And at that time there was a giant in the demon world by his side.

  It can be seen from this that the barrier at the core of the God Realm is no longer as solid as it was before.Even the giants of the demon world can sneak in, so it is conceivable to imagine how fragile he has become.

  You can imagine, if the giants of the devil world sneaked into the core of the god world from the devil world, would it be possible to break this barrier.

  The answer is certainly yes.

  And at that time, the army of the demon world invaded here in one fell swoop. Just ask, which force can resist the army of the demon world.I am afraid that even the five top forces have no way to resist it.

  Therefore, I hope that you will not take any luck anymore. At this time, it is truly the time of life and death in the God Realm, and no force can be alone!They should all use their full strength to fight against the demon world.

  Otherwise, when the time comes, our God Realm will be completely controlled by the Demon Realm, and there will be no chance to turn over again! "

  Zhu Hao said to everyone present with a cold face and seriousness.

  "Yes, what Lord Zhu Hao said is quite right. At this time, the realm of the gods has already reached the moment of life and death, and we must resist.

  We Tianyuan Pavilion should follow Lord Zhu Hao to completely drive out the demon world! "

  At this time, Li Yuanfeng also stood up and spoke to the elders of Tianyuan Pavilion.

  "My Tianyuan Pavilion should follow Lord Zhu Hao to fight against the demon world!"

  And after hearing Li Yuanfeng's response, the elders of Tianyuan Pavilion all had no objection! .

Chapter 396

  What about the elders of Tianyuan Pavilion?They have also learned to be smart, and of course they all know what to do in the current situation.

  It is more clear how powerful Zhu Hao is in this matter.Only following Zhu Hao would be the best way.Otherwise, their Tianyuan Pavilion will not escape the danger of being destroyed no matter what.

  At this time, Tianyuan Pavilion completely followed Zhu Hao's footsteps and became Zhu Hao's pawn. This was of course the first force that Zhu Hao possessed in the core of the God Realm to resist the attack of the Demon Realm.

  "Pavilion Master Li, now I trouble you to find a way to assemble all the other forces except the five top forces. No matter what the method is, let all their heads come here."

  Zhu Hao is about to start his second plan at this time. Of course, it is impossible to treat other forces as laborious as Tianyuan Pavilion.In that case, time will not allow.

  So he can only ask Li Yuanfeng to gather all the other forces together, come to a pot, and clean up the other forces.

  Only in this way can I have the confidence to talk to Divine Sword Villa and Huaqing Pool.

  Otherwise, just a Tianyuan Pavilion is still not qualified to let him tie the two top forces to the chariot. As for the Nangong family, he can only look at Nangong Qiuming's ability.

  "Yes 々ˇ!"

  Li Yuanfeng nodded, and then began to act. In addition to the five top forces in the core of the God Realm, the other forces were overwhelming. It would take a lot of time to gather them all, but they Tianyuan Pavilion had this strength.

  After all, in addition to the five top forces, their Tianyuan Pavilion is the stable first, and they still have a high prestige in front of those forces.

  The skinny camel is bigger than the horse. As one of the top forces in the past, no force can underestimate their Tianyuan Pavilion.

  And Zhu Hao also began to practice in Tianyuan Pavilion.

  He directly summoned the flying sword, and then entered the inner space of the flying sword.

  At this time, his God Realm was completely stable.There has not been much improvement in the realm in a short period of time, so what is needed now is improvement in other aspects.

  "Han Yu, is there any way you can make me improve my strength in a short time?"

  Zhu Hao asked Han Yu, since he has mastered the Void Sword now, so Han Yu can also practice in the inner space of the Void Sword, where his recovery speed is much faster than before.

  "¨ˇ You've already become a god, what are you thinking of ways to improve your strength in a short period of time? It may be possible in other realms, but when you reach the realm of gods, the progress of your cultivation will become extremely slow, even if your talent is already very high. Demon.

  You must know that those high gods in the god realm, even if they have cultivated for a thousand years, may not be able to improve their strength by much.

  I'm here (you got it), so is there any other way to help you improve your strength in a short time.Who do you think I am, take me as a god emperor! "

  Han Yu rolled his eyes at Zhu Hao angrily. Zhu Hao's talent was so powerful that he didn't even imagine that Zhu Hao would be promoted to the realm of God in such a short period of time. In the past, he might have some ways to do it, but now, Zhu Hao is already a god, what else can he do to help Zhu Hao. .

Chapter 397

  Looking at Han Yu's appearance, Zhu Hao also knew that Han Yu really had nothing to do.

  But now he must improve his strength in a short period of time.Because now the demon world has already begun to attack the god world.

  And although he has also broken through to the realm of the gods.The strength in the realm of gods and demons is almost invincible.It can crush other giants in the demon world except the big devil.

  But you know, in the demon world.There is also a great devil who is incomparably powerful above all giants and is loyal to all giants!Zhu Hao doesn't know his strength at all now.

  I still don't know what kind of strength this Demon King ranked No. [-] in the Demon Realm has, and what kind of means he has to convince everyone in the Demon Realm.

  However, in the descriptions of other giants, it can also be seen that this number one big devil should be an outrageous existence.

  After all, it is possible to suppress these gods in the realm of the gods for so many years.They were so frightened that they dared not go out easily.I'm afraid that as long as I step out of the barrier of the God Realm, I will be killed by the Great Demon King of the Demon Realm.

