"Fight to the death!"

  The crowd below was also highly motivated and roared loudly.

  "Let's go now!"

  The God Realm had already formed an army at this time, and Zhu Hao had already become a general!

  Zhu Hao took the lead and flew directly from the barrier.The crowd followed closely, and a mighty group of people followed Zhu Hao to Shenyin City.

  "City Lord Lin, has there been any movement in the demon world recently?"

  The army of the God Realm settled in Shenyin City, and Zhu Hao brought the six gods to the City Lord's Mansion. To deal with the Demon Realm, there must be a plan in advance.

  "The Demon Realm hasn't done much recently, it's been very quiet, just stayed in the city they occupied, and didn't go out. I didn't even come to my Shenyin City.

  But none of the spies I expelled have ever entered the city where the Demon Realm is located. As long as they entered, none of them were left, and all of them were killed by the Demon Realm. Therefore, I guessed that the Demon Realm must be doing something unspeakable.They'll be making big moves soon. "

  Lin Hai said with a dignified expression, everyone knows that the absence of movement in the devil world is the most dangerous. .

Chapter 428

  The quieter this demon world is now, the more violent the next attack will be. It is definitely impossible for them to choose to be satisfied with the cities outside the god realm. Their purpose is the whole god realm!

  "Seniors, now that we have come out, we can't wait here for the demon world to hit us. Let's play and take the initiative to drive the demon world out of the city one by one!"

  Zhu Hao said to the gods present.

  Lin Hai was also staring at the six gods here. He also didn't expect that Zhu Hao had already called all the gods in the god realm after he had only been there for a few days.

  He originally thought that when Zhu Hao went to the core of the God Realm, he could only call one or two top forces, but he didn't expect that all the top forces were here - here.

  For this war, he also had more hope in his heart.

  "Since we've all made up our minds, let's listen to your arrangement. You directly say what we should do."

  Ye Jianweng said to Zhu Hao, the other gods didn't say anything, obviously they all decided to let Zhu Hao command.

  Zhu Hao put a map on the table, which was the map of all the cities outside the entire God Realm.

  However, the cities on the map in front of them were all circled, and only one city, Shenyin City, was spared, and those cities were all occupied by the demon world.

  "There are a total of eight cities in the periphery of the demon world, and now there is only one city of Shenyin that has not been occupied, and the rest have already fallen into the hands of the demon world, so we must divide our troops into seven paths, and each city is led by a god He took it back."

  Zhu Hao pointed to the map and told the crowd.

  "But we don't know which giants are guarding these cities. What if the strength is really too different?"

  Fairy Lanyue asked Zhu Hao.

  Others are also looking at Zhu Hao, and they should have the same question in their hearts.Only Yun Ruoyan sat there and closed his eyes as if he had nothing to do with the world.

  "Well, that's it, we don't have to divide our troops into seven lanes, we just divide our troops into four lanes. Two gods will go to conquer each city, and I will go to a city by myself.

  This will be more secure. We will take back the four cities first, and finally the giants of the demon world will definitely be exposed. At that time, we will set off together to destroy the three cities one by one, and completely drive the demon world out of the real world. "

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  Zhu Hao's mind turned relatively fast, and he thought of a solution at once, although there are only eight giants in the demon world now.

  But the strength of every giant in the demon world is absolutely comparable to the gods, and some of them are slightly better. The top five giants except Ye Jianweng, the other gods will inevitably lose a battle.

.... 0

  If there is anything uncertain, it is this Yun Ruoyan. Zhu Hao doesn't know what level of strength this Yun Ruoyan has. After all, this guy looks so mysterious. so simple

  Zhu Hao even felt that the strength of this Yun Ruoyan should be stronger than that of Ye Jianweng, who ranked first. He vaguely felt that this Yun Ruoyan would definitely not be that simple.

  Now everyone thinks that the devil world should be guarded by a giant, and only one city is guarded by two giants.Ten thousand.

Chapter 429

  Therefore, they are divided into four groups. Except for their own, each road is led by two gods. In this case, as long as they do not face the first-ranked demon king in the demon world, they should be able to successfully retake the city.

  "this is okay."

  "I have no opinion."

  "I do not have either."

  Regarding Zhu Hao's plan, everyone thought about it for a while, but they all had no opinion, so the plan was decided so happily.

  "That's it, without further ado, let's go now, here I need to tell you that our main goal is to expel

  Just drive the Demon Realm out of the city, don't chase them, because the Demon Realm is already stronger than us, and rushing to catch up is likely to be ambushed by the Demon Realm.

  After occupying the city, set up a formation immediately and defend the city. I don't want any of you to fall here, so be careful! "

  Zhu Hao said to the crowd.

