Because the fire demon was far away, the damage he received was not very heavy, but there was blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

  At this time, he looked at Ye Jianweng jokingly and said.

  "Hehe, you bastards of the devil world will only bully the less with more. If you have the ability, you just singled out with me. What a bunch of cowards!"

  Ye Jianweng spat out a mouthful of saliva and cursed at the fire demon.

  "The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. I don't need to say such a simple truth. Your God Realm is not much better. Isn't it two people who beat one of us?"

  "Bah, don't be arrogant, you bastards of the devil world. There are people who are stronger than me in the god world. His strength will exceed your imagination! Wait for you to die."

  There was a slight look in Ye Jianweng's eyes. He had decided to pin all his hopes on Zhu Hao. Now that he has no strength in a battle, he is not willing to become the nourishment to enhance the strength of the giant in the demon world.

  So, now there is only one way.

  "Die with me."

  I saw that Ye Jianweng's body surface began to crack, and the power in the body also overflowed to the outside, he has decided to explode!

  "What a lunatic!"

  The fire demon scolded Ye Jianweng secretly, and hurriedly ducked to one side. The other three giants also pulled out their last strength and started to escape. A god's self-destruction was impossible to avoid in their current state.

  "Senior Ye, you've worked hard, don't think about it (cgdg), and me."

  Suddenly, a gentle force enveloped Ye Jianweng, and then his body began to recover, and the self-destruction was also abruptly stopped.

  "You are here!"

  Ye Jianweng turned his head to look, showing a relaxed look, and then fell to the ground as soon as his body softened.

  The person who came was Zhu Hao who finally arrived after running all the way.

  He looked at all the seriously injured people in the God Realm, lying on the ground helplessly groaning, and anger rose in his heart.

  "All four of you have to die!"

  Zhu Hao shouted to the four giants who were running away!

  "Why is he, really unlucky, hurry up and run."

  Huo Mo looked back and found that the person who came was actually Zhu Hao, who scared him and the troll that day to flee. He was also frightened and quickly ran up.

  "Hmph, I let you two escape by chance last time, I won't give you another chance this time!"

  Zhu Hao snorted coldly, and also increased his speed, and suddenly rushed to the side of the arrow demon who was running at the back.

  With one punch, the arrow demon was directly pierced by Zhu Hao, and there was no breath, and the life-saving beam was not able to come and was released, and finally fell on Zhu Hao.

  Zhu Hao only felt refreshed for a while. Although he had just been promoted to the realm of the gods, he actually felt like he was about to break through in this beam of light. .

Chapter 438

  Zhu Hao didn't have time to feel the changes in his body, and Feifei aimed at the troll again. The troll saw that Zhu Hao had already flown in front of him and knew that there was no way to avoid it, so he also gritted his teeth and punched Zhu Hao.

  Zhu Hao stretched out his fist, and the two fists that were far apart in size collided. Unexpectedly, Zhu Hao's small fist directly smashed the huge body of the troll, and the troll's arm was also directly He was punched into pieces by Zhu Hao!

  The troll fell to the ground and howled!

  "Succubus, hurry up and release the strongest illusion for me to delay time, I have a way to deal with him."

  Seeing such a powerful Zhu Hao, Huo Mo's heart also sank to the bottom. If this continues, Zhu Hao will catch up with him and beat him to death sooner or later.

  He rolled his eyes and told the succubus next to him. The succubus's ultimate trick is illusion. Once the enemy is hit by this illusion, he will fall into a dream state. Although there is no harm, it can still kill Zhu Hao now. - Delay for a while.

  "A realm of charm!"

  The succubus didn't hesitate, and directly released his own unique move. Although this move was extremely damaging to him and hurt his soul, he couldn't wait at this moment. She could see that Zhu Hao Their strength is already extremely powerful, and it may even be comparable to their number one giant in the demon world, the Great Demon King.

  So running away quickly is the most important thing.

  Suddenly, Zhu Hao felt that another world suddenly appeared in front of him. In this world, there were several graceful beauties surrounding him, and there was an extremely relaxed and comfortable bed under him. He lay quietly. There, the beauties of enjoyment serve him.Simply heaven on earth.

  However, soon, Zhu Hao's eyes opened, and his expression suddenly became clear. Although this illusion is very powerful, it can make him unknowingly attack, but with his strength, he quickly broke free from this environment. .

  The succubus, who was frantically escaping for her life, suddenly felt that her illusion had been broken by Zhu Hao, and she was also shocked. She did not expect that Zhu Hao would break his illusion so quickly.

  She bit her lip, and suddenly a mouthful of blood spurted out, and then her speed suddenly soared, and she flew out all of a sudden, leaving the Fire Demon behind her.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  In terms of attack power, succubus may be the weakest among the top ten giants, but the means of escape must be the most powerful, except for the big devil who does not know the depths.

  "Bastard, why are you running so fast!"

  Looking at the fast-running succubus, Huo Mo also had a bad feeling in his heart, and he yelled at the succubus, and then speeded up.


  "Humph! I'll kill both of you next time!"

  Seeing the fire demons and succubuses who had run away, Zhu Hao didn't plan to continue chasing them, because the situation in their god realm was already very bad. He had to hurry up to support the other gods, and there was no time left. Wasting time with these two giants here.

  "How is it, are you alright!"

  He went back to treat the severely injured Ye Jianweng and Long Yuan, and asked Ye Jianweng.

