This battle must be fought, and we must win it! "

  Zhu Hao stood up and said loudly, a domineering radiance emanated from Zhu Hao's body for a while.There were already small stars twinkling in Limingyue's eyes looking at Zhu Hao.

  "Just wait for your words. With your current strength, those top forces are nothing special in front of you. If they are not obedient, they will be convinced one by one."

  Hearing Zhu Hao's words, Nangong Qiu Ming was also very excited.

  "Although Mr. Zhu Hao said he has this strength, there is one thing that is still lacking, that is, you can't do too much with these top forces, otherwise, if they make trouble, they haven't waited for the demon world to come in. We The realm of the gods first collapsed internally because of infighting.

  I think that we should first integrate all those small forces, first twist them all into one rope, if these forces add up, they will produce power.Not worse than a top power.

  Moreover, these forces are also relatively easy to grasp. With the strength of Young Master Zhu Hao, it should be very easy to deal with these forces.

  As for those top forces, we only need to win over a few of them, and we don't need to make them all agree.

  When we have tied several of the top forces to the chariot, the remaining top forces will become lonely. In that case, if we put a little pressure on them, it will be easy for them to participate.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  In this war, our God Realm must be twisted into a single rope, not only to twist the strength into a single rope, but more importantly, to condense the hearts of all people together.

  Only in this way will the people be united, the power to be exerted will be greater and more complete, and our God Realm will be condensed together in the true sense to form a powerful force.This kind of God Realm will be easier to deal with the Demon Realm, and the chance of winning will be greater. "

.... 0 ......

  Lin Youwei spoke slowly, but every word seemed to have magic power, attracting everyone present?

  Zhu Hao was also staring closely at the girl in front of him at this time, and there was a kind of sincere admiration in his heart.They only made a rough statement, but Lin Youwei had already considered all aspects clearly.

  I heard before that Lin Youwei, a talented girl from the Lin family, is extremely talented, but I haven't taken it to heart yet. Now, it seems that this talented girl from the Lin family is really a character who is not allowed to be men.Ten thousand.

Chapter 389

  "Wonderful, wonderful! Miss Lin's wisdom is really admirable. With a brain like Miss Lin, even if we want to lose this war in the God Realm, it will be very difficult."

  Zhu Hao did not hesitate to praise Lin Youwei.

  While the others looked at Lin Youwei with admiration, Nangong Qiuming's eyes had already started to glow.

  She's good-looking, and she's smart and talented. Who wouldn't like such a woman.

  "Then do as Miss Lin said. Nangong Qiuming, you are responsible for talking about it in your Nangong family, and you must tell the people of your Nangong family.

  As for the remaining two forces, Divine Sword Villa and Huaqing Pool, I will personally talk about it. We are going to tie these three top forces to the chariot first. The remaining two forces, Tianlong Temple and Wenxianzong, Let's hang them up first.Wait until the end to find them. "

  Zhu Hao also made a decision immediately.

  So Zhu Hao didn't stay too much in Shenyin City. Now his first task is to gather all the other forces at the core of the God Realm except the five top forces.First condense them into a collective that is no less than one of the five top forces.

  The core of the God Realm, Tianyuan Pavilion!

  Tianyuan Pavilion is an old-fashioned force in the core of the God Realm. At its peak, it was one of the five top forces in the God Realm. It was only later replaced by the sudden emergence of the Xianzong.

  Since then, it has developed all the way, but it has also gradually declined and lost its former glory.However, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse. Even if the development of Tianyuan Pavilion is not as good as before, it can still be regarded as the first force under the five core top forces in the God Realm.

  And as one of the five top forces in the past, his prestige is also quite high in the eyes of other forces.

  Therefore, Zhu Hao put his vision here.

  First talk about Tianyuan Pavilion, and then use Tianyuan Pavilion to gather all the other small forces together, and then catch them all at once. This is Zhu Hao's plan.

  Tianyuan Pavilion is located on a high mountain. Looking up at the foot of the mountain, you can see a huge rock standing on the top of the mountain. In front of it are three big characters, Tianyuan Pavilion.

