard force, led by the fourth-ranked giant troll in the demon world and the fifth-ranked fire demon. Even if our Shenyin City tries our best, at most it will only be It can withstand a day. After a day, the city of Shenyin will cease to exist!"

  Lin Youwei said slowly, she knew in advance that Lin Hai would definitely choose to defend, so she had already made plans for war.

  "Trolls and Fire Demons, they really look down on our Shenyin City. The top ten giants in the demon world actually sent two directly, and their strengths are still at the top."

  Hearing this information, Lin Hai's expression also became more serious. Facing the two giants of the demon world, their Shenyin City had no way to resist.

  Just try to delay as much time as possible.But in his opinion, this needless struggle is better than running away without doing anything.

  "Don't worry, Dad, I have already arranged the transfer of the civilians in the city. They have already begun to transfer to the core of the God Realm. Even if our Shenyin City is destroyed, there is still some hope."

  Lin Youwei said comfortingly to Lin Hai.

  "Youwei, you can go too. After you go, our Shenyin City will have the possibility of rebuilding."

  Lin Hai turned his head and said to Lin Youwei.

  "Dad, you don't have to persuade me, I won't leave, I will accompany you to defend Shenyin City!"

  Lin Youwei's eyes were firm. .

Chapter 376

  "My Lin family has a daughter named Youwei!"

  Lin Hai looked at Lin Youwei with pride in his heart. The greatest pride in his life was to have a daughter like Lin Youwei.

  At this time, among the demon army, there were two people who were different.

  One person was covered in flames, and the surrounding temperature was unbearable, and no one could get close.

  The other person is huge, like a hill, and there is a sound of wind and thunder rolling with every breath.

  These two are the fourth-ranked giant troll and the fifth-ranked giant fire demon.

  "Troll, you said that the Gorefiend and Shadow Demon died in the God Realm. Why is there no news yet?"

  The fire demon raised his head and said to the incomparably huge troll.

  "I don't know either, but probably not. Although the Gorefiend's strength is a little weaker, with the Gorefiend poison, it is very powerful to be ranked seventh. Anyone who encounters him will have a headache.

  Not to mention the Shadow Demon, who can rank third and is proficient in assassination. Except for the Great Demon King, no one in our Demon Realm can keep him, and no one in the God Realm can keep him.

  Therefore, the two of them are together, unless all the gods in the God Realm gather together, and then set up a formation to surround them, it is impossible to keep their 々ˇ. "

  Although the troll said that the reminder is huge, it looks like it has developed limbs and a simple mind, but it is still eloquent in analysis.

  "I think that the two of them are mostly dangerous. Although the God Realm seems to have a big gap between its strength and our Demon Realm now, it is still impossible to guarantee that some terrifying existence will appear. You must know that hundreds of years ago, But just because of one person from the God Realm, we are suppressed by the Demon Realm and cannot be turned over!"

  The fire demon held his chin and pondered for a while.As far as mind is concerned, apart from the Great Demon King of the Demon World, he is the smartest in the Demon World.

  "Impossible, if this is the case, there are people like that in the God Realm, and everyone in the God Realm has already gathered together to resist the attack of our Demon Realm. How can there be such a scattered sand? As far as I know, the God Realm Those people. But they are all looking out for their own interests. Not at all. Listen to others."

  The troll's analysis of fire demons.Obviously don't believe it.In his opinion, the God Realm is under the attack of their Demon Realm.There is no power to fight back at all.In the end, he will definitely be defeated by his demon world in one fell swoop.

  "¨ˇWho knows? We'd better be careful. In so many confrontations between the God Realm and our Demon Realm, we have never suffered a big loss. Are there any powerful characters?"

  Fire Demon said it cautiously.

  I have to say that the Fire Demon's mind is indeed very powerful, and he really guessed it right. Both the Shadow Demon and the Gorefiend have already died in Zhu Hao's hands.

  But no matter how smart he was, he would never have imagined that the powerful person in the God Realm (Hao Nuo Zhao) would be such a young evildoer as Zhu Hao.