  Everyone clicked and didn't say much, but they could still see from their eyes that as long as there was a chance, they would definitely kill the giants of the demon world. Everyone has been engraved in their bones.

  Zhu Hao took a look at the Pixiu before setting off. This guy is now at Lin Youwei's place and was bought by Lin Youwei's food.

  "Young Master Zhu, you are here."

  Lin Youwei quickly greeted Zhu Hao when she saw Zhu Hao.At this time, he had a gentle smile on his face, like a little girl next door, not as sharp as he was making plans at that time.

  "Miss Lin's plan really works, thanks to you and me, I was able to integrate all the powers of the God Realm so quickly.

  She is indeed a talented girl from the Lin family! "

  Zhu Hao looked at Lin Youwei and showed an admiring smile. Although this woman looks weak, she is truly intelligent and has an aura that is not inferior to men.

  "Youwei just put forward a little bit of her own opinion, mainly because of Zhu Gongzi's strength. If you don't have such a strong strength, my plan will not be of much use at all."

  Lin Youwei smiled lightly, bowed his head slightly, and a blush appeared on his cheeks.

  "Miss Lin is too modest, I still have to thank you..."

  Zhu Hao didn't notice that Lin Youwei already had some inexplicable smell in his eyes.

  "Pixiu, you continue to guard here, I feel that the demon world should not easily let go of Shenyin City.

  They will definitely take some measures against Shenyin City in the future. Only by guarding you here can you dispel the mind of the demon world and make it truly foolproof. "

  Zhu Hao turned his head and said to the Pi Xiu beside him.

  "Just let me stay here all the time? Then I'm useless at all, and I still want to go out and eat a few giants of the demon world to fight teeth?"

  Pixiu looked a little unhappy. After all, for a beast like him, fighting was obviously more tempting than eating here and waiting to die.

  "There are still many battles waiting for you, this time you are here now."

  Zhu Hao has obviously made a decision, he said without a doubt.

  "OK then."

  Pixiu nodded reluctantly.

  Then Zhu Hao also turned around and prepared to leave.

  "Young Master Zhu, wait!"

  Suddenly, Lin Youwei's voice came from behind. .

Chapter 430

  Zhu Hao turned his head and looked at Lin Youwei suspiciously, wondering if he had something to stop him.

  "What's wrong with Miss Lin?"

  "No, it's all right, Zhu Gongzi, you pay attention to safety, everything is the first."

  Lin Youwei bit her lip lightly, with a little hope in her eyes, her face was reddish.

  "Understood, thank you Miss Lin."

  Zhu Hao smiled slightly, turned around, waved at Lin Youwei, and walked away.

  "I'm waiting for you."

  Lin Youwei stood there and stared at Zhu Hao's back, his eyes were blank, and he whispered softly.

  26 The city Zhu Hao is going to is the city farthest from Shenyin City, Capricorn City. This city can also be said to be the most dangerous one among those cities.

  Because he is very far away from other cities, even if Zhu Hao encounters a strong enemy, such as the great devil of the demon world, no one can come to support him as soon as possible.

  But Zhu Hao's strength is already considered to be the strongest among the gods. If Zhu Hao didn't come to this city, then the other gods who came here would be dead.

  Therefore, Zhu Hao can only provoke this bridge and go to this most dangerous city alone.

  He brought not many people, only some elders and disciples of Divine Sword Villa, but these people are also considered to be the top combat power in the God Realm. After all, the people of Divine Sword Villa are all belligerents, fighting for years and months. Let them have a wealth of combat experience.

  They don't need to worry too much when they come to deal with those soldiers in the demon world.

  "Elder Changqing, do you think this Lord Zhu Hao is really in the realm of God?"

  In the team of Divine Sword Villa, a rather nimble girl asked the old man beside her.

  This woman is named Lu Xingtong, and she is the most talented genius of Divine Sword Villa. She has always been held as the treasure of the entire Divine Sword Villa. Her personal combat power is also very strong, and there are few rivals among the younger generation.

  "Don't be disrespectful to the Lord God!"

  The Changqing elder scolded Lu Xingtong.

  "Why don't you ask, why is it disrespectful? Besides, he is about the same age as me. It turns out that he is still a genius in the younger generation. It took a long time to become a god."

  Lu Xingtong pouted and said in a low voice.

  "Although this Lord Zhu Hao is about the same age as you, he is a real evildoer, and there has never been a god younger than him in the history of the God Realm.

  And the owner once said that.This Lord Zhu Hao, one day, is very hopeful to become the most peak existence. "

  Elder Changqing looked at Zhu Hao who was in front of him and couldn't help but sigh.

  "The most peak existence? Could it be the god emperor? But there is no god emperor in the god realm. It is said that they have all gone beyond the three realms."

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