  Zhu Hao flew directly to the top of the mountain.

  "Who? You dare to break into my Tianyuan Pavilion!"

  As soon as they came up, the guard disciples at the door discovered Zhu Hao...  

  "Inform your pavilion master and say that Zhu Hao is here to meet you!"

  Zhu Hao said lightly to the two disciples.

  Zhu Hao?Could it be that evil star Zhu Hao, why did he come to our Tianyuan Pavilion, and wouldn't he come to make trouble?

  Of course, the two gatekeepers had heard of Zhu Hao's name, and they looked at Zhu Hao with fear and suspicion.They always felt that Zhu Hao came to their Tianyuan Pavilion with bad intentions and designated to make something happen.

  "Don't hurry up? Wait for me to break in? Remember, let him come out to see me, tell him I'm still busy, and let him come out to see me quickly, or I'll break in myself!"

  Zhu Hao made no secret of his domineering, and said to the two gatekeepers in a cold voice. The two gatekeepers were weak and shivered under Zhu Hao's aura, like two ants floating on the water.

  This is what Zhu Hao wants. Only in this way can he give Tianyuan Pavilion a showdown, so that he can take advantage of the situation to show his power, let everyone know his domineering, know his strength, and he will be a better leader in the future. .

Chapter 390

  Two gatekeepers.Seeing such a menacing Zhu Hao, I felt bad in my heart.He didn't say much, and hurried in to inform the pavilion master of Tianyuan Pavilion.

  "What, Zhu Hao, this little bastard, dares to stand at the door of my Tianyuan Pavilion and call our pavilion master to go out to see him. It's simply lawless. What does he think of my Tianyuan Pavilion?"

  In the council hall of Tianyuan Pavilion, an elder heard Zhu Hao's words, and he was furious.

  "Although this Zhu Hao has some reputation in the Three Realms and his talent is amazing, he is still a junior, and he dares to make trouble in my Tianyuan Pavilion. I really regard my Tianyuan Pavilion, one of the five top forces in the past, as a small force that is not in the mainstream. The pavilion master cannot go out to see him.

  If you wear it out.Don't 26 people say that my Tianyuan Pavilion would be soft on a junior, that would damage the prestige of my Tianyuan Pavilion! "

  Another elder also said in a deep voice.The analysis is justified and well-founded.

  "This junior is indeed too crazy!"

  The other elders also agreed.Obviously, the pavilion owner of Tianyuan Pavilion did not approve of going out to see Zhu Hao.

  The pavilion owner of Tianyuan Pavilion is a middle-aged man wearing a brown black robe, with a majestic appearance and a gleam in his eyes!

  At this time, he did not listen to the words of the elders of Tianyuan Pavilion, but sat there thinking quietly.

  He also heard about Zhu Hao.Over the years, Zhu Hao has made a name for himself in the Three Realms.Of course he is very clear.

  For Zhu Hao, a young man, he actually praised him very much. He had a love for Zhu Hao early on.

  I have always hoped that Zhu Hao could join their Tianyuan Pavilion.And he has thrown an olive branch to Zhu Hao many times.

  If Zhu Hao joins their Tianyuan Pavilion, with Zhu Hao's top talent, it is very likely that their Tianyuan Pavilion will be able to return to one of the five top forces.

  But for a long time, Zhu Hao never thought of joining Tianyuan Pavilion.

  But now, Zhu Hao even came directly to the door and asked him to go out to see him.It's really puzzling.He thought silently, and finally seemed to have made a decision.

  "I'll go out to see him and see what his plans are."

  The pavilion master of Tianyuan Pavilion.said slowly.

  Obviously, although he didn't know what Zhu Hao's intention was, he also planned to go out and meet Zhu Hao in person.

  No matter how you say it, you can't become an enemy with such a talented young man. The worst thing is to form a good relationship.Regarding the reputation of Tianyuan Pavilion, he does not think there will be any loss, only the strength is strong enough, it is the real benefit.