  "No matter how powerful he is, there is still a great demon king. No matter what character he is, when he encounters the great demon king in the end, there is only one way to die. Our demon world will definitely break the god world this time, and let the god world become our demon world. Another territory."

  The troll said with certainty that he has incomparable respect for the Great Demon King, and in the demon world, he respects his strength.Only the strong are qualified to become masters. .

Chapter 377

  And now the Great Demon King of the Demon Realm is the most powerful one in history, and there is not a single person in the Demon Realm who does not worship at his feet.

  "I hope so."

  After thinking of the Great Demon King, the Fire Demon was also slightly relieved, but vaguely, there was always a sense of unease lingering in his heart.

  "You just think too much, don't think too much, let's quickly destroy the city in front of us, and then gather all the demon army to break the last barrier of the gods.

  At that time, the God Realm will become the fish on our Demon Realm chopping board. "

  The troll said with a smile. 400

  "Everyone obeyed the order, attacked Shenyin City, and destroyed that city."

  Then, the troll shouted loudly at the army of the demon world.

  The attack has begun!

  "Father, all the strength of our Shenyin City is ready at this time. I suggest that we send half of our people out to attack, and leave half of our people to guard at the front of the city."

  Lin Hai and Lin Youwei stood at the front of the city and looked at the dense army of demons in front of them, and said in a deep voice.

  Just do what you say, I will lead the troops out of the city and take the initiative to attack, and you will arrange for the strength to defend the city in the city.

  Lin Hai nodded and said.

  "At this time, the army of the demon world. It's over. We don't have any way out. Only by holding on tight. Hold on! Only then can some upgrades be rejected. For the people we love. Even if it costs our lives. We must defend it. . Absolutely can't let the demon world destroy our hidden city."

  Lin Hai said to the soldiers who were about to participate in the battle.At this time, although they all had some fear in their hearts, none of them chose to back down. They all stood here firmly, determined that even if they sacrificed their lives, they must guard the Shenyin City.

  Standing beside Lin Hai is the patriarch of the big family in the city. They are also going to participate in the battle at this time. It can be said that all the fighting forces in Shenyin City are already gathered here.

  "(cgdg) everyone! Let's attack!"

  Looking at the approaching demon army, Lin Hai roared and rushed out with people.

  "Oh? It seems that the people in this city are still bloody. They dared to take the initiative in the face of our demon army."

  Fire Demon saw Lin Hai taking the people out of the city to take the initiative to attack, and also glanced at it with great interest.

  "It's just useless resistance. They will feel real despair. A small city can't turn over any big waves."

  The troll said disdainfully.

  "Kill them all, and then go into the massacre!"

  The troll ordered to the demon army.

  He really responded to the principle that underdogs must win, knowing that he had no way out, so the warriors of Shenyin City burst out with far more power than usual. Block the offensive momentum of the demon army.

  And Lin Hai himself is like a wolf entering a flock. Facing the swarming army of demons, he has the aura of being one man in charge of another, and he kills very vigorously.

  "Unexpectedly, this is still a group of strong little ants, and it can also block the attack of our demon army."

  Seeing that the offensive of the Demon World Army was actually blocked.The troll was also slightly surprised, and then a little displeased.

  He didn't want to waste time in this small city. .

Chapter 378

  "You bastards, hurry up!"

  He roared at the demon army.

  Hearing the angry voice of the troll, the attack of the demon army became more violent for a while.

  Under the absolute suppression of the number of people, those in Shenyin City were forced to retreat steadily.

  And Lin Hai gritted his teeth, and directly rushed into the demon army alone, attracting most of the attacks.

  "City Lord!"

  Seeing Lin Hai's daring and fearless behavior, the others gritted their teeth and stood up again.

  The battle was fierce, and every person in Shenyin City would choose to self-destruct before dying to take away a few people from the Demon Realm.

  In a short while, the ground was already covered with blood.

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