  This may also be one of the reasons why the top forces in the God Realm are indifferent to the attack of the Demon Realm. The pressure from the Demon King in the Demon Realm is so great that they all feel that they cannot defeat them.

  This shows how terrifying this Demon King is.Therefore, Zhu Hao can't be taken lightly at this time.

  He will not be complacent and proud of his own strength rising to the realm of the gods.

  Because he knows that the greater the strength.The responsibility is even greater.So now that he has broken through to the realm of the gods, he should shoulder the important task of leading the realm of the gods to defeat the realm of the devil.

  To defeat the Demon World, you must defeat the Great Demon King of the Demon World.Defeat the biggest boss in this demon world.

  So now he must improve his strength to a level that gives him absolute certainty that he can defeat the big devil in the cgdg world.It is necessary to suppress this bottomless and terrifying Great Demon King of the God Realm.

  Otherwise, no matter how much effort he had put in before, it was all in vain.

  Moreover, the current situation is not ideal. In the God Realm, people have different hearts.None of the five top forces are willing to use their full strength to fight against the demon world's attack.

  Therefore, he must use absolute strength.Come to suppress all these five top forces.In this case, it is very likely that he will face a situation of one person against the five top forces of the God Realm.

  Among the five top forces, each of them has the existence of a god.If it is a god, of course he will not take it seriously.

  After all, you must know that he can kill both giants of the devil world together.And one of them is the third-ranked giant in the demon world, the shadow demon that makes all the gods of the gods very jealous.

  But if so many gods are added together, maybe it can also cause some threats to him.

  Therefore, his strength must be greatly improved in a short period of time.Only in this way can we ensure that in the war against the devil world, the god world will surely win.

  And before that, he was able to integrate all the powers of the God Realm together.Bring out the most powerful force.All the powers of the gods are gathered together to fight against the aggression of the demons. .

Chapter 398

  Therefore, now no matter what, he must quickly improve his strength. It is an urgent moment to improve his strength. He must use all his strength to be able to resist with confidence. These heavy pressures and responsibilities.

  At this moment, he was thinking hard.

  All of his exercises have already been upgraded to the top level, and there is almost no room for improvement. Even if it is improved, it will take a long time to realize it slowly.So of course it doesn't work here.

  While Zhu Hao was thinking hard, Han Yu, who was beside him, stared straight at Zhu Hao, as if he was looking at a fool.

  "You idiot, you really don't know your happiness in the midst of happiness. There is a golden mountain at home, and you are still calling poor outside.-"

  He said angrily to Zhu Hao, as if he hated iron.

  "Ah? What blessing? What gold mountain? Where is it?"

  Zhu Hao was stunned for a moment.What Han Yu said about his head was also a bit confusing. Could it be that he still has some hidden talents that have not been developed yet?

  But this is also impossible. When he broke through to the realm of the gods, he had already sublimated every corner of his body, and there was really no hidden corner that he had not discovered.

  "I'm really too lazy to talk about you. You are so stupid that there is no way to save you. I don't even know how your brain broke through to the realm of the gods."

  Han Yu couldn't help it anymore, and yelled at Zhu Hao directly.

  "How did you break through to the realm of the gods?"

  Zhu Hao seems to have some understanding.

  "By the way, Soaring Sword!"

  His eyes lit up and he gave himself a big mouth.

  From this, he also knew that what Han Yu said was not a problem at all.

  The Void Sword is such a big treasure, but he has not yet developed it.Being able to be promoted to the realm of the gods is also because the magical space inside the air sword gave him enough time and a source of power to allow him to successfully become a god in a short period of time.

  Being able to form a space inside, you can see how mysterious and powerful Vengkong Sword Soul is, and there must be many unknown places waiting for him to explore.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  But after becoming a god, his strength has reached an almost invincible level. The enemies he encounters are only the four giants of the god realm. He doesn't need to use his flying sword at all, just let him relax. The loose ones are all cleaned up.

  Therefore, the air sword was neglected by him.

...... 0

  And now, he needs to urgently improve his strength, so the Void Sword can no longer be low-key, and he has to take it out and give him some valuable wealth.

  "Sword Soul, Sword Soul, is there any way for me to improve my strength in a short time?"

  Zhu Hao directly woke up the sleeping Sword Soul, and then asked it directly.

  "What are you doing? Come here and make a special trip to wake me up and ask such a mentally retarded question. Are you a heartless person!"

  Who knew that after hearing Zhu Hao's question, Vengkong Sword Soul seemed to get up and scolded directly at Zhu Hao.

  It was quite speechless for Zhu Hao, but there was nothing he could do.Ten thousand.

Chapter 399

  After all, although he is indeed the master of the Sky Sword, the origin of the Sky Sword is much higher than he imagined. With his current strength, of course, there is no way to fully grasp the Sky Sword.

  Even this Sword Soul might be stronger than him.So, he didn't have much stubbornness in front of Vengkong Sword Soul.

  Han Yu, who was on the side, saw that Zhu Hao was finally enlightened, and his expression softened a bit. He really didn't know that Zhu Hao could be so stupid.

  "The Flying Sword is the best way for you to improve your strength. You said that you, the master of the Flying Sword, have not used the Flying Sword until now, and you probably haven't even touched him.

  Do you think that only this space is the most powerful place for the Soaring Sword? "

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