  And those illusory reputations are not that important.Obviously, the pavilion master of Tianyuan Pavilion has a much longer-term vision than these elders.

  "Little friend Zhu Hao, Li Yuanfeng, the pavilion owner in the next Tianyuan Pavilion, I don't know what the little friend is doing in my Tianyuan Pavilion today?"

  Li Yuanfeng, the pavilion master of Tianyuan Pavilion, stood in front of Zhu Hao and said to Zhu Hao with a soft face, and was not dissatisfied because Zhu Hao arrogantly let him come out to see him.

  Zhu Hao was obviously impressed by the pavilion owner of Tianyuan Pavilion. It seems that although Tianyuan Pavilion has fallen out of the top five powers, it should not be underestimated. Just this pavilion owner is quite capable.

  "I have seen Pavilion Master Li, I came to visit Tianyuan Pavilion this time for the war between the God Realm and the Demon Realm!".

Chapter 391

  Zhu Hao didn't say much nonsense, and said directly.

  "Oh? In this war, although my Tianyuan Pavilion is located in the core of the God Realm, I have also helped those cities outside the God Realm. It's just that the army of the Demon Realm is really brave, and my Tianyuan Pavilion is helpless."

  Li Yuanfeng was also stunned when he heard Zhu Hao's words. He didn't expect Zhu Hao to come up with such a sentence. Although he said that he also wanted to fight against the demon world in his heart for this war, but many elders in the sect were I feel like I can't put too much effort into it.

  This will cause their Tianyuan Pavilion to be in the God Realm.position will be shaken

  Because even sending some forces out to aid the outer cities is of little use.

  The army of the demon world is menacing, relying on their strength alone.It doesn't have any effect, it will only weaken the power of their Tianyuan Pavilion in vain.This will give other forces a chance to take advantage.

  Therefore, their Tianyuan Pavilion did not use too much power to aid the outer cities.Just a token support.

  In the eyes of these forces at the core of the God Realm.They all feel that the Demon Realm cannot break through the core barrier even if it is stronger, so even the outer cities are destroyed by the God Realm.

  They also sit back and relax in the core of the God Realm.Therefore, for these cities outside the God Realm, most of the forces are watching from the sidelines.Reluctance to lend a hand.And he is no exception.

  "But your resources. It's far from enough. I hope you Tianyuan Pavilion can put all your strength into this war."

  Zhu Hao said slowly to the pavilion owner of Tianyun Pavilion.

  "Isn't little friend Zhu Hao joking? In the current power of the God Realm, no force is willing to devote most of its power to this war.

  And there is no way for them in the Demon World to break our barrier.We Tianyuan Pavilion do not want to swim in this muddy water.I advise you to go and ask those top forces.They are powerful.Should be able to send a relatively strong force. "

  Li Yuanfeng refused Zhu Hao without hesitation.

  He thinks that Zhu Hao is completely delusional, although Zhu Hao's thinking is good.Fight for the glory of the gods.

  But there is a completely unrealistic idea, how could he let all the power of Tianyuan Pavilion participate in the war?

  In this case, Tianyuan Pavilion will be destroyed directly.As the pavilion master of Tianyuan Pavilion, he is of course unwilling.If he did, then he would become a sinner in Tianyuan Pavilion.

  "¨ˇ It's not just you Tianyuan Pavilion. The forces in the core of the God Realm that are going to participate in the war are not just your family. All forces have to participate in this war, and no one is spared."

  In the face of Li Yuanfeng's rejection, Zhu Hao obviously had expectations.

  Each of these core forces of the God Realm fantasized that (what Zhao) could easily block the Demon Realm army with just a barrier, and no one was willing to waste their strength into this war.But no one knew it was completely impossible.

  He said lightly to Li Yuanfeng.

  "Oh, I don't know why little friend Zhu Hao said this? Could it be that little friend Zhu Hao has already explained all the other forces in the God Realm? They are all willing to use all their strength to deal with the Demon Realm. This should not be the case. Maybe?".

Chapter 392

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