  "Zhu Hao, we have to hurry back and think about it for a long time. Now it's not necessary for you to support other gods in the past. If there is no accident, they should have all been captured by the demon world. It's useless for you to go now. "Ten thousand.

Chapter 439

  Ye Jianweng's face was pale, and he said to Zhu Hao in a very helpless tone.

  In the demon world just now, in addition to the eighth-ranked Kai Mo, only the second-ranked big demon and the second-ranked giant black demon did not come, so there must be that team that encountered the black demon and the big demon. In the face of these two giants, and the beam that can be instantly revived with full blood, no matter which team it is, there is no hope of winning.

  So now even if Zhu Hao rushed over to support it, it was unnecessary.

  "It's all my fault for making the God Realm lose so many gods all at once!"

  He immediately understood what Ye Jianweng meant, no matter which team it was, it was impossible to win against the first and second giants in the Demon World, not to mention that they still had that perverted beam, so now they The casualties of the four gods are almost a certainty.

  Zhu Hao's face was sad and his expression was low. I didn't expect that their God Realm had already lost more than half of their peak combat power at the beginning. In this case, how to fight in the next battle!

  He was a little confused and a little desperate. He could have integrated all the powers of the God Realm to fight against the Demon Realm, which had already given him huge confidence, but he didn't expect that it was only the first battle that he lost four Gods. The strength gap has already made him a little desperate.

  "You don't need to be too desperate, they shouldn't be dead yet! As far as I know, the reason why the giants of the demon world can suddenly summon a beam of light to restore all their injuries and bring them back to life with full blood is because they brought those cities back to life. All the creatures in it were smelted in an evil way.

  Using these creatures to create pure power for them can enhance their own strength, and can also be used as a life-saving beam.

  And when the four giants joined forces to deal with me just now, they did not kill me directly, but always wanted to catch a living me, so they should also want to smelt me ​​into nourishment for them to improve their strength, and must be alive.

  Therefore, they should not be dead now, but have been captured, ready to smelt them into nourishment.

  So, we still have a chance! "

  Ye Jianweng said comfortingly to Zhu Hao, but although these words sound good, they are still quite hopeless. After all, the four gods have fallen into the hands of the Great Demon King and the Black Demon. If they want to rescue now, it may be little sex...  

  "It's okay if they don't die, I must save them."

  Zhu Hao's eyes suddenly glowed with a dazzling brilliance. He firmly said that since he had to meet these two giants no matter what, it would be better to advance the time.

  But right now, we still have to send Ye Jianweng and Longyuan back to Shenyin City. After all, these two people were seriously injured, especially Ye Jianweng. Although he said that he had suppressed the self-destruction just now, the power in his body He has also been attacked everywhere, his body is already riddled with holes, and the Heart-Hidden Sword is completely gone.

  This greatly weakened Ye Jianweng's strength.It can be said that Ye Jianweng now has only half his life left, and the situation of Longyuan is not optimistic.

  The two of them must be sent to Shenyin City first, otherwise if the other giants of the demon world come now, the two of them will definitely be in trouble. .

Chapter 440

  So Zhu Hao didn't delay. He took out the flying sword and directly enlarged it, put everyone on it, and then stunned the troll who fell on the ground in the past. Bringing this troll back will also have a certain effect.

  Along the way, Zhu Hao directly increased the speed to the fastest. He was going to send these people back to Shenyin City first, and then go to rescue the other four gods alone.

  Although it is still relatively dangerous for him to face the big devil and the black devil alone, but now he can't take care of that much anymore, only he has enough real power to go to the rescue.

  Now in the realm of the gods, only he is the most powerful fighting force left.

  Soon, Zhu Hao took Ye Jianweng and the others back to Shenyin City.

  "Master Zhu Hao, are you alright?"

  Lin Hai was greeted at the top of the city, but when he saw Ye Jianweng and Long Yuan who were seriously injured, he didn't say much, but his expression became solemn. He knew that there was probably bad news.

  "You settle them down first, let the two of them recover slowly, and then call Pi Yao over to watch the troll, I have to go out and come back."

  Zhu Hao said to Lin Hai, and then flew out in a hurry.

  However, Zhu Hao suddenly stopped.

  I saw two stumbled figures in front of me.

  Zhu Hao took a closer look, and it turned out to be Yun Ruoyan and Nangong Wentian, the suzerain of Wenxian Sect.The two men were apparently seriously injured.

  Yun Ruoyan and Nangong Wentian also saw Zhu Hao.

  "Go back and talk"

  Yun Ruoyan said to Zhu Hao with a solemn expression.

  Zhu Hao also stopped and followed Yun Ruoyan and Nangong Wentian back to Shenyin City.

  He never thought that Yun Ruoyan and Nangong Wentian would be able to come back. Although they said they were seriously injured, they still managed to escape. This is good news.

  It seems that Yun Ruoyan's strength is hidden a lot.

  Zhu Hao decided to discuss with them again before making a decision.

  "The strength of the Demon Realm is really strong. The Nangong Patriarch and I met the second-ranked giant in the Demon Realm, the Black Demon. Although we both have an advantage in numbers, we are indistinguishable from fighting the Black Demon. also suppressed.

  Later, a beam of light suddenly shrouded the Black Demon, and then the Black Demon's strength suddenly skyrocketed, and the two of us couldn't stand it anymore. We both desperately fled, and finally escaped by luck. "

  Yun Ruoyan said to Zhu Hao with lingering fears.

  "It's not easy for the two of you to escape. Sect Master Yun, your strength is indeed very arrogant."

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