Chapter 403

  Therefore, he also understood the attitude of Nangong Patriarch Nangong Wentian very well. After all, if he was not sure, going out and confronting the army of the Demon World would be no different from courting death.

  "Right? Did you tell your father about Zhu Hao's current strength, and did you tell your father that Zhu Hao is now able to beat the giants of the demon world without a fight?"

  Li Mingyue suddenly asked Nangong Qiu Ming.

  "I haven't said it yet, but I guess that even if I said it, my father would definitely not believe it. After all, although Zhu Hao said that he is very talented, but how old is he now, who can believe that he has broken through to the top? The realm of the gods, and just after breaking through to the realm of the gods, he was able to slaughter the two giants of the demon world, and one of them was the third-ranked shadow demon.

  Who can believe this?If you don't know Zhu Hao and see it with your own eyes, can you believe it?

  Moreover, Zhu Hao also took away the body of the shadow demon. I am saying this now without any basis, and maybe it will make my father's attitude worse. "

  Nangong Qiu Ming said helplessly.

  "No, you are going to tell your father that the stronger Zhu Hao is, the better. Only in this way can we have a chance to convince your father."

  Instead, Limingyue raised a smile at the corner of her mouth and asked Nangong Qiu~ Ming.

  "Why? Is this really good?-"

  Nangong Qiuming asked Limingyue suspiciously.

  "Are you stupid? Now that Zhu Hao has started to integrate other forces outside the five top forces, as long as those forces are integrated, who else doesn't know Zhu Hao's strength?

  If you told your father in the past, your father may not believe it, but if Zhu Hao integrates all those forces in the future, then your father will naturally know that you are telling the truth.

  As long as Zhu Hao's strength is strong enough, then your father will definitely agree.Because this war, although there will be a lot of casualties, but if the war is won, there will be greater benefits and benefits accordingly. "

  Li Mingyue explained to Nangong Qiu Ming.

  "What if Zhu Hao didn't integrate all those forces together?"

  Nangong Qiu Ming asked Li Mingyue.

  "Do you think it's possible? Zhu Hao didn't think that you could successfully persuade your father. He just let you leave a seed in your father's heart. In the future, your father will naturally be persuaded by him."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  Hearing Nangong Qiuming's question, Limingyue couldn't help flipping a piece of silver and said angrily.


  Looking at Limingyue's eyes full of love and admiration when she talked about Zhu Hao, Nangong Qiuming couldn't help but feel a sense of powerlessness.

.... . . .

  If facing others, he Nangong Qiuming felt that he could still compare, but if it was Zhu Hao.Nangong Qiu Ming knew that he was definitely incomparable.

  Because that guy is so evil!

  After that, Nangong Qiu Ming did go to Nangong Wentian according to what Limingyue said, and made a good use of Zhu Hao's strength to give Nangong Wentian a good science.

  Especially Zhu Hao saved him from the two giants in the demon world.This paragraph describes it in great detail.

  Of course, Nangong Wentian thought the same thing as he did. He didn't believe what he said at all, and he reprimanded him severely, saying that he didn't put his mind on the family all day, and ran out and messed around all day.Ten thousand.

Chapter 404

  No matter what Nangong Qiuming looked like, he didn't dare to pass on the position of the head of the Nangong family to Nangong Qiuming.

  Anyway, after being reprimanded, what Nangong Qiu Ming said was a shame. He even had some doubts about whether he was really as bad as his father said.

  But now among the young people of the God Realm and his peers, it seems that apart from Zhu Hao and Li Mingyue, there is no one who can compare with him?

  Thinking about it, Nangong Qiu Ming walked out a little melancholy.

  And Nangong Wentian was also speechless at this time. Looking at Nangong Qiuming's dog-licking appearance, he was helpless. His son's admiration for Zhu Hao now surpassed himself.It's just that there is no homeowner's appearance at all.

  After this, the Nangong family will always be handed over to Nangong Qiuming. With Nangong Qiuming's talent, the Nangong family will definitely become stronger and stronger in the future.

  But looking at the current situation, he felt that if Nangong Qiu Ming came to be the head of the Nangong family in the future, wouldn't the Nangong family become Zhu Hao's power.Managed by Zhu Hao.

  Although he was very optimistic about the young man Zhu Hao, he would be a promising person in the future, but he could be an ally, but of course it was impossible to control the Nangong family.

  So looking at Nangong Qiuming's back, he secretly felt that he should let Nangong Qiuming and Zhu Hao less contact in the future.Otherwise, his son may not recognize himself as a father.

  Compared with the unsatisfactory name of Nangong Qiu in the Nangong family, Li Yuanfeng's side is much smoother.

  Because of the power of their Tianyuan Pavilion.So he didn't spend much power at all.It is easy to gather all the heads of those forces together.

  The method he used was very clever.He directly informed those forces that Tianyuan Pavilion would hold a meeting.

  There will be ten treasures to be auctioned in the conference, and the power that gets one of these ten treasures will become the ally of Tianyuan Pavilion.Of course, to participate in the conference must have the head of each faction.

  Of course, this treasure is the treasure of the famous Zhen Pavilion in Tianyuan Pavilion, and every treasure can make people feel excited.It can be said that Li Yuanfeng made a lot of money in order to gather all these forces...  

  When the heads of those forces heard that Li Yuanfeng was going to hold such a conference.There was not much hesitation, and everyone chose to participate.

  Of course, there are also some strengths who will guess whether Tianyuan Pavilion is looking for allies to resist the opponent because it offends some force.

  But then I saw that the five top forces did not move at all, and they came with peace of mind.

  After all, Tianyuan Pavilion is also one of the five top forces in the past, and now under the leadership of Li Yuanfeng, Tianyuan Pavilion is slowly beginning to return to its peak. Whether it is strength or prestige, it is already the only five top forces in the realm of the gods. outside the first force.

  Therefore, no matter whether there is a way to get one of these ten treasures, you have to show a good attitude with Tianyuan Pavilion.

  Therefore, under the vigorous publicity of Li Yuanfeng, within a day, more than half of the heads of those forces have come one after another.

  The rest of the forces will come as soon as possible.

  The heads of those forces were settled by Li Yuanfeng in Tianyuan Pavilion, and they were all talking about it. .

Chapter 405

  None of them are clear.What is the significance of Li Yuanfeng asking them to come to this conference?

  In terms of strength, they are also a lot worse than Tianyuan Pavilion.There is nothing that Tianyuan Pavilion can need.If it is said that Tianyuan Pavilion is flattering to them, it is definitely impossible to talk about.In any case, they are flattering to Tianyuan Pavilion.

  Some people here speculate whether Tianyuan Pavilion is going to return to the five top forces.

  Or it is about to start a competition with the five top forces.After all, Tianyuan Pavilion has never been a simple force in their eyes.As one of the top forces in the past, his background is much deeper.

  Afterwards, Li Yuanfeng also said that when the heads of all the forces are present, they will start.

 26 Therefore, the leaders of those forces are not discussing, but have their own thoughts, and began to wait for the start of the conference.

  At this time, in the inner space of the Void Sword, Zhu Hao was still sitting there with his eyes closed and cross-legged.

  He still hasn't understood the mystery of the three swords of the flying sword technique?

  Therefore, he kept practicing these three swords in his mind and always wanted to see the actual mystery of these three swords with his eyes.But no matter how he looked at it, those three swordsmanships were just as ordinary as they seemed.

  As long as you have a little brain, you can use it.So Zhu Hao is also very nervous now.In the current situation, it is no longer possible for him to delay time, and he must quickly understand these three swordsmanships.

  "Isn't this a simple three-way swordsmanship? Why can't I understand it? Is there a mystery there, and a mystery there?"

  Zhu Hao was a little anxious. He thought that his talent was already top-notch, and his understanding was completely unmatched, but with the simple three swordsmanship in the sky, he couldn't cultivate it. It hit him hard.

  And he also asked if there is any way, or if there is any hint, to help him understand these three swordsmanship, but in the end, the swordsman in the sky taunted him fiercely.

  In the end, he didn't tell him anything.

  Why can't I succeed in this first swordsmanship breaking defense?Could it be that I really can't comprehend it?

  Zhu Hao murmured in his heart.

  Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind!

  "Breaking the defense! A glimpse! Stinging the gods! Why are they called this name? Although it is just a simple action, why did it become a swordsmanship, and it was named after such a name?"

  Zhu Hao suddenly had doubts in his heart, and also had some enlightenment.

  "Does the meaning of breaking the defense mean breaking through the enemy's defense, then the glimpse is very simple, it should be that the speed has reached the extreme, dazzling, and the sword can be fired several times at the same time, and each sword shadow is the same?

  And will stabbing the gods simply pierce the enemy's defense, reach the enemy's soul, and kill the enemy with a single sword? "

  Thinking about it, Zhu Hao felt more and more that this was the case, and it seemed that everything could be explained clearly.

  However, the meaning of Broken Defense and Glimpse can be seen literally, but this third sword stabs God, but there is no clue.

  Could it be an attack on someone else's soul?But he doesn't have any such means. .

Chapter 406

  His current strength is simply unable to attack other people's souls through swordsmanship, and it doesn't make sense. If he can directly use swordsmanship to attack other people's souls, then the other two swordsmanships will also be able to break defenses and swipe the shadows. It doesn't work anymore.

  Since they are already able to directly attack other people's souls, there is no need to use Snapshot to use several swords at once to confuse the enemy, let alone break through the enemy's defense.

  And Tengkong Sword Soul has also clearly told him before that every sword skill of the Tenglong swordsmanship can be linked to each other, and if each sword skill is taken out individually, the power it exerts is not very strong. .

  Only when it cooperates with other swordsmanship can it exert its full power.

  According to this point, then this stabbing god must be connected with these other two swords, and can play a huge role.

  Zhu Hao began to think for himself.

  He imagined that he was now fighting against others, and he needed to use these three swordsmanships to kill the enemy directly, so he needed these three swordsmanships to be interlocked.

  The purpose of using this swordsmanship must be to use the next swordsmanship, and the function of the previous swordsmanship is to play a greater role in the next swordsmanship.

  In this case, then the first sword is used to break the defense, and the enemy's defense is broken, and then the second sword is used to swipe the shadow to start an attack that confuses the enemy, then the next thing you need is a killer move.

  Need a sword to kill the enemy directly.But what kind of sword can kill the enemy directly?

  Trick God, Trick God!

  That is to stab into the enemy's weakness with a sword, to the most deadly place of the enemy.

  Therefore, the purpose of this sword is to pierce the deadly part of the enemy, to directly destroy the enemy with one sword, so that the enemy has no power to fight against him next.

  "I understand, I understand, that's what it is, that's what it is! It's really the same as your name, although it's very simple, but every sword is very useful 々ˇ."

  Zhu Hao couldn't help but be overjoyed, and suddenly became excited.

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